Blue Royalty: New Blood

Mia highly doubted the thing was safe, but it couldn’t be that bad…right? Right. She took the bottle, then walked over and poured it in the punch. She then took a cupful, figuring she’d try it as a Guinea pig. She just hoped she didn’t die. She knocked back the cup, wondering if she’d just drank poison…Nah.
@Kristi - Ari



Ari was fuming, What was taking the girl so long! She has sent her to do the most simple task in the history of tasks and this is what she does? Hm, if Ari was a queen in the ancient lands she would have behead the girl for wasting her time. “Red haired, go and find the girl and make sure she completes her task.” The body guard nodded and went to find the blonde girl. “Her parents must be so disappointed in her” She murmured to the dark skinned body guard, as if her parents weren’t also disappointed in her. The body guard hmmed and Ari rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you and red head like talking?” She asked her bodyguard, a smirk displayed on her face. “I can make you talk, just you wait.” Ari swore that she saw a smile on his face before it disappeared into his usual brooding face. ‘did he just smile?’ Ari thought. “Anyways, when do you think Red haired would be back with blonde so I can yell at her?” Ari asked, the body-guard just shrug.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia had just tossed her cup in the garbage and turned to go give cups of the punch to people when she saw one of the girl’s bodyguards heading towards her. She nodded at him and gestured to the punch bowl and the party. “I’m working on it. I’m only so fast and have so many hands.” She explained, scuttling away to dispense the drink.
@Kristi - Ari



Red haired bodygaurd pov:

The red haired bodyguard nodded and helped carry some of the drinks, he handed a drink to the first students he saw grunting. Internally he sighed, Mr and Mrs. Lee didn’t notice what their isolation in favor of the newest child was turning young lady Ari into. It was sad really, red haired bodyguard did feel sorry for her.

Back to normal:

Ari stomped her leg “She is taking so much time! My god I didn’t pay her to waste my time.” Technically you didn’t pay her- a little voice in Ari’s head said. ‘Well, you see, I might, ok but, look ugh whatever that still doesn’t excuse her lateness’ ari repsponded in her mind. Finally Ari spotted her and her bodyguard handing the students drink, Ari smirked oh this would be good. Wait! A sudden realization hit Ari, if whatever is inside it is poseionous or something, they might expell her from the school and Ari would not get to compete in the competition, oh this is bad. ‘you could always blame it on the girl’ the same voice said again, Ari nodded as she examined the banana 'Ah yes, it doesn’t matter if her reputation is a little bit rude or if she gets expelled. What matters is if she does.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


With the help of the bodyguard, it took about twenty minutes to distribute the punch to everyone. After they finished, Mia smiled at the bodyguard. “Nice work. I just hope there wasn’t anything too serious in that vial…she’ll get off easy. Me? I’d have a problem…this would ruin me.” She sighed, shaking her head.
@Kristi - Ari


Freshman year, a time that seemed like so long ago. How could the person who was once her best friend really be the person in front of her in that elevator? He had become little more than a stranger to her. Sophie frowned at Enrique’s sarcastic response to her. There was that part of her that did care, that part of her that would still sometimes wonder why he changed so much from the person she knew as her friend. Sophie sat there, trying to think about something on a more positive note, but the pleasant thoughts came to an abrupt halt with Enrique’s next words. Her love life… Sophie absolutely loved the idea of true love, fairytales, and happily ever after, but not every princess got it right on the first try, right? Someday she would find her forever person, her happily ever after, but for the time being it just meant she had to make it through getting her heart broken… This time, it wasn’t just damage to her love life, she lost a friendship as well. “It doesn’t really matter Enrique… It doesn’t make any difference for you… You don’t believe in love anyway… ” It wasn’t an easy thing for Sophie to be alright with someone being adamant against the idea of love, but there was nothing she could do but hold on to her own belief. Though, that still didn’t make it easier with what happened with Zek.“Things just… it didn’t work out…” Sophie said with a sigh. “There’ll be someone better out there… I know it.”

@benitz786 - Enrique
@astxrism - Zek mentioned


Above all of that. Was he though, was Ezekiel above this game that started, above hurting people he cares about and doing stupid things just because he had nothing better to do? Well, sometimes he would doubt that but he was. He should know that, he should act as if he was but… But what? There was just his competitive spirit and wish to prove himself to… Himself? His mother?
“Thanks for the Ted talk,” his soft voice broke the short silence he was responsible for. Avoiding acknowledging it, or just showing he did think of it as a compliment because he never took compliments that well, he liked them of course but he never wanted to be the one receiving them. But there was a sweet smile on his lips, subtly showing he did, in fact, appreciate it. “Oh, I think it’s totally worth it. Who wouldn’t want to have everything they hoped for handed to them because they did something stupid in high school. If you ask me, that sounds f*cking amazing.” Another joke of the night, trying to turn their conversation into something more positive and not talk about his poor life choice but tell me, was he wrong?

Or was he wrong for playfully rolling his eyes and laughing at all of Annie’s words? Just nodding his head with a smile that was supposed to show okay, I believe you when she said how he did save the situation. In his opinion he did so he was going to believe they truly did share that opinion, ignoring his expression that clearly wasn’t convincing. But that didn’t matter. His generous act would be the last thing he’d think about when remembering this unfortunate event. First would be what came next.
“Never been more proud of them,” last thing he mumbled about the silly topic before letting his hand slide down to her thigh, pulling her onto his lap.

Time skip

Opening the door on his side, Ezekiel got out of it, fixing his black t-shirt. There was a slight smile on his face as he held onto that open door, looking around the place they were stuck in for quite a bit - time that actually passed rather quickly. There was not a single car that has passed by, nor did it look like it ever would… where even were they? How did they even get here? Many questions he didn’t really need an answer to because this was exactly what he enjoyed doing. Having unexpected sex just being a cherry on top. “What do you say…” bending down to pick up his bag again, he looked at Annie, a cheeky smile appearing on his face. Without finishing his question simply because it wasn’t needed, he took out another jo!nt, waiting for Annie’s reaction with a raised brow. But whatever she would say, if she would agree or not, he wanted to do it anyway. So stepping away from the car before finding a lighter, he sat down on the ground facing the tall trees.

@/novella - Annie



Stormzy - Vossi bop

For the other people in the C high senior class, it was probably a lot more exciting to get to where they did after all this time, but for Florence who had only arrived at the school the year before, it wasn’t that exciting, only on a regular level of new things happening. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t looking forward to it, especially with the whole blue royalty thing coming up, and honestly, winning it might be exactly what she needed in her life.

And soon enough, the 5’1 red headed hurricane of a girl made her way to the party hosted at the Rockefeller residence , probably a bit late because she came there by foot unlike most of them. Since her adoptive brother Cornell was away on things regarding his work as a growing british musician in the states. And if not for the start of school, she’d be joining him on his travels but that wasn’t the case now was it?

Cups and cigarettes, perfume waves and b!tchy glances, people chilling and people driving themselves nuts. Let’s just say this party didn’t seem like it was going to be boring, especially not with all those tasks coming up. So after getting herself a drink, maybe even two to get vibing, flo looked around and saw the familiar face of Eddie and his camera, I swear, it’s like he’s glued to that camera.

”Can’t make a film without the lead actress can you” she said with her heavy British accent and a playful smirk on her lips as standing right in front of the camera ”leave the camera, enjoy the moment Flynn” she added, gesturing the drink in her hand for him to take, while raising a brow at the boy who was filming stuff instead of enjoying the party, one which she was definitely planning on enjoying.

@Littlefeets Eddie

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Elio for sure didn’t ask for Aj’s opinion on the circumstances so when Phoebe asked him what he thought about the situation and of course Aj just had to open his moth to reply El let out a groan. Don’t people in this town know how to just shut up sometimes not everything needs everyone’s input. The simple answer to that is no. Especially with the little game that most people participated in. You ran the risk of your little secrets and your big secrets being exposed but that was all part of the fun, right? As long as it wasn’t you.

Though just as soon Aj was gone and talking to a darked hair girl. Elio didn’t know who she was and at the moment he didn’t care either. He had enough to deal with right now, getting a new girl in the mix was in his cards. He had a girl he cared about even if this situation didn’t look that way exactly. ”I’m not going to say anything, ok? But what Aj said - it’s not me you should be worried about,” Elio knew she was right which he nodded to in acknowledgment. Though she was only one person, she was a person that had connections with most everyone so if he can limit her spread of the events that was helpful in his mind. ”I expected more from you…” He hated to admit it but everything that was coming from her mouth right now he understands and agreed with. “Yeah, me too” He mumbled under his own breath. He didn’t know why he let himself get into these predicaments. It’s not like he meant to hurt Lenora. That was never ever the plan. Instead that what he always did. Elio stood alone for a bit letting her last words seep into his mind. Wish you luck dealing with your girlfriend. Right. Even they were on a break, he still didn’t want anyone new.

Elio knew he needed a drink. Something to take his mind away from the current confusion of how he even got himself into such a bad place right now. It’s not like he made the moves on Paige to have what happened commence. He didn’t push her away but if he did that would’ve just been embarrassing for her. No one likes being rejected. He didn’t even drive here alone, or he would’ve left by now. Maybe Sienna was here and would be willing to leave early. Though this was a thought, he knew she would never be up for it. She loved parties too much and socializing. As he walked over to the bar, he was drawn to the blonde locks to the right of him. He swerved quickly, his eyes not looking where he was going until he found himself in the corner of the bar and right next to a friend of his. Something strong please. He said to the bartender who was in front of them putting glasses away. “Sorry,” He said as he looked at Xavier. They were friendly towards one another, as Elio was to most people. There were few people he actually didn’t like or get along with. The list was small at least compared to his sisters. “If I bumped you or anything.” He finished before the bartender set the brown liquid in a small glass in front of him. He didn’t think twice before tipping it all back in one gulp. He set the glass down but motioned to the bartender that he didn’t want another. “Please tell me your night is going better than mine.” He chuckled to Xavier and moved away a bit to give the man his space.


Sienna was not happy. Actually, pretty furious to be honest. She was mad, disappointed and embarrassed. She had to walk into the first big event of the school year without her man on her arm. If people even tried to ask if they broke up, she’d would raise hell. No, just stupid football came first. Who even goes to camp for football when they are a senior in high school? Though this wasn’t new to her. Football seemed to have a dominance in her life all together. With her boyfriend, her brother and her dad. Who even cares about it anyways? Throwing a stupid ball across a field, dumb. That’s not saying she was a pro on the sport and anything concerning it though. She could talk like she played thanks to the consistency of it in her own life.

Nevertheless, it was a party and Sienna was not going to miss it just because she was showing up alone. She looked at herself in the mirror of the bathroom restroom that she took herself on a date to before the party. She leaned over the sink, fixing her lipstick before stepping back and fixing the way her shirt was tucked into her yellow skirt. She wished she would’ve gotten a spray tan before tonight, but her schedule was so jammed packed that she didn’t get one scheduled with her usual lady she trusted. And GOD knows she wouldn’t be going to someone new who would end up making her look like an orange. She was proud of the fit. Of course, pieces of it coming from her very own collection and mixed with designers she loved more than her own self. She grabbed the handle of her Hermes bag in her hand delicately as if it was her child. With the price it costed, it could be considered one though.

Getting to the destination took little to no time it felt as she spent the whole drive in the back of the town car replying to emails and rereading the message that caused her to smirk. Her tasks were exciting. The game didn’t scare her but instead brought and intentness’ to everything that was bound to happen not only tonight but also the entirety of senior year.

A real smile appeared now on Sienna’s face. Her madness washing away as she entered her element and was greeted by one of her few close friends. She immediately looked at her friend’s outfit. Impressed. She wondered if Veronica had a stylist lined up for tonight or she picked out the red suit herself. It suited her nicely though against her dark hair. ”You really said drop dead gorgeous!” Sienna said back to VC with a wink. ”Fill me in, what have I missed already? Tell it me hasn’t been boring or else I may have to leave and pretend I never showed up!” Sienna dogged the “how are you” because she didn’t feel like lying this early into the night.


New school, new girl, new house, new town, new friends, new everything. That was Hartley’s usual. It’s what she was accustomed to. Never in a place long enough to miss it usually. Find places, moments and people that would always hold a place her mind but nothing that couldn’t be replaced. She had been close to this area before and even visited Beryl once or twice for a party. She looked around her new room and pulled her hair up into a pony as she started digging through a horribly packed box. She was actually disappointed in how unorganized this box was. She was a professional box packed and this was saying otherwise. But within seconds the inside of the box now scattered her half set up room. She needed something cute to wear for tonight. Some number texted her about a party to kick off the new school year. One last year and she could finally start making full decisions for herself. She wanted to move somewhere and stay there after high school. Make it her own and start a family. Never move again!

A simple white tank top, matched with a tie-dyed skirt that cinched up was now on her body. She went to her mom’s room to ask her to borrow a pair of white heels. Her mom heard her but was on the phone with what Hartley probably thought was her new man of the week. She shrugged and went to start looking through her mom’s boxes but stopped when a kitten heel, boxy toed pair of heels were dangling in front of her eyes and her model of a mother winking at her while discussing when this guy would be picking her up. Hartley snatched them and hurried back to her new room, closing the door quickly to look in the mirror on the backside of it to make sure it all looked good together. She pulled the pony out fast and decided to only put-up half, so the rest flowed down her back in a dark sheath. Before leaving she grabbed a lime green purse from the top of the dresser that was empty. Her sister sat in the living room a wall of boxes almost hiding her as she pulled out photo albums and tiny trinkets wrapped in newspaper. “Take me with you!” She begged to Hartley, but she knew she wasn’t able to go. She was just a freshman so she had a way to go but odds are she would not be graduating from beryl and in all honesty, Hartley wasn’t even sure she would either because she didn’t have any doubts that they could up and move in a month from now!

The venue was huge and elegant. She felt a little out of place. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been in a place like this before, just everyone seemed so accustomed to these sorts of events. She was taken off guard from looking around at everyone and everything when AJ of all people was wrapping his arms around her body and embracing her in a hug. “Hi” She let out as she followed suit and hugged him back. “Good to see you too.” She replied with a smile as she brushed the petal of the flower, he had placed behind her ear with the tips of her fingers softly. “Yeah, it was very sudden, and I didn’t really have time to reach out.” She suddenly felt bad about forgetting to even text him. It would’ve only taken a second to do that. “Um, thanks!” She got out about the flower and blushed a bit. It was nice to know there was a familiar face here in a room that she felt small in. “This is all a little over the top don’t you agree?”


Charlie never had a hard time giving kindness. In fact many people back home would say that she was a lovely girl, thank you very much. Yet in these moments of mischief and slight embarrassment, her blood begins to boil and what remains is never good. Charlotte felt an abrupt buzz in her pocket from her phone but ignored the vibration

Abruptly, the girl with the soaked top pushed a whole tray of drinks onto Charlie. A gasp erupts from her mouth as her black dress gets covered. That b’tch is so lucky that her dress is black. Ms Stained-Top reiterated the same words that Charlie said before. It was clear that a few seconds afterwards she regretted it. Cute.

Charlotte did not feel regret in that moment, only calm rage.

“Ha. You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Her hand brushes against her front, wincing internally at the pure amount of alcohol spilled; it’s gonna be a long day at the drycleaners tomorrow. Charlottes hands moved from her dress to the girls shoulders as she pushed her backwards harshly.



Veronica glanced around at the people swarming the premises, and she knew that this wasn’t just a regular party, it was the start of chaos. A war. Not a literal i shoot you you die kind of war, but an I stab you in the back because you’re in my way. She knew it, and she wasn’t going to back out even if it meant doing things that aren’t exactly good. Where does good bring you anyway? Being fun and outgoing is cool and all, but as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “well behaved women rarely make history.” And history… well, that was where Veronica wanted to make a mark in, in the books of history where all the stories legends who did big things are told. Eventually, she just wanted to be the very best, to do the things others couldn’t and to make everything she can out of her life. Was that too much to ask? Who cares, it’s not like she would have stopped if it was anyway.

The girl smirked at the compliment of one of her closer friends, and to be fair she didn’t disagree, she did look hella good in that red suit. ”Thanks love” she said in response and took a sip as listening to the girl’s question on what she possibly missed. Oopsie Elio how would you feel if your sister knew what you’re up to ”You should know by now it’s never boring out here, especially not with the competition on the rise” she said glancing around ”Someone had sex, people are already drunk, someone spilled a drink, got in a fight… there’s a bunch of new kids out here too. Ah and your brother’s been messing around in the parking lot” she added casually ”Lenora is trying so hard to act like nothing’s wrong she looks like she’s going to blow in a few minutes” she told her, subtly gesturing to where Lenora was standing, looking away so it won’t be obvious she was looking.

@Madilnel Sienna / Elio mentioned
@novella Lenora mentioned


Unsurprisingly, JP responded with a shake of a head, and the answer she had expected. Perhaps, like him, Lenora should be letting the seemingly countless negatives and risks of the game outweigh the benefits. Unfortunately she was one of the many who did not. But to her winning the game was more of an achievement than what it percieved. Less about popularity and status, it was something that would… give her hope for a future. That maybe she had a chance. And Lenora knew she could control herself, not letting herself lose sight of the people she has around her and try to sacrifice them for the game.

“I’ll try not to, thanks for the tip,” She responded before JP disappeared into the crowd in the general direction of where the bar was, allowing her to take in the surroundings. Already, there were heated discussions, drink ‘spillages’, and almost-hookups. From what Lenora had heard from previous years, she could guess that most of these were instigated by Blue Royalty. But identifying which they were - that was the challenge. She could feel some eyes on her, maybe waiting for her first move? Or maybe they had heard about Elio? Before Lenora could find an answer, JP had returned.

Lenora emptied the glass almost immediately after it was handed to her. “Thank you, that was… very much needed,” She exclaimed, knowing she would probably need a few more if Elio was to try and talk to her tonight. “Ask me a few drinks in, Jay, I may figure out an answer at that point,” Lenora replied, only half-joking as the feelings of pressure to complete began to creep up on her. “And how will you be spending tonight? How could you possibly enjoy yourself with no tasks?” She asked him with pure sarcasm and a smile.

@CerealKiller JP Medina
@Madilnel Elio Esposito


Summer was finally coming to an end, and Senior Year was beginning. Though, Diego was always the type to wish summer could last just a while longer. That being said, there were a couple of things that were different this time. Beginning with this first party of the year, was the introduction of the senior year tradition, Blue Royalty. Diego truly wasn’t sure what to expect for what the game would hold for him, let alone what his first tasks would be. Tasks which when he saw, he wasn’t quite sure how he would do them, but what’s life without taking some risks, right? Either way, the party would be the beginning of an interesting year to come. Diego caught a ride with Raphael, but that’s where the other thing that was different for Diego was a factor. The Montoya triplets were down to two. It’s no secret that to Diego, his family matters more than anything, so nothing felt right about not talking to or seeing Enrique for who knows how long it had been. You don’t just disappear off the face of the Earth without some word about what’s going on, or some explanation as soon as you’re back around. That’s why Diego was shocked when he caught sight of Enrique actually there in person. However, Diego soon lost sight of him, but he knew he had seen his brother. Though soon enough came something else Diego didn’t expect. There he was, standing at the bar for a drink, when one Phoebe Renee walked over to him. First was her looking over him saying he was hot, then moving closer until her arms were up around his neck and there was little space between them. Next, she brought her hand to his cheek and kissed him, before pulling away. Diego was stunned for a moment, but Phoebe always was finding a way to tease him. However, that didn’t change that Phoebe could practically have him wrapped around her finger. After all, Diego had a little… fine a not so little, crush on her for quite some time. “Phoebe, I… uh… don’t be?” he said in response to her “sorry” even if he didn’t intend to phrase it more as a question. If there was one difference most notable about Diego compared to his brothers, it was that Montoya charm. Enrique and Raphael had the charm dialed in as one of their greatest assets, the smooth talk with all the right words and the confidence to back it up, while Diego may have that same Montoya charm, he didn’t know how to use it. He normally he was a confident person, but when it came to anyone he had an interest in, such as the Phoebe Renee Taylor-DeLoughrey in particular, Diego could never make his words come out right. “And you… you look pretty.” Diego finally managed to say in response to her comment on his looks.

@astxrism - Phoebe
@CerealKiller / @benitz786 - Both Montoya brothers mentioned



Mistzir? Hera closed the door to the bathroom behind them, and strutted over to the counter hoping to find the girl in the black dress again. They still walked in a straight line, and when she said “Darling dearest?” hoping she would appear again the words came out flawless, they felt unaffected, composed, even. It was fine though, they supposed, as long as they got to have fun. The thought of that made her smile, having fun- mostly sober! Life has never been like that, hopefully it could be. However, there was still that consistent doubt that exists inside their mind.

Their phone dinged, and she didn’t expect it to be anything good. Blue Royalty, they saw and rolled their eyes. They never had anything good to say, unless there was some sort of ulterior motive of sorts.

Regardless of whatever they thought of Blue Royalty, what they came to find about herself in the post was far worse than she could have expected. it’s not as bad as having sex with someone you just met… don’t forget Hera and Charlie, there are eyes everywhere. The thought echoed in her head, the vast space of her mind clear except for that one detail. She couldn’t even register in their mind that the girl’s name was Charlie and they finally knew it. This wasn’t how they wanted to hear it. Not at all. F$ck this. They thought, serving another shot, taking it straight to the back of their throat. Nothing was going to make her wince right now. They were going to find out whoever spread the information, if it was the last thing that they did. And they were going to ruin them.

Hera charged through the house, looking for the guy that walked in on them when they stumbled upon Charlie and a brunette with nice legs screaming at eachother with drinks on their clothes. Perhaps the alcohol was taking an effect, just because they would usually not involve their feelings in an argument like this. But at the moment, watching that sExy bEAsT HAHAHA CHARLIE BE LIKE, tHaT wOmAN iS a MoDeL coME oN girl take advantage of her lover (who will always be innocent to them, even if she’s guilty), set them ablaze. “Shut the f*ck up. You have no right to speak to Charlie that way” They stated without regards to the name usage, walking up to into their discussion that felt as though it were being broadcasted to the world, recording the two of them in an arena created by their own mistakes.

This was where they began to regress to the person they used to be.

Actually, you know what They thought to themselves, looking down to the sweet girls’ soaked, dripping dress with a hunger in their eyes, a need to make her suffer. It was not a want, nor a need, but instinct. Nobody messes with her friends. Her family. They’ve felt like this before. They’ve seen their birth mother suffer by the hands of a stranger. They have been silent. But they didn’t want to hold their tongue, or their fist.

Without hesitation, she tore down the girl’s dress. They couldn’t smile, they couldn’t react. They just watched the flowing top fall apart, her drunk #ss placing a hand over her eyes when the boobies fell out. They fought back a smile at their own behavior.

creds to mad @Madilnel for the dialogue cos im too shy to EVER speak like that but hera isnt so
@Andi @aesthetic


image (7)

“You have this ability to find beauty in weird places.” -Kamila Shamsie

Luna internally rolled her eyes as Diamond her step-sister insulted her outfit. Luna never hated anyone as much as she hated the devils aka her step family.

“Luna” The voice of her dad startled both Diamond and Luna as they turned aorund to look at him, “Oh your here Diamond! I’m glad you and your sister are having fun together.” If only he knew. Diamond nodded smiling, “Also. Have fun” He planted a soft kiss on Luna’s head making her smile, she was happy she was still slightly close with her dad. “I-il try,” Luna stuttered, “That’s good to here darling!” Her father complimented and Luna smiled.

Luna arrived at the party her head down as she entered, almost as soon as she entered a girl handed her a drink. ‘huh?’ She questioned as the girl begged her to drink it, Luna nodded but as soon as the girl left she headed straight to the bathroom and flushed the drink out. Being around her step-siblings had made her not trust someone, and why would she trust a stranger who offered her a drink and decided to approach her? No one has ever made an attempt to be friends with Luna, well except Kevin and maybe Karen. But other than that Luna was a lone wolf, probably because ever since her step family entered her life Luna had never been able to step away from her ‘weird’ comfort zone. “Why am I so miserable?” Luna asked sighing, she existed the bathroom and heades straight for the punch.


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Red haired bodygaurd pov:

“Nice work. I just hope there wasn’t anything too serious in that vial…she’ll get off easy.” ” Red haired bodyguard grunted, he doubt this wouldn’t cause trouble. Young lady Lee caused a lot of trouble for herself and others. "Me? I’d have a problem…this would ruin me.” Red haired bodyguard just stared at the girl for an uncomfortable amount of time, before he snapped his neck to the other side, ‘it probably will. I feel sorry for you but I have to follow to lady’s orders.’

Back to normal:

The girl finally arrived at Ari excitedly rushed to her, grabbing her by the arm she took her to a spot. "So what happened to the students you gave the drink too? Any strange behavior? She asked questionaly. A sudden realization hit Ari like a ton of bricks and her excited expression turned to one of anger, “NOW WOULD YOU MIND TELLING ME WHY YOU WASTED SO MUCH TIME?” Ari tapped her feet on the floor and crossed her arms, “I thought I told you I still had one more chore for you to do for me and you should hurry up? God why are you behaving so lazy?” Pointing at her bodyguards she said “They would never have done such a thing.” Ari seriously hoped the girl didn’t plan to go for the blue royalty contest because she stood no chance, but maybe if she did Ari could use her as a servant and make her do things so she can assure success. Calming down, she smiled at the girl “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you.” She faked an apology, though with how great of an actress she was it came out as believable, “Can we start again?” Ari asked, “I’m Ari Lee, yes the Ari lee. The daughter of one of the world’s most popular actor and most popular hand/underwear model. And you are?” She gave another fake smile. “That’s a lovely name” She told the girl. “Hey question are you going for the blue royalty competition?” if the girl said no she could simply make it another favor the girl owned her for messing up her outfit and could treathen to sue her and her family, see solved.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia sighed when the bodyguard grunted. Well, she’d just have to see how things turned out. When they returned, the girl asked excitedly how it went, grabbing her arm. Mia was about to speak, when the girl exploded. “I-I’m sorry! This is a huge party!” She explained hurriedly, waving her hands. Then the girl suddenly smiled an apologized. Something smelled fishy, and it wasn’t that sushi over there. Mia figured she’d take the apology, fake or not. “It’s ok! Don’t worry about it.” Mia said, giving the gel a bright smile and excitedly shaking her hand. “Oh, I know you! I love your dad’s movies! I’m Mia Campbell, daughter of Victoria and James Campbell. My dad’s a surfer and my mom’s a conservationist. There’s also my annoying twin Tyler, but we don’t talk about him.” “Hey!” Tyler yelled in the background. Mia just rolled her eyes. Ari asked if she was doing Blue Royalty, and she nodded. “Doubt I’ll win. You might, though. I wish you the best of luck.”
@Kristi - Ari
Mia’s too nice for her.

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. “Oh, I know you! I love your dad’s movies!" Duh her dad was very good at acting, and he would be even better if he stopped focusing on the brat. "I’m Mia Campbell, daughter of Victoria and James Campbell. My dad’s a surfer and my mom’s a conservationist. " Ari internally cringed, a surfer really? A conservationist was eh but still not that good at least a step up from a surfer. Ari felt like washing her hands after having touched the ‘poor’ girl more than once. Noticing her disgusted look, the dark-skinned body guard handed her a hand sanitizer and Ari robbed it on her hand, “Ah sorry a dirt entered my hands and I didn’t notice it until no” she giggled. " There’s also my annoying twin Tyler, but we don’t talk about him.” so being annoying ran in the family? intresting, Ari thought.

Mia nodded at the blue royalty question and Ari siled brighlty, “Doubt I’ll win. You might, though. I wish you the best of luck.” Well Mia was right at that, against her Mia stood 0% chance of winning but Ari didn’t say that of course, “Oh common a pretty girl like you can definetly win? And what do you think of teaming up??” Ari said excitedly, though she felt like barfing at the ‘pretty’ comment she made of her. “And Mia would you mind getting donuts for the both of us? So I- we can celebrate our new friendship?” By friendship with her she meant her new found servant who she can use. This girl was foolish and would probably do all that she said, just how she liked it.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia

Yup she is-