“Sorry sweetheart, you can’t change who you are in a day.” If there was one thing Quinn was sure of, it was that by the next day, Amelia would be back to her usual, innocent self. It wasn’t difficult to tell that she was completely not herself at that point in time. That being said, Quinn still expected the same old Amelia to have a pull on the situation, that she wouldn’t do anything that would really prove herself to not be innocent. Stop before she did anything she would regret. With that, he didn’t expect her to grab him by the hand and pull him into an empty classroom, let alone that her lips would meet his and she would begin to unbutton his shirt. It was then that her kissing moved from his lips downwards until she was to the button of his pants. Quinn didn’t expect she would have gone this far, but honestly he was curious about how far she was actually willing to go to convince him she wasn’t all innocence. There would come a point where he would stop her if she kept going down that path, but this was not that point. It was in part because even he had his lines that he wouldn’t cross, but also because there was a part of him that did think to his sister, and that she would kill him if he let it go as far as to have sex with her while she was clearly not herself, even now she would come back and haunt him for that, and that would not be a pleasant situation. Though, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, things weren’t that far, and he wanted to see if she would actually continue to go through with it or if she would stop herself. Either way, this was a moment which he would not be able to let her forget, so to help with reminding her later, he did snap a couple pictures of the situation, from her lowering kisses to fumbling with the button.
@benitz786 - at least he has his limit where he’ll end up stopping her…