Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

“I don’t… I would never forget my life… that doesn’t… it doesn’t make sense. I’m… I’ll be careful and I would… I can’t leave my wife right now… I don’t… this isn’t a funny joke.”

“This sounds even more outrageous than that first claim… Annie would never do anything to hurt me. I know that we have our fights sometimes, but she’s my little girl and she’ll always be my little girl and I would never forget that. I love her.”

“Look… assuming that I did get in a coma… all Jez would need to do is tell me the truth and I would believe her. I love Jez, I’ve always loved Jez. And… look Sadie and I have moved on from each other so even if it was true, she’d tell me the truth and we’d work something out and we’d work together to regain my memory.”

“I never… when I was young I remember… any women my dad was ever with always… was scared of him and I never… never want Jez to ever feel like that with me so… I would… god I’d feel so guilty”

“No…no god no. Look… I love Sadie with my entire heart, but our time has past. I know there are still fans out there, but they need to understand that we both have moved on but we still respect each other. I don’t want to go back to Sadie. My life has moved past a point where that was my normal, and now, home… it’s Jez.”

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Oops, didn’t realize I messed up those tags. :sweat_smile:

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Best I can do is Dan being Val for Halloween because she’s a :sparkles: celebrity :sparkles:

but I don’t think that’s the val you’re looking for :joy:

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I’m not saying it would be Annie intentionally doing something to hurt you, but it would be an accident she caused.

But what if you didn’t believe Jez, because you thought you were still at a point in your life when you hated her and couldn’t trust her?
And you still thought you and Sadie were happily married.

What would you do to try and make her know that it was alright, that she could trust and feel safe with you again?
You’ve always been the person who made her feel safe, but if she didn’t feel that how would you fix things?

We know Sadie still loves you, and without your memory from the past 10 years you would still believe you were happily married to her. Would it be unreasonable for Jez to wonder if you would be happier if you were back with Sadie, even if it would break her heart even further?

:joy: :joy: :joy:


That’s a no?

he can do a great impression

“Omg Kai sucks”



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“I’m a pudding stealer”

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Why do I feel like that could be a hilarious misc of Dan pretending to be Val. And maybe Val pretending to be Dan.

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WIll write it down

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  1. Did you cheat on emmy?
  2. I heard you cheated on emmy. WITH A CHEF. A CHEF THAT WAS YOUR TEACHER?
  3. I’m going to TELL her and then she’ll be single
  4. Okay real talk, you miss her?
  5. Do you talk everyday?
  6. Do you know your brother knows about your dad?
  7. WHy’d you lie to him for so long?
  8. You ever gonna propse?
  9. What if Emmy cheated on you even though she barely ever leaves her office especially now that Jez is gone and dan so she’s working double time
  10. You know Emmy’s terrible at remembering to eat? Like she legit works over her lunch break allllll the tiem


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What? No! I would never cheat on her.

I did not cheat on her.

You can’t tell her if I did nothing, because I would never hurt her.

So much. I miss her so, so much, all the time.

At least for a couple minutes. Some days it’s not long because of the time difference and our schedules, but we always make sure to talk at least for a couple minutes.

What? What do you mean…?

All of us agreed to not pressure him. The more the past gets brought up around him, the harder things get for him… he has a really hard time sometimes, and we all want to protect him.

Yes. I’m planning on it.

She wouldn’t. I know she wouldn’t do it doesn’t matter.

I know. I try to remind her some days, because she needs to eat and have a break sometimes.

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Clio’s Dori

Hi again Dori

  1. So your nieces are 12, how is Clio around them? Do you think they’re growing up to be fine young women?
  2. So out of your girlfriends; I know that Jess could cook and so can Clio. Who’s cooking is better?
  3. Will you ever introduce Clio to Jess? Like she’s your bestie
  4. What if I told you there’s an unread love letter from Jess to you out there that confesses she still loves you and wants to get back together with you when she comes back from her undercover gig?
  5. Did you know during this undercover gig, Jess had to “date” someone to get close to them and he asked her to marry him and she said yes (undercover) so currently Jess is fake engaged to a bad guy? Thoughts?
  6. Do you ever worry that one day you’ll get a call that Jess is dead because of the dangerous job she does?
  7. So your sister has a family, your brother has a family, do your parents ever ask when you’re going to settle down?
  8. How many of your teammates are single?
  9. You once said that some of your teammates cheat on their significant others while on tour - have you or would you ever consider it?
  10. Do you think you love Clio more than Kennedy?
  11. Do you know where Kennedy is now?
  12. Did you tell Clio about Kennedy? Did you have to since your famous and it’s all over the news that you broke up. Did she ask why)
  13. Has Clio ever gotten hounded by paparazzi?
  14. Do you hate paparazzi?
  15. If you ever had kids, how would you feel if they were hounded by paparazzi?
  16. Have you ever had crazy psychotic fans that scared you? (Like needing cops involved scared)
  17. Have you met clios family?
  18. How long until you and Clio moved in together? Like when did you give her a key to your place?
  19. Do you miss Jess? It’s been a year since you’ve talked to her right? She’s been undercover for a while…
  20. What’s your favorite thing about your girlfriend?
  21. Is Clio a health nut like you? Does she work out with you?


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Kai like around 2025

  1. I know you don’t care anymore, but do you ever worry that Jess is going to end up dead one day with the jobs that she does?
  2. Do you think Dans a good dad?
  3. Do you think Riker is a good dad?
  4. Would you ever consider sleeping with Jez again if the chance presented itself?
  5. Are you annoyed that Anna got a happy ending? She’s married and happy?
  6. Do you stay in touch with any friends?
  7. Would you ever want to talk to Addie? Jess’ mother who your father once dated?
  8. Do you think your dad was a different man once?
  9. Do you think the azures and pierces are written in the stars? I’d you don’t - what if I told you that in addition to you and Jess, your dad and Jess mom, that your great great great grandmother dated a Pierce?
  10. What if I said you and Anna could have been a power couple
  11. Do you think blue royalty should be ended?
  12. What if I told you Jess wants to destroy the game?
  13. You’ve slept with many people over the years. What if you have kids out there you don’t know about. Would you want to be in their lives if you learned years later?
  14. Do you have nightmares about the stabbing? Which one traumatized you more?
  15. How are you and ria? What about you and Cassandra?
  16. How’s your relationship with your… twin?
  17. What about you and Angela?
  18. You danced with Jess sister once right? Do you like dancing with kids?
  19. What if I told you Dan is gonna make a flying car?
  20. What if I told you he’ll also make a time machine and fck your life up?
  21. Do you ever wish you hadn’t met Jess? Life would be easier


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Prove it


He knows there’s a gap in his memory


Paige and him had sex

And now he knows Paige was a childhood friend

And he’s suppppper confused

What if I told you that Emmy is planning it too and already has a ring?

Do you feel bad for her? She’s super stressed rn without dan and Jez and basically being ceo and cfo of the company with her uncle. She barely gets sleep or eats most days because she’s so slammed at work

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I do…

I’d rather not think about him, but Val seems happy with him and how he is with their daughter.

I haven’t seen much of how he is as a father, but I’m sure he is, he’s enough of a kid himself too.

I don’t know. Maybe? Maybe not.

I guess. With everything she did to f^^k everyone else over, how did she get a life like that.

To an extent, but I don’t think I can say I’m close with any of the friends I had anymore…

What? I don’t know.

It’s hard to imagine my dad any differently than how he is.

What? What are you talking about? That doesn’t make sense.

What the f^^k? That’s… Hell no.

The game should change. Akielah has some great ideas and the desire to make it better, something that isn’t like it has been.

I mean, that’s not a surprise.

Yes, I would want to be in their lives.

Yeah… I have. And the second time was worse.

Ria and Cassie are both good kids. I don’t have much of a relationship with Cassie, but she wasn’t born until after I was already in Listaria, so I’ve never been around her much. But I still try to check in on them both.

Elettra… it’s complicated. There’s always going to be a part of me that’s torn when it comes to her, because she’s my twin sister. But at the same time I hate her for everything she’s done. I hate her, but It’s hard to let myself hate her…

Angela is one of the kindest people you could meet. She helps make things more tolerable, but I know she wants things to be simpler than the way they are with everything and Evangeline.

I do like dancing with kids. I can’t say no to them.

That wouldn’t be a shock.

My life’s already f^^ked up.

No… I don’t wish I hadn’t met her.

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How can I prove something didn’t happen?

He’s known for a long time that a lot of his childhood isn’t clear… but he just hasn’t known what all he’s forgotten… we’ve tried reminding him, and so much from back then is just a trigger for him, and he’s tried to block everything out. Paige being around him is a reminder of his childhood, for the good, and the bad… I can only imagine how confusing that all of it must be and I’m worried about him. He doesn’t do well with this sort of situation…

Blushes even more
She is?

Of course I feel bad for her. It’s so much extra work put on her and she doesn’t need that stress. If I could do anything to help her besides moral support and reminding her to eat and sleep I would.

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”going way better than I thought. Honestly though I love those two little minions with all my heart ”

”yes very much! They’re a really cute couple I couldn’t see them not getting married”

”of course! Wouldn’t miss it”

”well that sucks for Kai, but I’m sure there will be enough pictured and videos to show him after”

”does anything he do surprise you? Not me”


If you were with her, would you let her do what she does? Dorian supported her dreams. Would you have pulled her back from them?

rude :joy:

It doesn’t matter to you that she’s Jess’ cousin? Oh well you slept with Jess’ sister -w hy would that matter? nm

Jess’ mother?

talk… to her?

He became worse because addie broke his heart

what part?

Would you blame her if she succeeded?

You know about zach but you’re not in his life


You don’t think you would have been happier?

What do you mean?


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