Beverly Shores | Official Thread


Ravi nodded along with a thoughtful expression, her eyes bright with genuine interest as Rowan spoke. She found herself captivated by his insights into cultural celebrations and the nuances of holiday traditions across different continents. It resonated deeply with her own experiences and observations in both Bollywood and Hollywood. “That’s so true, Rowan,” Ravi replied, her voice reflecting her enthusiasm. “It’s fascinating how, despite the vast cultural differences, the essence of celebration remains quite similar across the globe. Take Diwali and Christmas, for example. Both festivals involve lights, gifts, and family gatherings, even though they originate from entirely different traditions. And you’re right, even within the same holiday, traditions can vary widely. I love how Christmas in Europe often means cozy Advent markets and mulled wine, while in America, it’s all about expensive gifts, grand parties and festive decorations.”

She paused, taking a sip of her drink, and then continued with a warm smile, “It’s these differences and similarities that make learning about other cultures so enriching. It shows that, at the core, we’re all connected by our desire to come together and celebrate the good things in life, even if we do it in different ways.”

As Rowan elaborated on the challenges and intricacies of managing talent, Ravi leaned in attentively, nodding in agreement. Her expression conveyed a blend of understanding and admiration for the behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating seamless performances. “Absolutely,” she affirmed, her voice thoughtful. “The amount of planning and foresight required is immense. People often see the glamour and the final product, but they don’t realize the meticulous planning that goes on behind the scenes. It must take a lot of effort and dedication to coordinate everything so perfectly.”

She leaned back slightly, reflecting on her own experiences as an actress. “As an actress, I’ve seen firsthand how much work goes into setting the stage for us. It’s a whole different kind of performance. We rely so much on our managers to handle those details, to ensure everything runs smoothly so we can focus on our craft.” Ravi smiled warmly, appreciating the shared understanding. “In many ways, managers are the invisible hands making sure the magic happens without a hitch. It’s a lot of responsibility, but when everything comes together seamlessly, it’s incredibly rewarding for everyone involved.”

When Rowan raised the topic of authenticity and the complexities of holidays, Ravi listened intently, her expression turning thoughtful. She nodded in agreement with his observations about the idealized versions of holidays versus their deeper, sometimes uncomfortable truths. “You bring up a really interesting point, Rowan,” Ravi responded, her tone reflective. “I appreciate your honesty about Thanksgiving. It’s refreshing to hear someone acknowledge the deeper, less comfortable truths behind these holidays. You’re right - authenticity often gets buried beneath the idealized versions we’re presented with. It’s important to question and understand these narratives, especially when they impact cultures and histories so profoundly.”

As they discussed her potential switch in management roles, Ravi considered Rowan’s insights with genuine interest. She nodded thoughtfully, absorbing his perspective on the challenges and rewards of managing talent in Hollywood. “Oh, I’m always curious about people’s journeys and roles,” she admitted with a light chuckle, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “It’s fascinating to hear about the paths others have taken in their careers.” She sipped her drink, letting the conversation flow naturally.

“As for looking for a manager, well, it’s something I’ve been considering lately,” Ravi continued, her tone sincere. “I’m currently working with a manager based in LA from my previous Bollywood agency, but it’s becoming clear that the approach doesn’t quite align with where I want to go in Hollywood.” She paused briefly, gathering her thoughts. "I believe finding the right fit is crucial, " Ravi explained thoughtfully, her gaze focused on Rowan. “Someone who understands the industry and can navigate my background and aspirations effectively. It’s clear you have a unique perspective, and I’m curious - how would you envision managing someone like me?” Her demeanour was open and interested in his answer, showing how with these words, Ravi showed her openness to discussing a possible collaboration with him.

When Rowan made an analogy between cocktails and celebrations, Ravi nodded in agreement, showing her interest in his perspective. However, what truly caught her attention was his mention of not drinking often. “I understand that completely,” Ravi replied with a nod, her expression thoughtful. “I’m the same way - moderation is key for me when it comes to drinks. Alcohol is so overrated sometimes, isn’t it? I’ve had some of the best times without it,” she added with a genuine laugh, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “But,” she continued, a playful twinkle in her eye, “it’s nice to indulge a bit on occasions like this, isn’t it? Mai Tais are a treat, especially when celebrating something special.” Ravi’s demeanor was warm and engaging, conveying both professionalism and a personable charm in her conversation with Rowan.

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Feeling a hand on his shoulder and hearing a familiar voice beside him say, “AJ!”, he turned to face the man talking who could only have been his younger brother Faust. AJ rested an arm (and elbow) on the bar, with his hand cradling the his glass on the counter. His mouth curled into a smile and his eyes took in the shiny gold suit he was wearing, before looking into his teary eyes. “Faust!” he exclaimed, keeping the same level of enthusiasm that Faust had had on his own name, while pulling him into a tight hug.
Pulling back again, standing back in the position he was a mere seconds ago, AJ wanted to keep the mood light despite the sudden surge of emotions and so he teased, “Look at you, all grown up.” He paused, taking in his outfit again before adding, “And all dressed up too. Making quite the statement tonight, I see.” AJ drank from his glass, a good sip, and then rested it back on the bar top. “I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you tonight. Let’s grab you a drink, what have you been drinking tonight?”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Faust

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Musetta’s Waltz

Rowan listened to her agree with everything he said and smiled a little everytime she said “That’s so true”, “Absolutely” or “You’re right”.
He was also glad to hear that she didn’t underestimate her own team. Actresses and models and musicians all prepare for the season, but that doesn’t mean they always notice their creative teams, producers, managers and co-workers doing the same or more, so he was naturally glad to hear she appreciates the work somebody in his position would put in for her. If she were looking for a manager, he’s already been thinking about it, but this idea that she would appreciate him the same way Isabella does is weighing him over to want to work for her. Damn all his plans, he’ll be too busy happily working for Isabella and Ravneet to think about revenge or being guilty about doing nothing and carrying on.
Rowan was happy to hear Ravi confirm she asked him about himself because she was genuinley interested, but he was happier to hear she was looking for a manager. Rowan just wasn’t sure if he was up for the role yet, he’s been so comfortable in his role as publicist and he’s only become a manager 2 months ago so he didn’t know if he was doing a good job yet.
When she asked “How would you envision managing someone like me?” Rowan thought everything would come down and he would seem like a right buffoon, not knowing enough for somebody like her. He answered anyways, trying to remeber how his workload changed when he was promoted to manager.
“I only have experience as a manager for 2 months and only for one person. I was Isabella’s publicist just a few months ago and now I’m suddenly her manager. Considering I’ve been working for Isabella for years prior to my promotion, I think the transition from one job position to the other went smooth since I already knew her very well. That’s why I think for you, I should research you heavily to try and have that familiarity from the get go, to know before I would start the first day as your manager, what type of roles are best for you, what sort of people you like to surround yourself with, what message you want to give to the world with each outfit, each speech and each role. Of course I’d also ask you to get me all the phone numbers, e-mails and social handles that your current manager has so I can continue working with the people you already know. I don’t think you would want to have to chance a lot of the aspect of your work just because you’re changing a manager, so I’ll have to make it a smooth transition and to do that I’d need to have the same people around to have it feel the same for you. Of course, there’s also making sure each contract you get I overlook and negotiate for you, and each role you have I help you negotiate the amount of payment you’d need to get for the work you put in.”

@Jass - Ravi



When Aj turned around and shouted his name, Faust laughed, and his teary eyes remained the same but his smile was huge. Aj pulled him into a tight bear hug and Faust was soo happy to hug his brother again. In Alex’s arms he felt so warm, so comfortable, so familliar and oh so safe. He hasn’t felt safe since he left Broadway, since that darn attack, even Ezra’s presence and the fact he’s a bodyguard working for him, doesn’t make him feel as comforting and secure as Aj’s hug right now. He felt so relieved and so happy to finally be with his family again, that he couldn’t resist crying. Instead of tearing up like he did right now, Faust’s tears moistened the fabric over AJ’s shoulder and it got worse when Faust burried his face in Aj’s shoulder as if shielding himself in the embrace and as if he would be hurt here. However, an embrace can only last so long and Aj and Faust all but too soon let go of the hug. Faust apologized for crying on Aj’s shoulder before Aj dismissed it and said “Look at you, all grown up.” Which Faust knew was sarcastic. He chuckled and responded “Oh come off it, it’s not been so long since I last saw you.” but suddenly Faust turned a bit nostalgic and melancholy “But I did miss you, and I should’ve visited more often. And I’ve missed my brother in law, and my niece and nephew and everybody, but mostly you.”
Aj commented on Faust’s outfit, which was eye catching and in the wrong way. It was bold and gold. “Yes, I know. It’s a bit much but I’ll stand out a lot, and … Well I don’t know but I feel secure in know eyes will be watching over me, and that makes me feel safer? I guess the … I’m still a bit jumpy so I …”
Aj asked him what he was drinking as if on cue to which Faust responded first to Aj with a “Nothing!” then he turned to the bartender and said “I’ll have a Jack on the rocks please.” He turned back to Aj looking at the content of his drink. “Same to you, Aj … What have you been drinking tonight?”

@CrazyCaliope - Aj

Blake was now starting to trail his eyes up and down Lucy’s frame, his sight fully taking in all of her curves and her chest, that was in front of his face as she leaned closer. He looked away for a second but his eyes flickered back, his body language betraying him more and more. She rested her hand on his leg which made him smirk, his gaze filled with lust as he stared into her blue eyes.

What Lucy said next seemed to make the party grow silent, as if they were the only one’s there. His resolve now slipped until it was 1% left.
silky dress…fell…floor…bed… His mind turned.

“Well If he doesn’t show up I can definitely keep you company…” His voice trailed off not knowing what the last part of his sentence really meant. As he looked into Lucy’s eyes he could tell that she truly wanted him. He looked down and slowly dragged his fingers lightly up her leg.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy
@CrazyCaliope - Steven :eyes:


Lucy couldn’t help but feel like it was just her and Blake here. It was like everyone else faded away. In this moment, nothing or nobody else mattered. She knew she was in trouble with him for sure. However, she didn’t care. She wanted what she wanted, and she always gets what she wants. As she stared in his eyes, she was undressing him in her mind. His chest, his abs. She was picturing it all. She smirked at what he said. “Well If he doesn’t show up I can definitely keep you company…” This made her smile even bigger. “I think I would love if you kept me company babe.” Since she was from the south she called everyone babe, or honey. It was just how she spoke. It didn’t mean much. However, in this moment it meant something. “I mean, if I’m being honest… I would be okay with leaving here and having a more private party with you.” She winked at him. She hadn’t even noticed her husband come in. Afterall, he was supposed to stay home with the kids. So why would she think he would be here.

@Kbail Blake
@CrazyCaliope Steven


Josie laughed at Doug’s claim of being a responsible adult now. While he was more tame, he hadn’t done a complete 360. “I’m sure you were very mischievous. I definitely would have liked you if we went to school together.” It was true, when Josie was younger she was always fond of the popular bad boy types even though she was mostly reserved herself. Doug wouldn’t have been any different from her usual preferences. "Sabrina is probably more like me than you at her age."A memory popped into her mind.

Flashback 2 months ago:

The heat beamed down on her skin. She squinted at the sun that shone brightly up ahead through the clouds and thought of how beautiful the day was. She looked at Sabrina who sat at the white table, hunched over slightly from doing her homework that was strewn all over.

“Remember what I said, just pick the art project you want to do, not what everyone else says.” Josie said. Sabrina looked up, smiling.

“I’m just going to pick the one I want.”

“That’s my good girl, don’t follow what everyone else says.” Josie smiled, love filling her heart.

Present time:

“We did have some wild times Doug, that’s one thing I can say about our relationship. It wasn’t that toxic either.” Josie laughed a little not really looking into his eyes. She remembered a lot of leather pants, even dancing on top of a bar once. One time a club owner sprayed some water on top of his head while he was dancing but he just went along with it.

“Remember that night on the rooftop?” He mentioned. Josie paused a bit, then a small smile crept on her face.

“But I still remember every detail, Josie. That reckless feeling, like we were the only ones in the world.”

“I guess those were the days, huh?” Memories of the stars in the sky and the way he spun her around filled her mind.

“Sometimes I wonder where all that time went.”

Josie let out a small laugh, trying to avoid his eyes. “Yeah but I also remembered going to the bathroom to puke because of the bad fish dinner we had.” She tried to change the subject a bit. While the night was fun she didn’t want to get too much into the details of it. She wondered where Doug was getting at. Did he still have feelings for her? He should know that nothing is going to happen between them anymore. Josie looked at him with a small smirk and frown. “Doug… Do you still… Like me? Or something?”

@Jass - Doug loved the flashback

“I suppose that is true,” Dejay had laughed, his voice a warm soothing sound. "But filler or not, I promise the story’s worth sticking around for,” he teased back, his smile broad and inviting. “I hope,” A small, boyish expression crossed his face, one that Dejay had managed to keep despite the hardships he’d faced. It was that unmovable expression, that look of hope and resilience, that drew people to him. No matter what happened, Dejay would always be there with that same reassuring smile—one that held no hatred or judgment. “I promise I’ll do my best not to steer my audience toward another author’s tale. Though I might need a little help from someone who knows how to keep their audience’s eyes firmly fixed. If that person shall take my most humble request of” assistance he said, his gaze locking onto Marco’s with a look of fondness.

As Marco spoke about his fashion interests, Dejay nodded, not quite grasping the details but fully present in the conversation. He was accustomed to listening, to engaging deeply even when the subject eluded him " I’ll take your word for it," He chuckled, “Is that a dig at Liberance?” Dejay had playfully asked, arching a brow.

Dejay’s eyes sparkled with amusement, savoring Marco’s deepening blush with each playful exchange. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial whisper. “Intrigued, are we? Well, I’d hate to disappoint,” he said, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “Scandalizing sounds like just the right kind of adventure for tonight. But just like yo said” Dejay took a sip of his drink, “No life ruining, and please no jumping off dangerous places. We are a little too old for that,” Dejay had never been the adventurer, at least not in the way Emilio was. He wasn’t the type to leap off a bridge just for the thrill of it, to test the edges of life like that. He preferred the steady path, avoiding drama and chaos. He had too many responsibilities—caring for his daughter, for Emilio, for Winsley who had been abandoned for years, for Cameron and Noa, ensuring Emilia and Catalina De La Cruz were safe and well. He had to maintain Emilio’s image, couldn’t let anything jeopardize that, despite Emilio’s long absence. He knew Emilio well enough to know he wouldn’t leave without a reason. Emilio did a lot of wild things, but he wasn’t one to abandon everything and everyone he loved without a cause. Fame was in his blood; he was Emiliano De La Cruz for a reason. He thrived in the spotlight, at least the Emiliano Dejay knew.

Emiliano always loved the effect his name had on people, and it seemed that the name ‘Emiliano’ still had an effect on people, directly or indirectly. Dejay had noticed the way Marco flinched at the mention of Emilio, the way his whole body tensed. Marco said it was because Emilio, a good client of his, had left him out in the open without informing him of his whereabouts, but Dejay could tell it was something more… “Out of the open to?” He asked arching a brow. “You don’t have to apologize for your tone ,” That had been Dejay’s response when Marco talked about celebrities forgetting those who make them look ‘presentable’, “I understand- It’s infuriating when clients don’t communicate and leave you in the dark. You have every right to feel upset.” His voice had been sweet, and his eyes understanding. “But, maybe this is me being bias, I don’t think Emiliano is the type of guy to abandon those he care about, at least usually.” Dejay sighed, “Emi is a lot of things, he really is, and even now, I don’t really know all the things he is.” Especially since he disappeared, “But he’s not like those type of celebrities, although again, this might just be me being bias giving me and Emiliano’s history with one another. Because, sure, he cares about his reputation a little too much, but that’s what he was raised to value. I’m sure perhaps it’s a misunderstanding, Still misunderstanding or not, I hope one day you might forgive his stupidity and” Dejay took a bite of coconut rum cake pop, “I’ll talk to him, we can’t let talent like yours go to waste after all.”

At Marco’s words, advising Dejay to invite a dancer, Dejay could not help but to laugh, his eyes twinkling in amusement. 'A picnic with a dancer, some extra sensitivity, and aftercare? Sounds like the perfect recipe for an unforgettable time," He grinned, “Then what after that, shall I invite Elton John or Beyonce? Or perhaps someone else, I’ll figure a way to get it arrange, you deserve the best of the best after all.” he teased back, leaning in with a warm smile. “And please do also tell your ancestors, to give me their wisdom, I don’t want to disrespect the dead after all, Maybe they can guide me to make the perfect Saltimbocca, it will be my first try after all.”

At Marco’s expression of disgust and fear at the idea of Dejay taking tips from Julius, the corners of Dejay’s lips tugged to a small smile. “And how does the stylist suggest I do that? My daughter herself, also says I need to change my wardrobe, so I am interested in this ‘tips’ from you.” Dejay crossed his arms, a playful glint in his eyes, “Ok, humor me,” His tone was light, "“How would you suggest I work around my situation in this event, what should I have worn.” Admittedly, Dejay didn’t have many outfits that weren’t professional. Tank tops, durags, light sweaters, T-shirts with puppies—these were too casual for his events. Maybe for clubs, but Dejay wasn’t a fan of clubs. The noise, the drinking—it led to bad decisions, and Dejay was known for avoiding bad decisions

“Can’t I like both?” Dejay had arced a brow at Marco’s question, his tone lighthearted, "Though, if i had to chose, your company. The invitation that goes after, it’s always welcomed, of course,’ He chuckled, “But even without it, I enjoy spending time with you. You’re fun to be around, I mean it, truly,” Dejay fidgeted with his drink. “I’m well acquitted with a lot of people, but sometimes I feel like if I had to spend time with them for more than a couple of minutes, my social battery would run out.” He laughed taking a sip of his drink, “You’re not like that,” He stated, “You’re easy to be around, and a very passionate person, which I enjoy.” At Marco’s next words, Dejay eyes widened before he then blinked rapidly, processing the words as he chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind,” He said, shaking his head with a smile.

Dejay listened intently to Marco’s words, noting the mix of excitement and apprehension in his tone. He could see the ambition in Marco’s eyes, the drive to do more and be more in the fashion world. With a thoughtful nod, Dejay leaned in slightly, his expression earnest. “What about Emiliano?” Dejay had questioned, “I’m not quite sure, if he has a red carpet event coming up, but he seems to be heavily promoting his newest movie,” After all, he had use his new movie to reveal himself back to the world, and in interviews, whenever his disappearance is mentioned, Emiliano always switches it up to the movie, just like he had done some minutes ago, before the boarded the yacht. "Thus, it would make sense for him to have a major event coming up, as he could really use a standout red carpet look to mark his return. " Dejay paused, trying to find the right words, 'Think about it, Emiliano disappeared without a word, and he’s back and has not yet been to any major events in the public’s eyes. His first red carpet look, will have all eyes on him, watching his next move and you, you can be the one to style his very first red carpet look since he’s reappearance, boosting your career and establishing your name in the industry. No? Or is that too far fetch?" At that Dejay slumped into his chair, tapping the table with his fingers, “Either ways, I’m sure sooner or later, the whole world would acknowledge how good of a fashion designer you are, and you will be able to open your own fashion house. I can feel it, if there’s one person, whose meant to make it in life, it’s you, Marco.” He placed a comforting hand on Marco’s shoulder, “Just don’t forget me when you make it big,” He teased.

At Marco’s critique of the boil, Dejay hummed thoughtfully, grabbing a fork and trying the boil himself. He chewed slowly, savoring the flavors before nodding in agreement. “I do have to agree with your critique, Marco, It’s good but can use a bit more… seasoning?” He set his fork down, giving Marco a boyish grin. “At least it’s better than the previous years, and even if it was not, it’s a good thing, that the quaint invitation is still open.” He expressed, “But be warned, my cooking might make you stuffed for weeks.”



@novella - noa/cameron
@Madilnel - winsley

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With Milo

The day started with a hint of chaos, just the way Zoe liked it. She woke up to Soda nudging her for his morning walk. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting a golden hue over Beverly Shores. She stretched lazily in bed, her blonde hair tousled from a night of restless sleep. First things first, she grabbed Soda’s leash. Her loyal pitbull mix wagged his tail eagerly, ready for their morning adventure. They headed out to the beach, Zoe in her favorite pair of shorts and a vintage band tee, Soda trotting alongside her. The sand felt cool under her feet, and Soda’s excitement was infectious. Zoe loved these quiet moments with her dog, away from the prying eyes and constant buzz of her celebrity life. She let Soda run free for a bit, watching as he chased seagulls and dug holes in the sand.

Back at her place,she grabbed a quick breakfast, more out of habit than hunger. Despite her upcoming album release and the buzz surrounding it, Zoe felt surprisingly calm. She had dropped a single earlier in the week, and the positive reception from her fans and the industry had skyrocketed her spirits. Today was about celebrating and enjoying the moment, despite not being the biggest fan of boats, a party is a party.

The day had been a whirlwind of last-minute preparations and promotional interviews for her upcoming album, but as those were done, she started prepping for the party. She blasted her favorite playlist, and danced around the house while getting ready. She chose a dress that fit the dress code perfectly, a white and red number with gold accents that clung to her in all the right places. It was bold, just like her, and showcased her army of tattoos. Her blonde hair, dyed just last week, was pulled up into a messy bun, strands artfully falling around her face. She completed the look with a pair of sleek sunglasses, adding an edge to her ensemble, as well as shielding her eyes from the glare of both the sun and the paparazzi flashbulbs she anticipated. Surveying herself in the mirror, Zoe smirked with satisfaction. She was ready to make an entrance. nerves didn’t find a place in her mindset—only excitement.

The air crackled with the energy of flashing cameras and shouted questions from eager paparazzi.
She stepped onto the gangway with effortless grace, her demeanor a mix of cool confidence and playful charm that drew attention like a magnet. She turned towards the paparazzi with a confident smile, her eyes gleaming with a hint of playful mischief.
“Zara, over here!” one photographer called out, their camera clicking furiously. “How are you feeling about the upcoming album release?”
Another paparazzi jumped in, seizing the opportunity. “Any surprises in store for your fans?”
As more questions flew her way, about her recent single, her upcoming album, her fashion choices (and life choices), and more, Zoe fielded them with ease, her responses sharp and witty. Each interaction was a chance to showcase her personality, cool, fun, hot af and unapologetically confident in the spotlight.

Stepping aboard, Zoe immediately sensed the party atmosphere taking hold. She greeted familiar faces with a confident smile, her presence commanding attention without effort. Conversations flowed around her as she moved through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and witty remarks. Making her way through the crowd, the chatter and laughter washing over her like waves against the shore. The bar (duh) was a hive of activity, a collection of glasses clinking and conversations bubbling. As she approached, she noticed the bartender behind the counter, a familiar face of a blonde bartender she had befriended during her wilder days frequenting LA’s dive bars

“Syd!” she called out with a smile, leaning casually against the bar, her voice carrying over the noise. Sydney returned the smile, and without needing to ask, began preparing Zoe’s favorite cocktail, The last word, pouring the ingredients with practiced precision. The spikey yet balanced drink arrived in a chilled coupe glass, its vibrant green hue catching the soft glow of the yacht’s deck lights. They exchanged a few quick updates on their lives, catching up briefly amidst the party’s lively atmosphere. A few moments later, she thanked sydney and took the cocktail in hand, the chill glass offering a welcome contrast to the warmth of the party around her. “Anytime, Z. Enjoy the party.” With a nod of appreciation, Zoe navigated back into the festivities.

Zoe’s gaze flickered briefly as Milo’s voice cut through the din of the party, his presence commanding attention despite her best efforts to remain focused on the celebration. She turned to face him, an expression of cool indifference settling over her features. Zoe took a composed sip of her cocktail, letting Milo’s words hang in the air for a moment. Milo had been a significant figure in her past - a friend, a collaborator, and briefly something more. But the complexities that had driven them apart still lingered beneath the surface. His approach was smooth, calculated, and oh-so-familiar, but it no longer had the power to unsettle her.

“Milo,” she acknowledged evenly, meeting his gaze with a cool detachment, her expression giving away just about nothing “Thank you.” she remarked casually, taking another sip of her drink. “looking alright yourself." Her words carried a measured neutrality, neither inviting further conversation nor dismissing his presence outright.

She listened as he smoothly transitioned to the topic of Louis and the cancelled cover shoot, his feigned sympathy ringing hollow in her ears. Zoe knew Louis, a photographer and a friend of Milo’s, their connection adding another layer of complexity to the tangled web of LA’s creative scene. But Milo’s attempt at empathy grated against her indifference. She had already found a solution to the shoot’s cancellation, a hiccup that hardly fazed her in the grand scheme of things. “I guess it was a minor setback, nothing crazy” she replied casually, her gaze steady. “But you know how it goes in this business, adapt or die.” Zoe’s voice carried a hint of dry amusement, acknowledging the industry’s fickleness without a trace of bitterness. “Don’t you think?”


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Ravi paid full attention to what Rowan was saying when he answered her question how he would imagining someone like her. She nodded appreciatively, her interest sparked by Rowan’s proactive approach. “I admire your dedication to getting to know me so deeply right from the start,” she began, her tone sincere. “Understanding the nuances of my preferences, from the roles that resonate with me to the people I connect with, is crucial for effective collaboration.”

Ravi nodded, appreciating Rowan’s emphasis on continuity and maintaining existing relationships. “That’s a smart approach,” she acknowledged, her tone reflecting her understanding. “Transitioning to a new manager can be challenging, especially when it comes to the team and contacts you’ve already established.” She spoke from personal experience, even staying within the same agency but having a new manager had been quite a hassle, and she was not really looking forward to going through that again, even if it was necessary for her career.

She leaned in slightly, her expression conveying her interest. “So ensuring a smooth transition by keeping the same support system intact makes perfect sense,” Ravi agreed, nodding in approval. “Consistency is important, especially in an industry where relationships play a crucial role.” She paused briefly, considering the implications of what she just said. “I’ve built a diverse network over the years, mainly coming from my Bollywood roots, but also through my last year in Hollywood. It’s a blend of industry veterans, creative collaborators, and emerging talents whom I value deeply.” Her connections with different directors, producers, cinematographers, but also writers, other actors, and even stylists and hair and makeup artists, they meant a lot to her. Not only because it enhanced her image and brand to work with renowned individuals, no, it was also about the personal connections she had made with some of these people over the years.

She paused briefly, considering how to convey the dynamic nature of her connections. “While continuity absolutely is important,” she continued thoughtfully, “I’m also excited about new partnerships that align with my aspirations to establish myself further in Hollywood. How do you envision expanding my network while maintaining the integrity of my current relationships?” She knew this was not an easy question, but Ravi wanted to dig a bit deeper before proposing anything specific, but also, Ravi enjoyed these conversations. The way he replied, it also showed her a lot in what kind of person she had in front of her.

Ravi nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the crucial role of contract negotiation in managing an acting career. “Negotiating contracts is definitely a critical part of the job,” she replied, her tone reflecting her seriousness about the matter. “Ensuring that the terms are fair and reflect the value of the work is essential.” Ravi was all too aware that as a woman in the industry, she simply had more difficulties than men. She hated seeing the inequalities. They had been immense back in Bollywood, but even in Hollywood she faced quite some inequalities also in terms of salary and other aspects of the contract. Now in Hollywood, she also faced a completely different issue which is her skin colour, where in Bollywood she had blended in, here she faced some discrimination and often worse terms because of it. These things, they mattered to her.

She leaned in slightly, her expression becoming more focused.“I’m curious, Rowan,” she continued, seeking clarity. “How do you approach negotiations? What factors do you consider when determining the right amount of payment for a role?” Ravi’s interest was clear as she awaited Rowan’s response, wanting to gauge his approach and his values in negotiating on her behalf and ensure they were aligned in their expectations and strategies.

She also glanced around, noting the ambiance of the room and the energy of the event, appreciating the rare opportunity to discuss such important topics in a relaxed setting. Ravi valued these moments of genuine connection and candid conversation, feeling that they could lay the foundation for a strong professional relationship if they decided to move forward together. She could sense however than Rowan had quite a bit of pressure on himself to impress her, so she decided to crack a joke and ease the tension of the seriousness of their conversation a little. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she added, “Plus, I’m curious to see if you can handle all my crazy requests. You know, like ensuring my trailer always has the finest Indian decorations, and exactly three types of tea and a constant supply of my favorite chocolate.” She laughed lightly, easing the tension with her joke.

Of course, Ravi was not one of those celebrities, she was quite humble, and she genuinely appreciated all those little things if they happened to her, however, in no circumstances would she enforce such silly requests. However, as soon as she had cracked the joke, she started worrying what if he takes it seriously, there had been some publicity she was a diva on set, and crazy, and she did not want him to get that impression of her, so she quickly added, “Just kidding! I’m really not like that, I promise.”

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At the party | With Josie

Doug chuckled along with Josie, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Oh, you have no idea,” he replied with a wry grin. “Back then, I was a handful, no doubt about it. Always finding myself in some kind of trouble, pushing the boundaries wherever I could.” He paused for a moment, reminiscing about his younger days. “But hey,” Doug continued, his tone becoming more reflective, “I’ve mellowed out a bit over the years. Life has a funny way of teaching you a few lessons along the way.” He took a sip of his drink, a hint of mischief still lingering in his eyes.

As she mentioned Sabrina, Doug’s expression softened with pride. “She’s got a bit of both of us, I think,” he replied thoughtfully. “Definitely inherited your spirit.” He glanced down at his drink, a thoughtful look crossing his face as memories stirred. “and my… well, let’s just say she’s got a bit of my adventurous streak.” Sabrina definitely was the most adventurous and impulsive of his daughters, however, not at all in rebellious or reckless way. She was a good girl, but there was that spark in her eyes, wanting to explore and live life to the fullest. Recently, Doug had talked with their girl about what she wanted to do after high school, Doug had promised Sabrina to not share with Josie, not yet at least, and Doug wasn’t planning on breaking that promise with his daughter. However, thinking back on that conversation, Doug couldn’t help but smile.

Doug chuckled softly, trying to keep the mood light. “Oh man, I remember that fish dinner. That was definitely a night to forget in some ways.” He paused, sensing the shift in Josie’s demeanor. When she asked her question, he took a deep breath, his expression turning more serious.

“Oh, god no, Josie, it’s not like that, at all he said with a chuckle, however, he met her gaze with sincerity. “I was just reminiscing about old times. We shared a lot of good memories, and sometimes it’s nice to look back on them. But I know things have changed, and I respect that.” He gave her a reassuring smile, hoping to ease any tension. “I care about you as a friend, and that’s all.”

Doug hesitated for a moment before continuing, his tone softer. “What I do miss, though, is having someone to get up to that crazy stuff with. To laugh with and just share that connection. It’s not about wanting to go back to what we had, but I guess I miss that kind of bond with someone. It can be lonely without it.” He gave her a wistful smile as he had a gulp of his drink. Doug felt lonely a lot of the time, sure he had his children, he had his friends, and he was surrounded by people all the time. Yet, something was lacking, something special. “But I know those days are far behind us, and I’m okay with that. Just wanted to be honest.” He gave a small but genuine smile, it had been good for Doug to open up about this with Josie. He felt comfortable enough with her to share there was a vulnerability underneath his rebellious and somewhat unhinged persona.

@kbail | Josie


At Beck’s words, Silas raised her hands up in surrender, “Damn excuse me for not knowing how you people talk,” She said, “I’m still new to the place, i’m not like you people, that’s just how I talk, so excuse me miss Dawson.” Damn was this the other side of Beverly Shores, her celebrity friend warned her about? It’s been a year or almost a year since Silas arrived at Beverly Shores, and she had made some friends here, but they have all been the normal playful type, not the, ‘excuse me, what did you just say you peasant, don’t you know who I am’ type. She had been warned about those type of people at Beverly, the snobs or whatever Maria called it. “Ain’t no disrespect in it, you really gots to chill, has anyone ever told you that,” Silas asked taking a drink. See, if Silas did not like meeting new people, she would have probably stuck with the people she already knew at Beverly, and perhaps that would have been for the best today. She didn’t come to Beverly for drama, she came to live the rich life and because her uncle really wanted to get into Beverly Shores.

At Beck saying that Miles was the unprofessional one, Silas could not resist a snort. She took a sip of her drink, and when it finished, she was about to ask for a refill, until Beck decided to get out of her seat, putting her purse on her shoulder, causing Silas to arch a brow. She looked like she was about to say something, so Silas let the waiter go, but damn did she want that refill.

“It seems that you and Josie are both similar,” Instead of explaining what she had meant by that, Silas had simply grinned, leaning down, as she grabbed an appetizer. “Thanks for the unsolicited advice, I’ll try not to be another miles but I can’t promise you I won’t be…” She might just try to see what the hell that threat meant.


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Josie really didn’t know what to say to Doug. He seemed to be still having feelings for her even though he denied them. She looked into his eyes and saw a sense of longing and devotion that she used to get from him in the past. Then he proceeded to say that he still misses having a bond similar to the one they had. Josie smiled a little, feeling suspicious. “Well I always have fun with you when we talk. Why are you lonely?” She asked frowning. “Are you unsatisfied with your career or is it because you want someone? I tried to help you find someone on a dating app before. I could do that again.”

After hearing his answer someone walked up to them. It was none other than her assistant Fransisco"What’s going on you guys?" He was holding a margarita and smiling at them. He seemed somewhat buzzed.

“Oh Doug! How are you doing? I didn’t know you would be at this party?” Francisco’s smile spread into his usual cheeky grin. In the past they met one or two times and Francisco was friendly towards him but he always ended up telling Josie how handsome he was. He would also ask personal things about what their past relationship was like either in private or to Doug’s face. It was apparent to Josie that Francisco wanted them to get back together.

Josie sat back with an amused smile while crossing her legs. She somewhat felt bad for Doug that Francisco was here because she knew that he might ask too many questions. maybe I’ll bail him out if things get to awkward the thought of that made her almost laugh.

@Jass - Doug

Ryker (Do not have a banner yet but will work on later or tomorrow)

Ryker didn’t have any clients right now but he has been a well known bodyguard so he was invited to this party which he was feeling eh about but he also thought maybe he can find a new client to watch. As he was walking around someone bumped into him and they apologized and then asked if Ryker was a celebrity or if he was mistaken for someone on tv. Before Ryker answered he studied the face. "Lysander is that you? it’s me Ryker. " He remembered the time they were in war together vaguely. A lot of thoughts were going through his head wanting to ask so many different things but he was not even sure if he should yet.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lysander


Isabella ended up sitting down next to him but before she did she answered his comment about her not sure about being here and then answered about the drink. "So what ya having love? He asked since he was not actually sure what she had. “Also happy to see you here, it’s been a little while since we saw each other and talked. How’s life been for ya?” He asked before he could order any of the drinks.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella


Natalie Keaton really hated her sister at the moment. Her sister Megan was currently dragging her up the gangplank of a huge yacht, babbling a mile a minute. ”This is the best way for you to get out there! Introduce yourself to people, and build a network of people that can help you in the future. That’s what I’ve done, and look where I am now! Branch out, and don’t just talk to other voice actors and…whatever you call people who love anime. I forgot. Anyway, just have a good time, and try not to drink too much. I probably will, and will need you to drive. Worst case scenario, I’ll call James. Oh, I see some of my co-stars! Gotta go!” Megan patted Natalie on the shoulder, and the next time she blinked, Megan was gone. Natalie sighed at how energetic her sister was. Despite the two being twins, they were as different as night and day. Megan was the sun, bright and cheerful, while Natalie was the moon, calm and quiet…unless she got excited. Then, she was anything but. ”They’re called otakus, Meg.” She muttered, despite her sister being long out of earshot. Shrugging, she headed towards the drinks, trying not to bump into anyone or trip over anything.

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Despite her trying to appear serious, Aisling couldn’t help but smile when Eva hugged her and against her better judgement, laughed when she gave her side of the events, describing the paparazzi as ‘cvnts’ and saying they should be glad she didn’t slap them. Being a parent had taught Aisling that baby steps, both figurative and literal, were worth celebrating just as much as . Now that the initial shock had worn off, she had to admit that she was proud that Eva’s display had been relatively tame, knowing that it could have been worse. Like she had said, she could have slapped one of them.

“I believe you.” Aisling reassured her. She knew it would be hypocritical for her to scold her client because lord knows that if the roles were reversed, she would not have been able to restrain herself. “Do you want to talk about what happened? I’m all ears if you need to rant for a second.” She offered, in case Eva wanted to blow off some steam while no one was really paying attention to them. She wanted to make sure the girl would be in the right state of mind when their conversation ended and she returned to the celebrity world of the party.

“I know, darling. I know you’re trying and I’m proud of you for it.” She responded, her voice gentle as she tried to help Eva feel less discouraged. “The best you can do right now is try to keep yourself out of trouble for the rest of the night. You can’t undo what’s already been done but hopefully someone else will do something that they find way more appealing and it’ll be forgotten in a few days.” At this point in her career, Aisling was very well acquainted with the way the news cycles worked in this industry and with the people in attendance this evening, she was confident that something would happen at some point tonight that would overshadow Eva’s little outburst.

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@sunflowerjm - eva

Lucy using the word babe truly set fire to him even more. “Okay babe…” He said playfully. sh#t I probably shouldn’t have said that but…do I even care anymore? He wondered. He smiled and rubbed his chin while looking up at her as if he were asking himself am I really going to fcking do this? toying with his thoughts because he was not sure. He slowly stood up in front of the bar stool to the point where he was looking down into her eyes “okay…let’s go.” He still wasn’t sure how much he wanted them to do or if he was gonna back out eventually, but he knew deep down that he wanted to do something with her. Blake was starting to see it as a way to help satisfy her from a marriage that seemed to be failing. While they began to walk he put his hand on the small of her back but suddenly, he felt her stop in her tracks and look in the direction on her left. He followed her sight which is where he spotted Steven standing right there watching them. “Oh sh#t” he whispered to himself.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy
@CrazyCaliope - Steven

let the drama commence ; D



“While continuity absolutely is important, I’m also excited about new partnerships that align with my aspirations to establish myself further in Hollywood. How do you envision expanding my network while maintaining the integrity of my current relationships?” Rowan was happy with the conversation so far, but not knowing anything about this actress yet, anything about who she works with, he really didn’t want to say something he would come to regret. However that might come easy when answer such specific questions about a person you have no clue about. It was times like these he wished he’d watched more movies now that he’s older. All he’s been seing lately were premieres where Isabelle was and a few old movies he caught on his TV. He deiced to give her a vague answer that would have to satisfy until he frantically googles her as soon as she leaves. Hopefully the answer won’t be too damning. “Well of course continuity is important, every film-maker will tell you that, but you only need to think about continuity when a transition occurs so the audience doesn’t notice something out of place becuase then the transition could be jarring for the viewer. What I’m aiming to do is keep the people and everything the same during the transition so that it wouldn’t be jarring for you. Changes often cause stress, distress and lack of rest … So I’d suggest keeping it the same during the switch for the sake of your sanity. The people are you now contribute greatly to how your experience in the industry goes, so changing that immediately and abruptly is going to not be good for any of us. But after the transition we’d gradually introduce new options to you and by the end you’d have some new alliances and some old, so your experience with me as your manager would be both new and familiar, so it wouldn’t be too mundane nor too new and frighting.” He really wished he knew how well she got on with her team.
He thought it might be over, he hoped these questions would become easier, “Negotiating contracts is definitely a critical part of the job, Ensuring that the terms are fair and reflect the value of the work is essential. I’m curious, Rowan,”
Here we go again Rowan thought
"How do you approach negotiations? What factors do you consider when determining the right amount of payment for a role?”
He didn’t need to think much about that one, thank God, and it seemed like the question was less complicating than the last one. “Well, Miss Chadha, I take everything into account. the amount of lines, the amount of hours spent working for the movie, the briliancy of the script, how important the role is, how good the chemistry is between the castmates … Basically I’m accounting for three things … How well I believe the movie is going to be at the box office, how good of a performance I believe you gave, and how much you’ve worked in the role. If I miss in my predictions on one of those accounts and I either lose you some money that I know you should’ve deserved or I don’t make a deal where you could’ve made some money, I count it as a failure. All 3 of the things have to be right for me to sing for a considerable amount of money. Now miss Ravi, I have a question for you.” He said and turned to her. “Do you preffer to get paid immediately or do you preffer percentages?” He asked, trying to ascertain how their contracts would go depending on which she preffers.
She answered the question and followed the conversation with another question. By now Rowan got cool with the conversation sounding like an interview, and he started to enjoy it so it didn’t bother him. She asked a question about her crazy requests, and he was about to ask. “How many crazy requests do you have? Just so I can acustom to it.” But she laughed and told him she was only joking, to his relief. “Phew, for a moment there I thought I had a Peter Sellers on my hands. I’d seen people … Well actors who were hard to work with before, but I wasn’t the one dealing with them so I wouldn’t know FIRSTHAND how to go about it. I hope later on I would make some sort of a work relationship that would work with a person with crazy requests. As for Peter Sellers, I’m sure you don’t know who that is, but it’s the only person that comes to mind when somebody mentions a filmstar and crazy requests. He hated some colors. Flat out refused to wear the color green or act in a scene if somebody wore that color. And he would not want to be in a room if it were purple and made the people who worked for him call the hotels he would stay at to make sure there isn’t a drop of that color in any room he would walk in.” He wanted to stop taling about the actor for now, but then thought about the difference between his demands and the ones she thought were crazy. He couldn’t stop himself thinking how cute it was she thought that was crazy. " Actually, thinking about him now, I don’t think what you said is all that crazy. We all have our familliar tools and items that either help us concentrate or keep us feeling close to home. It would only be crazy if you had an outburts or refused to work like Sellers did, if one of those items wasn’t there. Go ahead, you can always give me requests to make your experience in your trailer or on set more comfortable. It’s part of my job to make you the best that you can be, so how could I do that withouth making the athmosphere where you work and where you live inviting and comfortable?"

@Jass - Ravi

ORP - I feel like I’m being interviewed now lol

Isabella smiled as they sat there talking and catching up. Isabella loved when he called her love. “I will have a screwdriver” She said with a little smirk. “It has been a while since we talked or saw each other. I’m happy to see you here too. Life has been moving. I’m busier than ever.” She waited for her drink. The bartender handed it to her, and she took a sip. “What about you? how are things with you and Opal?”

@Kate Bennett

Lucy downed her drink. Then Blake said “okay… let’s go.” She smirked as she backed away a little so he could get up. She smiled as Blake stood up looking down on her as he said it. Lucy wasn’t sure what was about to happen but whatever it was she was beyond ready for it. “Let’s have some fun.” She said as they started walking. She felt Blake put his hand on the small of her back. This made her smile even bigger. His touch sent electricity through her. They were slowly walking together when she decided to look around. She saw Steven standing at the bar watching her. She stopped dead in her tracks while looking at him. F^ck She thought as she stood there frozen with Blake on her right with his hand still on the small of her back.

She wasn’t happy he was here. He was suppose to be home with the kids. She knew she couldn’t make a scene though. It wouldn’t look good for their family image. She took a deep breath and looked at Blake. She whispered “Can we just run?” She took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she should go to Steven or to let Steven walk to them. She was a little nervous and scared. She was shocked he was here in the first place. She was a little worried what might happen when they did go home.

@Kbail Blake
@CrazyCaliope Steven

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Perhaps all the rumors about her being easy had some truth to it, because Naomi could not help her flushed reaction when Henderson had complimented her beauty. It was such a simple remark, one that should have guaranteed a little chuckle and a thank you, not a shy flustered expression that was comparable to that of a pubescent girl but Naomi could not help herself. Not often people told her that. She was told she was pretty or “damn girl you baaad” but never that her beauty was something that would stand out. It actually made her heart flutter and she reached for her shot glass. Downing the fiery liquid in one swift motion, Naomi hoped the burning sensation would distract from her blush. She flashed Henderson a grateful smile, hoping to regain her composure. "I think then Claudia is quite lucky to have you as her bodyguard " Naomi flashed him a smile, turning to the direction he pointed. “You’re a good bodgguard, but still” the bartender refilled her drink, “You know how to have fun, without it interfering with your work.” She chuckled, “I wish mine were like that” she admitted. “Does it… Actually no that’s a stupid question” she said as she shook her head, not finishing what she was about to ask him.

Finally, she had asked him one of the many things, she was curious about that concerned him, she had asked him about his name. “Luka Zeus Hernandez.” The corners of her lips had tugged into a huge grin as Luka bowed down while she repeated his name to herself, voicing out each syllable, . She liked the way it rolled off her tongue and she was about to call him Luka until he told her that he preferred Mr. hernandez, as it made him feel important, causing her to chuckle. “Well, then, Mr. Hernadez,” her eyes had flickered to his lips, “it’s a good thing, then, that told me” she took a step closer to him, the scent of her perfume intoxicating while a hint of amusement flickered in her eyes, “I wouldn’t dare to make a man like yourself feel anything less than important,” Playfully, she had said. “How else can i make you feel important, Mr.Hernandez,” There was a way in which she said the last part, she had emphasised on his name, as if she couldn’t bear to slur it out. She had said it quite slowly, making sure it came out like “Her-nan-dez” and not all in one.

She couldn’t help to think that she had done good in choosing him to accompany her to get drinks, as the bartener gave her a dirty martini. She had taken small sips, her eyes on her companion. “I couldn’t resist to talk to the sexy bodyguard right in front of me.” She had teased, before she finally shrugged and said, “i’m not really close with most people here.” She admitted. “I-” her voice faltered, “Seem to not be very good at making friends, unfortunately.” She made exes, lovers, some acquitances but never true friends. It was almost like some evil spirit was out to ruin her life for her.

Sorry for any errors and also ill color code later i still dont have internet on my laptop so CRYING i have to do this on my phone :broken_heart: i hate writing posts on my phone but hereee



At the party | With Josie

Doug sighed deeply, his gaze thoughtful as he considered Josie’s question. He leaned back slightly, his fingers absently tapping against the side of his glass. “It’s not about being unsatisfied with my career,” he began slowly, choosing his words with care. “I mean, I don’t enjoy it all, but acting has its moments, especially the stunts and action scenes. But there’s a difference between the rush of those moments and the emptiness when they’re over.”

When Josie mentioned the dating app, Doug chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “I appreciate the offer, Josie, but I think I need more than just a swipe-right kind of connection.” Doug had definitely tried in the past, and it had brought him some wild night, and some of his most interesting stories, however, it had the tendency to stay superficial. He wasn’t quite sure why that was, if it was just the nature of the apps, or because he was a celebrity, but it never brought him what he truly desired.

“It’s hard to find something real in this world, you know? Especially when everyone knows you from the screen or the tabloids. It’s like they see the persona, not the person.” Doug paused, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. “I guess I miss that connection, someone who sees past the image and gets me for who I am. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned that way,” he added with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood despite the weight of his words.

When Francisco approached, Doug’s expression shifted to one of mild amusement mixed with apprehension, given some of the history they shared. He smiled and greeted Francisco with a nod. “Hey, Francisco. Didn’t expect to see you here either,” he replied, trying to keep the conversation light despite the sudden shift in dynamics and their past, a past Josie knew nothing about. Trying to cover what was going on in his mind, he finished his drink.

As Francisco continued with his friendly, yet probing demeanor, Doug did his best to stay composed. “I’m doing well, thanks. Just catching up with Josie,” he said, glancing at her with a smile, trying to signal his appreciation for her presence.

After a moment, Doug cleared his throat, feeling the need to break away briefly. He stood up from his seat, breaking the lingering tension. “Well, I’m going to grab another drink. Josie, would you like something?” He asked, his tone friendly and casual, masking the underlying turmoil he felt from the unexpected turn of events with Francisco.

@kbail | Josie