Blue Royalty: New Blood

"Yes your right, I normally get drunk and sleep with a random person from my school and then lock the doors so I can k!ll them and feast on their blood. " Eryx said rolling his eyes, “You do know that these doors aren’t soundproof? So if I did try to do anything, people will hear.” He would also have told her that no you did not just meet me, we have been to the same school since freshmen year- but to be fair, he didn’t even remember she existed until now with the whole Ari thing, so technically they did just meet, this was probably their first interaction with each other, unless he was forgetting something? Moreover, if Eryx was not frustrated at being locked in here when he just wanted to go and take a bath, call his family back home and eat a nice meal- he would have been more like, ‘i see your point but you do know this doors aren’t soundproof?’ but he was annoyed at how she made him seem like a big bad guy from Disney Heracles or a physiological horror book. If she couldn’t see that he was also trying to get out then like…

Eryx sighed. “I’m not going to do anything to you relax” Yet, he wanted to add as a joke but he had no idea how they would take it. And he was not in the mood for, ‘what you mean?’ or a cocky rebuttal, he just wanted to get out of here. He laid on the bed, eyes close when Hera opened her mouth asking if her makeup looked bad. He opened his eyes to stare at her, eyeing her up and down, then closed them back and he didn’t notice that he was smiling when he said, “It could use some work,” His tone had a playful edge to them- a contrast to his more brooding tone before, but trust he was still brooding! Just to tired to keep up the brooding behavior so let him be playful for once. “Oh, you know,” he replied, his voice low and smoldering, “a few touches here and there, a little artistic finesse… I’m sure we could turn that makeup into a masterpiece.” He used words he had heard his sister say on her friend with a little at the end, “And then, you would look less like you just got fcked hard and more like your name sake.” But maybe Hera liked getting fcked hard, she was a greek god after all, and with the greeks, a little fun time was bound to happen no? Especially if your husband was a wh@re like Zeus, luckily his parents had not named him Zeus but Hades and now he goes by Eryx.

If Eryx said he cared about blue royalty, he would be lying. Blue royalty was nothing but a joke to him, some of his friends were competing in it while Eryx couldn’t care less about it. He was an Astor, that was better of an honor than a simple ‘blue blood winner’ could give him. But he did not like how even though Eryx was not part of their little game, they still targeted him and his family with exposing secrets- like how was his personal and family business their own business? They don’t got jobs, families of their own, a life per say? Because only someone so jobless and so family-ess would ever behave the way Blue royalty did.

He chuckled when Hera said he was alright in bed, just alright, fcking bull and they know it and Eryx knew it too. Like not to brag or anything but Eryx knew what he was, and what he was, was a s*x god. I mean if you had the name Eryx/Hades and you weren’t an absolute greek god in bed, then you should just change your name to same thing basic like James or Harold. “Just alright ?” Eryx chuckled in a low, hypnotic tone, his words filled with innuendo. He sat up and slowly leaned in, his warm breath caressing her skin once again, his lips brushing against her ear. "You didn’t seem to think that when you became a moaning mess under my thumb. Never thought you would be so responsive and submissive, Hera. " His voice was husky and seductive as he spoke, . “Then again anything can happen with alcohol and a one night stand” He said before pulling away, and laying back in the bed.


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