{ Post breakup hookups }
It’s been a while since Dorian had to pay attention to anyone but his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend now. But it also took him some time to actually realize he’d have to start doing that again. It shouldn’t be a problem, he’s been doing it for as long as he could remember but why does it feel so wrong now? Easy - because he still loved someone who clearly didn’t love him in that way. The only problem was that most girls now knew not to do anything if they don’t want to get embarrassed and shut down immediately, which wasn’t a problem, it only meant he’d have to make the first move but… he didn’t want to. He didn’t want them to make the first move but… He was confused. He was hurt. He was really hurt. And for a while having fun with someone was the only thing, besides soccer, that could help him get his mind off his problems, so don’t judge him for finding someone to bring back home a week after Jess broke up with him. Was he thinking straight? No.
For a whole week Dorian was ignoring the situation as if nothing happened, pretending everything was fine, he was still happy and in a happy relationship, there was a ring he still had a chance to use… pushing everything away and bottling up those awful feelings because he couldn’t understand it. What happened? What did he do to change her mind? That confusion and insecurity making him not do anything that day and let her simply walk away from him. That same thing will later make him try to push her away completely, not pick up her calls because why would he? She obviously didn’t need him and he didn’t need that constant reminder. It will also make him go back to his old ways. Remember Lucy? Dorian did, just not her name because he really didn’t care about that at the time… Not like he cared about it now, but it was a good beginning.
It was the morning of the day he really fcked up. That day when Jessica returned and found Dorian with another girl. Left her key on his counter. What a great memory…But that morning Dorian was on the field with his team, their cheerleader friends out as well but now things were a bit different. Now he was the one distracted, he was the one wanting distraction. Finishing up, this time Dorian joined his friends as they made their way to the group of girls in their little skirts… Hesitantly. It felt wrong… but he was still there, doing it. His tshirt came off the moment he started following his friends, meeting the girl’s eyes only when he found himself standing close to her. The corner of his mouth curled, his gaze traveling down her body only to look away and talk to his friends. He started it but she can continue. Maybe it would make him feel less guilty… It didn’t. There was nothing that could make him feel less guilty even if there was nothing that should make him feel that way because he was single. He was single while still thinking about only one girl as he was trying to make another girl take the bait. But at least that was working. Once again following his friends inside, he glanced back with a subtle smirk only to find the girl already looking which was followed by her turning to her friends probably asking did you see that?
Later that day, he hoped to find her in one of his classes and luckily she was there. Casually walking up to her, out of all the empty seats he took the one right next to her, not saying a thing, not even looking at her but he could see from the corner of his eye that she had a smile on as she was writing something down. He just had to make sure she doesn’t leave after, but would she really? Hm, I don’t think so… He had a lot of time to think about his next move so once the class was over and everyone got up, Dorian quietly laughed to himself, making Lucy look at him. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Am I the only one who doesn’t understand a thing?”[/color] With a mix of a cheeky and “embarrassed” smile, he finally turned to her, running his hand through his hair. [color="plum”]”You don’t understand a thing?”[/color] Throwing her bag over her shoulder, Lucy repeated after him, watching with entertainment. ”Don’t tell anyone. Or… you could help me?” Keeping his smile on, Dorian quietly asked. Do I have to explain how that ended? Yes? Well, if you insist. That ended with Dorian taking the girl back to his place and doing everything but class stuff. Everything… okay, one thing only. The moment they walked into his apartment he had her pinned against the door, his hands and lips all over her body but never on her own lips. Taking each other’s clothes off on the way to his bedroom. An hour of letting himself forget about everything which he’ll soon learn was a big, big mistake. Okay… she was there and… she heard everything. Good. Fun. Yeah…
[color="plum”]”I hope that helped,”[/color] now standing in the kitchen, Lucy was leaning against the counter fixing her shirt, a little flirty smile on his lips. Placing his hands on the counter on both sides of her, Dorian simply nodded,[color="lightsteelblue”]”Mhm.”[/color] Leaning down to kiss her neck was when he saw it. The key that wasn’t there when he got back. The key that wasn’t supposed to be there at all because Jessica had it. Oh sht. No. No, she was not in here. His gaze immediately flew to the door and a second later he moved towards it to check something. Unlocked. Of course. [color="plum”]”Everything… okay?”[/color] The girl carefully asked, walking over to him and resting her hand on his bare back. No. Everything was far from okay, but why should he care? This was not his decision. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Y-yeah… I just… remembered my brother is supposed to come here today,”[/color] clearing his throat he turned back to face her, trying to force a convincing smile. [color="plum”]”Aha… I’ll see you?”[/color] Grabbing the rest of her things, Lucy got on her tippy toes to kiss him but he pulled away, looking to the side as he opened the door for her. ”Mhm.” And that’s how that thing ended. As soon as she left Dori went back to the key, throwing it across the room and going back to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
* * *
After that day there was no reason for him to hold back. Doing what he thought would be the best he continued ignoring his friend and doing God knows what with God knows who over the weekends. That whole mess did make him more focused on soccer, in a way that’s how he got his anger out and that seemed to be working out for him. He was making progress and that’s the only thing that matters, isn’t it? Love life? Yeah, he doesn’t need that. What he does need are cute girls he could have a little fun with here and there. He never really got with the same girl more than twice, counting Lucy - we don’t want another Emily situation. Speaking of Emily… Maybe he even found her this one night in a club and broke his rule of different girls. Let’s not talk about Emily… Aren’t you supposed to be avoiding her, Dorian? That all came to an end when he met Kennedy who he… never really loved as much as he was supposed to. Who he proposed to only because the only girl he ever wanted to propose to was planning to marry someone else.