Beverly Shores: Interview Zone

@novella Cameron

  1. How do you feel about coming back into the spotlight? We hear you have a new movie coming out :eyes:
  2. Your sister, Celeste, and your ex, Callan Prescott, have been working on a movie together as well, is that exciting? Or is it not?

@Kristi Emiliano

  1. You’ve come back to Beverly Shores, but the only person by your side was your bodyguard. Did your family know you were coming back?
  2. Were you working on your movie during the death of Mattias De La Cruz, or was that before you started your project? Because you did not attend the wake.
  3. Making a project called Thorns of the Thornfield, have you identified with your character at all, because your audience has said that you are quite thorny yourself, as in cruel.
  4. Do you worry that you may have lost a significant part of your fandom since your disappearance, or do you think it has not been affected?
  5. Have you yet noticed the hiatus your sister took from music? It really seemed to hurt her when they thought they lost you?
  6. Have you seen that your brother thinks he’s a rapper now? And truthfully, do you believe he’s lost? He had quite the flop after your movie was never finished
  7. Do you have any intention of finishing your movies as the paradox pair?

@Kristi Dejay

  1. We have not seen you for man years either. What were you doing while Emiliano was disappeared? Are you in the dark as well?
  2. It is said that you did not always intend to be a bodyguard, but you became one for your friend. Why do you care for him so much? Is it true that you wanted to be an actor too but lacked the talent?