Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Isabella was at the bar about to sip the drink she got when Rowan her manager walked over to her and sat down. he started talking about how shouldn’t be drinking this drink to drown out her sorrows. Funny thing was, she wasn’t in sorrows. She just wanted to feel numb from all the drama. It’s not like it had any real effect on her. That conversation with Isla. While awkward, wasn’t the first one she would have tonight. Isabella smiled at Rowan and responded to his question and talk about the drink. “No, it didn’t go well, I wasn’t expecting anything honestly. Didn’t even know she would be here. As for my drink, I have actually had this before. While yes it smells it’s actually not half bad.” She giggled then looked at him. “A beer? You want me to drink a beer? are you nuts? I don’t do beer. I do cocktails, wine and champagne. Beer is disgusting and taste like feet.” She said as she went to take a sip of the drink.

However, Rowan looking at her outfit caught her eye before she could take a sip. She giggled at the fabric bit he said. “While I appreciate you giving me a shoulder to cry “if needed” it isn’t needed at all. I’m not drowning sorrows. There is no sorrow to drown. I just want to drink and dance and have a great time mingling.” Truth be told she was kind of hoping to meet someone new at this party. Maybe someone she could fall for. Maybe someone to take her mind of Isla. However, she was sure that wasn’t going to happen with Rowan around. Who would want to approach her with an older guy around. She was sure that Rowan would intimidate anyone who dare talk to her. Not that anyone would want to. She did have her eyes on this big part in this film that was supposed to be doing auditions soon.

She heard the director was Kavi Singh. He seemed really different than most directors. She knew it was a silent film but still it was a big role. She thought about how she could meet him as she sat at the bar with Rowan. Luckily for her she knew sign language. She just wasn’t sure if he would hire her or not. She looked back to Rowan “So what is the next plan for the next movie? I know I’m about to start filming ‘The Fight for Survival’ but what is the next one boss?” She giggled as she took a sip of her drink. She was a little relieved to be done with the conversation with Isla. She knew maybe they could be friends, but she wasn’t sure how it could work. There was just so much history there. She knew Isla loved her very much and was protective of her. She really appreciated that.

Isabella had totally forgot that Rowan asked what happened. She had zoned out into her own little world. She smiled at him, “Sorry, you asked what happened. Nothing really. Just I made a snarky comment and that made Isla walk away. Well first I asked what brought her to my side of town and was she following me.” She giggled and took a good sip of the drink. She then kind of slipped back into her thoughts. Bennett crossed her mind. She sure was missing him. She knew he had to be here somewhere. She would definitely need to find him before this event ended.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Rowan
@Kbail Isla
@Caticorn Kavi
@Kate Bennett



“Neither love nor terror makes one blind: indifference makes one blind."- James Baldwin.


Aaah, a forced smile—that was what his dear elder brother had on his face now, as he sat opposite him, staring at him with his chocolate brown eyes that conveyed a whole lot of emotions. Perhaps, it seems, if they were not in a crowd filled with people—people who could spread things to the media, people who will surely talk—Santiago De La Cruz would have slammed his fist with full force on Emiliano’s face, and perhaps Emiliano, if he did not have a bit of dormant hypocritical anger at the entirety of the situation, would have let him do it. But even with that dormant anger that resided in him, Emilio still thought that perhaps he would have still allowed him to do it.

He smiled back at Santiago, his smile seeming less force and more effortless, because well- despite everything, he was happy to see him, and he had always been quite good in keeping his emotions in check. Through his peripheral vision, he had gazed at his sister, who did not seem jolly to see him, and perhaps, if it had been under different circumstances, if he had not felt uneasiness at being back- then maybe slick comment about it. He would have teased, ‘glad to see you’re happy I’m back, Sunny,’ or perhaps tell her that he could feel her burning holes in his skin- something that would have made the media gush about the nature of their sibling relationship, but Emilio had simply hummed, pretending that he could not feel her gaze.


“Long time,” his brother had said and Emilio bit back the comment that it was an understatement. instead Emilio had said, “Indeed, almost feels like I’ve lost track of it.” He had forced out a grin, as he awaited Santiago’s next words, words that he had already seen coming, words asking for them to talk privately. The way he had said it, it had been so casual, like he was actually giving Emilio a choice in the matter, and Emiliano did have a choice-one that he already knew he was going to pick.

He watched Santiago leave, followed by Sunny and for some seconds, it seemed that perhaps he would not go and talk to them. He had brought up his glass of water, staring at them through it as he disappeared, then brought the glass to his lips, before he stood up, pressing a kiss to Winsley forehead, “Will see you home, later, today,” He said, like it was the most natural thing in the world, like he had not gone years without being in that house. “It’s not a party- after all, if I don’t have something to drink,” And with that he had left- left to meet up with his siblings, left to a conversation that will probably leave them all in different emotional states.

“Emilio’s an a*s." He had heard Sunny say as he neared close, and for some reason, that had made him smile- a strange sensation of nostalgia and fondness in him. But as soon as that sensation came, to God ! did it disappear. Before he had reached them, he had gotten a drink for himself, he had to get something- he thought that perhaps, Santiago would be having a smoke at the corner where he stood, and Emiliano could have asked for a cigarette, but he didn’t smoke- at least not anymore and if he had done it, in front of them, then- his expression turned sour as he took a sip of his alcohol drink, before approaching them.

“The a*s is here!,” He announced as he approached them, a smile that did not reach his eyes etched on his face. “Sorry did I keep you guys waiting?” He asked, taking another sip of his drink, knowing that perhaps that sip will do him no good, but it was already too late to be making good choices, so why- so why not leave a little. “This drink,” He said raising his, “Is amazing! you guys should get your own after all, we did come here to catch up over some drinks,” In his tone, one could find a hint of warning in it- as if telling them to play along, get their drinks, so the bar man could see that indeed they had gotten their drinks, and not spread mindless rumors all around. “Get your drinks,” He said again, “And then, we can talk.” He took another sip of his, staring at his siblings- an expression, perhaps guilt, perhaps sadness, perhaps something else they would not expect on his face with his words.

@raviola - Santiago
@Caticorn - Sunny


@Madilnel - winsley


At Dejay’s apology, Marco had given out a girlish giggle, a sound that was all so Marco and made Dejay smile in fondness, at the endearing sound. “Well,” Dejay began, a charming smile on his face as he continues, If I’m a book, I’m glad you find me worth reading," Dejay replied, his tone playful and sincere. “Though I hope you don’t skip to the last chapter too quickly. There’s a lot of story left to tell, though my life might seem a tad plain lately.”

He had after all, not going out as often as he did, ever seen Emilio’s and Wyatt’s disappearance and his Uncle’s death. All of it had been too sudden, too much to handle, and he found solace in being around Cameron- his other close friend, the one who remained and his daughter Dara. He and Dara had helped Cameron around with Noa, with Dara often babysitting.

Moreover, Dejay had let out a chuckle as Marco and him continued to pretend they were strangers, meeting each other for the first time by giving each other their names. When Dejay had introduced himself, Dejay Sean Sinclair, he followed it with a flirting tone, stating that it was a pleasure to see such a charming face in a place usually tinged with dullness. Of course, that part was said in a whisper. Marco had played a long, and Dejay couldn’t help but laugh at Marco’s antics, the way he danced around with his words and gestures, always putting on a show. It was part of why Dejay enjoyed his company so much—Marco could make the simplest interaction feel like a grand performance. “I think Elton John and Liberace would be jealous of how well you can rock sequins,” Dejay had stated, “It’s not a usual thing, for the inspired to eclipsed its inspiration, but you manage it quite effortlessly.”

Marco had responded with a playful glint in his eye, leaning in closer, whispering in that conspiratorial tone that made Dejay feel like they were sharing the best-kept secret in the room. “Isn’t this the part where you kiss my hand and I’d swoon like crazy?” Marco had teased, and Dejay laughed again, a rich, genuine sound. He had continued, stating that if he had the power to ask for Dejay’s number again and again, he would as it would make for a whole lot of charming stories.

“I think that should be my line,” He had said in reference to the number thing, "But, you never need to ask for my number, Marco. You know where to find me,” he replied, his tone equally soft and sincere. “And as for the stories, well, I think we have plenty of those already, don’t we?”

Then: With a smooth motion, Dejay lifted Marco’s hand and, with a flourish, placed a light kiss on the back of it. “Just as requested, ” he said, winking as he let go.

Marco, returning to his seat with a satisfied look, took another sip of champagne. “With anonymity, of course,’ he added, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

Dejay echoed the sentiment, raising his own glass. “With anonymity,” he agreed, clinking his glass gently against Marco’s. The playful energy between them was palpable, a dance of words and glances that only they seemed to understand fully.

Dejay listened intently, nodding as Marco vented about the postponed meetings and the unfinished portfolio.

“I’ll make sure to pass on the message,” Dejay assured him, “Though,” he had scrunched his brows, “I didn’t know the two of you were close,” And Dejay tended to know a whole lot about Emilio’s lifestyle, he was often with Emiliano after all-well, before he had disappeared without a word. Perhaps, they had grown close when Dejay had been busy helping Dara handle middle school when she turned 11 and had been crying over her ‘friendship breakup’ with a friend of her’s- though that break up did not last long, and they were still friends 5 years later, if Dejay recalls correctly.

Moreover, due to the tensed tension that came with mentioning Emilio’s name, Dejay had tried to lighten up the mood by cracking a joke. A joke based on Marco’s words that something had smelled fishy about the whole disappearance situation. “The horror,” Dejay had chuckled as Marco talked about his unfortunate restaurant experience. “But if the food today turns out to be a disappointment, you’re always welcome at my place, I enjoy cooking for people and it costs 0 dollars.”

When Marco commented on his outfit, Dejay allowed him to adjust the collar, feeling the warmth of Marco’s touch. He raised an eyebrow at the mention of Beyoncé’s bodyguard , a playful grin on his face and had chuckled when asked if Emilio had a strict dress code in bodyguard’s suit. “Well, I suppose I’ll have to take fashion tips from Julius then.” He began, “And no, Emiliano does not have a strict code in bodyguard’s suit- he doesn’t even like suits himself,” It was more so than Dejay had always prized himself on looking presentable, on looking professional because it reflected on him and his commitment to his role- his uncle had always told him, after all, that that a man’s attire is a silent testament to his character and though does not think he is as stern and stiff (or well at least he hopes) as the outfit he wears, he still wants to appear professional enough. “He’s always found suits uncomfortable and boring,” Dejay can still recall the days when his mothers or manager would force him to wear a suit to a movie premier, or to a formal even how much Emilio would complain about the feeling of them and how he cannot wait to remove his suit. “I wear them mostly to appear professional and for concealment.” By the latter of course, it meant that he had a bulletproof vest underneath all his clothing always, communication devices and side arms. Suits were a good way to conceal those defensive tools without drawing attention.

He noticed Marco’s brief moment of guilt, the sudden shift to asking about him instead. It was a thoughtful gesture, one that Dejay appreciated.

“I’m doing well, Marco. Will be busier now that Emiliano is back, of course. But it’s good to see you, truly. These gatherings can be a bit tedious, but having you around makes them far more enjoyable.”

He took a sip of his drink, his eyes meeting Marco’s with genuine warmth. “And how about you? Aside from the drama with Emilio, how have things been? Any new exciting projects or adventures you’re working on?” He had questioned, eyeing the appetizers as they came in.


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“Okay, your eomma is teaching a night class and I have to work tonight so you three are on your own for supper.” Aisling started as she put together her purse for the evening “El, please make sure your sisters don’t starve. You can use my card to order food.” She addressed her son directly this time, knowing that as the oldest, he would be the most likely to obey. Her kids were technically old enough to be taking care of themselves but she always hated leaving them home alone. The one thing that gave her consolation was the fact that her wife would be home long before she was.

“Can’t I come with you?” Artemis begged, causing Aisling to chuckle. Due to her modelling career starting to take off, her eldest daughter had gotten a taste of celebrity life and naturally, it was intoxicating.

“Not this time. I need you to make sure Macy doesn’t give Elliot an aneurysm.” At this, Macy rolled her eyes before muttering a ‘bye mom’ and leaving the room. Artemis laughed but seemed dissatisfied by her mother’s response. As Aisling made her way to the front door, where a car was already waiting outside for her, Elliot followed.

“What time are you going to be back?” He asked her as she put her purse on and checked her hair and makeup in the mirror one last time.

“I’ll be back around midnight but eomma should be back by 10.” She explained before embracing him. “Don’t forget to take your meds.” She reminded him as she opened the door.

“I’m 20, not 10. I can remember my meds.”

“I love you. Bye.” She quickly added as she shut the door, walking to the waiting vehicle.

When she arrived at the event, she put on sunglasses to shield her eyes from the camera flashes as she boarded the ship. Already, her phone was blowing up with the social media alerts she’d set up for her clients’ names. Most were just photos of them arriving, headlined with tidbits of information from questions asked by paparazzi. She scrolled through them, just to scan what was being said. It was mostly mindless gossip but one photo in particular caught her eye - Eva May, flipping off a photographer.

“Oh dear god.” She muttered before putting on her ‘everything’s fine’ face and going to find her client to have a little chat about how to behave in front of photographers. It also wouldn’t hurt if she found herself a drink on the way. Luckily, she found the girl at the bar.

“Gin and tonic with Empress, please.” She ordered, heading over to where Eva was standing once she had her drink. “I saw your little display from earlier. Care to explain?” She said once she was standing next to the girl, her voice having a ‘we’ve talked about this’ tone to it.

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@sunflowerjm - Eva



Rowan sighed with what to Isabella might seem like relief, as if he was relieved she wasn’t indulging in self-destructive behaviour. He didn’t say much on the matter and let her drink the alcoholic drink that looks like it has the power to ruin her life and make her an alcoholic … Something he almost witnesses happen to him. Thankfully he met her and Isabella helped him overcome his demons, even though she never knew he had them. Working for her really was just what he needed. Thanfkully, he no longer had to think about how low his life would’ve been had he not met her when she asked about the future of her career. He thought about it for a moment. [color=DarkSeaGreen]“Well, I’ve heard there is a movie being written and the writer pictured you as the main lead, so seeing as you recently showcased a lot of talent and versatility, I believe that movie would be nothing short of amazing if your recent filmography is the base of your character … However, I’ll reserve any further judgement until we see the script. Nothing is a sure thing, not when it comes to movies and TV shows, anything could happen.” He smiled as she giggled. “Glad to see you happy. It’s okay, I understand that nothing had to happen for one to be sad after seeing their ex.” Rowan lied. He didn’t know that feeling, and if he had, it would’ve been experienced 20 years ago at the latest, he wasn’t the one to date seriously and obsessed over other things more than over dating with thought of something more than just warming his bed for a few nights.

@ChayChay05 - Sorry it’s bad


Copy of Copy of Black Minimal Motivation Quote LinkedIn Banner

{ Yacht Party / with Zoe }

𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏’ 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆, 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊𝒏’ '𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆

Milo McCoy stood before the window walls in his Beverly Shores villa, the shimmering cityscape sprawled out beneath him. His reflection in the glass stared back, a mixture of charm, chaos, and vulnerability. Tonight was the annual Beverly Shores Thanksgiving Yacht Party, a tradition he would never miss. It was not the Thanksgiving that excited him for the event but the event itself and everything it brings - socialising, mingling and drinking. He was already thankful for everything he got, he didn’t need to celebrate that and everything to him was wealth and fame… A reason why he left Ireland about ten years ago.

He adjusted his tailored white suit, the crisp white shirt beneath highlighting his skin and piercing blue eyes. Milo was always meticulous about his appearance, a habit that had been drilled into him from years in the spotlight. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, giving it that perfect disheveled look that seemed effortless but took a practiced hand. Tonight was not just another party; it was a performance, and he was the star.

Milo walked over to the mahogany bar in the corner of his vast living room. The remnants of last night’s party were still evident - a few empty glasses, a forgotten jacket, and the lingering scent of expensive cologne and perfume. He grabbed a crystal tumbler and poured himself a generous amount of whiskey. As he took a long, slow sip, he glanced around the room, vivid flashbacks of the previous night flooding his mind. There had been laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses as friends and acquaintances filled his villa, each one more glamorous and intoxicated than the last. He remembered the jazz playing in the background, the way the lights reflected off the sequins of a guest’s dress, and the intoxicating mix of conversations and flirtations that had filled the air. It had been a night of excess, just the way Milo liked it.

The sound of tires crunching on the gravel driveway outside drew his attention. Milo watched as a sleek black limo pulled up in front of his villa, signaling it was time to leave. He finished his drink, setting the glass down with a decisive clink, and took one last look at his reflection. The man staring back at him was ready - ready to charm, ready to impress, ready to dominate.

The limo pulled up to the marina, where the yacht was docked. Paparazzi and reporters swarmed the entrance, their cameras flashing and questions flying. Milo took a deep breath, the mask of his public persona slipping into place. He stepped out of the limo, greeted by a chorus of shouts and the blinding light of cameras. The moment he got out, Milo flashed his signature grin, posing briefly for the cameras. From the outside he might look like this humble guy, politely answering all the questions he’d get but deep down he was enjoying and living for every moment of it. However, now he had no time for answering any questions, “Good evening, everyone. Just here to enjoy the party,” he replied smoothly, sidestepping the question with practiced ease.

But the reporters were persistent, their voices rising above the crowd. “Milo, can you tell us about ‘Parallel Lives’? How’s it coming along?” one called out.

Milo paused, his grin widening. This was his chance to steer the narrative, to promote his latest project and let the world know he was still at the top of his game. “Ah…,” he began, his tone carefully measured. “It’s coming along beautifully. Cameron and I have put a lot of heart and soul into this project. We’re really excited about the direction it’s taking and can’t wait to share the rest of it with everyone.” The mention of Cameron caused a ripple of murmurs among the reporters. “Are you and Cameron continuing to work closely together?” another reporter asked, their tone tinged with curiosity.
”Absolutely,“ Milo responded smoothly, not missing a beat. ”We’ve always worked well together, and this project is no different. We’re both committed to making ‘Parallel Lives’ something truly special.“ Satisfied with his own answers Milo simply nodded at the reporters signaling it was his time to leave and make his way onto the yacht.

Milo’s eyes scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. Across the room, her beauty as striking as ever, he spotted Zara… or simply someone he for the longest time called Zoe, the name she was known for before they both left LA. Memories of their complicated past flickered through his mind. Friends since LA, his confidante, inspiration. But as his fame grew, so did the distance between them. He knew this encounter could get messy, but Milo was never one to shy away from a challenge. With a drink in hand and his charm dialed up to maximum, he made his way through the crowd toward Zoe.

”Zoe,“ he called out, his voice smooth and confident as he approached. ”You look absolutely stunning tonight.“ He barely gave her a moment to respond before diving into his next line, the smirk on his face barely concealed. ”By the way,“ Milo said, casually swirling the whiskey in his glass, “I heard about Louis* canceling on your cover shoot last minute. That must have been a real pain.” He feigned sympathy, his voice dripping with insincerity. ”I’m really sorry to hear that. It must suck dealing with those last minute changes. But I’m glad you found a solution. You’re always so resourceful.“

* Louis is a photographer, a close friend of Milo

@CerealKiller - Zoe
hope this is okiiii



Though Naomi did not show it, or at least she hoped she did not, she was quite nervous. Her nerves had their roots deep in the fear of rejection. What if he turned her down? What if Claudia appeared suddenly, her disapproval as sharp as a blade? Or worse, what if he had a girlfriend, known to everyone in Beverly but her? She could already see the headlines, another sordid tale for the media to devour, another rumor about how Naomi enjoyed ruining relationships or could not find a man or woman of her own.

Perhaps her nerves had stemmed from the way Henderson had seemed to be analyzing her behind his sunglasses, lost in his thoughts. Though Naomi loved the stage, she tended to at times, hate being perceived- perhaps, it stemmed from her fear of critique or more like knowing she was being critique, as that had been her whole life story.

Then: . “Hmm, I’m sure she wouldn’t,” he replied, casting a quick glance back at the Wallace family to ensure they were still okay. Satisfied, he looked back at Naomi and chuckled, giving a small shrug. “Eh, sure, why not.” Hernadez said as he extinguished his cigarette before offering Naomi his arm to lead her towards the bar.

At that all her nerves had evaporated, and her eyes were lit with an excitement one might link to being quite childishly girlish. She had happily accepted his arm, taking it with a charming smile as he led her towards the bar.

When he suggested shots, she raised an eyebrow playfully. “Shots? You’re not making it easy for me, are you?” she teased, her smile widening. “But I suppose I could use a little distraction tonight.”

The bartender placed two shot glasses in front of them, filling each with a clear, potent liquid. Naomi picked up her glass, holding it up in a toast. “To us,” she said, clinking her glass against Hernadez before downing the shot in one smooth motion.

The alcohol burned pleasantly as it went down, and Naomi set her glass back on the bar with a satisfied sigh. “Well, I guess you’re going to find me compatible tonight, because I never say no to a drink either.” She commented,a small smile gracing her soft features.

She paused, tilting her head slightly as she looked at him. "You know, I just realized—you know my name, but I don’t know yours. What should I call you besides. Henderson’?”



Beck’s eyebrow raised, with a slight smirk on her face. “Yes, I’m serious, I’ve never heard of those fentanyl rumors before. Well they must have come from your friends if you heard it from them.” Beck made a bewildered face followed by sipping her drink. It made her wonder what other rumors were out there about Emilio, or anyone for that matter. She already knew that there were rumors out there about her but didn’t want to know the extent of them. What if someone were going around saying she did drugs? Okay that would be hilarious. If anyone knew anything about her, they would know she didn’t do drugs.

Beck almost spit out her drink at the comment about Emilio being secretly 86, then she pushed her shoulder. “You almost killed me with that one.” She swallowed, trying to keep her composure. “At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Dasin’s next question almost made Beck roll her eyes. Instead she sighed and played with the straw in her drink. “Yeah, she’s a client of mines. We’re friends which brings in more problems.” Beck thought to herself about how she couldn’t say much because it was still under hot fire, but she was glad to let off some steam in the situation.“It’s not like I’ve never had problems with working with people, i’m sure you’ve heard of the Miles Carter situation. I’ve spoken about it before during radio interviews.” She felt slightly embarrassed mentioning the situation because it wasn’t a pleasant thing for her image since she practically dragged his name through the mud. Still, she always told herself she would speak her mind about anything. “I would consider you to be lucky. I know many people in the industry who have gotten into feuds collaborating with people. Some…under hush of course as to not ruin their career.”

Beck snickered at the last thing Dasin said about not wanting to waste money. “By the way, I’m sure your real name isn’t Dasin Miami, right?” She asked, alluding to wanting to know her real name. She was starting to like this girl.

@Kristi - Dasin Miami
@CerealKiller - Miles Mentioned


Before he knew it, Sunny followed Santiago into the room. Of course she did, she was the most attentive out of the siblings. She said Emiliano was an ass, and Santiago but his tongue on the words that would not come to him. He put his hands down on one of the tables in the space, holding onto the edge of the polished wood with the pressure of his frustration.

“Well don’t-“ he was going to start, but he did not finish his sentence. Emiliano was his brother, and he had missed him deeply over the years that he was gone. Often, he prayed for a day that his brother would return, imagining that all of their siblings could come together in an embrace that was no longer possible since the death of Mattias. It was supposed to be a warm, euphoric moment, but the reality was not. In place of his worries that his brother were safe, he now asked himself if Emilio was ever in danger at all. There wasn’t a reason to try and defend him.

A short, but too-long few seconds of silence echoed between them before the man followed them through the door.

”The ass is here!” He boasted, champagne glass in hand, sparkling in the dramatic of the moment.

”Sorry, did I keep you guys waiting?” Emiliano asked them, and Santiago finally turned, sliding his hands back on the surface of the table as he leaned back against it. “Nope. Right on time. For when I called you, though, not your reappearance.”

His reply was sarcastic, and said the most earnest way he could manage to speak in the moment. Of course, Emiliano deflected, advertising drinks to him and their sister pretending that either of them were going to move from their places. One could suppose that his acting knowledge had gotten rusty, because it was clear that there was no preserving their happy family image after he returned the way that he did, and if he had really digested the atmosphere of this scene, then he would have known that.

“A drink would be nice, but I’ll pass for now. You didn’t notice but I finished mine before you came in,” He commented, taking in the view of the outside of the yacht through its glass walls that Emilio should have been looking through, as he clearly heard past it when Sunny insulted him.

The remaining waiter decided to leave, holding a tray of hors d’oeuvres. He seemed to sense the tension that had started to rise, and in a simple smile, Santiago thanked him for respecting their privacy as he walked past them. Whatever he was holding back before was free game now, so he could do as he pleased. He just didn’t know whether or not he wanted to do that. Earrings, and new musician dress-code aside, he was still a dignified man, and he did not intend to cross the line. Not yet, at least.

“You could have called,” he crossed his arms over the red of his shirt, relaxing. Santiago had decided to calm himself, as he knew that they were alone now, and the moment was real. Somewhere in-between the desperation that he felt before, and the anger that he felt now, the primary thing that lay was disappointment.

“Why didn’t you?”

@Caticorn Sunny
@Kristi Emi



With Violetta/Celeste

There were many things one could say about Francisco Ignacio Leone, but one thing was certain: this Colombian king had always been a charmer, effortlessly adept at winning over the hearts of women. Or at least that’s the popular opinion. Violetta, however, despite having fallen for his charms in the past, had seemingly built up an immunity to his antics over the years. But even so, that didn’t stop Nacho from paying her a compliment whenever the opportunity arose. Tonight was no exception.
He watched her, admiring the way the white dress accentuated her figure, making her look like an ethereal vision amidst the glitz of the yacht party.
Despite their rocky past, Nacho knew that maintaining a good relationship with Violetta was crucial, not just for their own sake but for Lila, their daughter, who was the love of his life. It wasn’t as easy as one might think, but for Lila’s sake, he was willing to put in the effort.

As he asked her about Lila, Violetta tilted her head, a sour look crossing her face. “Great,” she said, sarcasm almost spilling out onto the fancy floors. It was obvious she didn’t want to answer or talk to him at all. After the silent treatment from Sunny this morning, Nacho might not have known exactly why, but he could certainly tell when a woman was unhappy to see him, which although happening twice in one day with two different women (?!?!?!), it was still a rare scenario for him.
“I have a surprise for her,” Nacho continued with a light smirk, trying to bridge the gap. “She will love it, I’m sure.”
Lowering her voice to a whisper, Violetta countered with a question about Sunny. Nacho knew Violetta didn’t care for or approve of Sunny, or any other woman in his life, for that matter, but as long as she wasn’t planning to replace her, Violetta really had no right to complain, did she? “Sunny’s good, thanks for asking” he replied casually, opting not to delve into the details of their recent incident. Instead, he redirected the conversation, seeking common ground. “How’s Isaac?” he asked, referring to Violetta’s husband, whom she had married after their own relationship had run its course. While there was no personal animosity, the dynamic between Nacho and Isaac remained delicate, colored by the unspoken complexities of their shared past and present.

Nacho maintained his easygoing demeanor, though he knew navigating these conversations required finesse. He sipped his champagne, letting the cool bubbles settle any tension in the air. Tonight was about celebrating, after all—a chance to set aside differences and focus on what truly mattered: The party (hell yeah)
Glancing around, Nacho marveled at the opulence that defined the evening. The deck shimmered with designer outfits, sparkling jewelry, and the infectious sound of laughter blending with the gentle lapping of the waves. It was a scene straight out of a Hollywood film, where wealth and status mingled effortlessly.
Turning his attention back to Violetta, he couldn’t resist a compliment delivered with his trademark Colombian charm. “You look as stunning as ever, Cece,” he remarked with a warm smile, his Colombian charm infusing every word. “Honestly, I swear you haven’t aged a day since we first met. That same sparkle in your eyes—it’s truly timeless.”

He chuckled softly, memories of their early days together coloring his tone. “Remember our first Thanksgiving party together? You wore that red dress, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” His voice carried a hint of nostalgia. “Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? Time flies, but some things never change… like your impeccable taste in dresses."
Nacho’s words flowed effortlessly, infused with a playful charm that reflected their shared history. Despite the passage of time and the complexities of their relationship, his admiration for Violetta’s elegance remained a constant thread. He maintained a respectful distance, yet there was an undeniable warmth in his demeanor, a homage to the connection they once shared.


@Caticorn sunny mentioned again

@idiot.exe Isaac mentioned


After a few moments, Opal smoothed out her dress, took a deep breath, and glanced around the room. She knew she couldn’t sit here forever, but maybe only a few more minutes as she looked for someone to talk with. Scanning the bar, her gaze paused on the bar on a familiar face. Her heart quickened slightly and her throat constricted a little as she recognised him instantly. She watched as he moved from the bar to the bow of the yacht.

Why was he here? They hadn’t texted, hadn’t arranged anything. It was strange seeing him outside of their usual encounters, out of uniform, and here of all places. Had there been a murder without her noticing? Curiosity piqued, she decided to go ask. Taking a hard gulp, Opal stood up and adjusted her dress once more before making her way through the crowd to the front of the boat. When she was close enough for only him to hear her, she spoke in her softest tone, “Fancy seeing you here. I didn’t expect to see you at an event like this. Has something happened?” Then scrolling her eyes down his body, she narrowed them slightly when retuning to his face. “And why aren’t you in uniform? Are you undercover?”

@ChayChay05 - Cole - Sorry for taking so long


Isabella listened as Rowan talked. She tried not to zone out too much. However, it was a little hard with everything on her mind. She wondered if Bennett was here. She was really hoping to find someone to at least hangout with that wasn’t Rowan. “Yeah, things can be awkward at times when seeing an ex. She was actually my first relationship.” Isabella had never actually told anyone that before. She has always been busy filming and just never had time for relationships. Maybe that’s why her and Isla didn’t work out. Maybe she didn’t put in enough effort to spend time with Isla. As Isabella thought about these things she drank her beverage. It was very tasty. Even if the name of it didn’t sound appealing. “I know the right role will come along at the right time. So, I’m not worried. Maybe it will be another series. Those were always fun. Especially the one with Bennett Hastings and Violet Summer.” She smiled thinking about her time on set with both of them. She had grown close to both of them as they worked side by side. She still talked to Bennett a good bit. Opal however not so much. Things kind of went south for them for reasons Isabella never wanted to talk about. They still talked here and there but nothing like it used to be.

Isabella took a deep breath as she sighed. She knew she needed to get away from Rowan if she ever wanted to meet someone to be with, love, or whatever the case may be. However, Isabella was kind of nervous at the same time. She didn’t want to get her heart broken. She saw so much heartbreak in her life. That is why she was scared of dating and commitment. She was scared of rejection as well. Her mind started racing. What if I’m not good enough? What if I’m not pretty enough. What if I do something wrong? What if they hurt me? What if I hurt them? She took a big gulp of her drink and coughed some as she came back to reality. She shook those thoughts out of her mind. “Rowan, you know you’re like a father to me, right?” She asked and paused for a moment. “How am I ever supposed to meet someone to date with you around?” She giggled. She hoped he didn’t take it rudely because she wasn’t trying to be rude. She was just confused. “Are maybe you have another client? or maybe you can help me find someone?” She didn’t want to exclude him but at the same time she needed a companion.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Rowan
@Kate Bennett
@CrazyCaliope Opal
@Kbail Isla

Cole was lost in his own little world as he waited for Isaac to get here. He felt so out of place. He really hoped it didn’t show. He tried so hard to fit in and look like he belonged. He was looking out on the water as he heard a familiar voice. “Fancy seeing you here. I didn’t expect to see you at an event like this. Has something happened?” He couldn’t help but smile as he turned around to come face with Opal. He processed what she said as she looked over his body. Then she asked “And why aren’t you in uniform? Are you undercover?” He forgot they hadn’t spoken in a while. So she didn’t know he had to leave the force. He looked at her with his charming smile and replied. “Well it is nice to see you too.” He chuckled. “I know you would never expect to see me at an event like this. No, nothing has happened. I’m sure you missed me.” He smirked at her as he was answering her first questions.

He took a sip of his drink before answering the last ones. “Well… Okay let me be honest there beautiful. Firstly, no I’m not undercover. Secondly, I’m not in uniform because I no longer work for the police.” He tried not to let it eat at him. Being a police officer was the best thing that happened to him. For it to end. Be cut short like that sucked. He knew she would ask why and all that, so he wanted to let her. He left it simple so she could ask anything she wanted. It was still always hard for him to talk about as well. So, he didn’t want to just get straight into it. “I’m a bodyguard now, and I’m meeting my client here. He was coming with his wife I think she is and her family or something like that.” He looked her deep in her eyes as he waited for her to speak. Truth be told he missed her more then he cared to admit.

@CrazyCaliope Opal
@idiot.exe Isaac



“And here I was sure it was a widely known rumor,” Silas smiled shaking her head. But really, who had even started that rumor? Oh well, rumors spread all the time, she supposed. At Beck’s silence, Silas could not help but to tease with, “Are you thinking of rumors spread about you?” Silas arched a brow, “I’ve heard a lot,” That was a lie, Silas knows very few rumors concerning Beck, most of the rumors she’s heard about Beck have been ‘innocent’ in their nature, “Though, it’s more alcohol focused than fentanyl, unfortunately, nothing juicy.” She had smirked, taking a bite of the appetizers, “Makes sense though, you don’t give dopehead energy, though I can see you as an alcoholic.” Perhaps that was not the right to say, and perhaps Beck would take offense to that, but the God above knew that Silas did not mean any negativity by that comment, it was just an analyzation- based on the circle that Silas had grown up around and still finds herself involving with, “Are you an alcoholic?” Finally Silas questioned with a raised brow.

Talking about rumors, Silas had gone out to point out that Emilio was a good actor, and that often translated to a good liar- or at least she thinks. She had pointed out that perhaps he had been secretly hiding the fact that he was 86, through a good skincare routine that involved feeding on the souls of old people- you know the type of shxtty you hear on the media. That comment, apparently, had made Beck eyes widened and an amused expression twinkled in Silas eyes. 'Maintaining friendships in the industry is hard," Silas agreed to Beck saying that Josie tate being a friend of Beck made it hard to fully treat her as a client. “People make it big and bam,” Using her hands, Silas pretended to be throwing a basketball into a basket. “Suddenly their homies and fams ain’t shxt, and they cut em off to rub shoulders with the ‘greats’,” As a waiter came, Silas asked for a refill of their drink, which the waiter complied too, “Unfortunately for em, the greats don’t really fck with them like that, because in my opinion no one truly fcks with you better than the people you were raised with.” That was why, Silas had not been so happy about the idea of leaving her hometown to live with her uncle in Miami at first, and now that she was back in La, she normally found herself missing the slums she was raised in, and talking to her old fam, asking shxt like, ‘how auntie Mori, still chasing her baby daddy to pay child support?’ Aunt Mori was not her actual aunt of course, but in the place Silas grew up, everyone was like family, and people often called olders, ‘aunts and uncles,’ it was crazy now that if Silas was still there rn, she would be called, ‘aunt Silas,’ nah ew, she was too young to be an aunt- 33 was still young and fresh as hell.

“The Miles Carter situation?” Silas arched a brow. Oh she has heard of it! She had heard of it everywhere, especially considering that she often had Carter produce music for her, so it wouldn’t be just her uncle- after all, Silas always liked some diversity on her plate. “You did him dirty,” Silas had said nodding, “But he recovered alright,” She shrugged, “After all, he is a talented producer,” Perhaps praising someone another person had beef with right in front of their faces was not a good idea- but see, other people’s beefs were not Silas business. Nobody’s opps were her opps, unless they were really tight and it was for a valid reason. Silas didn’t want to get involved in all that, ‘pick a side’ shxt and be associated with one side or the other. “Well, hollywood competitive,” Silas said in response to people in the industry often getting into feuds. “People often say, hollywood’s not the place to be making friends, but, I’ve made more friends than opps so I suppose I gotta be doing something right.” Silas paused, taking a sip of her drink, then added, “I get what you mean, though. This industry is full of hidden feuds. Some people are just better at keeping them under wraps.”

“S.P.M,” Silas had introduced herself with a small salute, as Beck questioned Silas name, “Silas Pierce,” She had opted her last name like she often did when introducing herself, using her first and middle name instead- it was not because she had any troubles with her father or shxt. Her and her pops got along just fine, it was more so to do with the fact that well, she never really liked the surname Murray, and she was used to introducing herself as Silas Pierce- S.P, because it fit better. “Dasin Miami comes from the fact I started my career in Miami- das in That is in, “Miami, Dasin Miami. I went with the name because I liked the sound of it, and my first album was supposed to be called Dasin Miami but I changed it,” She shrugged, “But nah, unfortunately, my real name ain’t Dasin, it’s Silas or Pierce, or even Dasin, whatever you prefer.”


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Beck listened as Dasin told her that her real name was Silas Pierce. She smiled out of courtesy and politeness. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Silas Pierce. I was starting to think that your name was Dasin Miami this whole time.” She let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head at the absurdity of that idea. “I’ve visited Miami a couple of times and it’s a nice place.” Lots of hot men there too she thought to herself. That was one of the reasons she liked Miami so much. Hot shirtless men walking around in broad daylight out on the beach. Can you say its raining men and hallelujah any more? She didn’t mention this to Silas. Afterall, she didn’t want those rumors of her being a… Wh*re… To rear its ugly head just in case Silas had heard them rolls eyes… and seeing as Silas had mentioned hearing a lot of rumors about her, that seemed to not matter anymore.

She started getting more and more ticked off as Dasin continued talking, her like for Silas was quickly disappearing. Strike one. “Um… I don’t believe I did him dirty at all. I think we just have a feud and that’s that. It’s good to speak your mind about things in the industry and If anyone has a problem with that, well they can have fun with that.” She exaggerated a smile, then drank her new martini again.

The next thing Silas said made Beck pause and her mouth drop open. Strike two. The audacity. That sounded so shady. “Um excuse me…what kind of rumors?” Beck turned her neck as if she were daring her to say them. She knew that there were lots of rumors out there about her, primarily from people she couldn’t give a damn about. Still, she didn’t want Silas to get away with her shady comment.

Even through the strategy of playing “dumb”, Silas still added something else to tick her off. Even going as far as asking if she’s an alcoholic. “you don’t give dopehead energy” So only alcoholic? What the hell did that mean? Oh this girl was bold…Or maybe she was used to acting this way and didn’t realize it… These thoughts tumbled through Becks mind as she looked at her as if she was saying the audacity of this btch.* She wanted to get out of her seat but didn’t want to make a scene.

“Woah woah…okay there. I think you’re going too far. I don’t know what you mean by I give off alcoholic energy or whatever, but no, I am not an alcoholic if that was what you wanted to ask. Although, I do feel like you’re being quiteee disrespectful.” Beck was beginning to get quite annoyed but wasn’t sure if she should stand up or not. She hadn’t felt this annoyed in a long time. “By the way, I don’t think it’s very nice to ask someone if they’re an alcoholic, especially if we just met, but im sure you already know that sweetheart.” She put on a fake exaggerated smile.

@Kristi they bouta fight bruh

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· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·

Kavi got a sense of nervousness coming from the man sitting next to him. He could only hope that he wasn’t contributing to it. His sister had told him on more than one occasion that his ‘resting listening face’ looked very unapproachable. “You’re a singer, right?” He asked, remembering seeing Danny’s name on the radio on more than one occasion and, if he wasn’t mistaken, he was one of his sister’s favourite artists. “I’m a director and I tend to do smaller art films, not blockbusters.” He explained, offering a reason as to why their paths hadn’t crossed before.

“I’m also not working on anything right now, so I’m not really of much interest to the media.” Not that he was of any interest to them while he was working on something either and he wasn’t complaining about it. There was a reason he chose to stay behind the camera. He liked being able to go unnoticed when he was out in public, having people only recognize him by name. He deeply respected performers for putting themselves out there like that but it just wasn’t for him.

· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·

@Tina.G - Danny

Tommy had to go talk with Dave. he had to let Dave know how wrong he was for what he did to Helen. He smiled at Helen then told her he would be right back to please wait right there. She said she would. So, he went to find Dave. He was a man on a mission. He finally found Dave. He marched up to him. He turned him around to face him. Tommy was fuming mad. He dragged Dave away to a secluded area of the yacht. “WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH YOU DAVE? HOW CAN YOU LEAVE HELEN TO GO TALK TO YOUR EX!!!” He stopped to take a breath before going again. “LIKE SERIOUSLY DUDE? HELEN IS TOO GREAT OF A WOMAN FOR YOU TO JSUT LEAVE HER ALL ALONE WHEN SHE KNOWS NOBODY BUT US. PLUS, NOT TO MENTION THE PUBLIC EYE IS ON YOU. HELEN AND YOU ARE A COUPLE IN THEIR EYES.” Tommy never wanted to hit a client before in his life. What was it about Helen that drove him so crazy to want to hit people. He took a deep breath and sighed. “You do realize that if the paparazzi get wind of this it could be horrible for your career, right? I know you probably weren’t thinking. However, to be that rude and inconsiderate about Helen and her feelings is not okay.” Tommy was so furious as how Dave good do this to such a beautiful woman. Tommy stood there furious and wanting to get back to Helen. I mean he did tell her what he was going to do but still he felt bad as well.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Dave
@Tina.G Helen



After Evie left, his thoughts shifted from the memory of her form when wearing something more revealing to the realization how he left Helen when she knew nobody beyond … The man that is stomping his way towards him. Behind Tommy Ryder who was marching his way to Dave, he could see Helen looking ailenated sitting alone at the bar, not knowing how to talk to anybody because she knows nobody. When Tommy reached him, he shouted so loud almost anybody could hear. Dave has done many stupid things in his life, and he was often been shouted at, but that wasn’t the case since he was still a snarky teenager, who although was big for his age, shrunk form embarrasement when his mother told him off. Tommy gave him the same tretment and Dave knew he was right, so again, he felt small and contritely he looked over at Helen at the bar, looking as isolated and as betrayed as she must feel, all because of him. With guilt in his eyes Dave turned his gaze from Helen and to Tommy and said “You’re right, I’ll go apologize right now and see if I can make it up to her.” Withouth saying anything more, for a not so smart boy he knew more words wouldn’t help him any longer and that he must leap into action. Dave slowly walks away from Tommy and sits next to Helen at the bar. Not knowing how to start because just saying ‘I’m sorry’ won’t cut it. The bartender came over and asked Dave “What’ll you have sir?” Not thinking about getting anything he said “I don’t know. YOu wouldn’t have an apology there? It needs to be a good one though, since I really messed up.” Not ordering anything, he turned around on his chair and focused only on Helen. “Helen … I know I shouldn’t have done it in the first place, and I can’t even find a good reason for why I did it to … explain myself.” He softly takes her hand in his and says “I guess I thought when such a beautiful and charming stranger as you comes to a party nobody would wait to get introduced to you … But now I realized that when an individual is like that, most men would be too scared at first to approach and need to build up confidence. Or they would never approach becuase they would think she’s out of their league and they would just embarras themselves by doing it … Will you forgive me? I promise that I won’t leave you alone for a moment longer.” He took the hand he was holding and left a soft kiss on the knuckles. “What do you say WE join Tommy TOGETHER and forget I was ever so stupid to leave such a cool and beautiful woman behind?”




Rowan chocked on his non alcoholic drink. “Your first relationship?” He was dumbfounded. He assumed she had relationships before meeting him and because of his involvement she was too busy to date, but … First? Then he realized what she meant. “Oh you must mean your first serious relationship.” He corrected her, at least he thought he did.
When she said that a right role would come along, he said “Who knows, maybe the right role would be something completely different to any of the roles you played so far … Then again, is there any movie genre you haven’t played yet?” He tried to suck up by complimenting her but to also make her feel better when she was already down.

Rowan was silently drinking his beverage, when she sighed and began showing signs of both boredom and nervousness. He realized she was probably bored with him around and waited for her to excuse herself and talk to somebody else, finally leaving him alone. He took another swig of his drink, ready to not talk to her or even look at her because he already exhausted all the nice things he can say to her before … He was in the midst of drinking when she suddly turned to him and said “Rowan, you know you’re like a father to me, right?” He almost chocked on his drink again. Damn, is this girl trying to kill me before I finish with her? He thought? He eagerly listened to her while she ranted and by the time she finished he forced a smile. Like a father? That is so not what I want you to see me as … What the future holds will be hard for both of us, especially now that you tell me you look up to me … How could I do now what I’ve been waiting for my whole employement in your service? He thought. He realized that the first sentence she said, the one that made him choke, was harmful to his plan, but the rest of her speech was kind of helping so he started smiling for real this time. “Of course, I’ll find somebody for you, or I can step back for a while and let your charming and talented self find somebody yourself?” He so wated to step back to turn on his phone and dissasociated, read some gossip about her online to focus more on her. He was afraid she would double down on him finding her somebody becuase she was his only client, who would he introduce to her? He has long since the start of his career as publicist focused only on her, and dropped the remainder of his clients.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella

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Sunny often dreamed of reuniting with her older brother in the years he had been gone. She wondered what emotions she would feel in the moment. Typically, they involved happiness and an overwhelming sense of relief. Except now, when faced with the reality of it, she felt nothing but rage. It upset her that he seemed to be more than okay when he had caused so much pain to his family. That he had found the time to film a movie but couldn’t be bothered to send even a small text to his family to let them know that he was alive and well. She looked up at Santiago when he started saying something, his tone suggesting that he was going to defend him, and she shrugged her eyebrow in a ‘that’s what I thought’ manner when he cut himself off.

“The ass is here!”

Sunny rolled her eyes as Emiliano approached them, moving closer to Santiago as he asked if he’d kept them waiting. In case it wasn’t obvious already, she wanted to make sure it was crystal clear whose side she was on. “Well, it’s been four years, what’s another few minutes?” Her voice was dripping with petty sweetness as she responded with the fakest smile she could muster, standing her ground when the offer to get herself a drink came.

“I left mine at the table. I don’t think I need another.” She lied. She hadn’t had the chance to get herself a drink yet but she’d be damned if she left her brothers alone for a second, not knowing what either of them were going to do, or if she’d give Emilio the satisfaction of a moment alone. She watched as the last waiter in the room took his leave, meaning that the siblings were finally alone and anything was free game, which was both concerning and comforting. Anything could happen but whatever did could stay between the three of them, unless they had an unwelcome audience. The walls were glass, after all.

Santiago was the first to speak in their newfound privacy, asking the question that was on both of their minds. His delivery was calm and even though Sunny wanted to mirror him, she couldn’t help but cross her arms and continue to stare down her brother, as if her gaze alone could threaten him to tell the truth. They were alone now. He could drop whatever act it was that he was putting on, which meant that the last thing she would tolerate from him was lies or more media fluff.


@Kristi - Emi

@raviola - Santi



Arrival at the party

As Doug arrived at the yearly Yacht Party, he couldn't avoid the paparazzi, deside his attempts to enter the party, he was quickly swarmed by reporters eager to get the scoop on his latest movie.

One of them asked, “Doug, can you tell us about your experience working on your latest movie?”

Doug flashed a charismatic smile, his natural charm on full display. “Well, it was a wild ride, as always. I had a great time with the cast and crew. Every project brings something new to the table, and this one was no different.”

Another reporter pushed forward, asking, “What was the most challenging part of filming?”

Doug paused, considering his answer. “You know, I think the stunts were pretty intense. I like to do a lot of my own stunts, and this movie had some crazy action scenes. But that’s part of the fun, right? Pushing yourself to the limit.”

“Any plans for your next project?” another voice shouted.

Doug grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Oh, I’ve got a few things up my sleeve. Can’t spill the beans just yet, but let’s just say it’s going to be something unexpected.”

With that, Doug waved off the remaining questions, making his way onto the yacht with his signature casual swagger. Despite the dislike he had developed for the constant media scrutiny, he maintained his enigmatic persona, leaving just enough mystery to keep everyone intrigued.

Making his way up the gangplank onto the yacht, Doug grabbed a drink from a passing waiter without breaking stride. He took a sip, scanning the crowd with a keen eye for familiar faces and interesting conversations. Doug stopped to chat with a small group, the small talk boring him relatively quickly. Every now and then, he glanced around, keeping an eye on the flow of the party.

That was when he saw an all too familiar face and, his face lit up with a genuine smile. Without hesitation he excused from the group. He made his way over to Josie, with whom he shared his youngest daughter Sabrina, weaving through the crowd with his drink in hand. It was always good to see Josie, even if there romance had been short lived, they had built a strong friendship for the sake of their daughter.

“Hey there!” he called out as he approached, his voice warm and welcoming. When he reached her, he pulled her into a friendly, yet heartfelt hug. “It’s great to see you,” he said, pulling back to look at her with a grin. “You look fantastic!” While to some this might have come across as flirty, for Doug this was meant as nothing more than an uplifting compliment.

Doug stepped back slightly, giving her space but maintaining a close, conversational distance. “How have you been?” He asked as he studied her for a second, genuinely interested to hear the answer. “Sabrina asked if she could join today, but I had to tell her no, and she acted like it was the end of the world!” She looked at Josie with a knowing smile and small chuckle, and continued “Typical teenager. I can’t believe how quickly she’s grown up.”

@kbail | Josie