Blue Royalty: New Blood

“Me either.” Laurel said with a smirk as Raph commented that she wouldn’t find him complaining about them being in a group together. “Thanks, I’m dressed up as Rizzo from Grease.” Laurel said with a slight shrug. “An oldie for sure, but a classic musical.” Laurel slowly looked Raph over, honestly with no idea what he was dressed as either. “And what are you? Let me guess, a high school graduate taking a gap year before college, or the most attractive man in the room?” Was it wrong to flirt with her ex, probably. Was it wrong to flirt with an ex, knowing she slept with his brother right after the breakup, definitely. Was Laurel going to flirt with Raph anyway? Hell yes.



Napoleon Park

Napoleon smiled as Adonis told him he was glad for him. “Thanks man.” He responded, listening to what his friend was saying next. At the mention of a mouse, he looked around, trying to find the rodent in question. Out of the corner of his eye, he managed to catch a quick glimpse of a tail disappearing behind some furniture. “I don’t have any idea what to expect tonight, but that was definitely a mouse. I feel like something’s going to happen though, something that isn’t particularly good.” Leon told Adonis, confirming his suspicion about the creature. As Adonis was talking about his makeup, Denise walked up and joined them. “Hey Denise,” He greeted her with a small wave once she’d finished talking. “No problem.” He said in response to her thanking him for helping her last month, running his hand through his hair.

@Kristi - Adonis
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Denise


Usually people would feel bad for doing such a thing, giving someone false hope, playing with them… but not Finley. It’s not that he enjoyed hurting Kaya, or anyone else for that matter, he just didn’t understand this situation could be so serious to her. To him it… wasn’t. Maybe they had some fun together but that was all. Fun. Not interrupting her, he just stood there, amused with how speechless she got all of a sudden. Getting her hopes high or whatever the hell he did was fast, but he was also quick to ruin that.

”No strings attached didn’t go anywhere, I still stand by it. I honestly have no idea how you got that text because I did not send it to you,” he replied calmly, shrugging his shoulders. ”You don’t have to say anything, I was just messing with you, Kaya. But I hear Cynric is looking for someone to love, you should hit him up.” Continuing in the same calmly manner, there was a subtle smirk on his face, mentioning his good friend. Maybe he didn’t really want her to do that but what else was he supposed to say. Whatever she was looking for she surely couldn’t get it from Finley. ”Sorry?” With that he walked past her, leaving the girl standing there alone while his mind went to someone else he didn’t even know was there. Not just in this mansion but his school.

What he actually wanted to do now is find his group, especially one girl - Florence. Not looking back, he continued walking down the crowded hallway, people he did not recognize, looking for someone with red hair. It wouldn’t be hard to find her, right? Right. It wasn’t. Spotting her he didn’t waste a second to walk up to her and gently place his hands on sides of her face, pushing her back against the wall as his lips met hers. ”Is this a good way to say sorry?” Mumbling against her lips, he slowly pulled back.

@/Cerealkiller - Kaya and Florence



The last few weeks had been… well, do you want Paige to be honest… absolutely boring. It was a constant repeat of sex with random men, sex with random women, partying, and Daniel Parker getting on her ass to go back to London - no thanks cousin dan, mind your own fcking sh!t. Though, that wasn’t the issue - for Paige, life in Beryl was simply… drab. If she didn’t know better, she would have left - but there was a reason for her staying, one that no one really needed to know except for her. In any case, moving back to the fact that Beryl was simply sh!t - first, you had that Fin idiot who truly believed he was doing something with his “bad boy - hate my parents” attitude. God, get over it Fin - the world doesn’t revolve around you and your daddy issues - join the bloody club. Ever since she had won the man’s car, he hadn’t gotten off her ass in giving it back. Moving on, then you had that dude whose name started with an E, one that Paige had only seen in passing since their sex tape - retrospectively that was a good thing because she honestly wasn’t a fan of talking to people she fcked. You also had that Phoebe whatever her last name is who was just a bloody menace. Paige could go on and on about the various people she had met at Beryl over the span of the last few weeks, but honestly, what was the point? They weren’t worth her time. She was simply here for a good time, and to her, that’s all that really mattered.

That was the thought that clouded her mind as the girl looked in the mirror at her boxing gear, the words “Fin: 0 / Paige: 100” written on the back for an extra fck you to the man who had been getting on her last nerves lately. Supposedly there was a haunted house stay-over thing, but knowing Beryl, it would be about as fun as the last party was - meaning, not at all. Perhaps her inclination was to ditch - especially with these group assignments - but Paige was never one to give up on a simple challenge. As she arrived at the party, Paige nodded towards a few people she knew, acknowledging their presence, though hearing someone tell her that they didn’t have to stay because neither was playing the game simply… well… annoyed the hell out of her. “Aww and you came dressed as an angel? How adorable. Really? Tell me - who are you trying to kid or is this supposed to be your version of irony? It’s really just sad.” Paige muttered, looking the girl up and down with a roll of her eyes. Since the moment Paige had met the girl, there was this instant… almost… dislike towards her. Perhaps it was because the two were so similar in every regard, or at least, Annie was seemingly trying really hard to be like Paige. “Don’t get me wrong, Williams. I don’t want to be in this group with you either, but I sure as hell can do it longer than you. Unlike you, I don’t give up so easily,” there was a clear disrespect in her tone as she looked in Annie’s eyes before rolling them and moving towards the two other boys they were “stuck with” - supposedly talking about some family drama Paige had no care in the world about. With a quick, come on boys she led the two further into a corridor - even though she didn’t know where it led before finding herself next to the annoying brunette again. “So tell me, you and Ricky fcking yet or are you too much of a prude?”

@novella - sorry for how long this took

@Littlefeets - Eddie mentioned
@astxrism - Fin and Phoebe mentioned


Ignoring someone for months was actually a fcking special skill that should get him gold at the Olympics - especially with Diego. That man made it truly difficult to avoid him - though thankfully, not having classes or extracurriculars together (and not living together) made it just a little bit easier. Diego was always a… well… puppy when it came to things like this. Always around, never just… giving the hell up. Perhaps part of Ricky appreciated it… another, larger, part, however, just wanted to dissociate from Diego altogether. Though, of course, they just had to be in a damn group together making that whole thing that much harder.

There was a twinge of guilt that filled him with the mention of Raph’s car, only because of the way Ricky could read the hurt in his brother’s eyes. That’s why it was so hard to continue this with Diego… he made it all hurt more. Despite that, he kept an emotionless expression as he shrugged. “Nothing’s going on, Diego. I just need a damn break. Do you know how fcking overbearing you can be sometimes,” Okay… maybe that was harsher than he meant it to be but… god… he just… needed this to be easier and the constant bothering from his brother wasn’t making it easier.

Ricky was almost glad when that girl came over to tell them to start moving, the man shooting a look to Annie for a second indicating that this would be a long damn night before walking in silence for a few minutes. Of course, until his brother continued the interrogation. “God Diego, what the fck do you want me to tell you? I’ve been enjoying my damn life. We don’t always have to do every, fcking, thing together. Just do me a favor, let me worry about myself and you can take care of your own problems - like that Phoebe girl I keep hearing sh!t about. Maybe if you weren’t so obsessed with being in my business, you would have fcked her already so please, just watch your own damn back because I’m perfectly capable of watching mine.” Perhaps there was an irony saying this when he was currently, physically hurt. Either way… Enrique just wanted him to stop… he wanted everyone to stop. Maybe it was just time for Ricky to be self-destructive, and the last thing he needed was his saint of a brother telling him that he was being an ass.



Amelia Grace - resident sweetheart. Honestly, she had always been known as that, but she truly just wanted to make sure Quinn was okay. She and Quinn had… well… never exactly been friends… but at one point in their lives, they tolerated each other for the sake of his sister, Finch. His sister who… god rest her soul… was one of Amelia’s closest friends. Finch Castillo’s death shook the entire school, but Amelia had honestly been at the top of that list and she knew if the pain killed her, it was likely hurting Quinn more. Finch was, after all, his sister… his twin… and that was a connection that was stronger than most others… something that Amie herself knew.

When Dean Klein told her to watch out for him… Amie wasn’t exactly sure how to approach it… and clearly, he didn’t handle it well telling her to essentially fck off because he didn’t need anyone. Apparently, that sentiment still held true. Here she was trying… trying to honor her friend by taking care of her family and here he was telling her to come back after her sister died. Her features distorted into a sad frown with his words. No matter how much pain he was in, that gave the man no right to wish harm upon others… but as Amelia often did, she didn’t say anything to egg him on about that. “You can keep pushing me away Quinn but I’m not leaving… look… Finch… she meant a lot to everyone here… I just… I’m trying to be someone you can talk to about this because I know it hurts… god… Quinn it hurts… a lot… but you’re not doing anything to honor her memory if you keep acting like this to everyone. What do you think she’d say if she was here right now? Do you think she’d be proud of her brother for acting like… this? Yes… maybe I’m supposed to be there for you in school because Dean Klein told me to but I’m not being forced to do that I just… I want to help because you’re hurting…” Maybe she wasn’t… saying the exact right thing but… she just wanted him to know that he couldn’t scare her away with mean words. She had read about this before - people pushing others away as a defense mechanism… it was a part of grieving and maybe he just needed to know that she wouldn’t give up on him. That someone wouldn’t give up on him.

@Littlefeets - I’m expecting him to go off


Lack of trust - that was something he could always tell about Logan, since the moment he met her, since the moment she joined the football team. There was a question that he often wondered - how could someone with such lack of trust be on a team? It was a question that he also wondered about Enrique. As much as he wasn’t a fan of Elio… the man wasn’t wrong, though, in Mason’s mind, Elio wasn’t any better. However, they weren’t the topic at hand - Logan Blackwood was. “Well, Logan…” Mason started, leaning against her table without removing the casual look on his face. Despite the way he looked, a somber tone soon filled the room. “Takes one to know one,.” he whispered, giving the girl a knowing look. Everyone had secrets - that didn’t, however, mean either of them had to go digging where they weren’t wanted… nor needed.

With that, Mason stood up moving towards the door. It was a pointless conversation and both of them knew that, though hearing her last words, he gave her one last look. “For the future, Logan, lie’s are just as good as partial truth’s if you believe them. Though… I guess neither of us has to teach the other about lying,”

There was a tension in the air as he left that day - and perhaps one that would stay anytime he was around her.

Halloween had finally come afoot, and Mason had a pink tracksuit on with his “disguise” - as Blue Royalty would call it - being Regina George’s mother. Mason had even gone so far as to attach a fake dog biting his rock-hard nipples through the tracksuit to sell the effect. Usually, Mason may have been excited to go to a Halloween after-party, however, with the current groupmates he had - one which included Logan AND Olivia - it wasn’t exactly what he was hoping for. Logan was a girl he had been avoiding for a while now, ever since that incident in the classroom weeks ago. Olivia, on the other hand, he’d seen in passing though the two weren’t exactly close - not that he wanted to be with her connection to VC.

Reaching the venue, Mason walked towards where he saw one of the girls in his group - Olivia. “Hey kidnap-ee, have a chance to escape from VC yet, or did you develop a severe case of Stockholm syndrome and never want to leave? I’m actually a little upset I wasn’t called up to help with the escape plan,” he noted casually. “Though I will say, that’s a great costume. I would have come as a cheerleader like your cousin was hoping, but like I told her before, I just don’t want to make the other cheerleaders jealous again,”




“Thanks man." Adonis winked at his best friend, well second best friend after Victoria of course. “Anything for my best friend.” He smiled at Leon. Adonis knew he definitely saw a mouse or maybe he needed glasses, “I don’t have any idea what to expect tonight, but that was definitely a mouse. " Adonis let out a breath, “I knew I wasn’t going mad” He chuckled, “I don’t have any idea what to expect tonight, but that was definitely a mouse.” Leon voiced his suspicious. Adonis paused, ever since he got here he had a bad feeling- though he brushed it off. But now “I agree, something is definitely going to happen and we won’t like it a bit.”

Adonis continued to brag about his amazing makeup skills and how he could beat any profession with his eyes closed when a girl dressed as snow white came up to them. “Hey Denise,” Leon greeted her. The girl whose name was ‘Denise’ turned to hi, "Hi Leon, it’s nice to see you again and thank you for trying to help me earlier. I couldn’t help hearing that you were wondering about this guy’s makeup, and I have to say, I’m impressed too and wondered the same thing Leon here, has wondered because it looks good, and coming from somebody who uses makeup on a daily basis, that should mean something.” Adonis smirked, “Yeah I’m multitalented, as soon as I came from the womb I could sing and the doctors told me that was the most beautiful voice they’ve ever heard” Adonis ran a finger through his hair. “Anyways I haven’t seen you around,” He turned to Leon, “Is she new?”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Denise

@Caticorn - Leon



“I’m ok. A little worried about the fact this house could be haunted, but by the Grace of the Lord, we will hopefully be protected. Hopefully.” Ari internally cringed, sure she believed in God and all that but she wouldn’t really call herself ‘super religious’ or anything and this girl seemed to be. Ari could tell this girl would be even more annoying than three blondes in the same room together. “Nope. I’ve been here since Junior year. You probably just didn’t see me. " Her pupils narrowed and fled from the expanding whites of her eyes. So she’s been here for that long, shrug She has a forgettable face, probably why Ari didn’t notice her sooner. “Well, that’s shocking.” Ari said giving her best fake giggle.

" Oh, what are you supposed to be? I’m a…crappy zombie bride.” The girl said. Ari looked at the she was holding in her hands, “I’m a character from my favorite show” Ari responded running a finger through her luxurious black hair.

@Ouijaloveletters - Leah

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”Rizzo from grease, got it” raphael nodded as she told him what she dressed as, though honestly he never actually watched grease. Wasn’t that like a hundred years old or something? Maybe less but yeah whatever ”I have no idea who that is, but you look amazing” he told her

The boy smiled at her guesses of his costume, noticing she was flirting with him which let me just say he sure wasn’t complaining about ”Maybe” he responded with a mysterious playful smirk, ”I think I like the most attractive guy idea better, especially when hot stuff like this come talk to me” he said gesturing at her with a wink ”so what is a beautiful girl like you planning this Halloween?” he asked

@Littlefeets bad


Clara nodded when Mia asked if her friend was aware of her giving the phone number. “Yeah, she’s aware. She doesn’t really care who I give her number to, just make sure you tell her that I was the one who gave it to you.” She answered to reassure her. “Oh yeah, her name is Camille.” She told her, shifting her weight onto her right side. “Her last name is Monet, in case you wanted that too.” She added, motioning for Mia to follow her before walking over to the window and perching on the windowsill, crossing her ankles. “So, Mia, is there anyone special in your life?” She asked with a smirk, changing the subject.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia


Mia listened to Clara explain about her friend. “Oh, she’s French? That’s cool. I’ll call her later. Thank you for giving me her number.” She said, smiling. She wondered why Clara decided to give her this girl’s number. Clara asked if there was anyone she had a crush on. “Nope. You?” She asked, hopping up next to Clara.
@Caticorn - Clara

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Leah noticed that the girl’s pupils shrunk, wondering what was going on with her. Leah smiled when told the girl was a tv character. “Oh, what’s your name? I’m Leah.” She said, adjusting her wig, picking her flowers back up. “I’ve never heard of that character, though. I don’t watch much tv.”
@Kristi - Ari

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”I’m not looking for anything Fin I just don’t like people messing with my head thank you very much” she said with an annoyed huff as she looked at him and turned away as he as well walked away. Fcuk that ”pr!ck” she muttered quietly and headed somewhere else, clearing her head a bit as this whole situation had her in her thoughts. It wasn’t like she loved him, she sure didn’t, but it still confused her and had her thinking and digging deep into her emotions, not on purpose, but it was just that kind of scenario, and she found herself clueless in front of a man she didn’t love but still enjoyed… things with. Who needs the damn strings?

So he walked away, and her somewhat pssed off self walked in the other direction ignoring him, and off to god knows where

Approachable yeah

@astxrism fin mentioned

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Let’s just say, when she stole Finley’s phone to mess with him, the next thing he did when he stopped talking to Kaya was come to her. Did he know? Nah… but still. Honestly she was still shocked to even see him there, she didn’t think she’d ever see him again, which sucked at first but not for the reasons y’all are thinking. But now? Fcuk no. Get gone you bstard. Or-

And then he walked up to her and before she noticed he pushed her against the wall with a kiss. bloody hell. At first she rolled with it and kissed him back, after all he was a good kisser and it wasn’t like she hadn’t done it before, but then her brain started working again as he started mumbling things against her lips. Was it a good way to say sorry? You damn bet it was. But he screwed her over pretty damn well especially at the time, did she even forgive him? Hmmm… probably not. She wasn’t known for handing out second third and fourth chances.

And then she pushed him away not too harshly and moved, crossing her arms ”So I forgive you and you fcuk me over again? No thanks” she simply told him, with slight annoyance in her tone ”what are you even doing here?” she asked, since she hasn’t even seen him around there before.

@astxrism Finley

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yes to heaven - lana del rey

Sammy looked down at the man’s forearm curiously, harry potter sleeve’s silky fabric jolting repeatedly, and then back up into his eyes. “Tyler too, huh.” She held eye contact, not intensely, more so just in understanding. Sammy tilted her head, just looking at him with glimmery eyes and a genuine, soulful smile. She did not know him yet, but she would. She saw the potential for it in his face, he seemed sweet. And at some point, lonely. His eyes right now looked like a lost puppy who forgot where home was. Perhaps that was why he and Hera got along so well. The two have both been through a type of solitude that she can only understand in lucid dreams.

(for dramatic effect, i encourage reading the first paragraph in Hera’s halloween post first)

Of course, both of her guardians passed away, causing her to fall from heaven, but never too deep to become the devil themself. That halo on her head never rotted like cheap jewelry, for it was made of gold. Every time that she fell, there was someone there to catch her. After her parents passed away, She was almost immediately adopted. The lucky girl never hit the ground. Did she struggle for a while? yes, but she always had parents who she could count on at the end of the day. Although she remains without a speckle of dirt on her tulle skirts, there are some who have been dragged through the mud. Or even hell itself, getting to know the ashes and flames to the point where they knew how to conquer them.

As someone with the luxury of clouds beneath her feet, supporting her no matter what move she made, she vowed to expand the sky, and convert the atmosphere into a sanctuary from the sun that burned so unforgivingly. Sammy reached out for his hand and squeezed it. She was never a huge hugger, neither are alot of people. However, she wanted him to know that she was there for him. Even if he hurt her. Because that’s the kind of love that Sammy would want from other people. A love that forgives all of our mistakes, a love that allows regrowth, instead of relocation.

“I’m sorry. You wanna ditch this place?? I can tell the boys that you got sick.” she said, still not letting go of his soft hands.


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Maybe it wasn’t necessarily her favourite holiday, but Olivia sure loved halloween. From fun outfits to crazy makeup, it was just a holiday that let her express herself in things she was good at. Blame her for loving it.
So after helping a bunch of girls with their makeup, she did her own and got all ready in her mask costume, which let me just tell you is an iconic film and if you haven’t watched it go do it now. What can be wrong about a crazy ass green Jim carrey? Nothing.

So making her way to the party, Olivia looked around at her team, which she didn’t have much thoughts about except for the fact Mason was in it too. But he wasn’t too bad anyway he was actually pretty nice.

And then he came up to her and lowkey caught her by surprise ”Mason. Hey!” she told him with a smile
Laughing lightly at his kidnap comments, the girl shook her head and raised a playful brow at him ”might be getting that Stockholm syndrome. Are you a doctor by chance?” she asked, clearly knowing he was no doctor.

”Cheerleader could have been nice” she then said ”But mean girls fits you too, too bad your daughter is going to get hit by a bus” she joked with a light smile

@benitz786 Mason

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“Yeah, she’s French.” She responded before watching as Mia sat down next to her. The other girl answered her question and then asked her the same one. She nodded, a smile creeping onto her face. “There is actually this one guy,” She admittes, trailing off. “We went out last month and I really like him, but I’m not really sure what we are right now.” She added, briefly looking down before looking at Mia. “What’s your favourite part of Halloween?” She asked, trying to keep their conversation going.

@Ouijaloveletters - Mia

𝄞 Jealously - Blackbear

As Elio stood in front of Lenora, he actually started to feel himself become a bit insecure. He wasn’t sure why this happened around her. She was clearly good looking, but it was more than just that. She had a hold on him in a way that no one else has ever done. He knew he had crazy strong feelings for her, he wanted to say it was the L word but that wasn’t in Elio’s vocabulary. And it was those feelings that he didn’t like. They were too intense for him so that was usually the cause of a falling out. He knew he was hurting her and vice versa but he couldn’t just say no and walk away from her. Did he really even want their either? Two years is a long time to just throw it all away because they had a little fight now and then. Elio knew many of their arguments were dumb to start out with and instead of just apologizing and getting over it they took the route to hurt one another.

He looked down to her hands grading his, causing his nervous grin to relax into the one that is always on his face when he is around her. Hey Eli- now that is one scary costume He let a chuckle out to her joke as he looked around at everyone else’s costumes. There were the basic angel’s and demons, costumes that stemmed from movies, girls trying to be sexy and failing or even guys for that matter and then there was Elio. A tee. Did Sienna help you chose that one? Actually the opposite, I think she was incredibly disappointed in my choices tonight.. She was one of those who didn’t fail trying to look hot tonight. I mean that was the point for some people on Halloween right? Get a skimpy outfit on and get to get drunk at some party, though thanks to the wealth of the Cerulean High students they got to actually be in a supposed haunted house. To Elio, Lenora succeeded and much better than the rest of the girls in the senior class. He couldn’t help but let his eyes give her a once over. A cowgirl, he knew that was the point of the costume. I’m thinking between the two of us, you would win best dressed

He let his eyes find hers again. They were home to him. Familiar and easy to fall back into. God Len, I really have missed you. He meant it, even it didn’t seem that way in the fact that it’s been a little over a month since they had more than conversations outside of texting or Snapchat. Who had she been talking to? Though it may seem like he would pick up his phone and be with the first girl who answered, outside of Paige, that hasn’t happened. I miss being with you…. He admitted to the girl who he wanted to make happy again and hopefully be able to call her his girlfriend officially again. He didn’t want to see her with anyone else and if that ever happened, he wouldn’t even know what to do. It wouldn’t happen, he wouldn’t be able to let it happen. He would always and is always there to stand up for her, even when they are on the outs. Drinks? He questioned to her since he didn’t see one in her hand and to also let things become a little more natural because alcohol seemed to make everyone a little more at ease. He wasn’t sure what type of Elio and Lenora there would be here tonight but he was hoping it was the good kind.



“That’s cool. My mother literally picked out this costume for me. I was originally going to be a bloody bride, but it’s whatever” It must feel so good to have a mother whose still alive, Luna thought “Wow you and your mom are really close…” She said giving a soft smile to her friend.
“Yep, I’m indeed Sandy from Greese” She answered with a nod, “Cool, that’s actually one of my favorite olden times movie. So is there a Danny to your Sandy?” Luna asked trying to keep the conversation moving somewhere. Luna let out a little giggle as her curly wig ended up getting into her eyes again, “It does seem troublesome.” She smiled. Karen was a fun person to hang out with, Luna did like hanging out with Karen but sometimes she couldn’t find what to say to keep the conversation going- but right now Luna was improving, well she thinks at least.

“What- why?” Luna scratched her shoulders, “Everyone came for task for the blue royalty game or for the party, hookups and drama… I’m not really contesting for the game and the latter is not like me.”


“Uhh…it-it’s okay I guess.” The girl scratched her head, Nevaeh smiled and helped her pick the board “Is this yours?” She asked giving her a friendly smile. Nevaeh gave her another subtly scan and nodded with a smile, she didn’t seem to bad, perhaps sometimes a little bit childish.

“I’m Destiny. Nice to meet you?” Nevaeh smiled, “I guess it was our destiny to meet then” Nevaeh punned, the soft smile was still plastered on her face. “You’re new to the school, right?” Nevaeh nodded, “I asked my parents to transfer me here”

@kbail - Destiny/Karen

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