Blue Royalty: New Blood

“I know how crazy this is going to sound but,” He started, taking a quick breath to brace himself for Persephone’s reaction. “The Japanese mafia.” He looked down, again expecting the worst from her reaction.

He smiled when she complimented his coffee making skills and then listened as she talked a bit more about her situation but before he could say anything, she called out to her friend, Leon. When he turned to face them, it confirmed that he was, in fact:

Leon had excused himself for the game for a second so that he could text Yeong-Mi telling her to let him know how her appointment went and how their baby was doing. He looked up from his phone when he heard someone calling his name, finding Persephone and some guy.

“Oh, Persie, there’s actually something I wanted to-” He started, walking towards them but stopping as soon as he saw who she was with. “Oh my god…” His voice was breathy and it was like he had seen a ghost.

Because he had.

Atlas Choi was dead.


“Hey you.” Evie said, putting her hand on his back as she sat down next to him. He looked away from her as he wiped his eyes with his sleeves but he knew that she’d be able to tell that he’d been crying as soon she saw that his eyes were red and puffy. She moved her hand so that her arm was around him and she gently moved his head so it was resting on her shoulder. “It’s late.”

“Oh. I hadn’t noticed.”

“Leon, have you eaten at all today?” He shook his head.

“‘m not hungry.”

“Atlas?” He nodded.

“They haven’t found him so they’re saying that he’s dead.” He told her, hugging her while keeping his head on her shoulder. Small tears began to fall from his eyes. “I can’t do this again, Evie. I can’t lose another person. I can’t-”

End of flashback

Yet there he was, standing in front of him.

Older and alive.

“You can stop staring, Figure Skates. It’s me.” That’s all Leon needed to hear. It was his voice. His accent which made his voice sound sweeter than honey. The nickname that once made him roll his eyes. He was really here. Leon latched onto him, unable to stop the tears from flooding out of his eyes.

“Atlas…” His voice was tear soaked and muffled by Atlas’ shoulder. He didn’t want to let go, for fear that he would disappear.

“Gwaenchana. Gwaenchana.” Atlas comforted him, hugging him back. “I’m so sorry, Leon.”

@raviola - Persie


Gwaenchana - it’s okay

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