Beverly Shores|Signups

no go for it cos i was stumped for this post anyway


Cole was a cop before he became a bodyguard. Opal knew him as a cop. So she thought had there been a murder she didn’t know about because she has no clue he isn’t a cop anymore


Ohhhh well said well said

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No sorry ):

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It’s 'cause she doesn’t realised that he’s changed jobs, so it’s unexpected why he’d be at a private event such as this. I was over-exaggerating 'cause in her current head-space, she’s thinking the worst.
So like, a cop would be there to cordon off the area if there’s been a murder.

Oh yeah, this. Nicely explained. (wink)


In that case you can help me figure out Lysanders’ music taste … I honestly have NO IDEA what he would listen to

What’s he like

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He’s a reitred army pilot from Cyprus (we’ll he’s not supposed to be retired, but he lost something in the army which made him unable to fly) and his parents died in a protest against Turks so he hates Turkey ofc, and his younger brother died on in a plane crash flying over with his new parents to his new home, and he was kind of stuck in a bad parental situation so ofc he’s reserved, follows the rules hoping that would bring meaning back to his life and he’s miserable but also angry at himself and at the social worker (that’s a secret I believe) and angry at the Turks who shot his father and ran over his mother, and ofc angry cuz he’s in the army and that’s intense, so yeah … I was thinking hardcore rock would be his cup of tea, but I already gave Rowan hardcore rock since he is also mouring and angry at certain people so I truly don’t know what to give to Lysander

I’ve more or less written the full post but my headache is killing me now so I need to sleep. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow @Kbail
Tho no promises I have 2 massive deadlines tomorrow for uni


sounds like an intense playlist


That’s okay take your time. Can’t wait to read it either way.

I forgot how hard it is to write the first post


No fr

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you can always say heavy metal




you got this tho

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Yeah, but Rowan’s favorite song is heavy metal and he has a few heavly metal songs in his playlist and the reason he likes is it legit

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Maybe 90s rap


If you want him to be unique from rowan

Or jazz music

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