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Croatia wasn’t great their first game

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Also round of applause for the progress I’ve made


Croatia wasn’t great their second game, with playing like that we better not get through to not embarras ourselves further, this is a full downgrade from our playing in previous games

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Either the image isn’t showing up, or this is sarcasm


There’s still a chance, but good luck Croatia beating Italy, won’t be easy

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It’s sarcasm. I have done absolutely nothing on my characters since the game started :joy:

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You’ll do it when the game ends lol

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In the break yeah and when it ends, and in the meantime I’ll still get some PMs and stuff, but for creating characters I do not have the focus with this game going on

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Beating Albania should’ve been easy and yet they still couldn’t shape up to not end in a tie smh



Ikr, I’m so proud of myself for all that progress I’ve made :smiley:


I want to, but I’m waiting for @kate to add her characters to the wiki. HEHE

Whaaaaat? But how?

Sorry. I’ve just been asked to character a spouse, which will be my fourth character.


I’m sponding now as Tommy. It’s long


You made progress, just because rn you haven’t got anything to show for it IN THAT PLACE doesn’t mean you didn’t make progress and that you won’t have something to show for it when you actually don’t get distracted by something!

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Fair, even in the PM we had I already made progressssss

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Yikes. Me scared.

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See! You have something done today DESPITE the game!

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The fact I’m planning in 10 different PMs says a lot already too
So please guys do not take it personally if I’m online and I take a while to get back to you, I try to reply to everything as soon as possible


Oh, wait. Jess, I’m assuming you’re gonna make her in her early 30s, yeah?
'Cause the new character I was asked to make is married, however, he was married before and had two kids. Although, I feel you probably don’t wanna make someone in her late 30s/early 40s with children, yeah?