Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)


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Glad to know he has emotions towards his kids

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Like there would be a part of Leo that would definitely be sad, but not devastated like Miranda. Cause she’s completely broken hearted, but Leo is still mostly ok.

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which makes me wonder if miranda and him will reconcile a little at the funeral

Because if anyone should be able to read Leo’s hidden emotions

It should be her

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He’ll be fine and moving on quickly, but it would still affect him. Even if part of him wouldn’t want it to. :pleading_face:

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Exactly. But at the same time, I could see it also making him snap.

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Oh Kai

He did love you

Though I always thought Leo loved him (very very deep down) he just wanted different for Kai then what happened to him

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Has miranda ever seen him snap?

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Cause maybe it’s a mixture?

Maybe he shows her his emotions and then he snaps

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I feel like there could definitely be some issues later on with unprocessed grief though

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Therapy Leo

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 he did want the best for Kai. He just saw that Kai was going to make the same kinds of choices he did, and thought making the choices for Kai, pushing him to toughen up and ignore his own emotions, was best for him
 the way he thought he could keep Kai from suffering the pain he felt

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Imagine therapy with Leo

“I got mad because my fiancĂ© left me and married my best friend so I hired people to steal her child with every intention of returning the kid but they fcked up and took her brothers baby instead and then my wife fell in love with her so I just didn’t give her back”

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I feel like Addie would have to trick him into it.

I don’t think he’d go to therapy willingly

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Oh don’t worry she will :triumph:

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The therapist would be highly concerned I imagine

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Let’s be honest there’s probably a lot they have to work between them too

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