Beverly Shores | Official Thread


Looking in the mirror after dressing, Dave wondered how his life changed so quickly. Just a year ago today he was looking in a dirty locker room mirror hyping himself upon before a game, like he used to. Little did he know last year that after that game he’d realize he was getting too old to keep up with the young soccer players of the game. He sighed and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt to admire his body while he still has it, not making the same mistake of taking his vigour for granted when he still had it an abundance of it. Lost in though, he finally came back when he noticed the sound of the second hand on the clock ticking. He quickly buttoned his shirt up and ran his hand through his hair to make it fall better before leaving the house.

At the yacht party Dave arrived wearing a red suit, and his date arriving with him was wearing a red backless dress. The dress might’ve been short and backless but it didn’t stop it from beeing elegent, at least not on her. Dave cautiously offered her a hand while boarding the yacht. He was a perfect gentleman, or at least was trying to be one for their first time out as a couple in public. It’s all very new to Dave as well, he has no idea what the public knowing about this would mean in the long run. “Do you know what to expect from this?” Dave asked his date nervously. He never did anything like this and wouldn’t know anything about this life, let alone dating in this life, and all of a sudden he was immediately in the dating pool of the rich and the famous, not knowing how to grasp it all. Of course, he himself was already rich and famous, but not he will continue being so, except he won’t be famous for a job he knows how to do well, like before, and that uncertainty and no acquired skilly yet is a big portion of what makes him nervous now.

His and his date's outfits

@Tina.G - Helen


Quincy stepped out of the sleek black car, a BMW i8, the soft click of hir heels on the pavement echoing as ze made hir way toward the lavish yacht. Tonight, ze had chosen a daring tight faux leather dress that clung to hir every curve, and hugged hir breasts tightly enough that tonight ze was braless. The dress complemented by a pair of black heels. Hir hair was brushed straight and held down with the smallest amount of gel and hairspray. The evening air was filled with the faint scent of hir perfume; the usual vanilla scent.

The paparazzi were already swarming, cameras flashing like a storm of strobe lights.

“Quincy, over here! Who are you wearing tonight?” one reporter shouted.
“Quincy, any upcoming projects we should know about?” another called out.
“Are you attending alone tonight, Quincy? Any special someone with you?” a third asked.

With a rehearsed smile, Quincy guided the influx of questions, flashing the brightest smile, “This is a custom piece by a dear friend of mine, isn’t it fabulous?” To the second, ze leaned in slightly. “I’ve got a few exciting things in the pipeline, but you’ll have to stay tuned for the details. Can’t spoil all the surprises, can I?” But to the third reporter, Quincy took a step back and winked playfully. “Just me, myself, and I tonight. Sometimes, you have to be your own best company.” With that answer, hir attention turned to the yacht, where the real intrigue awaited.

As ze ascended the gangway and stepped onto the yacht, the cacophony of the press faded into the background. Only to be replaced by the hum of laughter and conversation. Quincy scanned the crowd, hir eyes quickly locking onto a familiar face. Tommy. It had been a while, six months, in fact. Ze missed him, missed seeing his face.
Ze should go up to him. Should speak with him, but what would ze say? … Words, that’s what. Ze had been standing there watching him sit at the bar for probably a little too long now. The sight of him stirred a mixture of emotions within Quincy - regret, longing, but also a steely resolve.

Taking a deep breath, Quincy smoothed hir dress and straightened hir posture. With confident strides, ze made hir way toward Tommy, weaving through the few guests between them. As ze approached, ze smiled and greeted him “Hey there, Charming. Long time no see.”"


@ChayChay05 - Tommy



The evening air was crisp with a hint of sea salt, and the sky above Beverly Shores was painted in shades of twilight, the setting sun casting a golden glow across the pristine waters of Beverly Shores as the annual Thanksgiving Yacht Party prepared to set sail. The yacht, a vessel of luxury, bobbed gently against the dock, adorned with twinkling lights that reflected off the water, creating a gorgeous display, it’s polished decks ready to host the party of the year. Paparazzi lined the entrance, their cameras poised to capture every glamorous arrival. The air buzzed with excitement, luxury, and the low hum of whispered gossip.

Claudia Luna Wallace arrived at the marina in grand fashion, accompanied by her younger sisters, Cameron and Celeste, Celeste’s husband Isaac, and her bodyguard, Luka. Claudia’s entrance was nothing short of cinematic. She glided through the crowd with practiced poise. Dressed in a stunning, figure hugging red dress that draped like molten lava, shimmering with every step, accentuating every curve with a hint of danger. Her hair, styled in soft waves, cascaded down her back, while her makeup highlighted her striking features, whispering luxury and power, a signature of her style that melded Hollywood allure with effortless sophistication. Her presence was magnetic, drawing the gaze of every onlooker and camera lens as she made her way down the dock.

The cameras flashed incessantly, capturing every detail of Claudia’s entrance. She thrived in the spotlight, moving with a grace and poise that only years of experience could bestow. Paparazzi and interviewers swarmed like bees to honey, their voices a cacophony of questions that pierced the evening air.
“Claudia, darling, who are you wearing tonight?”
“How does it feel to be back at the Beverly Shores party?”
“Rumor has it there’s a new romance in your life. Care to share any details?”
“Any new projects on the horizon?”
“Can you comment on Emiliano De La Cruz’s return? Any thoughts?”

With a practiced smile that could dazzle on the red carpet or soften the hardest of hearts, Claudia deftly navigated the barrage of inquiries. She spoke with the polished eloquence of someone who had mastered the art of public relations, revealing just enough to keep the intrigue alive while maintaining her aura of mystery. Her Valentino dress, new upcoming projects, and do not forget… “Beverly Shores has always welcomed its own back with open arms. It’s wonderful to see familiar faces rejoining our community." she replied, her voice smooth as velvet, perfectly measured, ”Emiliano is a remarkable talent, it is good to have him back”
The interviewer pressed on, sensing the chance for more. “Did you expect to see him here tonight?” Claudia’s laugh was light, almost musical, and she tilted her head slightly as if considering her response. “Honey, in this town, you must always expect the unexpected.”

Inside the yacht, the air hummed with anticipation. Everyone mingled amidst the glittering decorations, their laughter mingling with the soft music that floated through the opulent space. The return of Emilio De La Cruz was the buzz of the evening, whispered in hushed tones and accompanied by speculative glances. Her eyes scanned the room, catching glimpses of familiar faces and fleeting moments of recognition. Claudia glanced over her shoulder, catching Luka’s steady gaze as he stood a few paces away, ever watchful.
She approached him with a soft smile, a silent acknowledgment of their unspoken understanding. With a gentle touch on his arm, she showed her gratitude for his vigilant presence. “Luka Dear,” she began, her voice a low murmur amidst the ambient chatter of the yacht’s deck, “everything seems to be going smoothly. Thank you for keeping an eye out. I think we’ll be alright from here. Enjoy the party.” Their exchange was brief yet meaningful, a testament to the trust that had developed between them over the years. Claudia knew Luka was more than just a bodyguard; he was an ally, and a steadfast guardian of her safety and her peace of mind. With a nod of assurance, Claudia released him from his duty for the evening, knowing he would continue to discreetly monitor the surroundings from a distance, because he simply was great at his job.
As Luka melted back into the shadows, Claudia turned her attention back to the festivities, her demeanor unchanged—composed, confident, and ready for whatever the night had in store.

@sunflowerjm Luka

@Kristi Emi mentioned



Although it’s been a few months since the … occassion, and Faust had his bodyguard for 2 months now, he didn’t yet get to see his family since. He only arrived in Beverly a few hours ago with Ezra, and hasn’t even had the time to go to his home and see AJ. Faust took a lot of time packing his life up and setting up a completely new schedule and changing the marjority of his career, but of course he was so slow, leaving the career he worked hard for years to get behind.
While arriving at the yacht he sighed, but was quickly assured by Ezra being there. He genuinley thought he wouldn’t know the people from Beverly again.
However, he arrived there, and although he recognized people and knew them as the type of people he didn’t care to know, there was a face there he recognized, but not the same way he recognized other faces there. He just couldn’t immediately place it.
When he realized he knew this singular person when she was much younger, he sighed with relief and felt the same calm he felt in Ezra being there.
“Oh my god! Savannah Healey? Is that you?” Savanah was his friend since she was 13, and she’s a remind of his first commercial success. She used to be on the Disney show which he wrote, produced and acted which started out as his uni project but turned into so much more for both of them.
“I can’t believe it. You’re so grown up now, I could barely recognize you. You look like life’s been treating you well.”


@Kate - Savannah
@CrazyCaliope - AJ mentioned
@idiot.exe - Ezra mentioned


The person Beck had bumped into was an actor. She started chatting with him and drinking her Martini with a flirty smile. “Oh yes, I’ve just been getting used to Beverly Shores. It’s been quite amazing.” She let out a low chuckle, flipping her hair over her shoulders. She enjoyed the sight of the man’s eyes roaming down her dress which usually happened. Once they were done talking, she decided to sit at one of the assigned tables. She let out a sigh, playing with the straw in her drink while looking at the other guests in the room. At times like this Beck wished that she had brought an actual date to a party but still…she was happy being single. Boredom was starting to creep on her and the idea of sneaking off with a theoretical date into a bathroom and…you know…But she wanted to make a good impression on Beverly Shores since she’d not been here long.

Beck wanted Josie to sit at the table again to entertain her. She wondered what was taking her so long but shrugged her shoulders. It’s not like her husband was there since he was on a “business trip” again. When she looked at the bar again she was able to get a look between the crowd of people moving over slightly and she saw Josie chatting to a guy at the bar. Francisco was just talking to the bartender. She noticed that the guy was very handsome, more than anyone she’d ever seen before. She stared until the crowd covered them again.

Suddenly someone sat next to Beck, snapping her out of the daze she was in. Beck immediately recognized the tattoos that adorned her arms and noticed that it was Dasin Miami. “Jesus has risen” she said, looking ahead of her. Yes, she was looking at Emiliano who seemed to be the focus of tonight. Beck let out a small chuckle. “Yes he sure did…” she looked at Dasin Miami again. They didn’t know each other well but they did take pictures together once since they’re both in the music world. She also had listened to a few of her songs and her favorite was Seasonal Weed. All Beck really knew about her was that Josie thought that she had talked badly about her music, but Beck was always a little skeptical about that. Dasin didn’t seem like a person who had a lot of drama in the media so it seemed somewhat unlikely. Beck thought it would be a good time to get to know her. “Do you think anything interesting will happen?” Dasin asked, leaning back into the chair. “Welll, Emiliano is already someone that seems to have caught everyone’s attention” Beck gestures towards him with her hand smirking. “By the way do you happen to know him? I mean I used to be friends with him and it was just completely strange how he disappeared. I personally think it’s very selfish.” She shook her head, raising her eyebrows and slowly sipped her drink.”

@Kristi (love Sila’s banner)
@Tina.G (Shaun Mentioned)


Earlier in the day Savannah was figuring out what to wear to the yacht party and trying figure out what to do with her hair. Even though she’s been acting since the age of 8 and singing since for years now she still could not believe she made it this far. Even though Savannah doesn’t talk to her parents anymore and does not really like them she is happy that they forced her to move and try acting. After about another hour or two Savannah figured out what she was going to wear and started to get ready and by the time she was done it was time to leave.

Savannah got to the yacht party and she decided to grab a drink and just look around. She noticed some big people there weather they are actors or singers, heck maybe some managers and bodyguards were there. As she was looking at what was going on she heard someone talk behind her and say her name “Oh my god! Savannah Healey? Is that you can’t believe it. You’re so grown up now, I could barely recognize you. You look like life’s been treating you well she turned around and saw Faust who was the person that created Blended Beats which was her first big acting job. “hey Faust yeah it’s me in the flesh. That is what happens when you get older, you mature” she chuckles a little. “I’ve been good how about you? Congrats on being big”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Faust



Faust chuckled at the thought of him being big, but then realized … Yes he was big. It just didn’t sit right with him that he would ever be in the same place as Emiliano De La Cruz or Rosemary Edit Dalloway. “I’m sorry, did you say big? Honey, you got bigger than I ever was. Don’t underestimate yourself, and overestimate me. When I first met you on that audition I knew you’d be capable of greatness and here you are proving me right. I couldn’t be more proud of what you achieved from the tiny stepping stool that my show offered you.” Faust then remebered why he was here and his expression turned more worried and melancholy. He said in a softer tone, almost as if scared “I might not get a chance to get any bigger, in fact it’s all downhill form here. Have you heard about what happened to me and my crew like 3 months back?”


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Daniel had settled down, plastered another smile on his face, and nodded when people passed by him on the way to their own seats. A staff member wandered by, bearing trays of flutes filled with what was likely champagne. Daniel’s hand rose instinctively, and he accepted a glass, only to set it down moments later, his focus wavering. His thoughts were elsewhere, replaying the conversation with his parents like a scratched record.

He relived every word, every tone, every nuance, and winced at his own harsh words. He’d left the room like a sulking child. He’d have to apologize later, yeah, that sounded good. The idea felt like a rock in a pond.

As he sat there, lost in the swirling vortex of his thoughts, the world around him began to blur. The sounds grew muffled, the colors bleeding together like watercolors on wet paper. The air seemed to thicken, heavy with unspoken emotions and unrequited apologies and—that’s when the small blur of motion caught his eye. A man, tall, long dark hair, and dark eyes approached with a small wave. Daniel stared for a second, then shook his head and waved back. We went back to being Danny. Pop star golden boy. He watched as the man sat next to him, in Kavi Singh’s spot. Huh. “Danny Gray?” The man asked, and Danny smiled with a gentle shake of his head. “Kavi Singh, pleasure to meet you.” He introduced himself, offering the man his hand.

Daniel shook Kavi’s hand. The contact made the world around him snap back into focus, and the sounds of the party swirled back to life. “Nice to meet you. Danny—wait, sorry, you know that.” He nervously chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before?” Danial said in way of conversation.

@Caticorn ~ Kavi Singh


“I don’t want to be Dave’s arm candy.” Helen told Pumpkin, her dog. Pumpkin, just tilted his head looking up at her. I know! That was my fear! Me not being the arm candy. He’s a drop dead gorgeous athlete in his home country! The fans already know him,” She crouched down to embrace Pumpkins skull. She didn’t want to be just his arm candy, the girl who was always dressed up but never really stood out on her own. She wanted to be his equal, someone who could hold his attention and conversation without having to rely on how she looked.

She began by applying a lightweight foundation that matched her skin tone perfectly, making her look like she was barely wearing any makeup at all. She added a touch of concealer to cover up any blemishes and dark circles under her eyes, and then lightly dusted some translucent powder over her face to set everything in place.

She took one last look at herself in the mirror, feeling confident and beautiful. She slipped on a red backless cocktail dress that showed off her toned arms and shoulders, feeling like empowered woman she was. She pushed aside her over thinking second nature. “Time to go,” she said aloud to herself, grabbing her clutch and heading out the door.

As they made their way onto the yacht, Helen couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. She had never been to a Thanksgiving yacht party before, but as a model and aspiring actress, she was used to handling high-profile events. She gently took Dave’s hand, and smiled back at him in thanks. “Do you know what to expect from this?” She made her way up the steps, her red heels clicking with every graceful stride. “Not exactly,” she admitted, “but I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun. I’ve never been to a Thanksgiving party before, but I’m sure it’ll be a unique experience.”

As they stepped onto the yacht, Helen’s eyes widened in awe at the opulent decorations and the sea of familiar faces. There were celebrities and industry professionals mingling and laughing, and the smell of food wafted from the kitchen. “Wow,” she murmured. She glanced at Dave, and offered him an arm to walk together with. “I’m not sure where to start,” she said, voice low against shoulder. At least the heels were helping with height.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond ~ Dave


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As Faust was talking Savannah listened intently but also sipping her drink that she had. Savannah was very surprised that Faust thinks that she is bigger than him, she did not think so but she took it as a compliment and accomplishment. Then Faust said that he does not think that he will get any bigger and asked if she heard about what happened to him and his crew 3 months back. She remembers hearing about it but forgot about it. “Oh shut it you know you got big. I mean I remember you were so ready for the show to end and wanted to move on to Broadway from what I remember and you did do Broadway and made it, so yes I consider that big Faust. But I did want to say thank you so much for giving me the opportunity for the show.”

Savannah stayed quiet for a minute thinking about if she should answer is question or not since it did not sound good, but she decided to be honest with him especially since Faust brought it up. "If I am honest, yes I remember hearing something but I honestly don’t remember what it was that was said to be honest. Do you want to remind me? If not that fine to.


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They advanced towards the party to be met by something new to both of them. Although Dave had been famous and rich in his own right, he’s never been THIS famous and rich. He was just as surprised by the splendor and the glamour as she was. They said “Wow” simoultaneously, although hers was more a murmur and his was more vocal. She said “I’m not sure where to start,” To which he said “Ditto … See, I’m as new to this as you are. I’m not used to any of these parties, never been to one this … Rich. See the best parties I went to were after game celebrations and then it was mostly with other soccer players and some fans.” She offered him her hand to walk hand in hand like a couple and he took the offer, but to make it seem more realistic, he came closer to her, like he used to do with his ex. Talking of her, when he looked over to see if anybody was looking, it was her he saw. And suddenly he felt a sense of dread. Not becuase he hated her, not becuase she was his ex, but because he still liked her and now he had a beautiful model holding his hand, and he didn’t want her to be sad looking at them. Dave still imagined that now that he’s an actor, the reason they relationship ended … It could be revived again, but now that he’s with Helen, it seems impossible. He looked at Helen after a few seconds and said. “Looks like we’re both outsiders here, and we’ll need to get used to this. Thankfully we both have Tommy to set us up … I mean set us … for life.” He looked over and noticed him already there. “Oh look, that’s him over there. Why don’t you go over there and ask him what we should do next to confirm ourselves as a couple in they eyes of these guys withouth having to outright say it, and I’ll greet some friends so I could introduce you, I think it would be more natural if I introduce you to my friends and we interact for people to assume girlfriend and not … well whatever this is.” He sighed deeply and walked over to Evangeline. She looked kind of chilly in an emotional sense, but didn’t look outright sad, or it only seemed that way to him. She was wearing a red dress with tassles and looked mighty good in it, but she didn’t notice him when he slowly crept his way towards her behind her back, so he said “Hello there stranger. How are you, Evie?”

@Tina.G - Helen
@sunflowerjm - Evie

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Faust chuckled. “Oh kid … Didn’t you realize by now? I loved that show, but I only said to you that I didn’t like it when you told me you wanted to stop acting and turn only to music. I didn’t want you to feel guilty for leaving the show to start something on your own, and I knew if I gave you a contract that kept you for a few more season … If one of the main stars is no longer into it, the energy of the whole production goes to hell and … Well in that case I would no longer like the show and want to leave it. Who said I couldn’t have done the show AND Broadway … Or that I never felt as if that show was as magical as Broadway? But no need to thank me for giving you the opportunity, you were the one who gave me the opportunity. Honestly if it weren’t for the two talented teen girls who I cast to be in the show, it wouldn’t be out today, trust me.” He waited until Savannah thought back hoping to see a moment of recognition in her eyes. He could physically see the cogs in her brain turning, and there was a flicker of recognition, but she couldn’t remeber much. She admitted to knowing something happened, but couldn’t remeber what. Faust filled her in. “Well … During our show I chose a few dangerous choices and it all came back to bite me in the rear 3 months ago. See, I was on stage and the whole cast and crew was in this one, we were practicing this huge dance number after finally learing the choreography withouth somebody getting hurt or forgetting the steps … Well right on the big finish, I stood there for a couple second striking the pose and taking a breath when suddenly I was knocked down. A stage light that was right over me fell down and if it weren’t for this guy who saw it come down and tackle me to the ground, I would either be very hurt or dead now. Well … I woul consider myself lucky and than the man and think nothing more of it … But to the shattered stage light a note was attached and … Well it was meant for me from some stalker, and it was obvious it was rigged to fall right on my big finish so it would hurt me. I haven’t been on a stage since and I had to retreat here to be with my family … I just can’t get rid of the fear and I don’t feel safe near Broadway again, not even in my apartment. I even have a bodyguard now.” He pointed towards Ezra with his palm to make his point about the bodyguard. He sighed “That was a lot to take in, no? Sorry for rambling on it’s just … It’s a sore subject so I had to say it all out at once … like a bandaid.”

@Tina.G - Ezra mentioned


Lucy smiled at Blake as he spoke. She took in his words very carefully. She couldn’t help but smile when he talked. She felt maybe a few sparks flew. It always seemed to when Blake talked to her. She never admitted it to herself or him though. He then said “I’ve been doing well actually, I just finished filming a movie so life has been pretty chill for me I would say. How has you music career been going? Tattooed freak.” She couldn’t help but giggle when he pushed her arm playfully and called her a tattoo freak. “Glad you have been doing well. Oh, what kind of movie? What’s the title?” She asked then took a sip of her drink. She then spoke again "My music career is going. Just released a new album in January. It had to of my singles on it actually. She offered him a smile before saying “Well I maybe be a tattooed freak, but you love my tattoos.” She said as she playfully nudged him back. She wasn’t paying attention to anyone else at the moment.


Tommy was sitting at the bar when he heard a all too familiar voice. It was his ex. He wasn’t sure how to feel hearing that voice. He turned his head and offered a smile back as Quincy said “Hey there, Charming. Long time no see.” He took in hir words. He couldn’t help but smile a little bigger when hir called him “Charming”. He sat there thinking of what to say. He couldn’t find the words for what felt like forever. Then finally he spoke. “It has been a while. You are looking good I must say.” A smirk forming on his lips as he took hir appearance in. He tried really hard as he sat there to think of something else. anything else to say. Then it came to him. The simplest question. “How have you been, Darling?” He said with a smile as he took a sip of his drink. He was nervous about this interaction but he tried to not let it show.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy


The sleek black Tesla Model S glided smoothly to a stop at the edge of the pier, its polished surface reflecting the glittering lights from the Yacht party and the flashes of camera. As the door opened, Violet Summer emerged, her long black dress shimmering under the flashes. The criss-cross halter style highlighted her neckline, and the black sequins on the bodice faded elegantly down the flowing skirt. She felt for Bennett Hastings’ warm hand to guide her into pack of scavengers, as she needed stability before stepping into the whirlwind of press.

When his hand was firmly in his, they willing walked in to be devoured by the noise.

“Violet, you look stunning tonight! Who designed your dress?” a reporter shouted.

Violet paused to locate the face who had asked, while trying to keep up her radiant smile. “Thank you so much! This dress is by Versace, it’s one of my absolute favourites.”

Despite being so close to Bennett, she couldn’t even hear the questions he was being asked, much less his answers to them.

“Can you tell us about your next project, Violet?” another reporter shouted, thrusting himself forward.

“I’m currently working on a new film that I’m really excited about. It’s still under wraps, but I promise it’s going to be something special,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

“Are you and Bennett planning any special holiday events together?” a third reporter asked.

Violet looked towards Bennett before responding, “Bennett and I are looking forward to spending some quiet time with family and friends. The holidays are all about cherishing those close to you.” It didn’t matter whether or not they were actually going to celebrate or not, it’s the answer they were wanting.

As she started to gently tug Bennett away, for them to make their way towards the yacht, when a final question rang out, “Violet, how do you manage to balance your career and your personal life so gracefully?”

Violet laughed with gentle confidence before answering, “It’s all about finding the right balance. I’m lucky to have such a supportive husband, we make a great team.” And with that, they walk towards the yacht.

Reaching the yacht and stepping aboard, Violet felt a wave of relief as they left the press behind. Dropping her husband’s hand, she took a champagne flute from a passing waiter and took a delicate sip. Immediately, she screwed up her nose slightly and handed the flute to Bennett, playfully smiling. “Well, that’s definitely not my favourite. I think I’ll stick to something else tonight. What do you think, should we find the bar and get something we both like?”


@Kate - Bennett - Hope this is okay



Today would be her third Thanksgiving as a Beverly Shores resident. Third. It had officially been four years since Naomi arrived at Beverly Shores, and she did not know how to feel. Was she elated? Yes, very much so. Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamt about this—living in Beverly Shores, rubbing shoulders with the great, and feeling like she belonged. And don’t get her wrong, Naomi knew she belonged. She had earned her right to call herself a Beverly Shores resident through hard work. There was no denying that. But sometimes, Naomi could not help but miss how simple her life used to be.

Actually, that was a lie. Her life had never been simple. What she meant to say was that she missed her brother. He still had 13 more years in the fcking cell, and he was refusing to let her bail him out. Her thoughts drifted as she walked towards the yacht for the Thanksgiving party, her high heels clicking on the polished pavement. She wore a light golden dress, following the theme of the party, and her hair was up in a bun, show casting the hoop earrings Naomi was often fond of wearing, because it reminded her of her brother, of when things were alright between them even if it was just for a day

“Miss Álvarez, Miss Álvarez!” a voice called out, snapping her out of her reverie. She turned to see a reporter with a camera crew rushing toward her. “Could we have a moment of your time for an interview?”


“Of course,” she forced out a smile. The reporter, a young woman with a microphone bearing the logo of a major entertainment channel, beamed at her.

“Naomi, thank you for stopping. How does it feel to celebrate your third Thanksgiving in Beverly Shores?”

“It’s wonderful,” Naomi replied smoothly. “Beverly Shores has become my home, and I’m grateful for the opportunities and the community here. Every Thanksgiving reminds me of how far I’ve come and the people who have supported me along the way.”

The reporter nodded, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “Your journey has been nothing short of remarkable. From your early days in the entertainment industry to now, you’ve faced quite a bit of scrutiny. How do you handle the constant media attention and the rumors?”

By crying, but of course that response would be childish.

“It’s not easy.” Naomia admitted, it never was. “But I’ve learned to focus on my passion and my work. The noise will always be there, but I remind myself why I started this journey in the first place. It’s about the art, the performance, and the connection with my audience.”

“Speaking of connection,” the reporter continued. “Fans report to seeing you coming out of Mr.-” By then, Naomi was already walking away, she didn’t need this- more rumors about her love life, more people making things a bigger deal than it was, always trying to snoop into her private business instead of asking about her new upcoming movies or how she felt playing those roles. It was tiring, she hated it- despised it, but she did not despise this life, it was the life- the big dream that she had dreamed about since she even knew what dreaming entailed- the dream her brother himself foretold for her, and the dream hat Naomi will keep working hard to maintain. If nothing else in her life could go well- romantic wise, platonic wise or even family life, then perhaps she can make her fame go well. She could win an Oscar

As she approached the gangway of the Yacht, Naomi let out a say, as she looked at the tall white Yacht in front of her. This, exactly this is what she had been working for all this time. Often told by people that she was not going to make it, that women like her do not make it, but here she was, wasn’t she? She had made it and she hoped that this Thanksgiving will be bright.



A mixture of emotions surged over Quincy as Tommy turned. That all too familiar smile sent a rush of memories through hir mind. Then hearing him call hir “Darling” brought a warmth that ze hadn’t felt in the past six months. But ze couldn’t swoon and let hir guard down, ze had to stay strong.
“Thanks, Tommy. You’re looking quite dashing yourself.” Quincy replied. “I’m sure you already know this.” Ze let hir eyes sweep over his attire, noting the effort he’d put into looking his best. It was classic Tommy, always knowing how to make an impression. Ze missed that.

Quincy took a moment, a breath to steady hirself and look back into his eyes before continuing, “I’ve been… good. Busy with new projects and trying to keep up with life, you know?" Ze gestured to the glamorous surroundings. “But enough about me. How have you been holding up?” Wording it this way, ze was hoping that Tommy hadn’t met anyone knew. Ze didn’t think hir could hear that.

@ChayChay05 - Tommy



Savannah rolled her eyes when he called her kid and just looked at Faust as he mentioned that he lived the show and that he only told me that when I told him I wanted to stop acting and turn to only music and that he did not want me to feel guilty for leaving. He also mentioned that he could have done both the show and Broadway. “I never said you couldn’t handle them both, I know you could. You could have told me that I wouldn’t of felt guilty, but I get it to with the whole leading actor’s and actresses leaving and the show kind of falling apart. But honestly the idea of the play that turned into the show was a good idea and it was creative. But seriously that part helped me get my name out there more. Plus you made me realize how much I love music and signing. Without you or the show I probably would only be singing still around my house or in the shower.” Savannah thought back to that day and time that she told him and realized she likes music more than acting, which was very true she does like singing more than acting but she also realized there was more to her choice. “You know I still act here and there. Not much but every once in a blue moon I will. Also, after I said I didn’t want to do the show anymore I realized it wasn’t just the music ting but there was more to it that I did not think had an affect on me but I guess it did.” Savannah then commented on the part of what happened and how he had a stalker and almost died. As well as turned to where Faust was pointing towards and she saw the bodyguard. “Oh wow yeah that is really scary to be honest. I am so sorry that you went through that. Did they ever catch your stalker? also no need to apologize sometimes it is easier to just say it all than in parts. I’m just happy you are ok physically and here still.”


Bennett Hastings- Going to be making Banner shortly

Once the Tesla stopped and they both got out of the car, Bennett went to his wife’s side and took her hand in his and held it. He could see that she was not fully ready to deal with the press even though they are completely used it. Bennett guided her trough the press and all the flashing lights but stopped when his wife stopped so she can answer some of the questions the press were asking her. As she was answering her own questions Bennett started to get pelted with questions as well. He figured while his wife answers questions he may as well so he doesn’t come off as a complete ass, but he absolutely hates the press and would love to ignore them completely or take some of the cameras and microphones and smash them so they would break and grab some of the press with his bare hands. As he waited for questions he smiled for the cameras.

Bennett, how does it feel to be attending the Thanksgiving Yacht Party with your lovely wife, Violet Summer?

“It feels amazing being here with Violet. She looks absolutely beautiful today and I could not be a happier man”

Bennett, what are your thoughts on the current state of the film industry?

“It is what it is. It changes everyday and you just need to adapt to it”

Bennett, any upcoming projects or is all your time going towards supporting Violet considering the rumours? Bennett thought to himself of course they ask about the rumours.

“I am in the talks of a project but that is all I will say right now. As for the rumours they are lies, but no matter what i will always support my wife no matter what”

Bennett, how do you and Violet support each other’s careers in the entertainment industry?

“Well communication is key and just knowing that we support and trust each other”

As Bennett was done answering that question Violet was done her questions and he knew it was time to go on the yacht. “Well that’s it for today. Bye.”

He then walked with his wife onto the yaght and once they were there she dropped my hand and took some champagne. Bennett saw her make as she was drinking it knowing that meant she did not like it and she did say it was not her favorite and she will stick to something else and asked if he thought they should go to the bar and get something they both like. Bennett held the flute and he started to drink it and finished the glass before speaking to his wife. “absolutely baby. I need something strong and good. Did you enjoy talking to the press?”

@CrazyCaliope - Violet



Tommy took in hir words and listened as she spoke. He made sure ze knew he was paying attention. Something he probably lacked a little in their relationship, or maybe he lacked it a lot. He couldn’t help but feel the breakup was all his fault. He still wasn’t quite sure how it came to an end. His mind flew back to some memories of the amazing times they had together. He kept smiling at hir as he reminisced in his own mind. He hopes his face didn’t show he was in another world all of his own. How could he not be though with the great memories popping up. He kept smiling as this one memory came back to him. Tommy drifted off into the memory as ze talked.


It was New Years of 2024. They had been together for seven months. It was their seven-month anniversary to be exact. It was a big deal for Tommy. Tommy’s favorite holiday is New Years. He always loved watching the fireworks go off. They were so beautiful. It was a new and blossoming romance. Tommy was so happy to have Quincy. See they have known each other for a while. They were friends for a while then they lost touch. Then they found each other again. This time sparks flew, and one thing led to another. They started dating. Tommy adored Quincy for so many things. Tommy had loved before. However, he never fell so hard so fast. Well in a way because they had known each other off and on for so long maybe it wasn’t so fast. Tommy had decided to share his love of New Years with Quincy.

He took hir to his favorite spot. The beach, a secluded beach to be exact. Tommy had laid out a blanket for them to sit on. He had some champagne and some treats as well. He had planned it as soon as they started dating to be honest. He really hoped Quincy would love the surprise he had set out for them. He had spent weeks on this surprise. He had some candles lit and around the blanket. He had made Quincy wait in the car while he went and lit the candles. Then he walked back to the car and told Quincy to close hir eyes. Tommy then carefully walked Quincy to the blanket. Once they arrived at the blanket Tommy said, “Open your eyes, Darling.” Quincy opened hir eyes and was amazed.

The smile on Quincy’s face said more than words could say. Tommy and Quincy sat down on the blanket. Tommy opened the beverage and poured each of them a glass. Tommy smiled and looked deep into Quincy’s eyes “I can’t wait for midnight.” He said with a smirk on his face. Quincy asked him why. He replied, “One it will be beautiful, and two I can’t wait to kiss at midnight to ring in the New Year as the fireworks go off in the distance.” Quincy seemed pleased with Tommy’s answer. They talked and held each other as the time went by. Then before they knew it was midnight. Tommy leaned in slowly for the kiss as the fireworks were going off lighting up the dark sky.

Once his lips met Quincy’s in a slow but passionate kiss, raindrops started to fall slowly. Just a little mist but it made the moment even better. After a few moments Tommy pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Quincy. He wrapped his arms around hir and asked, “How do you like this, Darling?” Quincy smiled with excitement. Then said “I love it. It’s amazing and this was so sweet of you.” Tommy smiled more and held hir tight and close as they enjoyed the rest of their evening.

Back to Reality

Tommy was snapped back to reality when he heard Quincy talk again. “Oh, What projects? Who is your manager now days?” He asked and smiled at hir. He took a sip of his drink before responding to the last part of hir question. “I’ve been good. Got my busy schedule with my clients, ya know how it is. I’m busy a lot still. and how are you holding up?” Tommy couldn’t tell hir about Helen and how he was falling for her. Especially since she was one of his clients. He didn’t want to break hir heart. So, he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone until the time was right. He smiled and sipped his drink as he waited for Quincy to speak.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy (Hope you like the memory)


Opal watched as Bennett downed the champagne flute she’d just passed him, a small smile playing on her lips. The smile soon dissipated as she let his question hang in the air a moment. “You should know better than that. Talking to the press is like walking through a minefield in stilettos,” she replied with a playful roll of her eyes. “But we’ve gotten good at it, haven’t we? A necessary evil, I suppose.” She squeezed his arm gently, before helping him by taking the empty flute from his hands. “Let’s find you a fresh one, that doesn’t taste like liquid regret.” Putting a different emphasis on the word regret, she quickly placed the flute on a passing serving tray and uttered a thank you.

She took his hand again, leading him towards the bar. A server at the bar was free and she asked, “Mineral water for me, please, in a glass. And…” She looked across at Bennett, waiting for him to order. When he had, she spoke in much softer and quieter tone, “If you see a quiet spot somewhere tonight, I would like to speak with you. It’s time sensitive, given the time of year and…” Her words trailed off as their drinks were slide across the bar to them.

She took her glass and raised it. “How about we make a toast? To surviving another round with the press and to a night that’s just getting started. What do you say, Mr Hastings?”

@Kate - Bennett

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Once Bennett finished the Champagne his wife answered his question about how it is talking to the press and he chuckled a little bit. “you are very right sexy lady, they are hard to get through and always need to be on your toes at all times. But yes love we are masters now of dealing with the press.” Violet then gently squeezed Bennett’s arm and took the empty flute and placed it on a servers tray and then took my hand and walked me to the bar. She ordered a mineral water which surprised him, as he would expect her to drink more than that once sip of champagne. Bennett then told the waiter that he just wanted a Gin and Tonic.

After he ordered his wife then said in a quiet and soft town that she needed to speak to him and it was time sensitive given the time of year. Bennett is very confused on what it could be but he felt like the fact that Violet said given that time of year he had a small hunch possibly but just thinking its probably something about the gift that females receive. “Umm okay baby” he said and shrugged his shoulders then they got the drinks and Violet proposed a toast of surviving another round of the press and the night getting started. “That sounds perfect to me right now. Also I see a couch that is open over there and no one is really around it.” Bennett says and points at the empty couch that no one is really around. As he waited to see if his wife was okay with that spot he quickly thought about if Isabella was coming or not.

@CrazyCaliope - Violet Summers
@ChayChay05 - Isabella Lopez mentioned

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