“That’s good. If you’re too afraid, you’ll never get anywhere in life.” Luna nodded, yeah especially when she is living with step family. Luna smiled softly, “uh thanks?” She said scratching her back, well this wasn’t awkward at all. Luna blinked, this reminded her when she tried to talk to her crush Amanda but it went well badly because Luna then wasn’t good at social interactions, it wasn’t like she knew how to interact well now but it was a little better than before. Luna also remembered her crush on Adonis, but it faded softly just like her crush on Amanda did. Which was good because she wouldn’t have a chance with either of them, sigh. “Yeah, I’m a huge horror fan. Horror movies, Serial killers, you name it. If it’ll scare the crap out of someone, I like it. I’m not a scary person though. Or, at least I try not to be. Have you heard of Creepypasta?” Luna snapped her head to look at him, “Creepypasta?” Luna had never heard of it, it was probably from the gen z era but Luna haven’t heard her dad talk about it and he loved talking about things from that era. Luna played with her blonde hair, “No, I don’t know what creepypasta is.”
Luna bit her lips, she wanted to go back to reading but she didn’t want to seem rude and it would be good if she made more friends as her dad says. But Ben was a little weird, especially with his whole obsession with video games but hey who was Luna to judge she had an obsession with Londrick. D bootlicks books, being the wallflower among her friends when they go to parties and just being generally awkward. “So what is your favorite movie?” Wow what a nice way to continue to conversation Luna.
@Ouijaloveletters - Ben