Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)


Kai budddy in sad world I guess

  1. Hey sooooooo do you like nuggets? Jess could get you nuggets if you’ll eat them
  2. What’s your favorite soup?
  3. When you weren’t sad boi - what was your favorite food?
  4. You think your daughter is going to grow up to be like her mom?
  5. Do you ever wish your daughter wasn’t born?
  6. Do you ever wish your child with jess was born?
  7. Do you ever wish your dad would just… dissapear?
  8. You think the princess is gonna find you?
  9. How are you going to tell your daughter about her mom?
  10. Are you going to tell jess about Sky? What she was like?

180 - i’m so close @Littlefeets



  1. my darling how are you
  2. On a scale from 1 to 10: How good a sister is Laurel?
  3. On a scale from 1 to 10: how good a dad is jordan?
  4. On a scale from 1 to 10: how good was mikel as a dad?
  5. On a scale from 1 to 10: How good is your dad as a grandpa?
  6. ON a scale from 1 to 10: how good is your mom as a grandma?
  7. ON a scale from 1 to 10: how good a uncle is dan?
  8. ON a scale from 1 to 10: how good a… er… cousin? is Jess? to your kid
  9. Do you have nightmares? About everything?
  10. would you ever let your mom near your kids?

@Littlefeets 170



  1. Would you ever want dan as a brother after what he did?
  2. WHat if jess happened to… i don’t know… lock you in a room with him until you talk it out
  3. Do you even care about your birth parents? Like… wouldn’t it be easier for them if they didn’t know of your existance
  4. Could you see where Dan is coming from at all?
  5. The only people dan has is his family, and you have the potential to hurt them so instead he pushes you away… don’t you see that?

@Littlefeets 165

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  1. HOW is your hubby?
  2. How was therapy? Good?
  3. Did you put your kids in therapy too?
  4. who’s your favorite child?
  5. Would you ever want to meet candice’s husband?
  6. Are you happier now then you were with mav?
  7. Did you ever love mav?
  8. Do you ever wish you didn’t marry mav?
  9. Um… do you ever wish you ended up with candice?
  10. I don’t know… have you ever died your hair?

@Caticorn you were sloothing


They were alright I guess.

I guess that could be part of it. We just have always gotten along.

He’s an alright guy, and just right for her. He supports her well, and she seems very happy with him.

What? I’m not going to call my parents hot.

I guess I do.

I’m glad she thinks so.

I can only guess at what my parents really thought of her, but I was impressed by her. I’m always impressed by her.

I suppose I was lucky. I would love Addie ether way, but it does make it easier to get my parents on board with the plan of marrying her.

I noticed. I just know that I will marry Addie. No question.

Yes, she does. She just lets my dad take the lead.

Yeah, I noticed that too.

I would have much rather been with Addie.

I’m glad they got along.

I’m sorry I wanted my fiancé to sit with me?

Yes, I would. Without a doubt.

Because I love her. I’m going to marry Addie, and I’m not going to act like I’m not a hundred percent hers.

I know why she was, and I would’ve at least considered it even if she hadn’t.

Not by choice.

He can go f^^k off.

I… don’t agree with it, but I understand it this time.

That f^^^king… he better stay the f^^k away from her.

Preston should be f^^king glad we weren’t alone.

Yeah. :roll_eyes:

I do, and that’s how I feel about her.

If it will help her if she needs it, i will.

What do you think?

If they do, they do. If I want to leave a mark on my fiancé, I’m going to leave a mark, and whatever anyone else says, isn’t going to make me think twice.

I might’ve missed her when I was 14, but that was a long time ago.

It was just something about what she said. It caught my attention.

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Yeah sure, I guess…

I don’t… I don’t even know right now…

Yeah, I bet she will…

No. She just deserves better…

I’ve thought about it more times than I can count…

I don’t know, i guess sometimes…

I can only hope not…

I don’t know… if she asks, I’ll tell her what she wants to know.

I guess maybe

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  1. But did you… eat the alright appetizers?
  1. Come onnnn say it
  1. Did they say anything to you when she left?
  1. Thoughts about the clear sexist remarks?
  1. So did you stop bidding because of addie… the look your dad was giving you… or that it was too expensive?
  1. I can bet a lot that he won’t
  1. What caught your attention?

@Littlefeets i can’t math so let’s say this is 160

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“Colin’s great.”

“All honesty, I should’ve gone sooner. It helped me more than I expected.”

“I won’t force them into it because I know it won’t be effective unless they want to be there but I’ve strongly suggested it to them.”

chuckles We’re not playing this game. I don’t have a favourite.”

“If I ever get the chance, I would love to.”

“Yes. It has nothing to do with Mav or my love for him but I’m in a much better place now with my own issues.”

“Yes, of course. I wouldn’t trade the time I spent with him for anything.”


“Maybe if the circumstances had been different.”

“No, I haven’t.”

Yes I was :upside_down_face:


Not much, but some.


Mainly that we would discuss later.

I can’t control the way my parents think. I just don’t look at things the same way.

It was because of Addie telling me to let it go. If she wanted me to, I would’ve paid far more to get it.

If he knows what’s good for him, he will.

It just sounded familiar, that’s all.

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Oh come on Leo stop beating around the bush

What about it sounded familiar?

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Her getting expelled from boarding school in Switzerland the way she did.

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And why did it sound familiar??

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I heard about it when it happened. I wasn’t at that school, but I heard about a girl that age getting expelled like that.

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Leo’s such a bum when it comes to extracting information from him

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He likes keeping information private. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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He’s closed off it’s no good

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He needs to answer like Jessica would

It’s a free for all

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He’s not so closed off with Addie. :pleading_face:

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Yes but Addie can’t interview him

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