Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

Kai at 18 (while he was using jessica but also falling for her)

  1. Hi kai, what if I told you jess was going to have 7 kids in the future
  2. she’s going to marry dorian - thoughts about that?
  3. Don’t worry, you’ll fall in love again and have a baby girl
  4. You’re going to get anna pregnant - thoughts


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  1. Jezzz…dan traveled back in time… are you scared he’s going to mess things up?
  2. What if I told you that he thought he was dead and that’s why he changed things but he’s not and he actually changed things and NOW he lives in London with charlotte alive… and never having met you…
  3. If you could go back in time, when would you go to? Maybe before you’re first baby died?


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Yeah, he looked different. He just didn’t seem like himself. It was strange actually seeing him after so long, and I was just surprised seeing him honestly.


I ended up having to explain it as being part of a beta testing initiative.

I don’t know, I guess we both just missed talking to each other, being in each other’s lives. Once we started talking we just… didn’t stop.

Have you seen him?

But its still true. His “look” right now, is looking like a hobo.

Unfortunately he is.

It was bad, really bad.

It doesn’t have to be about the public having an interest, but Jordan needs to start taking credit for his work. He deserves it, even if he doesn’t want the credit.

He’s been busy, and he can’t afford to get sick with his filming schedules either.

Yes, I know I do.

I wouldn’t say he’s a bad dad. Laurel loves him to death, and I know he cares when I see them together, which I’d say is being good. He’s just not the most present father.

I told him he’d get sick if he was around me… I returned the favor by bringing him soup too, and did what I could to help him feel better, which wasn’t as much as I would’ve liked since I still wasn’t all the way better either.

Hell no.

It was nice, really nice.

It’s great, really great, and he needs to release it.

It was… strange. Things just felt different.

He needs to start releasing his own, his songs are so good, and he deserves full credit for them.

It was tough, but also freeing at the same time in a way? It made things clearer.

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Umm what? What the hell did Dan do? He better not.

You’re joking, right? You better be.

I… I don’t know. I don’t know if I would want to change things.

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Would she have?

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He wanted to make a time traveling machine and… guess it worked but it kinda short circuited and sent… him back in time and Jess and … probably a version of you too

Am not

Even if it meant your baby living?

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She might have known the high school ones actually

And then Emmy and her got together senior year right?

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What the hell…

Dan better not do anything stupid, or more stupid, and fix it if he messed things up.


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I mean…. This can’t be the worst thing dans done…. Right?

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I honestly don’t remember when we said they got together. Somewhere around senior year/just after senior year sounds right though

Especially since for a while before they were together would’ve been when Piper was living in Beryl, and Emmy would’ve still been in London.

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Talking about dan… who changed his sisters kidnapping

Jess is also changing the timeline because she’s stuck in high school where Dori hates her and obviously she lives him so that’s going…. Weird

Do you think Jess changing that and ending up with Dori earlier would change your life?

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I wonder if there’s a serious one in there that piper never met

runs into ex at the proposal vacation

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Oh I get it

You don’t care about that baby

No worries

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I… i don’t know

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Don’t say that. Losing that baby still kills me inside.

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I mean, I guess you wouldn’t have to see Jess at her worst crying over Dorian and making out with a rando in a club

But besides that would it really change anything?

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Totally believe you

Also question for brooke - what timeline did Jez go to? Since she was in the house that day

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Imagine laurel being in that house and going back to a time where her mom and dad were together

Idk why that popped in my head but I just see laurel coming to the baby shower late not wanting to be there and getting sucked into it all

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Sometimes maybe a 4, sometimes a 10

10, but sometimes its the good kind of annoying.

10, in a good way.

I… uh… uh… I’m not answering that.

I couldn’t tell you. Maybe ask a girl he’s kissed.

Um, yeah, kinda… since you know…
Since I haven’t, not… not because I have a crush. He’s just my best friend.

Uh, yeah of course.

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