Blue Royalty: New Blood

Hades eyed her torso when she took off his shirt, and she figured it was just a typical, male, perverted thing that any guy would do, but he looked at her kind of strange. Hera’s eyes followed his down to her bo0bs. Gah damn. Hera thought as they saw how many hickeys spread across her body. She hadn’t really processed it before, just assuming that you know, that kind of stuff happened sometimes. But it never looked like it did on them in that moment. They looked back up at him and squinted a little, it was kind of impressive, but she wasn’t going to say anything about it.

Safe to say his response to her shirt comment was not what she expected, like bro it’s just clothes, any other guy would have helped her find them. Whatever, his d^ck was probably mid anyways, it was still all coming back to her. Oh- never mind. She replayed a scene or two in her mind, shaking it off because what happens in bottom-heralandia stays in bottom-heralandia. Frankly, it was kind of gross to think about submitting to anyone at the moment. Or just in general. She remembered now, so she tried to focus on her clothes, stripped down on the floor of the dare room after her argument with Ari. Even drunk, she still ate that.

“I gave you your stuff, you give me mine.” Hera stated pretty neutrally, simple as that. She watched him leave the room, was he gonna give them their stuff back or not. Even if he didn’t, which seemed entirely possible considering his douchey attitude, they supposed they could just text Persephone. They didn’t really care. Speaking of which, weren’t they supposed to room with her? Who’d she end up rooming with? It was too many questions, and in the time they kept thinking, he came back. Hades dropped her clothes near her feet. “Thanks.”

Hera put their bra on, followed by their shirt, but he kept talking. “Me either.” They shrugged again, watching him think. “You can just go, don’t worry about it.” They encouraged, Hades eventually took the hint and got up to leave. Thank god she wouldn’t have to talk to him again. But when the man tried to turn the door knob, it wouldn’t budge. “What the f^ck. Did you lock it or something?” H thought out loud, but he turned back around, looking annoyed… but surrendered. If that thing had been locked from the outside, she would have Ari’s head. Sounds like something she would do.


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