Blue Royalty: New Blood

Ten o’clock. Two words stopping Phoebe from laughing after Aj’s humour reply or, if you would like it, advice for Elio. It was a good advice, that she had to give to him but she didn’t get to comment on that. Her attention shifted to a girl familiar to her, a face she couldn’t see clearly because her vision was at this point getting blurry, but oh was her figure so familiar to Phoebe. Wait, that’s… that’s the girl he was talking about. His summer fling or whatever he referred to her as. Phoebe knew her. She knew her well.
Hartley Bowie, a good friend of hers. Her mind immediately went to last spring, just before a summer break when Phoebe was on a little vacation with few of her friends, in a state Hartley was living in then.
She always had a strange friendships with girls, it took her a while to warm up to them but she knew she always liked Hartley. Her picnic friend as she used to call her. All the memories from that spring came to her mind - different fruit in baskets and colourful blankets, glasses for red wine and good music. Relaxing days she loved to look back on, days that made her wish Hart lived somewhere closer so they could hang out together more often. Phoebe also remember that time when she mentioned she’d be moving again - new state, new school and friends. But she never thought she’d see her here. She’d never thought she’d be the girl her best friend was boasting about. Movement in front of her, Aj walking past her, brought her back to reality now watching him approach the girl with a flower in his hands. Typical, Phoebe’s first thought as she rolled her eyes but there was something different on her features. A smile that was hard to define, smile or a frown? One could not really tell but she quickly looked away, back to the guy standing in front of her. ”I’m not going to say anything, ok? But what Aj said - it’s not me you should be worried about,” a quiet sigh escaped her lips, for a second looking down at the ground for whatever reason. Maybe something was worrying, maybe not, it didn’t really matter. ”And really? Really, Elio? Paige? And where everyone could see you? I expected more from you…” Her signature, playful smile was back on her lips as she brought her eyes back to his. ”I wish you luck dealing with… your girlfriend,” and with those words Phoebe walked away from him.

Phoebe has always been a lightweight. Always… she’s still a young girl but yes, she was, and not even half an hour into the party she already had three drinks and was currently finishing her fourth. Not to mention that glass bottle she was hiding in her room and took a sip out of, for good luck. So to say she was feeling more than just tipsy would be the truth and what happens when she gets drunk? Everything becomes more fun and she becomes if that’s even possible, more playful and flirtatious.
A glass in her hand, Phoebe let herself get lost in the crowd as she danced all alone. That was the only time when she didn’t mind being alone. When the music and energy of other people were distracting her from her own thoughts, enough to forget no one close to her was actually there beside her. A big, innocent smile on her face, having fun she was always craving. One moment her eyes would be closed, a smile still stuck on her face as her long, dark hair would casually get tangled with her white dress barely covering up her figure or get in contact with a clear lipgloss on her lips - the most annoying feeling. But then she’d open her eyes again, her gaze travelling across the venue looking for… something. That something was never something specific. A friend or a guy she could try to win over, in this case maybe another one of those fancy, navy-dressed waiters that was hopefully around her age so she wouldn’t feel icky glancing in his direction.

But her eyes fell upon one of the famous Cerulean High triplets, Diego. There was something entertaining in his whole appearance. Maybe it started when he tried to get somewhere with Phoebe, only making her giggle knowing what his brothers were like and he didn’t seem like them. In her eyes he seemed sweet and more innocent, she didn’t get that playful energy she was always looking for from him so she didn’t take her usual route. She found a different kind of entertainment from that - a chance to simply tease someone but not in a harmful way. Something different to not get bored with all the monotony that was tiring her. A side of her lip curled into a faint smirk, an empty glass still in her hands as she started strolling towards the guy. Stopping only to put the glass on the tray of one of the waiters and grab two more drinks. That one drink she didn’t need but did it matter at this point? Not really. The room started spinning a long time ago only reminding Phoebe she had to focus on how she was walking but she mastered that skill quickly. Sure, her mind was a mess and there were many random things going through it but she always knew if her sudden idea was worth the moment, worth remembering the next day. And what she was set to do now was something she would never be disappointed at herself for, not even without a little encouragement in a form of clear liquor burning down her throat.

”Oh, I love this song,” swaying her hips and singing along, lyrics she was actually hearing for the first time, she found herself next to Diego. She has followed him to the bar, setting down two glasses she was holding in her hands before crossing her arms over it and slightly tilting her head to the side so she could look at him, letting her gaze slowly travel down. ”Look at you! You look… hot,” emphasizing her last word, she turned to face him, almost stumbling before bringing her hands up to his collar, moving closer to him. Making sure that empty space between them was closing with each second passing. Maybe she was even holding onto him as support from not tripping or even falling. Her eyes were glued on his, not hiding a smirk as she let her hands slowly travel to the back of his neck, interlocking her own fingers. This - this was fun to her, no matter if she was serious or not. If she actually wanted to gain something from it or not. Just a little fun making her night not boring, mixed with some drinks. There was a small pause in her words and actions, a moment of her simply looking at him before bringing her hand to his cheek, closing that empty space between them. Standing on her toes, she gently pressed her lips against his, letting her other hand slide down to his chest before pushing herself back and chuckling to herself. Her hand slightly covering her lips hiding that mischievous smile as her other reached for the drink. ”I’m… I’m so sorry about that.”

@Littlefeets - Diego
@Madilnel - Elio, Hartley @Aesthetic - Aj


Laurel smiled with a slight nod when Embry agreed to the idea of a drink. Laurel gestured for her to walk with her over towards the bar to get that drink. “Ah, a mint julep, a classic. It can be hard to go wrong with a classic. For me, I keep it simple and just go for beer typically.” Laurel wasn’t one to go for a mixed drink, the exception for her being a pina colada, but of course everyone has their guilty pleasures. Now, each with a fresh drink in hand, Laurel looked to Embry. “So, you keep with a classic drink, does that mean you’re more of a traditional kind of girl? Or is there more spice beyond the mint? An interesting taste in music or hobbies even? What type of person do you think you are? Laurel asked out of curiosity.



Sophie. Fcking. Lewis. Great. Just fcking great. Thank you universe. WHAT DID RICKY EVER DO TO YOU? Okay, fine, he’s done a lot of sh!tty stuff but still? Now was the time that the universe decided to give Enrique a thorough kick in the balls? sigh That was no excuse for ending up here… in an elevator… stuck…with her. ‘Her’ being someone he once cared about as much as his own family though that disappeared quickly during the end of freshman year. Though freshman year was the end of many things for Enrique Montoya… Either way - that didn’t matter and this interaction was pointless. Utterly pointless.

Laying his head down on the floor, Ricky allowed his eyes to closed - letting her words go in one ear and out the other. His mind going back to when there was a different atmosphere between the two. After all, as long ago as it seems now, there was a time where they would do everything together. But that time is far gone - and at this point, it had been years since the two said more than a few words to each other. Honestly - that statement that Ricky just said - was probably the longest thing he’s said to her in a long time.

"Just because we’re stuck here, doesn’t mean we have to say anything to each other…”

He found himself mentally rolling his eyes for the second time. “Really Barbie? Because I was expecting to spend the next few hours having lovely chit-chat about updates from the last three years,” Ricky stated, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Let’s be honest - I don’t think either of us really care,” he added after a few moments. He tried his cell phone, but the no connection sign left him sighing - possibly something to do with being in a metal box. Really… that meant that his only source of entertainment was his mind or the girl sitting beside him with a glare. “Por el amor de dios I could be fcking Cynthia right now if I wasn’t stuck here with you. Though on that note - do you even have a love life anymore? Last I heard your poor little heart was crushed. But the rumor mill isn’t always 100% honest so do you have anything to clear up or can I leave it up to my imagination?”

@Littlefeets I’m sorry this is trash. I wish my first post didn’t get deleted :sob:


xavier pestana

Xavier stood at the bar, waiting for his drink when he heard someone say his name and felt them tap his shoulder. “Yeah?” He responded, coming face to face with Daiane. He smiled as she pulled him into a hug, relieved to see his friend. “Hey, Dai.” He greeted her as they pulled apart. He laughed with her as she told him that if she had been sure that it was really him, her greeting would have been more embarrassing for him.

He thanked her as she handed him his drink, taking a small sip. However, before he could say anything else, Daiane was whisked away by someone in a…clown costume? A little confused as to what just happened, he walked away from the bar and moved further into the house. Finding somewhere to set down his drink, he pulled out his phone and lipstick from his pocket, using the selfie camera on his phone to touch it up. He put the lipstick back in his pocket but kept his phone in his hand, contemplating texting Athena.

He decided that he didn’t want to bother them and quickly answered a text from his dama before putting his phone back in his pocket, picking his drink back up and stirring it. He leaned against the wall as he took another sip of the drink, trying not to think about the fact that he felt really out of place.

@Madilnel - Elio
i hope this is okay

@unsungcheerio - Daiane
@raviola - Reuben


“What can I say, I love a classic.” She said as she followed Laurel to the bar to order her cocktail. She thanked the bartender as she was handed the drink and then listened to the questions she was being asked. “I love mint juleps because they remind me of home.” She answered, taking a sip of her drink. “Back in England, my mother always kept a mint plant in our kitchen and as a result of this, our house always smelled like mint. I don’t why, but she didn’t do that when we moved here. So yeah, that’s why I always order this drink.” She explained, the memory bringing a smile to her face. She stirred her drink, looking down at it as she thought about the last question she was asked. “I’ve always considered myself a very outgoing person. I’m like, the opposite of camera-shy, I love having my picture taken and I love being outside, exploring everything our world has to offer.” She answered, wondering if she satisfied the other girl’s curiosity. “What about you, what kind of person do you think you are?” She asked, returning the question.

@Littlefeets - Laurel


JP subtly sighed as Lenora asked him if he changed his mind about blue royalty, which he didn’t, right along with the fact that he was never looking forward to it. his opinions about the game weren’t exactly the most positive there were around school, but he had his reasons. He could generate understand what people found in it, he just couldn’t help but focus on the bad sides of it, the gossip, the exposure, the heartless tasks, backstabbing your friends, and whatnot. And all just for popularity, luxury, a status. Not like he was missing any of those, but still, was it even worth it? ”I’m not gonna change my mind about it” he said ”but hey that means less competition for you”

As the two made their way inside, after taking a look around at some familiar faces, JP asked her if she wanted a drink, to which she responded with wanting something strong, to which he responded with a light nod and glanced towards the bar ”give me 5, don’t get killed” he said and made his way to the bar, getting something strong for her and just a beer for himself as he wasn’t really feeling like he should get wasted today, but still have a bit of fun nonetheless.

Coming back from the bar, the boy made his way around the people towards where Lenora was, handing her the drink in his hand ”one strong start for the evening” he said with a light smirk and took a sip of his own drink ”any idea how you’re going to do your tasks?” he asked, not really caring for the game as a thing but still knowing his friend did and wanted to win.

@novella Lenora




Ives let out a snort at Clara’s response, nodding with a small grin. He could relate to her though—there’d been an irreplaceable hole in him ever since the passing of his father when he was eleven. Hearing about an update in her life, his brows lifted in delight. “That’s great,” he commented, “As you know, I know nothing about ballet, but I’m rooting for you from here. Looks like I’m gonna witness someone rise above there, huh.” He smiled, oozing the pride for the girl.

There was a tightness in Ives’s throat that he did not want to swallow; he did not feel like going “out of character” in front of Clara, and the only way he could disguise this was to take a sip of his drink. While he did, she answered in a way that… well, frankly, he wished she did. He looked at Clara, trying to contain the smile. "Really? Are you… sure about that? he questioned. While his intentions were just in disbelief, it sounded like he doubted her and as if she was pranking him. Realizing this, his eyes widened. “Wait, no, sorry, I did not mean to sound like an assh*le,” he quickly said.

“But I’m gonna be honest now… I really did not plan this whole thing out.” In his environment, transparency was one of the things he followed the most. He carried this behavior everywhere. “So, you know what, I’m gonna ask the internet…” he jokingly said, laughing in between his words. He pulled out his phone from his jeans pockets, pretending to type something although the screen was black. He laughed again, putting the phone on the counter close to him.

@Caticorn || Clara Ines Weston-Lucier
Sorry about this post :flushed:


“Really? Are you…sure about that?”

Clara giggled at the question, covering her mouth with her hand. “Yes, I’m sure.” She reassured him, putting her hand on his arm and tilting her head upwards to look him in the eyes. “For the record, you didn’t sound like an a-shole. I actually thought it was kind of cute.” She added on in response to his quick addition, taking a sip of her drink.

She held back a smile as he admitted to not having a plan, but couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her lips as he pretending to consult the internet. “Well, you could join me for coffee tomorrow morning,” She suggested, hoping that it wasn’t too forward. The last relationship she had been in didn’t end well and if memory served, she had sworn off guys. So much for that. She thought to herself as she finished her drink and placed the empty glass on the counter next to her. “Unless, of course, the internet says something else.” She joked, giggling again.

@Nil - Ives
sorry this is so short


She doesn’t actually like macarons. Great. The girl yelled at her bodyguards for a second, turning back to Mia. She braced herself for a slap, then relaxed when she told her to get her a cupcake. “Ok, what flavor?” She asked, knowing full well that one wrong move could probably get her thrown in prison…or dead.
@Kristi - Ari



“Ok, what flavor?” Ari laughed, “Vanilla flavored with rainbow sprinkles, duh.” Frowning she asked, “Don’t tell me you were thinking of ordering chocolate? Chocholate cupcake is so out and doesn’t quench my rich taste.” She flipped her hair, “Also after that you will have to do another thing for me, since you ruined my clothes and all that.” Ari faked a smile. She had finally came up with another, so she was going to put something inside the drinks and then make the girl serve it to everyone. Maybe she can play nice and so everyone would feel to bad to reject her, drink it and then boom a problem is caused. Then when she gets home she will tell her parents off what she did if Mia doesn’t confess alreadu and they would ground her and pay her more attention from then on. Yup, nothing crazy about that.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia nodded when the girl told her the cupcake type. “Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. Got it. I’ll be right back.” When she said she wanted her to do something after for her, Mia nodded. “Will do.” Mia said, scurrying off. She returned with the cupcake, handing it to the girl. “What else do you need?” She asked politely, smiling, even if it was slightly forced.
@Kristi - Ari



“What else do you need?” Ari smirked, rustling through her bag she got a white thing- did she know aht it was? nope but hopefully it was good enough to cause trouble. “I want you to put it in the punch/every other drink and then offer a drink to everyone, I promise it’s completly harmless.” Ari lied. Waving her left hand she said “And be quick, after your done with that I need you to do other things for me.” Why couldn’t she ask her bodyguards? Well, Ari liked tortuing people and the girl did ruin her plans and so why not torture her! That sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? Eh whatever who cares.

Ari ate her cupcake as she waited for the girl to come, “Hmm this is sweet.” Turning to her bodyguards she said “Find out which shop they got it from, I want it to be delivered to me in bed everyday. Understood?” The two bodyguards nodded. Good, they knew their job and weren’t as annoying as her new servant.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia highly doubted the thing was safe, but it couldn’t be that bad…right? Right. She took the bottle, then walked over and poured it in the punch. She then took a cupful, figuring she’d try it as a Guinea pig. She just hoped she didn’t die. She knocked back the cup, wondering if she’d just drank poison…Nah.
@Kristi - Ari



Ari was fuming, What was taking the girl so long! She has sent her to do the most simple task in the history of tasks and this is what she does? Hm, if Ari was a queen in the ancient lands she would have behead the girl for wasting her time. “Red haired, go and find the girl and make sure she completes her task.” The body guard nodded and went to find the blonde girl. “Her parents must be so disappointed in her” She murmured to the dark skinned body guard, as if her parents weren’t also disappointed in her. The body guard hmmed and Ari rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you and red head like talking?” She asked her bodyguard, a smirk displayed on her face. “I can make you talk, just you wait.” Ari swore that she saw a smile on his face before it disappeared into his usual brooding face. ‘did he just smile?’ Ari thought. “Anyways, when do you think Red haired would be back with blonde so I can yell at her?” Ari asked, the body-guard just shrug.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia had just tossed her cup in the garbage and turned to go give cups of the punch to people when she saw one of the girl’s bodyguards heading towards her. She nodded at him and gestured to the punch bowl and the party. “I’m working on it. I’m only so fast and have so many hands.” She explained, scuttling away to dispense the drink.
@Kristi - Ari



Red haired bodygaurd pov:

The red haired bodyguard nodded and helped carry some of the drinks, he handed a drink to the first students he saw grunting. Internally he sighed, Mr and Mrs. Lee didn’t notice what their isolation in favor of the newest child was turning young lady Ari into. It was sad really, red haired bodyguard did feel sorry for her.

Back to normal:

Ari stomped her leg “She is taking so much time! My god I didn’t pay her to waste my time.” Technically you didn’t pay her- a little voice in Ari’s head said. ‘Well, you see, I might, ok but, look ugh whatever that still doesn’t excuse her lateness’ ari repsponded in her mind. Finally Ari spotted her and her bodyguard handing the students drink, Ari smirked oh this would be good. Wait! A sudden realization hit Ari, if whatever is inside it is poseionous or something, they might expell her from the school and Ari would not get to compete in the competition, oh this is bad. ‘you could always blame it on the girl’ the same voice said again, Ari nodded as she examined the banana 'Ah yes, it doesn’t matter if her reputation is a little bit rude or if she gets expelled. What matters is if she does.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


With the help of the bodyguard, it took about twenty minutes to distribute the punch to everyone. After they finished, Mia smiled at the bodyguard. “Nice work. I just hope there wasn’t anything too serious in that vial…she’ll get off easy. Me? I’d have a problem…this would ruin me.” She sighed, shaking her head.
@Kristi - Ari


Freshman year, a time that seemed like so long ago. How could the person who was once her best friend really be the person in front of her in that elevator? He had become little more than a stranger to her. Sophie frowned at Enrique’s sarcastic response to her. There was that part of her that did care, that part of her that would still sometimes wonder why he changed so much from the person she knew as her friend. Sophie sat there, trying to think about something on a more positive note, but the pleasant thoughts came to an abrupt halt with Enrique’s next words. Her love life… Sophie absolutely loved the idea of true love, fairytales, and happily ever after, but not every princess got it right on the first try, right? Someday she would find her forever person, her happily ever after, but for the time being it just meant she had to make it through getting her heart broken… This time, it wasn’t just damage to her love life, she lost a friendship as well. “It doesn’t really matter Enrique… It doesn’t make any difference for you… You don’t believe in love anyway… ” It wasn’t an easy thing for Sophie to be alright with someone being adamant against the idea of love, but there was nothing she could do but hold on to her own belief. Though, that still didn’t make it easier with what happened with Zek.“Things just… it didn’t work out…” Sophie said with a sigh. “There’ll be someone better out there… I know it.”

@benitz786 - Enrique
@astxrism - Zek mentioned


Above all of that. Was he though, was Ezekiel above this game that started, above hurting people he cares about and doing stupid things just because he had nothing better to do? Well, sometimes he would doubt that but he was. He should know that, he should act as if he was but… But what? There was just his competitive spirit and wish to prove himself to… Himself? His mother?
“Thanks for the Ted talk,” his soft voice broke the short silence he was responsible for. Avoiding acknowledging it, or just showing he did think of it as a compliment because he never took compliments that well, he liked them of course but he never wanted to be the one receiving them. But there was a sweet smile on his lips, subtly showing he did, in fact, appreciate it. “Oh, I think it’s totally worth it. Who wouldn’t want to have everything they hoped for handed to them because they did something stupid in high school. If you ask me, that sounds f*cking amazing.” Another joke of the night, trying to turn their conversation into something more positive and not talk about his poor life choice but tell me, was he wrong?

Or was he wrong for playfully rolling his eyes and laughing at all of Annie’s words? Just nodding his head with a smile that was supposed to show okay, I believe you when she said how he did save the situation. In his opinion he did so he was going to believe they truly did share that opinion, ignoring his expression that clearly wasn’t convincing. But that didn’t matter. His generous act would be the last thing he’d think about when remembering this unfortunate event. First would be what came next.
“Never been more proud of them,” last thing he mumbled about the silly topic before letting his hand slide down to her thigh, pulling her onto his lap.

Time skip

Opening the door on his side, Ezekiel got out of it, fixing his black t-shirt. There was a slight smile on his face as he held onto that open door, looking around the place they were stuck in for quite a bit - time that actually passed rather quickly. There was not a single car that has passed by, nor did it look like it ever would… where even were they? How did they even get here? Many questions he didn’t really need an answer to because this was exactly what he enjoyed doing. Having unexpected sex just being a cherry on top. “What do you say…” bending down to pick up his bag again, he looked at Annie, a cheeky smile appearing on his face. Without finishing his question simply because it wasn’t needed, he took out another jo!nt, waiting for Annie’s reaction with a raised brow. But whatever she would say, if she would agree or not, he wanted to do it anyway. So stepping away from the car before finding a lighter, he sat down on the ground facing the tall trees.

@/novella - Annie



Stormzy - Vossi bop

For the other people in the C high senior class, it was probably a lot more exciting to get to where they did after all this time, but for Florence who had only arrived at the school the year before, it wasn’t that exciting, only on a regular level of new things happening. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t looking forward to it, especially with the whole blue royalty thing coming up, and honestly, winning it might be exactly what she needed in her life.

And soon enough, the 5’1 red headed hurricane of a girl made her way to the party hosted at the Rockefeller residence , probably a bit late because she came there by foot unlike most of them. Since her adoptive brother Cornell was away on things regarding his work as a growing british musician in the states. And if not for the start of school, she’d be joining him on his travels but that wasn’t the case now was it?

Cups and cigarettes, perfume waves and b!tchy glances, people chilling and people driving themselves nuts. Let’s just say this party didn’t seem like it was going to be boring, especially not with all those tasks coming up. So after getting herself a drink, maybe even two to get vibing, flo looked around and saw the familiar face of Eddie and his camera, I swear, it’s like he’s glued to that camera.

”Can’t make a film without the lead actress can you” she said with her heavy British accent and a playful smirk on her lips as standing right in front of the camera ”leave the camera, enjoy the moment Flynn” she added, gesturing the drink in her hand for him to take, while raising a brow at the boy who was filming stuff instead of enjoying the party, one which she was definitely planning on enjoying.

@Littlefeets Eddie

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