@LunaticLeviTheSecond is it your response in the three way? Or is it Tina’s?
It actually makes sense, because I remember when they were all born, one of their mothers was Russian. She was a swimmer.
Yeah, I think that was Vanya’s mother that was depicted
(it’s been a while since I’ve watched the first season so don’t quote me on that)
Right. It makes sense because both female and male names are very Russian sounding.
His birthplace is listed as St.Petersburg on the wiki
Yep. That makes sense.
Yeah. I just looked.
So did I
It’s a unisex name … Sorry though, I thought you were gonna name your character Vanya and then change it when they transition so I just wanted to say you don’t need to do that
Nope. Elliot Page is the actor of who I’m talking about٫ though.
I do wonder why they didn’t keep it as Vanya. Probably because it honestly still sounds feminine.
yeah, it sounds feminine to American/Western audiences but also, it could have been something requested by Elliot when they were writing his transition into the show
That’s also very true. Either way٫ I like Viktor.
what season are you on rn
also, from a trans perspective, choosing a new name is a way for him to separate his new identity from his old one
I just started two.
season two is really fun
They’re all stuck in different years. I’m just hoping Vanya doesn’t snap again.
I was considering doing this myself٫ but I like my name.