featuring finley wolf klein @.astxrism
Easily withdrawing from the conversation with Maxon, her eyes fell on someone she had slightly more positive familiarity towards. [color= skyblue]“Try not to take this the wrong way, but this principle is a bit of a d*ck,”[/color] She started, though before Finley Klein, the principle’s son, had a chance to give an input, Annie continued the small rant. [color= skyblue]“The first day back and apparently I need a tutor. No I actually take it back, he is very much so one.”[/color]
[color= indianred]”I just arrived and someone is already complaining to me about my father… Not that I disagree. But how adorable , you need a tutor… Who did he get you? I swear that’s all he does here,”[/color] it was a rare occasion for him to smile, but talking about this person he didn’t like that much could bring out his most sarcastic smile. [color= indianred]”Is it the same old story, ‘Miss, you’re failing and if you want to graduate we need to get your grades up’? I swear I can hear his annoying voice in my head.”[/color]
As she usually did, Annie had danced around the line between joking around and offending someone, and, judging by Finley’s response, she had managed to do so successfully. [color= skyblue]“It was going to happen eventually, sooner or later. And I think we both knew it was going to be me already complaining about your father. Justifiably, I’d say, though,”[/color] Annie made sure to point out that last phrase. [color= skyblue]“The same d*mn line since freshman year, I think by now I’ve got the point that I’m not graduating, thanks for reminding me continuously, though.”[/color]
”Justifiably, yes. But you know I love when people say everything I’m already thinking about,” his hatred , if one could call it that, for his father was not only obvious to his close friends but everyone around him. [color= b75548]”As much as I love seeing you struggle you know we can always do something about it?”[/color] Subtly raising his brow, there was now a faint smirk on his lips. [color= indianred]”He’s doing this because of your grades… okay, we can sneak into his office and change them. By now I know exactly when he’s not in there.”[/color]
Perhaps there was some tact in Annie approaching the principal’s son with her issue. She had hoped that he would be able to give a solution that no one else would being closer related and knowing more about the subject of her complaint. [color= skyblue]“Fin, I thought you’d never ask,” [/color] Annie exclaimed with a growing smile as he proved was in fact a good idea to talk to him, [color= skyblue]“No one would question the conveniently reformed straight-A student, right? Whoever the tutor was just must have been really good.”[/color]
[color= indianred]”Of course no one would question that. Anyone can become a straight-A student overnight,”[/color] not so convincing, but hopefully she knew this go both ways. [color= indianred]”You just might have to find someone willing to lie for you… You’re friends with that kid… Amelia something? I swear my dad has a thing for her, he’d believe her. Plus you’d get her off my back, we both win.”[/color] He paused for a second, looking at the time on his phone. [color= b75548]”If we hurry we can do it now.”[/color]
She shook her head as Fin started naming people she could claim tutored her. [color= skyblue]“Details, details… that can be figured out… someday,”[/color] Annie insisted, as per usual, relying on her ‘ability’ to make up something on the spot when asked. As Fin said they could do it now, Annie was already backing away in the direction of the office. [color= skyblue]“Don’t have to tell me twice,”[/color] She exclaimed before turning with him into the room that contained framed images of plants and a bookshelf, but the central focus was the computer holding all information about students. Information including grades.
[color= skyblue]“So I’ve seen that people chose their password based off favourite things in their life,”[/color] Annie started, walking around the office while an ignoring Fin sat trying to unlock the computer. [color= skyblue]“Like, like a pet’s name. Or a car, or a person, or favourite colour. What would a principle’s favourite colour be? Probably grey, grey’s quite boring so it would be fitting, Fin try grey123,”[/color] Annie turned to him with her suggestion, only to see a loading screen appear from Fin’s correctly guessed password. [color= skyblue]“See, I told you,”[/color] Annie proudly stated as they switched over so that she was now sat in front of the desktop screen that had just appeared. [color= skyblue]“Why are old people so obsessed with the f*cking weather?”[/color] She thought out loud as she closed the mentioned tab to open the File Explorer.
Her eyes scanned the masses of data that opened up on the screen, soon finding one that led to the entire school reduced to files. [color= skyblue]“One folder for practically every teenager in Beryl Heights? I hate to tell you this, Fin, but your dad is probably a stalker. Or murderer. Or both,”[/color] Annie stated, though her voice subtly trailing off as she found the one titled Mariana Williams. While a wandering Fin stood out of sight from the screen, she opened to reveal the contents. Though she instantly saw the file on grades which they initially had come for, Annie became immediately distracted by the additional documents under her name.
Teachers notes, school counselling reports, principal’s comments, all enclosed into the document being read by the subject of them. Annie skimmed through the page in a silent, but growing, fury as she fixated on the words they had reduced her down to. Unsettled. Insufficient. Disruptive. Followed by the school’s attempt to find reasoning from those attributes through associating them with their scattered version of Annie’s childhood. As she let the increasing anger begin to consume her, it was suffice to say that Annie had completely forgotten why they had come in here, that fact also becoming apparent to Fin.
Annie stood up, unsure of what she was going to do, but knowing that she was going to do something. She had to do something. How could they talk about sh*t they didn’t know like that? And talk about her parents the way they did? [color= skyblue]“Just give me one f^cking second,”[/color] Annie snapped to a confused Fin, only seconds before the unstable bookshelf from across the room fell victim to Annie’s wrath, crashing as she shoved it away from where she was standing so it fell to the ground, books scattered across every inch of the area.
[color= skyblue]“Ever thought of using a Kindle?”[/color] Annie suggested, having calmed down slightly, as Principle Klein walked back in to see the turmoil that his office had become.
Walking into the detention room, Annie remained near to the back, at a close proximity to the exit door… just in case. Almost as soon as she sat down, she heard a voice of someone behind her, to which she soon recognised to be that of Enrique Montoya’s, giving her no reason to turn around straight away. [color= skyblue]“Or maybe you just dont know me at all and i’ve been down this ‘dark path’ for longer than you think,”[/color] Annie replied, finally turning to face him, her jaw half-heartedly dropping in sarcastic but humorous shock at the idea of that. Though she was ready to turn back around to the front, he continued. [color= skyblue]“Thank you so much for letting me know, but I will not be giving you any messages to send back to him. Big shock, I know.”[/color]
[color= salmon] benitz786 Enrique Montoya[/color]
[color= salmon] astxrism Finley Klein[/color]
[color= salmon] angelic Maxon Russo[/color]