Annie let out a sigh of minor frustration to Enrique’s guess of what path she was on. It was less about the fact that he was way off that had annoyed her, but more so the repeating theme of people making their own assumptions about her. From the teacher’s report she had read hours earlier and now this… basically stranger. [color= skyblue]“Thanks for your insight into my life. Except I didn’t f*cking ask,”[/color] Annie responded, her voice now flooded with hostility to allow for the conversation to come to an abrupt end, shrugging before completely turning her back to him to face the front. As she turned her eyes switched up to the clock, what seemed like twenty minutes passed had actually been two: leaving a long hour ahead of her.
Once again the voice of the person behind her reappeared, returning to the subject of his father. [color= skyblue]“Oh, my God, you’re still talking…”[/color] She muttered under her breath in between a gap in his dialogue, letting it be audible enough for him, pinching the bridge of her nose. It wasn’t that Annie necessarily disliked Enrique. Well… it was, though it was more a disliking by association with other people. But it was still enough to make a small effort to prevent any interaction, such as the one they were having. Though it wasn’t enough to stop her from listening to whatever he had to say.
The amusement, that Annie didn’t even have to turn around to know was on his face, began to be passed forward to her too as his point began to unravel as he spoke. [color= skyblue]“What is that, are you trying to challenge me, or something, Montoya?”[/color] She asked with an eyeroll as her head then turned to the side, but still not fully to be facing him again. Of course Annie was no stranger to ditching a class or, in this case, a detention to go and do something… probably stupid. But from how this conversation had started, and continued to go, and, once again, the people he knew, there was an automatic sense of hesitation. [color= skyblue]“And what are you getting out of this? Or- don’t tell me- is this you wanting to help fire back for the weak and powerless who could never do so alone, as it’s just the charitable person you are?”[/color] She asked with not a single part of her believing that was the reason. Then, finally, Annie fully turned to him. [color= skyblue]“Because if that is the case, don’t worry, if I wanted to send a message I could do it myself.”[/color]
[color= salmon ] benitz786 Enrique Montoya[/color]