Blue Royalty: New Blood

Hyun-Ae nodded when Ruben introduced himself. She smiled, glad that he thought her name was pretty. “I am from South Korea. We moved here about two months ago. You have an accent too. May I ask where you are from?” She asked, hoping that didn’t sound rude.
@raviola - Ruben
@Caticorn - Athena

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Sophie Lewis, not a party girl by any means, found herself at a party on the 10th of September, just before her senior year of high school. Partier or not, most of the senior class would be in attendance, so there wasn’t much a reason to not go. After all, anything could happen and the next person you meet could become one of the most important people in your life. Going to that party would be the beginning of her senior year of high school, a year that was symbolic with the end of childhood for most of the senior class. Sophie walked into the Rockefeller house with a hopeful smile on her face. Though many of her classmates were hopeful regarding the idea of the Blue Royalty competition that was beginning with that party, Sophie wasn’t interested in the game. Even just from what could be seen from the perspective of a freshman, sophomore, or junior watching the seniors, the game always appeared to involve hurting others, something Sophie just wouldn’t do. Sophie wouldn’t intentionally do something that would hurt someone else. She would much rather look on the positive side of things and hope that for her it could be a year of good memories and new friends.



“Ow.” They hissed, wincing as he elbowed them. They glared at him for a second before turning their attention back to the girl, who introduced herself as Hyun-Ae. They shook her hand, mildly impressed by her formality, seeing as they were at a party full of high schoolers. They knew the value of a good handshake from the various occasions in which they’d met their dad’s costars, producers, and the like. However, outside that world, they rarely greeted anyone that way.

When Reuben asked the girl where she was from, Athena couldn’t deny that they were also curious about this. They’d noticed her accent when she started speaking, but couldn’t quite place where it came from. “That’s kind of cool actually.” They said in response to her saying that she was from North Korea. “How are you liking Beryl Heights?” They asked. Having lived near or in Beryl Heights their entire life, they always found it interesting to hear the responses they got asking people who had just moved here what they thought about the town.

@raviola - Reuben
@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae


Hyun-Ae smiled at Athena when they said it was cool. “Oh, thank you. I rike Beryl. It’s very nice. The people are…”stuck up”, I think you say.” She said, shrugging. “I am going to get a drink. Be back.” She said, walking off. She got a drink, and walked back to the two, perching on the arm of the couch. She took a sip of the punch, raising an eyebrow,. “Should it taste rike this?”
@Caticorn - Athena
@raviola - Ruben

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Senior year, what a crazy thought to have only a year left of high school. Eddie had seen three of his sisters graduate high school before him, but it seemed surreal to have reached senior year himself, or more that when the school year reached its end, he would be graduating high school, and Riley would be right behind him the next year. Senior year, no matter what happened, would bring a lot of changes to Eddie’s life. Eddie wasn’t a fan of things changing, of course it was a necessary part of life, but did so much really have to change? There wasn’t much Eddie could do, but he could keep on with things the way they were for as long as possible. For Eddie, this meant capturing the moment on film. What moment you ask? That would be the event of the night, the party to kick off senior year for the class of 2040 being hosted at the Rockefeller residence. Eddie Flynn, probably one of the people in the senior class furthest from a social butterfly or partier, was going to a party. However out of place the wallflower of an 18 year old would seem there, what better opportunity would there for him to film? He could get some great footage of the party for research and to look back on later for the memories, so that’s why when Eddie walked into the party he wasn’t looking to socialize or drink. He had his video camera in hand, ready to capture the events of the night, after all most of his classmates would begin competing in the race to win Blue Royalty, and anything could happen, so why not be there to see it all.



Lorde/Post Malone/Sza/Khalid -Homemade Dynamite (remix)

So senior year is here isn’t it? And for one Veronica Charlotte Parker that meant a damn lot. In the years and years the girl has spent proving herself as not just good but the best, not many things had the power to do that like doing what her parents and most of her class will or have failed doing, winning blue royalty, and, well, if now isn’t the time, then when is it? This was a year that was going to change some lives, and you know it. From winning the game, to graduating high school and embarking on a new path as an adult, all those were crazy, but they were just about to happen.

But there’s still time for that, this after all, was only the beginning. Now there was a party to attend, and trust me when I say Veronica was no stranger to a good party, but a school one? Probably not as good, but it doesn’t mean she won’t go.

In her perfectly tailored red blazer suit, Veronica, who didn’t usually take much time to get ready, took a glance at the mirror before leaving her room in search of her dear cousin Olivia, finding her still in the struggle of finding an outfit ”if it was up to you the party would have ended until we got there” the girl said with a light chuckle, shaking her head with a raised brow as leaning against the door of the closet in her cousin’s room ”I think this one would fit you” she said pointing at one of the options laid out, glancing back at the girl who responded with a light nod and went to try it on once again.

After a while, the two were ready and on their way to the Rockefeller residence, headed straight to the bar, as Veronica took the job of helping her cousin loosen up as she definitely was no party girl. And what better way is there to start a loosened up evening than with a drink in hand? Looking around the venue, Veronica saw some people she liked, some she didn’t, some she didn’t even know, but there was one thing in common to them all, they were competition. And they were going down. Well maybe not all of them were going down, there were some people she would never do anything to, her family. From Olivia to Laurel, Daiane and Paige, those were people who meant the world to her and it was very unlikely she’d step on them. But that’s not the issue right now, I said loosen up not think, silly.

So on the note of enjoying a party, Veronica turned to the bartender and ordered herself a drink, taking it in hand and wandering around the party, until bumping into her good friend Sienna, who also happened to be the twin sister of the guy who just got a big from her cousin in tha parking lot, (yes, she already knew about it. What else did you expect from a parker?) ”talk about familiar faces” Veronica smirked at her the first with the blue blazer ”How’s my favourite designer holding up?” she asked, sipping her drink as she glanced at the girl.

@madilnel Sienna
@me Olivia mentioned
@Littlefeets Laurel mentioned
@benitz786 Paige mentioned
@unsungcheerio Daiane mentioned



North Korea, hm. Reuben had not heard many good things about the country, or it’s emigration process. She probably had a hell of a story, but he’ll ask later, it’d be rude now. “Brazíl” Reuben nodded up and smiled when she asked where he was from, and then let Athena talk because they had something to say. He would have begun to let his chattiness go on but he wasn’t gonna interrupt anyone for their sake. His talking stamina is honestly a bit scary. He’s like an older southern lady with a dumptruck.

Hyun-Ae said she thought the people were stuck up and Reuben bursted out laughing “No you’re so right. I try not to be but I grew up here, you know with the big houses and the famous people on every corner. I feel the difference between here and back home too. Especially on nights like this when we all get together and remember who we are.” Reuben said, thinking about the atmosphere they were in. Sometimes he gets so used to it that he forgets it’s not like this everywhere. Outside of here there’s no blue bloods, the families all consist of ordinary everyday people, their secrets are more like town rumors, the kids aren’t terribly neglected due to their parents’ time consuming careers, and their happiness is real. He wondered if Hyun-Ae was used to the rich kid life too, just in a different culture like him, or if she was completely new to this life.

@Ouijaloveletters @Caticorn


Charlotte Bekker had always adapted well to new surroundings. To new senses, to new beginnings.
Charlotte Bekker did not fear change, she embraced it. As Hera’s hands met her waist, Charlie fell like a planet into orbit; the continuous pull keeping them as close as possible. Despite the multitude of stars in the galaxy, there was no other place besides then. No other universe where things would be altered. Only that moment of intimacy.

let’s get out of here

Charlotte feet raced forward with nothing but clear intent and pure impatience. The very second that the door closed, all she could feel was the obnoxiously loud thrumming of her heart, echoing in her ears. Charlie immediately submits to Hera’s every move. Their bodies had less than an inch in separation. So close. Not close enough. Her breaths came out shaky and staggered.

The door opened suddenly, causing Charlotte to jump completely out of her skin and try to recollect any previous thoughts or composure. Although, she could barely hold back her laughter whilst they tried to cover their tracks.
The feeling of laughter subdued when soft fingers wiped away the smudged lipstick off of her face. Charlie stood there stunned at the caring and tender nature of Hera that contrasted the startling dominance she was met with only a few minutes ago. Charlie also found it strange that she found it strangely attractive.

She stared into their dark eyes, not searching for anything just indulging in the ethereal nature they possess. Charlotte’s eyes slowly made their way down to look at Hera’s lips longingly. Curse the straights who walked in on them. Her cheeks were crimson red and burned with embarrassment at being caught, but there was no regret. Still, Charlie’s heart pounded a rhythm against her chest.

“Shots.” She said impulsively (obviously out of nerves). “We should go and do some shots. It being a party and…um…that kinda thing.” Hera’s hotness was effecting her, when typically nobody made her feel so…wonderfully helpless.

@raviola only 15 hrs to reply xox




As a Cerulean High student at age 18, there were a lot of things that would like to meet Ives. First, he was going to officially take over as a school leader, a responsibility that benefit him in so many ways yet not at the same time. Lirea is already a sophomore, though, and she is one smart girl. For sure, she doesn’t even need him that much anymore. Secondly, there was the Blue Royalty game. And he wasn’t gonna lie—as time neared to this day, he grew more and more intimidated by it. He did manage to comfort himself though; how bad can the “tasks” go for high school students?

Rather so much, he’d say, especially when he remembers what happened these last years… and how he was discouraged by his uncle-in-law. Though, Ives being Ives, he’ll take what he can get. These first tasks aren’t even that bad, so for sure he’ll manage.

Now, thirdly and probably most importantly, he finally got to do something that no people will probably expect from a seemingly private person like him. That’s just the vibe though. Let me tell you—Ives likes to be heard and he is honest at that state of his. He likes to get his message across, clear and nice, nothing left behind. Even with something most people cower about. A good example? Right now.

Fixing his outfit and hair, he held his chin firm against the loud and colorful atmosphere of the party, oozing an authoritative spirit as he walked by. Eyes traveling from one corner to another, he quietly sighed—he was thankful he chose to wear this. If he had taken Lirea’s advice to wear a shining tuxedo, he probably wouldn’t feel as good right now. And what better to impress someone than to be yourself and be confident, right? After a saunter, Ives finally found her—Clara Ines Lucier. Almost automatically, his lips curved into a small smile, and then his chest not feeling so normal. The show must go on, however.

“Found you at last,” he said, leaning over the bar counter. He pulls up a hand for the bartender, Give me anything you have, just make sure it’s not poison…" he turned to the Clara, “… do you want anything?”

@Caticorn - Clara
Hope it’s okay I put her there? Dx


“Thanks for the ride, dad. I’ll text you if I need one later.” Embry said, getting out of the car before her father had the chance to say anything else. She knew that if she let him continue his speech about being responsible, she would’ve accidentally let something slip about what the party tonight was actually about. As she heard her father pulling away, she walked into the party, which was already in full swing.

This party was not only kicking off their senior year, but also the game that would wind up propelling the winners into success. Embry had received her tasks earlier that day, one of which was the reason that she’d closed the door on her father minutes earlier. She knew that he would have told her not to do it, but she was determined to get the points.

She walked around until she saw something, an unattended cup of what looked like Coke. Looking over her shoulders to make sure no one was around, she pulled a small bottle of vodka out of her purse. She unscrewed the cap and poured a small amount of the liquid into the cup. After putting the bottle back into her purse, she turned around to start walking down the hall again and promptly bumped into someone else.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” She said to her, hoping that she hadn’t offended the girl, who she recognized as Laurel Parker. Great way to start the night, Bry. She scolded herself, regaining her composure. She realized the proximity between where she’d bumped into Laurel and the table she was just at and silently hoped that she hadn’t seen what she’d just done.

@Littlefeets - Laurel


Clara stood in front of her mirror, making sure her outfit met her standards. Once she was satisfied, she sat down and her vanity, doing her makeup. She then moved on to her hair, keeping it long and finishing it off with bobby pins. She stood up, picked her phone up off of her vanity and ordered an Uber before putting her phone in her purse. Leaving her room she walked down the stairs and started to make her way towards the front door.

“Clara Ines Weston-Lucier”

She jumped as she heard her step-father’s voice, which was followed by him laughing at her reaction. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She playfully reprimanded, turning around to face him. “Where are you going dressed like that?” He asked her, gesturing to the dress she was wearing. "A party.” She answered. “Don’t worry, Papa already knows where I’m going." She added, reassuring him. After receiving the notification that her ride was here, she said goodbye to Colin and walked out the door to the waiting vehicle. As the driver pulled away from the house, she pulled out her phone to check the message she’d received earlier with her tasks.

When the driver pulled up to the house where the party was being held, she thanked them as she got out and then walked up to the door. She strutted into the party, displaying her usual confidence. After all, large groups of people are where she is most comfortable. Once she’d surveyed the room, seeing all of her classmates who were in attendance, she walked over to the bar. Shortly after she arrived, she heard Ives’ voice from beside her. Turning her head to face him, she smiled and greeted him. When he asked her if she wanted anything, she nodded and turned to the bartender. “A cosmopolitan, please.” She said to them before turning her attention back to the man standing beside her. “How are you?” She asked with a smile.

@Nil - Ives


Athena chuckled as Hyun-Ae referred to the people in Beryl as ‘stuck up’. “Can’t disagree with you there.” They said with a small shrug. They nodded as Reuben spoke, agreeing with what he said. They were only ten when they moved to Beryl, but even growing up half an hour away, they knew what the lives of the people who lived in the town were like.

They watched as she took a sip of her drink and then when she asked if it was supposed to taste the way it did, they sighed knowing what was the answer. “Knowing this crowd, it’s probably spiked.” They answered, from experience. “If you’re not looking for alcohol, always order or mix your drink yourself.” They advised, just in case she didn’t want something alcoholic.

@raviola - Reuben
@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae

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niko tanaka

Niko stood in their room, straightening out their outfit as they got ready for the party. While they finished styling their hair, they turned around to face Yua, who was playing on their bed. Smiling at her, they set their brush down and pulled out their phone, aiming the camera at her. “Yua,” They cooed, getting her to look at the camera. They snapped a picture, taking a deep breath as they uploaded it to Instagram. They picked their daughter up and kissed her forehead before setting her down in her crib. After stepping away from the crib, they checked their mirror one last time before leaving their room.

“いってきます!” They called out to their family as they walked down the stairs, hearing their mother say “いってらっしゃい!” in return. They walked out the door and to the car, greeting their driver and smoothing out their dress as they sat down. They told the driver where to take them and pulled out their phone as he pulled out of the driveway, taking them to their destination.

It was the first party of their senior year and they already suspected that it was going to be eventful, knowing that many of their classmates had received messages as they had. They were determined to complete their tasks by any means necessary.

They arrived at the party and got out of the car, thanking their driver and telling him that they’d let him know when they were ready to be picked up. They walked into the house and immediately went to the bar, ordering themself a French 75. Once they had their cocktail, they walked away from the bar, spotting someone else who was alone. Smiling, they walked over to him. “Hello!” They greeted him with a small wave before taking a sip of their drink.

@angelic - Lorenzo


いってきます (ittekimasu) - So long (said by family members leaving the house)
いってらっしゃい (itterasshai) - So long (said to family members leaving the house)



“Right. Shots.” They said awkwardly. I always know what to say, why don’t I know what to say right now?? They thought while glancing at her on the walk there, the stare lingering for longer than they had planned. She was so- perfect. From her soft skin to the light in her eyes, her smile, her rhythm. It all had such an effect on her. The way her hair falls perfectly, her cute little nose, her soft lips. She’s like royalty, and Hera was her beggar. On her knees, hoping for just a taste of the sweetest fruit in the kingdom.

Once they arrived there, both of them went on to down a few without hesitation, they needed to relax. Hera sent hers right to the back of their throat. This stuff tasted nasty, and they already had that intolerable mixture. “Still so much better than the punch” They joked, serving another and taking it in underestimation of how strong the beverage she had in her hand was. This was how they dealt with their issues. Having a conversation about her issues was simply not going to happen because they would end up crying and NO ONE can ever see them cry. She would much rather laugh. Seeing that the girl liked the joke she laughed too, making eye contact that made their laughter in unision quite intimate. It said all of the words that were needed to say about what had just happened.

F^ck. They thought. Hera realized they had to pee really bad. Not while I’m trying to talk to a pretty girl, bladder you are on thin ice. You knew the alcohol is starting to have an effect when they start speaking to their organs as if they were real people. “Excuse me darling dearest, I must use the restroom.” They announced, bringing back their playful formality as they turned around to leave. “I’ll be back!” They flicked a military salute as she walked down the hallway to seal the deal.

@Andi go get em tiger

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Ruben said he was from Brazil. All Hyun-Ae knew was that it was very hot there. Both in temperature and the people…no, don’t think that. “Oh, your accent sounded familiar. I have never been. I have heard it is very hot.” She smiled when Ruben laughed, not really trying to be funny. Hyun-Ae listened to Athena, inspecting her cup. “Teenagers.” She said simply, before shrugging and knocking back the cup.
@Caticorn - Athena
@raviola - Ruben


Once Laurel had arrived at the party she got herself a drink, keeping an eye out for certain people. Certain people meaning ones she knew, or ones who simply caught her eye. After all, this was a party to be enjoyed, even with the addition of tasks into the midst. Tasks or not, she could hang out with a friend, family even, or someone she didn’t know yet. Though, what Laurel didn’t necessarily intend on was for someone to bump into her. She brought her gaze down to look at the shorter girl, Embry Thompson. Laurel quickly glanced her over, before taking a sip of her drink and shrugging slightly. “Its fine. No big deal really.” At a party, with music, people, and drinks abundant it was certainly easy to bump into someone, which Laurel didn’t intend to hold against her, especially as the girl was a source of opportunity. Though, Laurel would just have to wait and let the cards fall where they may. “So, what had you too preoccupied to watch where you were headed?”

@Caticorn - since we never planned with them are we just going to assume acquaintances. They know each other through class or something?


here it comes, senior year everybody. And the more I think about it, the more I realise how much the apple doesn’t fall far from her tree-like dad. A senior at c high, one of the oldest of them as well, with an already existing musical career on the side. basically just a girl that wants to get it over with and have some damn fun while she’s at it. And really, can anyone blame her? That was one hell of a good plan, the question is who or what is going to ruin that plan, because something always does. Life sucks pretty badly, honestly, but at least try to make the best of it I suppose.

Kaya wasn’t really much of a dress kind of person, but as getting ready for the first senior party of the year, she decided to go black dress with some fishnets and black dr martens. It worked, so why not? ”I sometimes ask myself how on earth did this gorgeous thing come from me, makes no sense” she heard her father’s voice and looked aside with a cheeky smile ”Maybe I’m adopted and you forgot, or maybe I was switched at birth in the hospital and I’m actually a bradgelina child, who knows” she went on, teasing her dad with a smirk on her face, right before turning around and walking towards the door where he was standing, placing a small kiss on his cheek and heading out ”don’t wanna be late for the party
she said and left the house, barely hearing her dad when he called ”have fun” after her.

At the party, unlike many others, Kaya didn’t rush to the bar because after all she wasn’t really a drinker, only sometimes, but she didn’t need that to have some proper fun now did she?
Chilling with the music the girl looked around, vibing with the area and the people around her, not letting trouble occupy her mind and just having some fun.


@me Andy mentioned


Did Zek feel bad about focusing just on his phone for the first part of their little car journey? “Sorry,” yes, he did. Hence why he apologized the moment she said it with a goofy smile and instead of just locking it, he threw it back in has bag. And being the one to entertain the driver or just anyone, whenever, was what Ezekiel was best at but… sometimes his mind was too busy for that. "Some of us…“ He started and immediately stopped himself from continuing that story. Some of us have nothing better to do with life so stupid games like the one I was just reading about sound like the best way out of the misery and best distraction from life. Was he really going to tell her that? Well, no. One, because he didn’t want to downgrade her problems or even start the conversation about things going on with them and two, because he never liked bothering people with his thoughts and feelings. So the only normal thing he could continue with was, "get a little nervous when you’re driving and need a distraction.“ With the same old smile on his face, he joked. A smile that would stay on his face the whole time.

But there was also a subtle eyeroll, of course in a joking way, when she claimed he should be thanking her now. "Is that so?“ He raised his brow, a smirk forming on his lips as he took what she was handing him. "You’re just saying that now… but this has been your plan from the very begging, I know. Using a friend like that… wow Annie, wow.“ Zek shook his head, acting disappointed but a soft chuckle soon escaped his lips. "Good thing I love sharing but alright. Thank you. I wouldn’t prefer being anywhere else but here,“ with a soft voice he continued before picking up his bag again. And laughing as she was responding to his confetti cannons comment - having a good point though. To which he didn’t respond since she didn’t give him a chance to but also because he was once again focusing on his phone, but this time for a different reason. Being so passionate about music there was not a second of his day when he wouldn’t be listening to something and since the car betrayed them there was that silence in the background he couldn’t stand.

Putting it on shuffle, he threw his phone to the front of the car, turning to face her again when he found her eyes flickering. His doing the same right after… But here’s the thing. Ezekiel was not exactly the one for random hookups. He preferred connecting with people but now, in this situation, doing what they were doing which was only making him super relaxed he… didn’t mind. This way no one was bound to get hurt in the end and that was always a plus. "We’re getting close?“ He quietly questioned, leaning closer to her as he handed her the cig right after hitting it. A soft smile still on his lips. "What makes you think that?“ Continued, that’s when he leaned back in his seat, slightly shifting it backwards.

@/novella - Annie


Embry smiled, relaxing once she knew that she hadn’t upset her and that she hadn’t been caught. However, she tensed up again slightly when she was asked what she was preoccupied with. “Just something I had to do.” She answered, omitting the majority of the details. She figured that the less others knew, the better. “So, have you been here long?” She asked in reference to the party, both out of curiosity and desire to change the subject. While she had only just arrived a few minutes ago, she had the feeling that others had already been here for longer and was wondering if she had missed anything, even though the party just started.

@Littlefeets - Laurel
(yeah, that’s pretty much what I was thinking)


Charlie was scared of the dark ever since she was just a little girl. There was something so uncertain about being alone in a place you don’t know. The isolation. The unknowing. Yet, Charlotte did not feel lost under Hera’s gaze, she felt found. Seen. Their shared laughter and rolling jokes only furthered the already established connection between the two.

Hera turned around to go to the bathroom, initiating a military salute which Charlie mimicked whilst laughing at the strange individual that she basically already has a huge phat crush on. Charlotte turned back the other way to have a look around, her filled cup in hand. Until, unexpectedly, the unstable nature of her balance caught her off guard and the liquids in her cup fell all over the person besides her.

‘oh sh!tttt.’ She whispered slowly.

@aesthetic I THINK THIS IS OK?