Isabella sat there still not meeting Rowan’s eyes. The fact he couldn’t even admit what he did had Isabella fuming mad. She listened as he talked. He sounded aggravated with her when he said “Okay we’re going nowhere unless you tell me what’s wrong. And I’m not going nowhere until you tell me instead of giving me these vague hints.” When Rowan started to lean in for a hug… Isabella flinched and backed away. She took a deep breath. She stood up and looked at him directly in his face. “You know d*mn well what you did Rowan Foley. You were the one behind all those bogus articles. It all makes so much sense now. It wasn’t till the night of the yacht party that I figured it out. How could you even do that to me Rowan? I trusted you. I believed you were a good guy! I can’t believe you would try to hurt my image that bad. Even worse… try to hurt me!” She started crying at this point. One because she was so hurt by what he did and two because she was so angry.
“You talked so much $h!t about the person hiding behind a fake persona… When the whole time it was you. Someone I looked up to… Someone I trusted… Someone I thought was a friend… You are a coward… That’s why you made up those lies. Yes, the events did happen. However, the way you wrote those articles misrepresented the truth of things. You are nothing but a backstabbing @$$hole. Who really doesn’t even deserve forgiveness.” By this time she was a mess with her makeup all smudged from her crying. She took a deep breath. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??? I MEAN ME OF ALL PEOPLE ROWAN. I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOU TO DESRVE THIS! JUST TELL ME WHY!!! MAKE THIS MAKE SENSE TO ME!” She was so mad and hurt all at the same time. Her emotions were definitely getting the best of her in this moment.
“Like I said… I don’t think this can be fixed Rowan… I don’t think there is any coming back from this… I mean how am I ever supposed to trust you again? How am I supposed to believe anything you tell me from now on? How do I know what’s real and what’s made up or fake? How can I possibly keep doing this with you Rowan?” In all honesty Isabella was still trying to wrap her head around all this. It was so much to take in. How could someone so close to her break her trust like this? How could someone so close to her break her heart and stab her in the back like this? In this moment Isabella fell to the floor crying her eyes out even more realizing how much this truly hurt her. Rowan betrayed everything they had. Rowan her manager… How could he possibly do this to her? More importantly WHY did he do this to her? Her mind was racing with so many thoughts she just couldn’t take it. She sat on the floor crying and hyperventilating. She didn’t know what to do.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Rowan