Beverly Shores|Signups

Ok٫ cool. I always try to pronounce stuff correctly. People never pronounce my last name correctly٫ and I don’t want to do that to others.

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Okay trying to write Ravi rn and find a good excuse how she ended up in the water @LunaticLeviTheSecond :sob: I have 40 minutes only before I have to go, so I’ll try but no promises it’ll be out today


Sorry to tag you again @LunaticLeviTheSecond, but do you mind if in my post I go straight to the part where she ends up in the water, idk if there is a whole lot still to add to the first part and I kinda in general want to keep it moving a little bit…


Not at all, go ahead … Also I did write the part where she ended up in the water, but I rewrote it because if she eneded up in the water Dave wouldn’t stay outside the pool for long enough to discover she can’t swimm. He’d dive straight after her, that’s why I needed him away for at least a second or two enough for him to have to get to her and see her struggling to swimm and get up.
For how she ended up in the water, I assumed she was looking at the pool feeling serene gazing at it despite the fact there was a full on party behind them, and somebody unknowingly in the rush of the party bumped into her while walking back and it caused enough traction for her to fall over.
But if you want something different I can come up with a few more reasons, the one I know would happen most likely because thsoe suckers are slippery … It’s the part of the tiling right around the pool that gets slapped with water but isn’t underwater, and let’s assume she wanted to get a bit closer, right to the edge of the pool and slipped on it and fell. That’s the best reason I can come up with

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Does anybody know if there’s any way to make text glow in here? I know this uses markdown because it’s discourse so it’s a mixture of HTML and BBCode, but the BBCode [glow=color]text[/glow] isn’t working so I’m hoping there’s a way to make text glow here.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond, I’m going to have to flub Natalie’s reply, as it’s been a good while since I’ve seen Little Shop of Horrors. I could look it up, but I don’t really feel like it. Sorry about that.

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That’s okay, but the whole point of his question, which version do you preffer is kind of to show off because not everybody knows there are two endings. I can sum up the endings for you if you want for her to know them though.
EDIT: Also you can deffo have Natalie say exactly what you told me. “Oh It’s been so long since I saw it though, I remeber it being awesome, but I can’t remeber the neding, would you remind me?”

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Also I sort of changed Faust’s text styling and color, do you think it’s better than the previous one?

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Oh٫ please do. I appreciate it.

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I like it.

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Okay, in the original ending Audrey II eats Audrey I and Seymour and little sapplings of Audrey II get sold all around America and the plants dominate the entire world. The last line is “Don’t feed the plants” with a really cool song and the audience is engaged. (I’ve heard sometimes the vines of the plant drop at the end of the performance overhead the public and I’ve heard my friend tell me that in some productions the plants “eat” the first two rows.)
I have 0 idea if that dark ending is the same in the original movie which the musical is made from (the 60s movie)
Then while making the movie version of the musical, the test audience didn’t like how none of the main leads survived and how Audrey didn’t deserve to die, so they wanted a happier ending. Maybe it was the lack of audience engagement that could be seen in the stage musical.
In this ending Seymour electrocutes Audrey II before he could eat Audrey and they both survive while the last line of the movie is “Oh shit!” said by Audrey II. Some dislike this ending because although it is happy and does give Audrey what she deserves and doesn’t kill the leads, it cuts the best song out and some think the whole point is null and void.

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Yeah٫ I saw the good ending. The first one sounds super cool٫ though.

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Yeah, it does … Also I just realized in the good ending a little Audrey II shows up at the house which Audrey and Seymour buy, so it’s definitely not as good of an ending and the same warning “Don’t feed the plants” can be implied but it still cuts out the best song

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I struggle with the Dora reference and how she would reply to it, if she would even know what Dave is referencing :joy:


She probably wouldn’t

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Didn’t you say you’d start form when she falls into the water?

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No I’m starting from the little time skip you added

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Oh okay, she doesn’t need to react to it, especially if she doesn’t know it, she can have one of those reactions where she forces a laugh and hopes it was a joke, and then moves on to another subject or just keeps silent

@Ouijaloveletters guess who has a birthday in January :wink:


You do? What’s for April?