Shorts Series: Alternate Universe - Kai and Jess Dinner with the fam-a-lam: 2020
Timeline: In a world where Jess left with Kai during his wedding
Late they were. Jess getting cleaned up as did Kai before making their way to a… huge (and listen, when Jess says huge - she means absolutely humongous and un-necessarily so) mansion. It was honestly larger than her own parents and even most of her family members but all she could feel was that the home felt… lonely. Jess hated big houses for just this reason… there was no way you could make a home when every family member were so damn far away from one another. Like… honestly? For fcks sake.
As the butler opened the door - Jess took her jacket off, handing the man her coat before putting her hand in Kai’s as he lead her towards the dining room. She had honestly been expecting Kai’s sisters to be there. It was… really the only thing that had pushed her to come in the first place. A buffer… she needed that because she knew that his parents hated her. After all… she was the one to run away with their son during his wedding… to a princess. But what she found was that it was just them… her… kai… and his parents. Bloody great…
Taking a seat, the room had immediately set into an awkward silence as she attempted to exchange pleasantries with his parents which really went nowhere. Kai’s mother was the one speaking to her, and his father just stayed… quiet - to both her and Kai. As the food came out, Jess was glad she could stuff her mouth full of something to avoid talking. She felt Kai’s hand on her leg as he spoke about something or another, bringing her slight solace in the situation but not enough to ease her worry. Honestly, Jess was so much in her own head that she didn’t even know where the conversation was going. Kai’s father hadn’t spoken a word… an awkward silence had fallen among the room… so yeah Jessica did what she usually did. She spoke… fast… and about nonsense.
“So… my parents were in attendance at Kai’s wedding… you know the one we kind of escaped from so I didn’t really get to see much of the reception area but we heard you two handled it really well. My parents loved the cake… told me it was absolutely delicious wish I could have tried it. I love cake - do you two love cake? Well I love cake. Where did you two buy it from? Oh… never mind I know how these things work. You two probably didn’t directly buy it it was probably a caterer right? I mean I’d love to know the name of this caterer if you remember. Annnyywayyyyss how much did that wedding cost by the way. It was really… really absolutely beautiful. Oh… I’m sorry… money talk is not really dinner talk I don’t know why I brought it up maybe I’m just out of my head since I found out I’m pregnant but I guess It could just be that I really like cake and weddings. On the other hand - I heard that the Princess of Listeria was said to be getting remarried which is interesting - I mean the finding of a new guy that quickly but hey… when it’s love, it’s love right?”
In a speed that could barely be comprehended, Jess spoke… probably about a topic she should have avoided but this was Jess. And then she found herself talking about something she had just learned a few days prior after taking a test and hadn’t even told Kai about but she couldn’t help herself. She just… needed to say something… anything to fill the silence.
She felt Kai’s grip on her leg harden and turned towards him before saying anything else, him giving her a I love you but please shut up look and she obliged - though it seemed it took him a few seconds to register exactly what she had said. “Wait did you say you’re…”
Kai didn’t get to finish his sentiment before his father stood up with a slam against the table. “This is unacceptable Malachi.” The man screamed with a thunderous voice and his mother simply looked pale. “What are we going to do about this? Should I call that Richard man… he helped cover up the Abbot’s son’s issue with the stripper… god knows we’ll need him here,”
Jess looked towards Kai and after a second, stood up and excused herself - walking towards the other room. She felt slight worry as her hand moved towards her stomach… Kai’s father’s notion about doing something meeting her mind and she found herself pacing - hearing muffled screams from the other room. She didn’t… god she didn’t know what to do. Part of her mind told her to run… perhaps it was instinctual but the other part told her to stay. Though she didn’t really have a choice in the manner when she saw Kai coming out and walking towards her, soon wrapping his arms around her. “Kai I don’t… look I don’t know what happened in there or who this Richard man is but… I’m not…” though she didn’t have a chance to finish that sentiment as she found his lips on hers - calming all nerves immedialty.
@Littlefeets - You can respond if you want to, or not. Up to you I would like to see his reaction and also what his father and him were yelling about but it do be up to you.