Dorian doesn’t like lying to his wife but sometimes, like now, that was necessary. If he wanted his not so little plan to work, he had to come up with a bunch of lies and hope Jessica would believe him. I mean… often going to the UK for some soccer event was not that suspicious, was it? At least that’s how the lies started.
There was a castle they got as a wedding gif and they never really done anything with it. It was just sitting, abandoned on a nice hill for ages and Dorian doesn’t remember if they ever visited it. And there was not a better time to do this - soon it will be Shay’s 10th birthday and Jess’ and Dorian’s anniversary. It would be an early gift but probably the best one so far. The whole process started last year before winter, while the team he found could still do some work on the exterior of that castle. And that castle…. needed a lot of fixing. Decorating the whole interior being included but if his family doesn’t end up liking how it looks don’t blame him…. he hired the best people so blame them, tho he was pretty sure they’d do the best job. For that part he could just stay at home and be with his family while their castle was getting new windows and doors, facade was redone, and the swamp surrounding it wasn’t a swamp anymore. It was never realllly a swamp to begin with but it was simply awful and Dorian wanted his kids to have the most beautiful garden and backyard.
Once that was done he had to go back and find a lame excuse to why he had to leave, only to meet up with a young interior designer again and talk more about the inside of that huge ass castle. She also had her own little team and they all better be thankful for this job because 172 rooms was a lot. 18 guests bedrooms, every kid gets 2 bedrooms, 2 kitchens on different sides of the castle but the main hall was going to be the most beautiful room. Making his little girls feel like real princesses with the spiral staircase and low chandeliers. There was also an indoor pool but let’s not talk about that now, that was Dori’s wish. It was all coming together, he just needed to think of a way to bring his whole family here and not look suspicious.
* * *
[color="lightsteelblue”]”Look,”[/color] Dorian was tightly holding baby Grayson in his arms, lifting him up so they could both look out of a small private jet window. Zoe was asleep on the seat next to him while Shay was watching something with Jess, Aidan and Ethan asleep next to them. They were all on a plane to somewhere. They all thought they’d be visiting Jess’ family and they will, for two days that’s all they’ll be doing but then Dorian will take them to a castle he spent so much time getting ready for them. [color="lightsteelblue”]”You can see the ocean,”[/color] a smile on his lips as he looked at his son, his tiny hand on the window. ”It’s confusing, isn’t it?” At first the twins did everything at the same time and they were still good babies but now whenever Grayson was awake Ethan would be asleep and the other way around, making it slightly difficult for their parents. Bringing him closer to his chest and kissing the top of his head, Dorian looked to the side at his daughter waking up.
”Slept well, princess?” A playful smile on his lips, he opened his arm allowing Zoe to cuddle up next to him while still tightly holding Grayson on his other side. They still had 3 more hours to waste in that plane but 2 days before his kids became real princesses and princes.
* * *
[color="lightsteelblue”]”You can’t look, ok?”[/color] Laughing lightly, Dorian repeated to his kids and Jessica for the fifth time as he helped Aiden get in his seat that was now in a black car with tinted windows. What were the chances that the kids won’t be looking out of those windows as soon as they see they are in the middle of no where and are expecting some kind of a surprise? Very low, but one could only hope they knew how to listen. [color="lightsteelblue”]”What did I say?”[/color] Looking at Zoe fidgeting in her seat, Dorian closed the door behind him and at that same moment the car started moving. ”Don’t look,” Zoe answered, looking at her dad with a lil mischievous smile. This will not go as he planned… You know what else would also really surprise him? Jess not figuring out what he was doing. But they haven’t talked about the castle in such a long time and even if she did know what he was doing… Dorian has been low key ignoring his wife, just in case. But they were taking all their stuff with them so that could literally mean anything… she doesn’t know.
Noticing they were almost there, Dorian looked up at his kids and spoke up. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Do you want to play a little game now?”[/color] You have to be safe. Seeing that they nodded, he continued. [color="lightsteelblue”]”You have to keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise. Whoever loses can’t get a speeecial prize… you too,”[/color] now looking at his wife, the corner of his lip curled in a slight smirk. Arriving, he was lucky enough to have them all listen to him as he helped them out of the car that was parked in front of a huge castle. Their castle. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Here,”[/color] Dorian whispered taking Jess’ hand and gently kissing her cheek once she stepped out, then moving to stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Ok… you can look,”[/color] shifting his gaze to his daughters, there was a nervous smile on his lips, waiting for their reaction. ”Welcome home. This is all yours.”