Beverly Shores | Official Thread


Rowan listened to what Ravneet explain about the traditions she had back home. He liked hearing about traditions that weren’t common knowledge. Nowadays everybody knows about every American tradition, everybody knows what 4th of July is, everybody knows about Thanksgiving even thought only 5% of the population celebrate it. Learning about a celebration which sounds so fun … well it was fun for him. Especially since he could imagine a dark night that is only being lit by the oil lamps floating on the water and even though there is no other light in the area except for the moon, you can make out the splendor of the amazing dresses and outfits brimming with color and adornments. When she said “It’s interesting how holidays can vary so much across cultures, yet they often share similarities in how people come together.” Which made him smile. Finally he wasn’t the only one who saw it.
“I agree. No matter which corner of the Earth a celebration comes from, there is bound to be some simmilarity with another celebration from the other other side of the World. You could easily find simmilarities between I don’t know … Prom and … Saturnalia. Or Diwali and Christmas. Especially since holidays such as Christmas or Thanksgiving can vary in itinerary from family to family. In some countries, around Christmas times, have Advent markets for the whole of December until New Years eve while for instance, in America, you get a Christmas party and that’s only exclusive to here form what I could tell.” He checked his phone again and let it down while listening to her talk.
“It’s true, sometimes these events can feel like a performance, and not everyone enjoys putting on a show.”
“Especially for people like us. We have to think of every holiday months in advance, and if somebody is making a film we have to think about a holiday at least a year in advance. Make sure that our actors don’t get in a movie with a summer vibe that is going to be released mid December. As much as any celebrity has to make every event a performance because if they show too much of themselves they will be dropped … we work just as hard or even harder to set the stage on which they perform up, plan everything and make sure it all goes smoothly for them … so they don’t slip if the stage floor is wet, to throw them a line once they forget it, to move the props out of the way when the audience isn’t looking so the scenery can change in a split second.” Rowan has talked himself off, but he was right. To a lot of people including himself and including probably the celebrities, the holidays are stressful events they need months of preparation for.
After taking a short break to catch his breath he responded to her second sentence in the paragraph. “It sounds like authenticity is important to you.” He chuckled.
“Autehnticity isn’t important to me, it’s important to the masses. To the fans of Isabella. To me, holidays weren’t important for myself for 20 years, they’re not only important to me because they’re important to Isabella, her image and the fans who want to know how she celebrates her holidays. Then again, how could authenticity be important when it’s a holiday like Thanksgiving we’re talking about? I don’t know if you know this … Probably not, but … Every family has their own traditions when it comes to Thanksgiving, Christmas and holidays like that. I’ll let you in on a secret … If Thanksgiving were authentic it’d talk about Indians and genocide a bit more. The whole Thanksgiving story is just pure lies.”

He took a sip of lemonade, giving her the time to ask him what type of manager he is. “I feel like a fraud when people call me a manager. I’m still getting used to it. Isabella just made me her manager a few weeks ago. See I was her publicist until now … I’m only managing her at the moment, but that’s probably because I’ve been working for her for so long … I don’t think I’d bring the same devotion to any other actor or singer. Why are you asking?” He asked, as if asking him about himself was only a ploy for something she wants for herself. “Are you looking for a manager? Because I think you’d like somebody with a little more experience.” He said. He had free time on his hands, but he truly didn’t know if he could handle Ravi. He started thinking about if taking on Ravi would help or destroy his plan whatsoever. He was thinking about possibilities and wreck his brain over it that he almost missed her saying the name of her drink. Her saying the words “I’m having a Mai Tai” snapped him back to reality, and he was happy that she silenced the loud thoughts of his shoulder angel and demon fighting over what he should do if she asks him to be her manager. “Oh I’ve had that before, I guess I didn’t recognize it from the way the bartender made it look. See, cocktails are like celebrations too. There are distinct flavors and different cocktails, but the way they’re served, in which glasses and with different colors, but they’re still the same cocktails and the same flavors. I don’t drink often too, that’s why I didn’t recognize it. If I decide to indulge though, I’ll make sure to get a Mai Tai, especially if I’m to celebrate anything.” With the “especially if I’m to celebrate anything” He tried to fix the impression she might’ve gotten from him saying “I think you’d like somebody with a little more experience” because he didn’t want her to think of him as incapable of taking her on. He started getting around the idea of taking her on as well, maybe it’ll simmer down his bottled up anger and guilt, especially if he’ll be too busy to do anything or think about the thinks he has done and the things he hasn’t done.

@Jass - sorry it’s late - Ravi

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