Let me go read that really quick heh
@CrazyCaliope so assuming you’ll be writing for AJ’s kids and boyfriend, I’ll be writing for the parents, is that ok?
Mmm, to me it’s looking like Cali hadn’t put AJ in a shop yet so maybe it will work?
Either way, it won’t affect my writing a whole lot
I love this commentary
Do you have Steven?
Wicked. Wanna free day with one of mine?
Works for me. I posted for AJ, he’s just working from home since early this morning.
Works for me.
Oh. I thought you were bringing coffees back… confused with above suggestion now.
I do have him available. I was only planning him to watch a task from home, but it’s flexible or whatever. What you got in mind?
What if I have Faust announce that the parents are arriving, and they just told him they’re on their way in the morning, so in the morning he tells Ezra and AJ, and Ezra assume they’ll be coming over shortly so he volounteers to grab coffee and donuts and plans to linger a bit at the shop to miss their arrival, but they only texted Faust when they started traveling to Faust and they arrive a few hours after Ezra gets back when AJ is finished with work and Ezra’s plan to miss the parents getting there is hilariously foiled?
Sure. Did we finish planning with Quincy and Natalie?
I reworded that part of the post. It’s her making assumptions. And I wrote it badly
Yeah… just disregard this
Love this
Okay, LOVE the banner
What a douche
This is so good
Poor Josie!!
Ahhh I feel so bad!!
This is so heartbreaking!!
I don’t even know Sean
I was thinking it’d be funny if Danny drops by to visit Lucy, but obviously she’s out on her lunch date
Had to bring out the ai for that part
Its her fault though
He’s npc husband
That would actually be so funny
Well Danny could always still go by there and him and Steven interact because Lucy isn’t home.
Not sure. Let’s talk in PM, yeah?
Ooooooooh… Yes. That sounds like fun. HEHEHEHE
Yes, it really would.
That was her suggestion. HEHEHE
Who should post first?
I have a couple replies to right out before this one