So leo, do you think you should have a stern talking to with your doorman?
what was going through your mind when you heard this? Did you think it was addie?
Do you think keeping an extra key on top of your door is a smart idea? Like sure addie couldn’t reach it but someone else could and could steal all your shit
Were you expecting that when you opened the door
also, how long did it take to get all that lipstick off your body?
Any hickies from addie?
Is it weird she somehow knew where your MOST expensive drinks were? like - she didn’t go for the fridge at all. Isn’t that bottle she have worth like 5 k a shot?
who do you think he is?
okay you gotta love a girl for being direct right?
OKAY BUT WHY ARE YOU KISSING HER BACK? aren’t you supposed to be the voice of reason?
wow that’s where you draw the line?
See leo, she really wants to
what if she leaves by morning instead? and you just have a one night stand?
agree to disagree. I think addie could hurt you a lot.
thoughts about her completely undressing and knowing exactly where your shirts were?
you could have just let her go
so how handy were those joggers, again?
Yeah what happened to addie’s shirt, leo?
okay so lets talk about you waking up. What did you feel? What happened? Did you notice she was gone?
thoughts about the note and… gift she left you?
soooo we’re gonna just leave this girl alone right? @Littlefeets