Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread


☼ ⭒ ⋆。˚ so I grab my stuff, Courtney just pulled up in the driveway ˚。⋆ ⭒ ☼

“My God, does he not understand how lucky he got with you? I can’t believe you even gave him the time of day, that boy was punching, he is so pathetic.”

Most people would be punching if they were to date Sophia Gabrielle Hawthorne. There had been eyes on her since the day Delilah had shocked the town, if not the world, with her pregnancy. And she was made for it. She was Hawthorne blood, after all. Eighteen years later and Sophia had truly maintained the attention she had captured. The Hawthorne name continued to become a household one as Sophie and Delilah conquered the Upper East Side together. It had always just been them, and it was all they needed.

One thing they were currently conquering was Zack Lawrence. Sophia’s first serious and long-term boyfriend that had been going perfectly since sophomore year, until days after graduation when he was caught by one of her friends cheating on her. The perks of being a friendly face to everyone: having eyes everywhere. Though it came with its downsides, the fallout of this event becoming known by all, including a photo of their argument being posted for everyone to see and voice their opinions on.

It was that post that the Hawthorne girls had open as they sat in Delilah’s Bentley, the roof down to let the sunshine in, Delilah zooming in on Zack’s face as she gave those words of disapproval. ‘Amber Harley’ didn’t seem to think so,” Sophie responded, the mystery culprit involved in this scandal. It was a name she had never heard before, a person she had never met, yet a girl that was able to have such a colossal impact on her life. That was when Delilah’s insulting approach turned to a more sympathetic one. “I know, baby, I’m sorry you’re hurting,” She told her, brushing Sophia’s hair behind her ear. “But on the bright side, you get to start college free from this dead weight,” Delilah continued, “You’re going to have so many amazing experiences,” She enthused, exiting the Instagram post and putting her phone away. “Probably all the better now without him.”

Well, those experiences would be starting now. The graduation celebration ski trip Sophia had planned with her best friends now had second purpose: break-up bounce back vacation. “We’re outside, girl!” Alison exclaimed on the phone, to which Sophia gathered her things together and jumped in the car filled with music and excited squeals.

“So I hear there’s a party going on tonight literally right down the road to this place,” Hannah enlightened the trio as they headed to the reception of the chalet they were staying in. “Ah, which means we arrived at the perfect time,” Sophia remarked, handing her bags to one of the attendants, and heading for the check-in desk. “What we’re saying is après-ski minus the skiing?” Alison questioned as Hannah began talking to the receptionist gathering room information. “Isn’t that what we came here for?”

Interrupting their light laughter was the echoing sound of a crash bouncing on the walls. Sophia’s attention switched to a group of guys who had been checking in alongside them. More specifically, the one who had caused the commotion. Though he was hard to spot at first, considering the way he was inconspicuously looking around in attempt to deflect blame - but his laughing friends weren’t letting him get away with it. “I hope he didn’t break anything, our wine was in there,” Hannah whispered with concern as her eyes remained glued on one of the many bags that fell victim to the crash. “Waitt those guys are kind of cute,” Alison noted, in a volume less considerate than Hannah’s had been. “Say it a little louder, Ali,” Sophia told her sarcastically as a few of their heads had turned in their direction. Not the luggage-cart aggressor, no, he had stayed hidden after his performance.

Once they had been checked in and handed their keys, “Let’s go and scope out the place,” Alison suggested, neglecting the keys on the desk. “You guys go ahead. I need to use the bathroom, that was a looong journey,” Sophia told them, taking the keys and heading towards their newly-assigned room. “Okay fine, but that does not mean you get first pick of beds,” Hannah warned, her voice raising more as Sophia was purposely unresponsive to that instruction. “Remember who it was that found this place!!!”

Unfortunately, Sophia hadn’t been listening to the receptionist giving the details about their room, which became obvious when she found herself stuck on which number room was theirs. So for a while, she had to trial-and-error, testing their key on each of the doors, before eventually a door opened and a sigh of relief escaped her.

Though Sophia’s plans to have her own tour of their room, and a… potential bed-claim sorry Hannah, were abruptly interrupted by a person standing front and centre as she walked in. Quite hard to miss. Also hard to miss was the fact that he was naked. “Wow. What a view,” She commented, an unbothered tone concealing her initial surprise at the scene. She let the comment sit in silence for a moment, before tilting her head past him, “From the window, relax. So is this naked service a part of the deluxe package or was this just a little complimentary thing?” Sophia asked him, looking away to give him a chance to conceal himself and keep ahold of some dignity. “Sorry, ‘little’ was rude. That wasn’t—” She stopped as his speed-changing came to a conclusion and she was able to turn back to him, “This isn’t a good day for you is it?” Sophia asked, in reference to his luggage-cart attack prior.

☼ ⭒ ⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚⭒ ☼

@benitz786 Parker boy

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