“And you’re sure about that? Maybe I was always trying to steal a painting Leo. MAYBE ALL OF THIS, you falling in love with me, was my master plan so that I could pin the blame on you. EVER think about that?.”
“Awww, okay now what exactly have you two said?”
“Well come on. Logistically, it’s almost impossible. You’re telling me that more than 2 decades ago, my mother, a woman who hates traveling, came to Beryl, stayed here, ran into Kai’s dad of all people, and dated him? Really? Sure - technically it could be true, but it’s nearly impossible. That’s too many coincidences.”
Fine, I’ll agree that it is a lot of coincidences, but it is true.
If you still don’t want to believe me, ask your mother if she’s ever been to beryl, and if she dated someone there named Leo, and tell me what she says.
“My god… I guess I see where my taste in men come from? But that’s crazy… so my mom was friends with Kai’s mom, and then… said best friend and my mom’s…er… ex got together? God… that must have been awkward… wait… HOLD UP… you’re telling me my father was friends with Kai’s father too? How the bloody fck is all of this so connected? What happened so that my mother ended up with my dad and Kai’s dad ended up with my mom’s friend? Like the hell?”
Your mom meeting your dad was purely by coincidence, but your mom did introduce Kai’s parents to each other.
Then your mom married your dad essentially as a business deal, despite Kai’s dad begging them to not go through with it. So he was upset and lashing out, so he ended up convincing your mom’s best friend, who already had a crush on him, to sleep with him. She ended up getting pregnant, which led to them getting married because of that.
Yes Addie, you are the most beautiful, amazing person I have ever met, I can’t imagine a world where I wouldn’t have fallen deeply, madly, in love with you.
(Note: as his creator I have no ideas on what he would say for hitting on her )
I don’t think that whether or not I tell you that would impact whether or not you marry me.
While I do want to know, I’m still not telling you what happened during that one spring break.
“Well… not suprised that mom and dad were a business deal. Have you met them? That’s what they’re best at. But holy fcking shit. So my mom ended up with Kai’s dad’s best friend and Kai’s dad ended up with my mom’s best friend? Talk about messy.”
“I’m just… I’m shocked and I’m worried for my daughter and Leo’s kids as well… it’s just nothing either of us expected… I don’t know what was going through Leo’s daughter’s head.”
“Of course I’ve checked on her. She’s my daughter.”