Blue Royalty: New Blood


Tsumuji thought that was definitely and absolutely nuts. Not being able to fart without being reprimanded was not a life, Tsumuji ever wanted to live, ever. She already could not draw in public but farting? in her own home, that was crossing so many lines wow. Tsu, already knew from what she has seen that Eryx and Artemis did not get along- that was one way to put it, Eryx to say the least disliked her and Tsumuji could not figure out why. On his dare, to tell why he hates Artemis he just replied because he does and she’s not a true Astor, how is she not a true Astor?

She did not look different from the other Astors, Tsumuji has met. Dark eyes(sometimes light colored), dark hair, tall and olive skin. It was not hard to tell that Artemis and Eryx were related, heck at times, Tsumuji would say that they looked like they could be siblings. “Artie,” Tsumuji started, a flabbergasted heartfelt look on her face, “How can your family be so cruel? They are like the evil stepmother and sisters in cinderella.” Tsumuji said waving her hands around to make her point, “My parents are strict at times, but never like that.” She pulled Artemis into a hug, “I’m sorry, is it because you’re not a ‘true’ Astor?” Also how are you not a true Astor, Tsumuji thought.


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