Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Beck stood at the bar with both Josie and her assistant Francisco. Drinking a Martini. She scanned the room for some people to talk to and then went up to a random guy she knew. A couple of days ago, Beck had just arrived in Beverly Shores, all of her suitcases packed right at the doorstep of her new home. It was a warm and sunny day filled with new possibilities. Beverly Shores was a change of pace. It was a place she always visited when helping Josie Montana produce music, so she figured why not, especially since the move could help her figure out what was going on in Josie’s career.
“It’s going to be great.” She said, “You’re going to just love it here.”

While Josie was right, she definitely wasn’t right about how much they would get along or how much time they would spend together. Their “creative differences” got in the way. That was all Beck could say to not hurt Josie’s feelings but she really didn’t want to release that album.

Even if their friendship was on the brink of destruction.

Josie’s ideas were really making her music sound worse. While she understood that her music career wasn’t “serious” it was starting to become too much of a joke.

Beck started heading to the bathroom with a flirty smile on her face, still eyeing the guy. Walking down the hallway with the Martini, she felt someone bump into her as she turned the corner.





Shaun, dressed in his finest attire, stepped up to the dock, his eyes scanning the gathered crowd of paparazzi with a hint of amusement. He knew they would be waiting for him, eager to catch a glimpse of the former Hollywood heartthrob.

One of them, a particularly persistent journalist, called out, “Shaun, what’s next for you? Are we going to see you back on the big screen?” Shaun flashed his famous smile, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “At this stage, no, but never say never,” he replied with a chuckle. “I’m taking my time to focus on my management company and nurturing some incredible new talent. You’ll have to keep an eye out for some exciting names in the future.”

As he made his way through the crowd, he nodded to several acquaintances and fans, signing autographs and exchanging pleasantries. Shaun made his way onto the yacht. As he made his way through the throng of guests, he noticed a stunning blonde standing by the bar, sipping a glass of champagne. Her long hair cascaded down her back like a golden waterfall, and her bright blue eyes sparkled as she laughed at something one of her friends was saying. He noted the friend as Beck, another big name in the industry. He waited for her to leave first, as not to interrupt.

“Josie! Is that you looking as stunning as ever?” Shaun asked, his voice low and smooth as he offered her a charming smile. He looked over at Francisco who was probably very annoyed with how much Shaun flirted with Josie at any given moment and offered him a small nod, “Francisco.” He said by way of greeting.

@Kbail | Josie
Mentions | Beck & Francisco


Josie looked at Shaun, the actor who just walked up and started talking. There was some silence after his words but Josie snorted and started laughing with Francisco. She had seen Shaun a couple of times around and had even heard of a couple of his movies. She just remembered him flirting with her whenever she was around. She continued laughing and turned her head, hiding her face with her hair. When she was done she looked at him again, not being able to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. “Um…Sweetheart…I’m married.” She held up her hand and wiggled her fingers. “…but thanks.” Her smile was riddled with mischief as she continued drinking her drink looking him up and down. She noticed that he looked like someone Beck would like, which was not her type at all. His goofy smile never sealed the deal for her personally. Francisco let out a low chuckle “Yeah she’s taken honey, sorry.” Francisco had heard all about Shaun from Josie telling him how a famous actor keeps hitting on her, and that she’s never been interested. Sometimes they would laugh about it in their late calls.

@Tina.G Shaun



Shaun’s eyes sparkled with amusement as Josie’s laughter echoed through the air. He chuckled, unfazed by her initial response, and took a step closer to her. Sat next to her at the bar. “Oh? I don’t see him,” he said with a wink, his voice low and playful.

“Yeah she’s taken honey, sorry.” Said Francisco, and Shaun shrugged. He leaned in, his body language unmistakable as he continued, “Besides, I think you’re worth a little rebellion, don’t you?” He paused, his gaze locked on hers, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “After all, marriage is just a piece of paper, and I’m a man who loves a good challenge.” He waited. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three… Shaun’s expression softened. “I’m sorry, Josie,” he said, his voice low and sincere. “I didn’t mean to intrude. You’re right, you are married.” He paused, looking at her hand in front of him. “And I respect that.”

But as he looked into her eyes again, Shaun couldn’t help but add, “That doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to make you blush again sometime soon.” His wink was unmistakable, he twinkled his fingers like Josie had but this time at Francisco. “So how’s your album doing, hun?”

@Kbail | Josie | I’m lowkey hearing a southern accent from Josie, please correct me if I’m wrong :sob::heart:



Winslie had gotten the invite months ago for the Thanksgiving yacht party. In all honesty, she didn’t really want to attend. It wasn’t that she didn’t like dressing up and going to parties; no, she just recently had been feeling a bit like an outsider again. This had happened before. It came and went, sometimes lingering longer than others.

She looked at the elegant invitation, gold-embossed and wrapped in a satin ribbon, sitting on her coffee table. The thought of mingling with Hollywood’s elite, with their effortless charm and perfect smiles, made her feel uneasy. Winslie had always been friendly and outgoing, but recently, a sense of not quite belonging had crept back into her life. It was as if she was watching her own life from the sidelines, unable to fully participate.

Her phone buzzed with a message from a friend, reminding her about the party and asking if she needed a ride. Winslie sighed and typed a quick reply, confirming she’d be there. She knew she’d have fun once she was there, but the idea of attending felt like climbing a mountain. She couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter how far she’d come, the small-town girl from Santa Monica was still inside her, sometimes overshadowing the rising star she had become.

Her team was here now, doing her hair and makeup. The usual team. They had been working with her for some time now and always did a wonderful job. As they fussed over her hair and applied the finishing touches to her makeup, she tried to push away the feelings of unease.

“You’re going to look amazing,” her stylist said, offering a reassuring smile. Winslie returned the smile, grateful for their support. She knew they could make her look the part, but fitting in was a different story.

Especially in the last few years, everything had seemed to happen so fast. Her rise to fame was swift—winning awards, making a name for herself, and even getting married quickly. It all felt almost too easy. But then it all fell apart for a while when Em disappeared. During that time, she didn’t know how to feel. Part of her felt a little lost since he was all she knew here. Yet, another part of her felt a sense of freedom, as if she was rediscovering herself without the shadow of his presence.

As her team continued to work, Winslie’s thoughts drifted between the past and the present, trying to find balance amid the chaos of her emotions.

Her outfit was hanging, and she slipped into the bathroom to change. It was all Ralph Lauren, her purse included. She had been dressed by him many times for events and always loved the work. The fabric was soft against her lotioned skin, the purse made of the finest leather.

The outfit she wore tonight was somewhat modest but still elegant and sexy. She had a cropped polo that matched the long red skirt, tight against her midriff and showing off her toned stomach. Good jewelry was matched, with earrings and rings that complemented her look perfectly.

As she admired herself in the mirror, Winslie couldn’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety about the night ahead. Despite her doubts, she knew she looked stunning, and that gave her a small boost of confidence.

Sticking her phone, lip liner, and lipstick into her bag in case she needed a touch-up, Winslie headed outside to meet her friend waiting in the car. The black Range Rover sat in her driveway, the driver stepping out to open her door. She gave him a smile and a soft thank you as she got in, carefully pulling the end of her dress with her to avoid catching it in the door.

When in the car, her smile became more relaxed, and she leaned into her friend, her hands instinctively wrapping around their forearm. She leaned in for a second to rest her head on their shoulder, taking in their warm, woody scent with a hint of sweetness. “Thank you for picking me up. The night is already off to a good start, I guess,” she said softly.

It wasn’t a long drive, well, long for LA, to get to the marina and then the yacht. Paparazzi were hard at work, asking questions, getting quotes, and taking pictures as fast as they could. The flashbulbs went off in rapid succession as Winslie stepped out of the car, her friend by her side. She took a deep breath, smiled for the cameras, and made her way toward the yacht, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

Everyone knew they were friends, and it was comforting to have her neighbor by her side. But they were separated for a while as Winslie turned to smile for the cameras. She put on her best red carpet smile, posing gracefully as the paparazzi called out her name.

"Did you enjoy diving into the fantasy genre for Enchantress?"

Winslie smiled warmly, reflecting on her experience. A
“Absolutely! It was so much fun to feel like I was a part of a different world. The costumes, the sets, the special effects, it all transported me to a magical realm that was both exhilarating and enchanting.”

The movie Enchantress only just came out not too long ago and did very well at the box office. Winslie had dyed her hair briefly purple for the role, and even went dark for a while afterward before returning to her blonde hair that everyone expected from herr

“How are you feeling after Emilio’s reappearance?”
everyone is so thrilled.

What’s your secret to staying grounded?

Good friends for sure! Which I would love to go see and enjoy sometime with now. Thanks, have a lovely night. win answered with a little wave of her fingers.

She soon found her friend again and let her eyes find his. I don’t think that will ever get easy,” she admitted softly.

As they walked in to find their seats, Winslie smiled as her small request to the event coordinators, which her assistant had worked on making happen, had indeed come to happen. Next to her seat at the table was her friend’s seat.

“I made a special request for tonight. Took a lot of batting my eyes and saying please!” she joked. Soon, others joined them at the table, people she had found comfort in over the last few years. She considered these individuals her closest allies and family.

She took a drink of her already filled water glass and almost choked when Emilio sat down and started talking to Santiago. She subtly moved slightly away from her friend seated next to her and straightened her posture, avoiding meeting his eyes. She had to appear nonchalant now, not giving away her actual thoughts in this moment about him.

Santiago stood up to get a drink, and Winslie hoped Emilio would follow suit. Turning her head to her friend, she asked, So tell me, did the twins wish they could come tonight?” She had gotten to know his family well since they have been neighbors for quite some time. She attempted to make small talk, pushing all her feelings deep down.
@raviola santi
@Kristi em
@Caticorn luci



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Evangeline had a busy day before tonight’s Thanksgiving party. Fittings and rehearsals for upcoming fashion shows continued even on party nights. Not a day of rest for her.

As she was finally free to head out, it was almost time for the party. Once she got home, the first thing she did was hop in the shower. She was glad she didn’t have to worry about rushing to get her makeup or hair done because, once she was out of the shower, someone was already waiting to take care of it.

After finally getting ready, she went to check on her boyfriend, Santiago. It was still such a crazy word for her to say: boyfriend. Eva was never the type to fully commit to someone, let alone be in a relationship, but something about Santi made her feel secure. If it weren’t for him, she would be lost in this world that he seemed to know so well. In a way, she always felt like she owed him for always protecting her. After their playful chatter, she made Santi aware of the time, letting him know it was time to leave for the party. Eva enjoyed parties; it was not uncommon for her to be at one, even in her younger years.

As expected, when they arrived at the entrance of the yacht, paparazzi surrounded them. Eva immediately turned to see if Christian, her bodyguard, was close to them, and without fail, he was already in position, as always. Catching his eye, she gave him a small smile before turning her attention back to what stood in front of her. Paparazzi: just a bunch of fools trying to get every scoop on a person they hardly know, always twisting things their own way. Eva despised paparazzi, always letting them know how she felt, which is why she tended to make the front pages of gossip magazines. But tonight, she promised her manager, Aisling, that she would try her best to be on her best behavior, especially with rumors already circulating about her and the well-known singer, Danny Gray. His parents were already wanting to cancel her for showing their perfect little star boy a good time—not in that way.

“Eva! Eva! Over here! Oh, you know you love us, smile for once, dear!”

“Is it true that you are trying to bring down one of the greatest singers just for your convenience?”
“I wouldn’t doubt it. I mean, she is not Miss Innocent after all.”

“How does it feel to be with an abuser, Eva? Does he make you stay quiet?”

Everything they had to say was just a blur for her. It was something she heard every single day of her career. So no, she did not care, but as soon as they mentioned Santi, she could not contain her silence anymore.

”Oh, how about you f^ck off,”she said as she extended her middle finger at one of them. Well, there goes her attempt at being on her best behavior.

Eva was glad when they finally got on the yacht. All she could think about was getting herself a drink, but she knew she had to wait, so she followed as Santi led them to their section. She immediately began talking to Sunny, a dear friend of hers, but the conversation was cut short as she heard a familiar voice. A voice she had not heard in such a long, long time. It was like a movie as she felt everything around her freeze as she slowly turned to look at the source of the familiar voice. Emiliano De La Cruz, oh how she hated that name. Before she could gather her thoughts, she heard Santi break the silence, and she quietly sighed as she avoided eye contact. Eva could not tell if he had recognized her at all, but she hoped he did not.

As Santi got up from his seat and suggested that his brother follow him, she did not wait for any of the siblings to get up. She excused herself quickly from the scene. Eva made sure to create some distance from them as she walked toward the side of the yacht to catch her breath.

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approachable <3

slightly mentioned:
@raviola Santi
@Littlefeets Christian
@Caticorn Sunny
@Kristi Emi


Isla had moved to Beverly Shores two weeks ago and still felt like she didn’t fit in. She still felt like something was missing within her. Something that a woman named Isabella had given her, but whatever she gave her had been gone for a while for almost 4 months. Still, it was missing and she wanted it back. She wanted Isabella back. When she first moved to Beverly Shores it was supposed to be a fresh start. Living in a safe gated community seemed promising. But really deep down it was because she wanted to be closer to… Her. She missed the way her silky dark hair would slip between her fingers, the way that she would speak to her in encouraging words. The way that she was always there for her, but they didn’t end well. She still remembered wanting to speak to her and how she needed space. And that was the last time they had talked. She didn’t even know Isla had moved to Beverly Shores.

After being in Beverly shores for a couple of days her mindset started to change a little and a lot of things happened. She was able to get closer to her estranged uncle Blake since he lived in Beverly shores too and now they had a great relationship. She was also able to find another celebrity to bodyguard instead of just being Josie Montana’s. She still remembered the sight of Celeste Wallace. The mansion door slowly opened and the sight of her smile as she greeted her instantly lit up her features. Her light blue eyes and Raven black hair instantly captivated her. Isla had seen the famous Celeste Wallace in a few movies but had never really paid attention. Seeing her in person was…different. She still remembers looking around her luxurious house and seeing a picture of her husband posing with her in a frame. The bodyguard interview went well and she surprisingly wasn’t nervous at all. Just in awe. At her beauty yet humble and friendly demeanor. Over the next few days her mind would land on Celeste and she would feel an unexplainable feeling she had never really felt. Tonight was the night Isla would officially start being Celeste Wallace’s bodyguard, and she was nervous. She felt like a shy high school girl which wasn’t usual.

Throughout the time of getting to the yacht party, she tried not to stare at Celeste but dang was it hard. When Isla and the Wallace’s finally arrived in the yacht she was able to branch off a little and mingle. She felt like she could breathe but wondered why she was this affected by Celeste. She shook her head and stood against the wall, drinking a lime daiquiri. She closed her eyes for a bit but when she opened them, she saw Isabella standing there. Her eyes widened and she swallowed even more.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella (i decided to post first :see_no_evil:)
@raviola - Violet mentioned




“…Gordon Ramsey, the way I be cooking this btches up” -Real Shit, Dasin Mami, on album Season Weed

Everyone knows that it is not easy to make it big in the entertainment industry—in fact, most people do not—but Silas Pierce Murray was not most people. With four Grammy nominations, winning the VMA’s New Artist award before she ever truly made it big, countless accolades for her sophomore album, and becoming rich enough to live in Beverly Shores, Silas had undoubtedly made her mark.

And Silas was going to enjoy that mark and enjoy Beverly Shores.

“How does it feel to be celebrating Thanksgiving here in Beverly Shores, on such a beautiful yacht?” That was the question the interviewer- Jake Thomas from the local celebrity magazine had asked to her, as she approached the yacht.

“I feel rich as f*ck” Silas had laughed, “Still can’t believe it, sometimes I be feeling like i’m still dreaming.” She let out a laugh.

The Thanksgiving Yacht party had been just like Silas expected- fancy ASF. With butlers all around, refilling their water 24/7 even if it had only been drank to the halfway point. The decor was nothing short of extravagant, with shimmering lights reflecting off the pristine waters of the marina and lush floral arrangements adorning every available surface. The appetizer for Silas was a Smoked Salmon Canapés and an onion soup, and as soon as she was about to take a bite of the Smoked Salmon, a voice-one that had a strange effect on all all of the people in the room- appeared.

“Jesus has risen,” Silas muttered, putting down her fork in amusement as she stared at no other than Emiliano De La Cruz- the lost actor that was ‘found’ two weeks ago when he dropped the trailer and not going to lie- Silas had thought the trailer was fake. No, she didn’t think Emilio was dead, or that he was cloned in Mexico or was it Peru? The stories about him where too confusing to keep up, but she still did not quite buy the trailer and that Emilio had return, because if he had truly return then why didn’t he come to Beverly Shores first? Like ok, Silas doesn’t know shxt about Emilio except from what she had heard from the media and from people in Beverly Shores- but ain’t Emilio got a wife? The one he just sat right next to? Then again this hollywood so probably trouble in paradise? Eh, either ways this shxt was not her business- entertaining yes, but not her business.

So she slouched back into her chair, turning to the person next to her and said, “'You think anything anything interesting going to happen?”

Anyways a lil bad but I tried my best so here

@Kbail - beck


Josie rolled her eyes at Shaun and looked the other way once he leaned into her. She didn’t really want to talk to him but after some thought she realized that it would be interesting to see what he had to say. And what he said next made Francisco let out an “omg” gasp and laugh. He then turned the other way talking to the bartender. She laughed as well at his words, somewhat flattered by his persistent but nevertheless turned off. Marriage was just a piece of paper, sure. “Marriage isn’t just a piece of paper hon. It shows that someone values you and truly wants to spend their life with you and, you know, give you things like this.” She held up her hand again showing off her ring. “Would you be able to even do that for me?” She sipped her drink, glancing at a couple on the other side of the bar, unimpressed. “How many movies have you been in this year sweetheart.” She heard his question about her music which seemed like a subtle dig. She laughed a little. “Um… my music career Is going just fine. I’m just wondering about your acting career.”

@Tina.G Shaun (maybe like a small southern accent but you could hardly notice it)

1 Like

It’s been a long day without you, my friend
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again

Dejay had never been one for big events in Beverly Shores such as Beverly Shores annual’s thanksgiving. Most parties in Beverly Shores were the same for him- a place where the rich will mingle, and for him to be on the watch out- looking for any possible attacks, mistakes or perhaps enjoying a good talk with his friends, while he spent his time wondering how his daughter was handling things at home without him. If not for the fact that he was Emiliano’s bodyguard, then he would never really go to most events at Beverly Shores. See, Dejay, says that, but even when Emi was gone for about almost 5 years, he had still gone to those events, but that again, had been not out of his own true choice but because his daughter would ask him to go and bring something for him or because he wanted to have a nice chat with his friends and pretend everything was normal- pretend that Emiliano was not gone to God no where, without telling him he was leaving, or calling him to tell him where he was at and that Wylan- that Wylan was also not so far away- leaving the ‘golden squad’ as they used to be called to just Cameroon and him.

It was strange really, how when Wylan left, Emiliano followed suit but see the difference was that Dejay knew where Wylan was, but he had no idea where Emiliano was for all of this years, not even a clue and for years- Dejay had accepted his worst of fears, ‘Emiliano De La Cruz was dead’ , dead just after his uncle had died. He didn’t want to believe it, in fact, he tried every other possibility for why Emilio might be missing-kidnapped possible- but then why was there no call for Ransom? Maybe he was in jail- but Emi would never do anything to land him in jail and besides, he could be easily bailed out, perhaps he was lost in a different country and he didn’t speak the language and had no money with him? Possible, could be that, he hoped it was that and Emilio would someday come back to them.

When Dejay had said that he hoped Emi would someday come back to them, he had meant straight- straight back to them, instead of apparently planning out a movie first, he was going to be starring in a f*cking movie and he was apparently living in hotels now instead of Beverly Shores. Something that Dejay could not truly believe, he thought it was a joke, Emilio could not truly be back, he would have told him of his return, he would have come to Beverly Shores first- talk to his moms and siblings, talk to Cameron, talk to him but he didn’t and because of that, Dejay chose to ignore the ‘return of Emilio’ it was’t until he had gotten the text at 11 am in the morning to, ‘I met up with Wylan, come’ than Dejay fully accepted Emiliano De La Cruz was back.

He didn’t know what to do at first when he saw Emiliano again, he didn’t know whether to go and hug him, freeze in the spot or sigh. Most people in his position would perhaps be angry, but Dejay had never truly learnt the meaning of anger- he couldn’t be angry for too long, especially not at Emilio who looked guilty, so he went with his first choice, hugging Emiliano.

“How’s my godaughter been,” Emiliano had asked on the ride back to his hotel.

“Dara is at home now,” Dejay replied, “She’s been well, she missed you, you know, we all did.” Emilio had not said anything for a while, and Dejay knew not to push, he didn’t try to get the answers out of Emilio, because he knew Emilio well enough to know that he will tell him soon- he will tell him the whole truth, and maybe Dejay would forgive him- or maybe he won’t, but there would still be the same ol Emilio and Dejay, nothing new, nothing different- he hoped. 4 years was a lot of time, 4 freaking years, Emilio was bound to not be the same.

“Dara is turning 16 soon isn’t she?” Emilio asked breaking the silence. “I’ll throw her a sweet 16 party.”

"You don’t have to

"Did you forget she’s my goddaughter? Emilio had replied with a smile, “It’s what I have to do, besides I missed my favorite goddaughter. How’s life going for the kid?” Dejay smiled at that.

“She’s been well, she started dating, she’s dating a Wallace kid.”


“Claudia’s son, Orlando Wallace,”

It’s been a month since then, and it Emilio had told him he was coming back to Beverly Shores and he should come pick him up for the Thanksgiving feast and Dejay did, driving his daughter to his sister’s house first then going straight to Emilio’s hotel to pick him up.

They had arrived late, but Emilio didn’t seem to mind, and Dejay knew he was perhaps going to make a big grand entrance, as usual.

“Interesting,” Emilio had said .

“What is?” Dejay asked.

“Being back,” With that, Emilio had asked Dejay to go sit down. He was perhaps planning what to do, how to make his entrance, and Dejay was a little tensed about this, because things were not like before, there where new people now, people who didn’t understand hat his sudden reappearance might mean for Beverly Shores and even Dejay, who has been here for 13 years did not know. How was Beverly Shores going to be now with the return of their ‘golden boy’ as Emilio was crowned by the media. He took a deep breath, adjusting his tie and scanning the room. The familiar faces of the old guard were there, but so were many new ones, people who had come into prominence during the years of Emiliano’s absence.

Dejay found a seat near the back, where he could observe without drawing too much attention. His eyes flickered to the corner where Emilio hid and was not yet noticed, and as he took a sip of his water, Emilio made his grand entrance and obviously people where shocked. It was a long pregnant silence, before Emilio decided to break it again by talking to his siblings and Dejay sigh.

“Perhaps you shouldn’t have done this Emilio,” Dejay muttered to no one in particular as he took a sip of his water.

He waited to see what Emilio would do next, would he follow Santi like instructed or not? He was busy wondering the next move of Emiliano that he did not notice when Marco Manzo sat next to him. It wasn’t until he noticed the sound of someone’s fork falling under the table, and he had bent down to pick it, cleaning it with the wipes that were neatly placed on the table, turning to the person with a, “Here, It’s clean now” That he noticed it was Marco whose fork had fallen.

@cordyx - Marco


@novella - Cam
@benitz786 - your boy
@raviola - Santi briefly

@Caticorn - sunny briefly



“Would you be able to even do that for me?” Shaun smiled. He swallowed. “Of course,” he said. His voice was smooth, but his eyes darted away, betraying a flicker of discomfort. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his confident tone. “I mean, I’m a man of means, Josie.” His gaze drifted back to hers, his eyes lingering on the diamond ring before snapping back to her face. “But I suppose it’s not just about material things, is it?” He paused, his expression thoughtful. “I’m willing to bet that you didn’t marry him for the bling alone.” His smile was charming, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“How many movies have you been in this year sweetheart.” Shaun chuckled and leaned back in his chair, unfazed by her blunt response. “Ah, none, hun.” He leaned back in his chair, his body language becoming more relaxed, more natural. “I’ve been keeping busy behind the scenes, as you know. Managing some amazing talent, and loving every minute of it.” He paused, his gaze drifting away from hers, as if collecting his thoughts. “But I do miss the spotlight, I won’t lie. It’s a thrill like no other, being on set, bringing characters to life… But I’ve found a new passion in management. It’s a different kind of challenge, but one that I’m excited to take on. It’s new. It’s exhilarating, honestly.” Shaun turned his attention back to her, his eyes locking onto hers once more. He smiled proudly, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. He paused for a moment, taking a sip of his own drink. “But hey, I’m not one to dwell on the past. I’m excited about what the future holds, and I’m confident that my decisions have been the right ones for me. Even if it means I don’t get to be in front of the camera as much anymore.”

But Shaun’s expression turned curious, and he leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he sensed that something was off. “Ah, come on Josie, don’t be like that,” he said, his voice light and teasing. “I know you’re stalling. What’s going on with the album? Is it not going as well as you hoped?” He pushed a bit more, his tone gentle but probing.

He leaned forward again, his eyes locked onto hers, trying to read her expression. “I’ve heard rumors that the release date got pushed back again. Is there something going on that I should know about? Is everything okay? I… I have connections in the industry if someone’s needs a little… push.” His concern was genuine, and he genuinely wanted to know what was going on with her music, as a friend.

@Kbail | Josie


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Kavi looked in the mirror as he finished tidying up his hairstyle, his long hair in a half-up style which almost completely covered the processors of his cochlear implants. He had eliminated most of his insecurities surrounding his implants when he was in college but at events like this, where he wasn’t sure if he would know everyone in attendance, he preferred to not have them be the first thing people noticed about him. He had spent enough of his life being judged for his disability would much rather be judged for his work.

Satisfied with his appearance, he left his house, greeting his housekeeper on the way out. Despite his insistence that he didn’t need one, his sister had hired her for him and she was so sweet that he knew he would feel bad if he let her go. He entered the car that was waiting for him at the end of his driveway, handing his driver the invitation with the address. As the car neared the destination, he could see the swarm of paparazzi waiting to harass the guests as they arrived for the event. He didn’t consider himself worth their attention but just as a precaution, he took off his processors and put them in his pocket. He wouldn’t be able to hear their questions coherently anyways so he figured he would save himself the trouble of dealing with the overstimulation.

As he exited the vehicle, he shielded his eyes from the camera flashes but he made sure to give the paparazzi a quick acknowledgment as he boarded the ship. Once he was safely on board, he put his processors back on. He scanned his surroundings as he approached the table, looking for his assigned seat. When he found the place with his name, there was already someone who looked to be around his age sitting in the seat next to him. He seemed nice enough and so Kavi waved at him as he sat down. He looked over at the name card in front of his neighbour. “Danny Gray?” He asked, making sure that was actually who was sitting next to him. “Kavi Singh, pleasure to meet you.” He introduced himself, offering the man his hand.

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@Tina.G - Danny


Isabella had been looking forward to the Thanksgiving Yacht Party. She couldn’t wait to mingle, drink and have a good time. She did truly love the events here in Beverly Shores. Isabella has been living in Beverly Shores for two years now. It has been eventful to say the least. Rowan, her manger helped her pick out the perfect outfit for this event. She knew he was around here somewhere. Isabella met Rowan one year before moving into Beverly Shores. She still couldn’t believe how many managers she had been through in her career. However, she has been acting since she was six years old. So, at the same time, it wasn’t a big surprise to her. Her last manager just wasn’t doing their job right she felt. She thought about everything that had happened over the last few years as she got dressed for the party. She was happy she had Rowan to help her pick out her outfit out of the three she was thinking about. She knew he wouldn’t steer her wrong.

She slipped on her dress after doing her hair. She of course had to have the perfect shoes and accessories for her dress. She was so excited to be looking good today, or she hoped she looked good at least. She put on her shoes. Then she added her accessories. She then left to go to the party. She had stepped onto the yacht not fully knowing what to expect. She did really like the vibe though when she stepped on. She decided to go to the bar first and get a drink. Along the way she said some polite hellos and gave some handshakes. She was sipping her drink when she saw her. She saw her ex leaning against the wall. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She felt like Isla was stalking her or something. She marched over to her. Isla had her eyes closed. So, Isabella stood there and waited for her to open them. Isabella held back a chuckle when Isla’s eyes widened, and she swallowed hard. Isabella had a huge smirk on her face when she spoke. “Well, hello there Isla. What brings you to my side of town?” She said kind of in a cocky way. They hadn’t seen each other or spoken since the breakup.

@Kbail Isla


Lucy and her husband Steve just moved to Beverly shores with their four kids not long ago. Luckily the kids couldn’t come to the Thanksgiving Yacht Party. She was excited to have a day and evening away from them. Steve even stayed at home with the kids so Lucy could enjoy herself. It seemed like it took her forever to get ready, but she had to have everything perfect. She did her hair. She checked her makeup. She put on her dress. She than put on her accessories. She checked herself in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. She then sat on the bench at the foot of her bed to put on her shoes. She put them on. She stood up and kissed her husband bye before telling the kids bye as well. She then stepped out the door. She closed it behind her, and she left for the party.

She arrived at the Yacht. She was so excited for this. She stepped onto the Yacht and felt the atmosphere. It was lively and fun. As she made her way further on the yacht, she said some hellos and flashed a smile a many of faces. She didn’t know too many people yet. However, she did know a few since she has lived in L.A for eighteen years now. She decided she needed a drink. So, she walked over to the bar. There she found Blake. She had known him a little. She flashed her award-winning smile. “Well hello stranger.” She smiled at him as she ordered her drink. “So how have you been? I feel I haven’t seen you since I moved in here.” She giggled as she took her drink from the bartender.

@Kbail Blake



2 hours before the party

Blake stepped out of the limo with his manager in tow. Sometimes at events like this with affluent attendees, the event would offer stylists to prepare for the party. Well, after choosing an outfit and getting dressed, Blake walked down the long hallway with his manager at his side showing him where to go. His manager told him that he needed to try on some outfits and to get his hair spruced up since it was looking more and more frizzy lately. Blake just said oh what the hell, let’s do it. As soon as he opened the white door, he saw a stylist standing there and Blake immediately greeted him by extending his hand, wearing a huge smile on his face. “Hello, my name’s Blake Palamo.” The stylist wore a red outfit that revealed his chest which was covered in tattoos. His eyes had a mysterious darkness to them from the dark eyeliner. Blake took in the way he looked but made sure to remain professional, trying not to have his eyes trail down too much. Instead, he held his friendly smile.

Once they finished greeting each other, Blake sat down in the chair facing the mirror. Their eyes met each other’s.

Time skip to the party.

Blake posed for some pictures outside and started answering some of the paparazzi’s questions. Some were good, some were bad and some were just a way to start controversy. “Is it true that your sexuality is more of a marketing ploy?” That was the one question Blake physically cringed at but he still walked off with a smile.

The glitz and glamor of the party was unmatched. There were nice sparkly jewelry, dresses dripped in diamonds,and suits covered in white. Everyone was dressed to the nines and the yacht was supremely decorated as well. Blake ran his fingers through his hair, which reminded him of the tingles from the stylist’s fingers on his scalp. Marco. That was his name. He would remember that. His flirty smile and the way their eyes met in the mirror he couldn’t stop thinking about. It made him want more.

Blake somehow left his thoughts behind and enjoyed the party. His loud laugh boomed through the room, probably shaking and breaking some glasses. A few more winks and smiles here and there, He ended up walking to the bar, sitting down to get a drink before seating began.

“Well hello stranger.”

Blake looked up from his whisky on ice beverage and smiled, his eyes twinkling. It was Lucy. “Well hello to you too.” He had known Lucy from listening to some of her country music. He did an Instagram live where he played one of her songs and sang to it in an exaggerated way. Since then, they had gotten along and he even met her husband before, but it was true that they hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“I’ve been doing well actually, I just finished filming a movie so life has been pretty chill for me I would say. How has you music career been going? Tattooed freak.” He playfully pushed her arm, letting out a hearty low laugh.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy
@cordyx - Marco Mentioned


1 Like

Tommy has been living in L.A for a while now. He has been in Beverly Shores for now for six years. He loved living here. All the events. Not to mention his clients and possible clients. He was so ready to go mingle and see everyone. He couldn’t wait to see who all shows up. He kind of wondered if any secrets would come out at this party. It always seemed that a secret of someone came out at these events. He knew drama usually happens at parties and events. He did love him some good drama. He took a shower and put on some deodorant. Then he got dressed. Once he was dressed, he left for the party.

He arrived at the yacht and smiled. He was hoping to see people he knew. He really hated showing up alone. However, the only person he would want to show up on his arm well she didn’t know he existed. Well technically she knew he existed, but that wasn’t what their relationship was about. He knew his feelings for her were one sided. He couldn’t help but think of her, her long brown hair, her beautiful brown eyes and her kissable lips. He froze at the entrance as he thought of her and how bad he wishes things were different with them. He worked close with her though. So, he knew they shouldn’t date even if she was interested. He shook his head and came back to reality then stepped onto the yacht and welcomed people by saying how are you or nodding at them as he walked.

He knew he would probably run into his ex-here. he was kind of hoping not to, but at the same time he knew it was inevitable since his ex has lived in Beverly Shores for nine years now. He went and got a drink from the bar before finding a seat. He sat down and sipped his drink as he waited to see who would come and talk with him. He smiled as he drank.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy can approach now.
@Tina.G Helen




Looking in the mirror after dressing, Dave wondered how his life changed so quickly. Just a year ago today he was looking in a dirty locker room mirror hyping himself upon before a game, like he used to. Little did he know last year that after that game he’d realize he was getting too old to keep up with the young soccer players of the game. He sighed and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt to admire his body while he still has it, not making the same mistake of taking his vigour for granted when he still had it an abundance of it. Lost in though, he finally came back when he noticed the sound of the second hand on the clock ticking. He quickly buttoned his shirt up and ran his hand through his hair to make it fall better before leaving the house.

At the yacht party Dave arrived wearing a red suit, and his date arriving with him was wearing a red backless dress. The dress might’ve been short and backless but it didn’t stop it from beeing elegent, at least not on her. Dave cautiously offered her a hand while boarding the yacht. He was a perfect gentleman, or at least was trying to be one for their first time out as a couple in public. It’s all very new to Dave as well, he has no idea what the public knowing about this would mean in the long run. “Do you know what to expect from this?” Dave asked his date nervously. He never did anything like this and wouldn’t know anything about this life, let alone dating in this life, and all of a sudden he was immediately in the dating pool of the rich and the famous, not knowing how to grasp it all. Of course, he himself was already rich and famous, but not he will continue being so, except he won’t be famous for a job he knows how to do well, like before, and that uncertainty and no acquired skilly yet is a big portion of what makes him nervous now.

His and his date's outfits

@Tina.G - Helen


Quincy stepped out of the sleek black car, a BMW i8, the soft click of hir heels on the pavement echoing as ze made hir way toward the lavish yacht. Tonight, ze had chosen a daring tight faux leather dress that clung to hir every curve, and hugged hir breasts tightly enough that tonight ze was braless. The dress complemented by a pair of black heels. Hir hair was brushed straight and held down with the smallest amount of gel and hairspray. The evening air was filled with the faint scent of hir perfume; the usual vanilla scent.

The paparazzi were already swarming, cameras flashing like a storm of strobe lights.

“Quincy, over here! Who are you wearing tonight?” one reporter shouted.
“Quincy, any upcoming projects we should know about?” another called out.
“Are you attending alone tonight, Quincy? Any special someone with you?” a third asked.

With a rehearsed smile, Quincy guided the influx of questions, flashing the brightest smile, “This is a custom piece by a dear friend of mine, isn’t it fabulous?” To the second, ze leaned in slightly. “I’ve got a few exciting things in the pipeline, but you’ll have to stay tuned for the details. Can’t spoil all the surprises, can I?” But to the third reporter, Quincy took a step back and winked playfully. “Just me, myself, and I tonight. Sometimes, you have to be your own best company.” With that answer, hir attention turned to the yacht, where the real intrigue awaited.

As ze ascended the gangway and stepped onto the yacht, the cacophony of the press faded into the background. Only to be replaced by the hum of laughter and conversation. Quincy scanned the crowd, hir eyes quickly locking onto a familiar face. Tommy. It had been a while, six months, in fact. Ze missed him, missed seeing his face.
Ze should go up to him. Should speak with him, but what would ze say? … Words, that’s what. Ze had been standing there watching him sit at the bar for probably a little too long now. The sight of him stirred a mixture of emotions within Quincy - regret, longing, but also a steely resolve.

Taking a deep breath, Quincy smoothed hir dress and straightened hir posture. With confident strides, ze made hir way toward Tommy, weaving through the few guests between them. As ze approached, ze smiled and greeted him “Hey there, Charming. Long time no see.”"


@ChayChay05 - Tommy



The evening air was crisp with a hint of sea salt, and the sky above Beverly Shores was painted in shades of twilight, the setting sun casting a golden glow across the pristine waters of Beverly Shores as the annual Thanksgiving Yacht Party prepared to set sail. The yacht, a vessel of luxury, bobbed gently against the dock, adorned with twinkling lights that reflected off the water, creating a gorgeous display, it’s polished decks ready to host the party of the year. Paparazzi lined the entrance, their cameras poised to capture every glamorous arrival. The air buzzed with excitement, luxury, and the low hum of whispered gossip.

Claudia Luna Wallace arrived at the marina in grand fashion, accompanied by her younger sisters, Cameron and Celeste, Celeste’s husband Isaac, and her bodyguard, Luka. Claudia’s entrance was nothing short of cinematic. She glided through the crowd with practiced poise. Dressed in a stunning, figure hugging red dress that draped like molten lava, shimmering with every step, accentuating every curve with a hint of danger. Her hair, styled in soft waves, cascaded down her back, while her makeup highlighted her striking features, whispering luxury and power, a signature of her style that melded Hollywood allure with effortless sophistication. Her presence was magnetic, drawing the gaze of every onlooker and camera lens as she made her way down the dock.

The cameras flashed incessantly, capturing every detail of Claudia’s entrance. She thrived in the spotlight, moving with a grace and poise that only years of experience could bestow. Paparazzi and interviewers swarmed like bees to honey, their voices a cacophony of questions that pierced the evening air.
“Claudia, darling, who are you wearing tonight?”
“How does it feel to be back at the Beverly Shores party?”
“Rumor has it there’s a new romance in your life. Care to share any details?”
“Any new projects on the horizon?”
“Can you comment on Emiliano De La Cruz’s return? Any thoughts?”

With a practiced smile that could dazzle on the red carpet or soften the hardest of hearts, Claudia deftly navigated the barrage of inquiries. She spoke with the polished eloquence of someone who had mastered the art of public relations, revealing just enough to keep the intrigue alive while maintaining her aura of mystery. Her Valentino dress, new upcoming projects, and do not forget… “Beverly Shores has always welcomed its own back with open arms. It’s wonderful to see familiar faces rejoining our community." she replied, her voice smooth as velvet, perfectly measured, ”Emiliano is a remarkable talent, it is good to have him back”
The interviewer pressed on, sensing the chance for more. “Did you expect to see him here tonight?” Claudia’s laugh was light, almost musical, and she tilted her head slightly as if considering her response. “Honey, in this town, you must always expect the unexpected.”

Inside the yacht, the air hummed with anticipation. Everyone mingled amidst the glittering decorations, their laughter mingling with the soft music that floated through the opulent space. The return of Emilio De La Cruz was the buzz of the evening, whispered in hushed tones and accompanied by speculative glances. Her eyes scanned the room, catching glimpses of familiar faces and fleeting moments of recognition. Claudia glanced over her shoulder, catching Luka’s steady gaze as he stood a few paces away, ever watchful.
She approached him with a soft smile, a silent acknowledgment of their unspoken understanding. With a gentle touch on his arm, she showed her gratitude for his vigilant presence. “Luka Dear,” she began, her voice a low murmur amidst the ambient chatter of the yacht’s deck, “everything seems to be going smoothly. Thank you for keeping an eye out. I think we’ll be alright from here. Enjoy the party.” Their exchange was brief yet meaningful, a testament to the trust that had developed between them over the years. Claudia knew Luka was more than just a bodyguard; he was an ally, and a steadfast guardian of her safety and her peace of mind. With a nod of assurance, Claudia released him from his duty for the evening, knowing he would continue to discreetly monitor the surroundings from a distance, because he simply was great at his job.
As Luka melted back into the shadows, Claudia turned her attention back to the festivities, her demeanor unchanged—composed, confident, and ready for whatever the night had in store.

@sunflowerjm Luka

@Kristi Emi mentioned



Although it’s been a few months since the … occassion, and Faust had his bodyguard for 2 months now, he didn’t yet get to see his family since. He only arrived in Beverly a few hours ago with Ezra, and hasn’t even had the time to go to his home and see AJ. Faust took a lot of time packing his life up and setting up a completely new schedule and changing the marjority of his career, but of course he was so slow, leaving the career he worked hard for years to get behind.
While arriving at the yacht he sighed, but was quickly assured by Ezra being there. He genuinley thought he wouldn’t know the people from Beverly again.
However, he arrived there, and although he recognized people and knew them as the type of people he didn’t care to know, there was a face there he recognized, but not the same way he recognized other faces there. He just couldn’t immediately place it.
When he realized he knew this singular person when she was much younger, he sighed with relief and felt the same calm he felt in Ezra being there.
“Oh my god! Savannah Healey? Is that you?” Savanah was his friend since she was 13, and she’s a remind of his first commercial success. She used to be on the Disney show which he wrote, produced and acted which started out as his uni project but turned into so much more for both of them.
“I can’t believe it. You’re so grown up now, I could barely recognize you. You look like life’s been treating you well.”


@Kate - Savannah
@CrazyCaliope - AJ mentioned
@idiot.exe - Ezra mentioned


The person Beck had bumped into was an actor. She started chatting with him and drinking her Martini with a flirty smile. “Oh yes, I’ve just been getting used to Beverly Shores. It’s been quite amazing.” She let out a low chuckle, flipping her hair over her shoulders. She enjoyed the sight of the man’s eyes roaming down her dress which usually happened. Once they were done talking, she decided to sit at one of the assigned tables. She let out a sigh, playing with the straw in her drink while looking at the other guests in the room. At times like this Beck wished that she had brought an actual date to a party but still…she was happy being single. Boredom was starting to creep on her and the idea of sneaking off with a theoretical date into a bathroom and…you know…But she wanted to make a good impression on Beverly Shores since she’d not been here long.

Beck wanted Josie to sit at the table again to entertain her. She wondered what was taking her so long but shrugged her shoulders. It’s not like her husband was there since he was on a “business trip” again. When she looked at the bar again she was able to get a look between the crowd of people moving over slightly and she saw Josie chatting to a guy at the bar. Francisco was just talking to the bartender. She noticed that the guy was very handsome, more than anyone she’d ever seen before. She stared until the crowd covered them again.

Suddenly someone sat next to Beck, snapping her out of the daze she was in. Beck immediately recognized the tattoos that adorned her arms and noticed that it was Dasin Miami. “Jesus has risen” she said, looking ahead of her. Yes, she was looking at Emiliano who seemed to be the focus of tonight. Beck let out a small chuckle. “Yes he sure did…” she looked at Dasin Miami again. They didn’t know each other well but they did take pictures together once since they’re both in the music world. She also had listened to a few of her songs and her favorite was Seasonal Weed. All Beck really knew about her was that Josie thought that she had talked badly about her music, but Beck was always a little skeptical about that. Dasin didn’t seem like a person who had a lot of drama in the media so it seemed somewhat unlikely. Beck thought it would be a good time to get to know her. “Do you think anything interesting will happen?” Dasin asked, leaning back into the chair. “Welll, Emiliano is already someone that seems to have caught everyone’s attention” Beck gestures towards him with her hand smirking. “By the way do you happen to know him? I mean I used to be friends with him and it was just completely strange how he disappeared. I personally think it’s very selfish.” She shook her head, raising her eyebrows and slowly sipped her drink.”

@Kristi (love Sila’s banner)
@Tina.G (Shaun Mentioned)