Betrayal at House on the Hill!

I just saw it on my bed and couldn’t but wonder if anyone else has played the frankly fantastic boardgame: Betrayal at House on the Hill? :eyes:

It’s a table-top roleplaying horror game that centres around exploring a spooky house and going through each of the rooms, finding items and increasing (or decreasing!) your character’s stats. It’s intense and thrilling to play, especially when halfway through the game, the Haunt begins. Monsters, cosmic horrors, classic movie monsters and even your fellow players becoming traitors! Hell, even the house itself turning against you!

Have you ever played?
If so, do you want to play again? How much do you enjoy it? :eyes:
And if not, are you interested?


Yes, I have.
Yes, I do. … I love it sooo much!


It’s so gooooood :sob:


Have you ever played?

Kind of. :sweat_smile: We bought this game to a friend for her birthday and tried to play it some months ago. There were lots of instructions and we weren’t that good at reading them so we were building the house for hours and then some of us had to go because it was getting late.

If so, do you want to play again? How much do you enjoy it? :eyes:

We enjoyed it but we’ll need our friend who actually knows how to play to join next time. :smiley: We bought it as a gift on his recommendation. :wink:


I wish there was a way to play some of the best board games, like this one, online. It would be amazing 'cause then you could play the game when you don’t have the right number of people in your life to play.

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I always get super annoyed with this game when I play with boastful winners. I wouldn’t say I’m a sore loser as I don’t get angry with other people winning or anything, but I hate losing and I beat myself up about it. When people are sore winners, it just feels like they’re rubbing it in my face :joy:


This seems like a really interesting board game, although I’ve never played it. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the game, and it definitely seems like something I’d enjoy. I play a lot of RPGs, so this would definitely be on brand. I don’t know a whole lot of people who would be willing to play something with a significant horror theme, unfortunately.

I have not :eyes:

Yes :star_struck:

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