Tommy had to go talk with Dave. he had to let Dave know how wrong he was for what he did to Helen. He smiled at Helen then told her he would be right back to please wait right there. She said she would. So, he went to find Dave. He was a man on a mission. He finally found Dave. He marched up to him. He turned him around to face him. Tommy was fuming mad. He dragged Dave away to a secluded area of the yacht. “WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH YOU DAVE? HOW CAN YOU LEAVE HELEN TO GO TALK TO YOUR EX!!!” He stopped to take a breath before going again. “LIKE SERIOUSLY DUDE? HELEN IS TOO GREAT OF A WOMAN FOR YOU TO JSUT LEAVE HER ALL ALONE WHEN SHE KNOWS NOBODY BUT US. PLUS, NOT TO MENTION THE PUBLIC EYE IS ON YOU. HELEN AND YOU ARE A COUPLE IN THEIR EYES.” Tommy never wanted to hit a client before in his life. What was it about Helen that drove him so crazy to want to hit people. He took a deep breath and sighed. “You do realize that if the paparazzi get wind of this it could be horrible for your career, right? I know you probably weren’t thinking. However, to be that rude and inconsiderate about Helen and her feelings is not okay.” Tommy was so furious as how Dave good do this to such a beautiful woman. Tommy stood there furious and wanting to get back to Helen. I mean he did tell her what he was going to do but still he felt bad as well.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Dave
@eunoia Helen