Asking no further questions about the artist of the previous song, Ricky made a guess of what Annie was planning on doing to which she raised her eyebrows. [color= skyblue]“Montoya, I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you but I would never do that with you,” [/color] Or anyone else for that matter, but that kind of took away the effect of singling him out in that statement. Though after a moment of consideration, Annie entertained his idea. [color= skyblue]“And also, come on, if I was going to shoot one it would be in a little more of an interesting place. Like, imagine the number of views you would get for sex under the Eiffel Tower or Leaning Tower of Pizza,” [/color] She suggested, mostly joking - it was always an option if things hit rock rock bottom.
Annie was hoping she could, as per usual, ignore whatever sh!tty gossip post that had probably just been sent out. But, when Ricky drew attention to it by asking, she reluctantly took her phone back out, intending on just reading the title of the post. [color= skyblue]“Fvcking Blue Royal–” [/color] Though her words trailed off as she began to read the words around her own name. She wasn’t even playing that stupid game and yet there it was bringing up that fvcking wedding. How the fvck did they already know about that? No. Nope, no she didn’t care, it wasn’t her problem. It was a good thing she had already made up her mind that she wouldn’t be attending the wedding to have the uninvited eyes of Blue Royalty watching out for her inevitably unfiltered reactions. Closing the post before making it past the second point, she came back into the conversation with the driver. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, some sh!t about the Montoya birthday to kill the mood,” [/color] She muttered back to him.
As they arrived on the beach, Ricky made a comment about this just potentially being a ‘day on the beach’. [color= skyblue]“See, that so beautifully leads me to the purpose of this, and why you have a shirt on,” [/color] Annie declared with a smile though it soon fell at his lack of enthusiasm at her build up to this announcement. [color= skyblue]“Okay but can I get a drum roll or something at the very least?” [/color] She asked him through a sigh. [color= skyblue]“Well, okay, so technically we’re not going to be on the beach. Like, on… ground, like, feet on ground, on the floor,” [/color] Annie tried to explain, continuing as it seemed he didn’t get it. [color= skyblue]“Oh, my God, just look up,”[/color] She finally said as a hang-glider flew above them.
benitz786 Enrique Montoya