Blue Royalty: New Blood

Asking no further questions about the artist of the previous song, Ricky made a guess of what Annie was planning on doing to which she raised her eyebrows. [color= skyblue]“Montoya, I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you but I would never do that with you,” [/color] Or anyone else for that matter, but that kind of took away the effect of singling him out in that statement. Though after a moment of consideration, Annie entertained his idea. [color= skyblue]“And also, come on, if I was going to shoot one it would be in a little more of an interesting place. Like, imagine the number of views you would get for sex under the Eiffel Tower or Leaning Tower of Pizza,” [/color] She suggested, mostly joking - it was always an option if things hit rock rock bottom.

Annie was hoping she could, as per usual, ignore whatever sh!tty gossip post that had probably just been sent out. But, when Ricky drew attention to it by asking, she reluctantly took her phone back out, intending on just reading the title of the post. [color= skyblue]“Fvcking Blue Royal–” [/color] Though her words trailed off as she began to read the words around her own name. She wasn’t even playing that stupid game and yet there it was bringing up that fvcking wedding. How the fvck did they already know about that? No. Nope, no she didn’t care, it wasn’t her problem. It was a good thing she had already made up her mind that she wouldn’t be attending the wedding to have the uninvited eyes of Blue Royalty watching out for her inevitably unfiltered reactions. Closing the post before making it past the second point, she came back into the conversation with the driver. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, some sh!t about the Montoya birthday to kill the mood,” [/color] She muttered back to him.

As they arrived on the beach, Ricky made a comment about this just potentially being a ‘day on the beach’. [color= skyblue]“See, that so beautifully leads me to the purpose of this, and why you have a shirt on,” [/color] Annie declared with a smile though it soon fell at his lack of enthusiasm at her build up to this announcement. [color= skyblue]“Okay but can I get a drum roll or something at the very least?” [/color] She asked him through a sigh. [color= skyblue]“Well, okay, so technically we’re not going to be on the beach. Like, on… ground, like, feet on ground, on the floor,” [/color] Annie tried to explain, continuing as it seemed he didn’t get it. [color= skyblue]“Oh, my God, just look up,”[/color] She finally said as a hang-glider flew above them.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya

copied directly from this

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Since the Halloween party. nothing very interesting has happened in Karen’s life, which was pretty usual. Sure she’s been to a few parties but nothing noteworthy. Deep down, she was hoping something interesting could finally happen in her life, especially being senior year at Cerulean High. Today, she sat in the library waiting for her partner named Neveah who she was supposed to work on a project together with. She liked meeting new people and potentially making new friends, so she was hoping the girl was easy to work with or nice. When she looked up from the computer, she noticed Neveah walking towards the table. Karen waved and smiled.

@Kristi - Neveah

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After the Halloween party back then, Nevaeh had gone to another. One her friend was hosting, the though the decorations were equally as shabby as the one in that manor… the party was quite fun. She had enjoyed herself. Anyways, Nevaeh headed to the library. She was grateful for Mia and Tyler for showing her the way before. The library was now one of her favorite places in the school, but Nevaeh was going to the library today to meet up with a girl named Karen. Her partner for a project. Nevaeh scanned the library, finally spotting Karen she smiled. “Hey” She sat down on one of the chairs. Nevaeh got her laptop out of her bag, “So we are supposed to do a report on either Albert Einstein Theories, Teen Pregnancy, mermaids real or myths or technology and how it affects us.” Nevaeh smiled at Karen, “Which one do you want to do?”

@Kbail - Karen

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Athena peeked out the window of their front door, trying to see if they could spot Xavier’s car coming down their street. “You know you could always take my car, right?” Their dad reminded them as he came up behind them. “Dad, we’ve been over this. I can’t drive.” They reminded him, putting their hands in their pockets as they shifted their gaze to the ground. “Can’t? Or won’t? Because I’m pretty sure you got your license when you were sixteen.” They said nothing in response, mostly because he had a point. “Look Gray, I still don’t completely understand what makes you so afraid of driving but you’re going to have to try it again someday. You can’t depend on Xavier forever.” He continued, bending down to look them in the eyes. “I know.” They answered, crossing their arms. “Just- not today.” They added, before walking out the door.

The drive to school was silent, but the silence was one that Athena didn’t mind. They actually appreciated it in a way. The conversation with their dad had dredged up things that they had tried to forget and they were really not in the mood to talk. When they arrived at the school, they got out of the car, but before they could walk away, Xavier wrapped his arms around them without saying anything. They reciprocated the embrace, the contact giving them the comfort they needed. “I’ll see you after school, Athena.” He said to them before the two of them went their separate ways.

They walked through the halls, hands in their pockets. They stopped by their locker first to collect any books they needed before starting off in the direction of their first class. Not soon after, someone, who they recognized as Jayleen Hu, came to a halt, narrowly avoiding bumping into them. They couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on their face as she looked from their eyes to the ground and back again. “Yep.” They responded, unsure of where she was going with this. “It’s me.”

@Nil - Jayleen


Karen appreciated how Neveah just wanted to get straight to work. She couldn’t say the same about most of her fellow classmates she has worked with. “Ummm…” She drummed her fingers on the desk. “I think we should definitely make it about how technology affects us.” All of a sudden, her phone went off. She quickly pulled it out of her bag and checked it. It was a notification from the blue royalty website. “Well, this is one of the ways technology is affecting us.” Karen said with a sarcastic laugh. For a split second, Karen was disappointed that she didn’t see her name on the list of people being exposed. Then she wondered if she was that desperate for attention. Her mind was in a daze while staring at her phone, then she quickly snapped out of it and looked back up at Neveah. “Oh, I’m referring to the new post blue royalty posted. You might want to check it.”

@Kristi - Neveah

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“I think we should definitely make it about how technology affects us.” Nevaeh nodded, she opened up a doc on her laptop and typed: ‘How technology affects us.’ “So what would you say are the cons and pros of technology?” Nevaeh asked. “For me, I would say the pros are: it saves times, helps to do work faster, helps with entertainment and the cons: Perhaps how much we depend on technology and how expensive it is to people who are poor or in middle class.” Nevaeh said as she wrote it down in a paper. All of a sudden, Karen’s phone went off and Nevaeh giggled. “Well, this is one of the ways technology is affecting us.” Nevaeh laughed, “I guess we could include it as a con.” She smirked. “Oh, I’m referring to the new post blue royalty posted. You might want to check it.” They had posted? Nevaeh had put her phone on silence to keep away any distractions, sure she wanted to know what was happening but she wanted a good grade even more. Anyways Nevaeh checked her phone. “Interesting.” Well at least she knew more about some people in the school. Nevaeh let out a breath, she was happy she wasn’t part of the people exposed. “Do you know anyone listed?” Nevaeh asked Karen curiously.

@Kbail - Karen

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Niko listened to the girl, internally cringing as she referred to them as ‘ma’am’. While they enjoyed inherently feminine things like dresses and long hair, they weren’t particularly fond of female honorifics. Being called things like ‘Miss’ or ‘Ma’am’ always made them uncomfortable. However, their focus was quickly shifted away from that as the girl introduced herself as Hyun-Ae. “Hyun-Ae,” They repeated as they collected their thoughts. “That’s Korean, right?” They asked, knowing for certain that it wasn’t Japanese and curious to see if they were correct. “I’m doing good today, what about you?” They added, answering her question.

@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae

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Suddenly, Hyun-Ae realized something. Shouldn’t she ask pronouns? “Ahh, I’m sorry. I forgot to ask pronouns! And I used female pronouns…” She muttered, embarrassed. Niko repeated her name, asking if it was Korean. “Yes, I’m from Seoul. Are you Japanese? Very sorry if that appears rude.” She said, bowing again. “I’m well, thank you for asking.”
@Caticorn - Niko
Oops, forgot they’re NB.

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“Hey, don’t knock my pom-pom skills, Parker. Just because you haven’t seen me in a cheer leading uniform, doesn’t mean I’m not good at it. But if I’m being honest, running after balls isn’t something I want to do for the rest of my life,” There was a sincerity in her voice as he told her this - and in all honesty it was true. Sports was just… something to pass the time. Though… don’t tell his teammates that. They wouldn’t necessarily look down upon him - but it just wasn’t a thing to make public knowledge. A team is only good if everyone’s head is in the game and he didn’t want to give any reason for it not to be.

Though that was a topic for another time - right now, Blue Royalty had made it’s appearance with the news that both of the people in this room were… well… cheaters. “Warning… I did see Mateo in the hall earlier today which I think means he’s back in town? Might not be the best time to walk around school,” he added with a little warning. Though, while he didn’t ask any additional questions about her… fck life, it seemed like she didn’t hold the same courtesy as she asked him about Olivia. “It was just a kiss. It meant… absolutely nothing for either of us. So, no spice here, Parker.” Mason revealed. “You really have no clue what the meaning of the words “don’t ask” are huh? It was nothing, we ended up in a secret room in that god forsaken haunted house, found a ratchet ass ballroom with music playing, danced for like a second because who in their right mind let’s good music go to waste, and I guess we just got caught up in the moment. No spice at all.”

As he got to his car, Mason opened the passenger side for her to get in before driving to the old building a few minutes away. Beryl City Hall was like many other city halls - big and old. And the worst part about all of it - while many things had become electronic in the recent decades, something from the 1900s were probably still in… yep, you guessed it… paper records. As they walked inside, Mason turned on the charm as he walked towards the secretary in the front. “Hello Miss… Renolds is it? It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Mason Mitchell, and my friend here is Veronica Parker. We’re here from Cerulean High working on our Senior History project on some of the older buildings in town. Is there any chance we could get information on the old house on 4352 Renkins Street?” There was an odd look on the women, almost as she didn’t believe them. But after a few seconds of looking them up and down, she led them downstairs to the basement where books, records, boxes and a hell of a lot more surrounded them. She led them towards an area noted as 1920s and walked towards the middle section before pointing at about 2 rows. “Everything we have should be in this area. We close at 5.” and with that, she left.

Grabbing a box from the top, Mason sighed “Guess we should get digging huh?”



At first, Clara wasn’t sure how to respond to Adonis asking about Ives. It felt somewhat strange to have her ex ask about the guy she was currently dating. “Things are great. I really like him.” She finally answered, a small smile appearing on her face. She wasn’t sure how much detail she should go into because she didn’t want to make him feel bad. “Well, I’ve been doing stuff.” Clara couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her lips as she heard him say that. “‘Doing stuff.’” She echoed with airquotes. “That’s very specific.” She joked with a small chuckle. “And what type of stuff have you been doing?”

@Kristi - Adonis

@Nil - Ives


“Did I say it was a p0rno with me? I’m just saying you needed a ride to the shoot,” he added playfully at her sentiment of never doing that with him. There was an ease in her voice that he hadn’t heard before this moment - almost as if she was relaxing into the drive. Honestly, driving was one of the things Enrique loved and long road trips were a must. Though… it did remind him of hime and his brothers taking trips together and that… well… dampened the mood once again. Either way, with her reply of wanting to do it in Paris or Italy, he laughed. “So if you ever do a shoot, you’d want it to be very fcking public? Mind the pun,” he added with a joking tone in his voice. Would Enrique ever do a shoot like that… well… who’s to say he hasn’t before? Kidding… Kidding - no, he actually liked keeping things with an essence of privacy.

As they continued to drive, her mention of it being Blue Royalty that caused the earlier commotion made him roll his eyes, especially when she added that it was about the Montoya birthday probably meaning it involved him. Yep… not reading that. What a mood killer and honestly, he wasn’t looking forward to that - especially not right now when he was actually enjoying the conversation with Annie. It was a conversation that continued throughout the trip - random talks, random games played throughout the long drive to the beaches in Mexico. However, when they arrived - he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow at her drum roll comment, not making any movement to do so. “Yeah no,” he added, leaning against his car in front of her as he waited for her continue speaking. After a second, she finally got to the point and he found himself looking up just as someone on a hang glider went past. “So you made me drive five plus hours because you wanted to fly?” Ricky asked with a judgmental tone, though it dropped soon as a soft smile met his features. “Well then, what are we waiting for?” As he asked that question, he tentatively grabbed her hand and led her towards the steps that started leading up the large cliff. It was, clearly, a little hike before they got to the location where they were supposed to jump but doing things like this was something that Ricky would never say no to - exactly why he didn’t just tell her to go on and he’d chill at the beach.

After the short hike, they finally reached the top where there were a few people getting strapped in and a small hut like shop where people could, essentially, sign their lives away. “You sure you want to risk your life with me, Williams? Never thought you’d be one to willingly jump off a cliff with me,”



Sophie nodded slightly in response to Olivia’s questioning of her being adopted. Though, Olivia then asked a question that made a slight frown, much like one she had fought to conceal earlier, return to her face. It was less the loss of her biological family that made her sad, but more that she couldn’t remember them. There were times where something would spark a flash of a vague memory, or a feeling of familiarity, like a comfort she couldn’t explain. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, shrugging slightly. “They died when I was really little, so I don’t really remember much. I think it was a car accident.” For Sophie, everything was so vague from those early years of her childhood. She could remember having been told she would never see her family again, but the details were long since forgotten. The mind has a way of protecting itself from the worst things that happen in your life, or at least trying to. “My adoptive parents treat me like I’m their own, and it makes up a lot for not really remembering my biological family.”



“Sorry sweetheart, you can’t change who you are in a day.” If there was one thing Quinn was sure of, it was that by the next day, Amelia would be back to her usual, innocent self. It wasn’t difficult to tell that she was completely not herself at that point in time. That being said, Quinn still expected the same old Amelia to have a pull on the situation, that she wouldn’t do anything that would really prove herself to not be innocent. Stop before she did anything she would regret. With that, he didn’t expect her to grab him by the hand and pull him into an empty classroom, let alone that her lips would meet his and she would begin to unbutton his shirt. It was then that her kissing moved from his lips downwards until she was to the button of his pants. Quinn didn’t expect she would have gone this far, but honestly he was curious about how far she was actually willing to go to convince him she wasn’t all innocence. There would come a point where he would stop her if she kept going down that path, but this was not that point. It was in part because even he had his lines that he wouldn’t cross, but also because there was a part of him that did think to his sister, and that she would kill him if he let it go as far as to have sex with her while she was clearly not herself, even now she would come back and haunt him for that, and that would not be a pleasant situation. Though, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, things weren’t that far, and he wanted to see if she would actually continue to go through with it or if she would stop herself. Either way, this was a moment which he would not be able to let her forget, so to help with reminding her later, he did snap a couple pictures of the situation, from her lowering kisses to fumbling with the button.

@benitz786 - :pleading_face: at least he has his limit where he’ll end up stopping her…


”I’ll believe it when I see it” she added with a smirk, totally not knocking his Pom poms. She then nodded as he told her sports wasn’t a thing he wanted to do forever, which was fair enough. She might tease him a lot but they both knew mason was a smart guy, and honestly he had a damn lot of potential. So might have to knock your Pom poms boy

Veronica sighed as he mentioned seeing Mateo. Honestly, if there was any worse of a time to come back, that was probably now. And she hated the fact he knew about the Elio incident before she even got to talk to him. ”I know… might need to get out of here” she said, though she did plan on talking to him later, if she even managed to without him shutting her out.

Bringing her mood up a bit, the girl smirked as he started answering her questions ”wheres the fun in not asking?” she said, a smirk on her face as she carefully listened to the rest of the story ”has anyone ever told you you’re a terrible liar? Though I’ll leave you on this one for now” she added, raising her brow at the story and the utter meaninglessness he tried to give it ”don’t worry”

As they got to his car (though hers was better but who’s got nerves to argue) they both got in and headed down to city hall. Miss renolds helped them inside and showed them a bunch of files related to the area and time frame of the old house, ”that’s honestly not much” Veronica said as looking at the file rows after miss renolds left. ”but I’m sure we can find something in it”

@benitz786 Mason

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Olivia nodded with a little sad twist to her expression as Sophie told her what happened to her parents. She could see it hurt her to answer or think about it, though she couldn’t really tell what hurt more, remembering your parents and knowing they are gone, or not even remembering them but knowing you’ll never see them again. Both hurt in different ways, but they sure did damn hurt. ”I’m sorry…” she told her in response to both her story and the frown on her face ”didn’t mean to hurt”

”Thats so nice though!” she said with a light smile as she told her how her adoptive family treats her well as if she was their own child. Honestly that was all she could wish for her, and it seemed like she got lucky enough anyway. ”i get that though, I love with my cousins and they just treat me like I’m one of them, there’s nothing better than that”

@Littlefeets Sophie

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“It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed.” They reassured her. “Trust me. It’s not the first time that’s happened and it definitely won’t be the last.” They added with a shrug, putting their hands in their pockets. They nodded when she asked them if they were Japanese. “Yes, I am,” They answered. “Well, I was born here, in Beryl Heights, but both my parents are from Hokkaidō.” They clarified, knowing that their accent, though barely noticeable at times, sometimes made it hard for people to believe that they’d lived in America their entire life.

@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae

“Things are great. I really like him.” A small smile appeared on her face, “That’s amazing!” Adonis said. Maybe Ives would be the key for her to truly get over the breakup? Well, hopefully “I’m happy for you. So how many dates have you guys been on?” Adonis asked putting his hand inside his pockets. “‘Doing stuff.’” She echoed with airquotes. Adonis gave a lopsided grin, looks like the Clara he knew before their breakup was back. “And what type of stuff have you been doing?" Adonis shrugged, “You know going on parties, hookin-” Adonis coughed, “And just going out with friends in general.”

@Caticorn - Clara

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Jayleen smiled, taking small steps making a not-so-far distance between her and Athena. Glancing at the books they carried, she pulled eyes of recognition and glanced back at its holder. “I’m sorry for almost bumping at you,” she said, letting out a laugh of awkwardness. “It’s been… a hard day. A little bit. I don’t know.”

She stayed silent for a while, though she started to speak up again before the person in front of her could even talk. Truth be told, now—Athena and her really don’t have any connection, probably, of some kind, so she really had no idea what to speak to them about. She could just continue walking, this time with more attention, and leave, right? Well, Jayleen already started something… a conversation, that is, and for her, it was going to just be another ton of embarrassment to add for today. She also just didn’t want to leave with the sad girl impression lingering to them either.

She moved again, this time in a (hopefully) friendlier distance, stepping to the person’s side as if she was ready to walk with them to their classroom. Wait, what? Wasn’t she going to leave school? Well, all that can be said here is that… just trust the process. Besides, she does need some new friends. “So, where’s your first class?” she asked, flashing a gentle smile at them.

@Caticorn ~ Athena Lee

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“What the actual fu… heck?” Cynric muttered, groaning as he tried to slap off the confetti of trash that were flying their way to his face. It’s technically already useless, though, as his lower body has been made a some sort of magnet for these strips. He closed the door to his locker, preventing any more people to see that dirty prank haha get it- and laugh at him. He knew who could’ve done this, but that would be taken care of later, because for now, he must fix his appearance.

Oh his appearance, which he had spent almost an hour with earlier only to be sabotaged like this. Pain, indeed. “Just you wait until I think of a be-” he said to himself, his face slowly folding into that of the famed Tardar Sauce, but funnier, as he took the confetti off of his shirt, leaving them on the floor. Though, the swear of revenge was cut off as he felt someone bumping into him.

He turned to the girl, quickly recognizing her as Ari Lee. He was about to bend over to give her her phone, but stood back up as she already got to it first. “Hey,” he greeted as soon as the girl looked up to him, probably about to scold him. Thankfully, she recognized him.

One might say Ari was friendless. Well, that is true, probably, but to Cynric, he was a friend to her and he liked to keep it that way. After all, isn’t it an achievement to befriend someone like that? The girl was, yes, a hard car to drive with, but he was fine with it. Maybe it was because he actually liked her. You know what they say—when you’ve got a crush on someone, you see them as basically perfect… and it has been like that ever since they got acquainted to each other. Will it ever break? Well, it could happen anytime. It could happen tomorrow, next month. It could even happen now.

“Yeah, long time, indeed.” he replied with a bright smile. Suddenly, the thought of revenge was gone, but it wasn’t replaced by some kind of pretty thing. Instead, it was replaced by a laugh of embarrassment of some sort. “Sorry, I’m sorry!” He lifted his hands up as if to lazily give in to the police. “Congratulations for the best reunion idea, Cynric.” he whispered to himself, looking away, although it was probably loud enough for the girl to hear.

He turned to her again with a smile. “You’re looking beautiful as always.” he said, pausing for a second. Stepping away from her path, he kicked off the confetti into the side and cleaned the last of them off from his shirt. “How are you? Anything you’re up to right now?”

@Kristi - Ari Lee




According to some articles, one who loves the color yellow is of cheerful essence, and several people believe that, of course. Sadly, Camilina is here to disprove that.

Though she greeted people with her signature “friendly smile,” she still couldn’t help but feel sad and poor and just disappointed at herself. What happened to her? Well, nothing drastic in particular, but to her, it is. She has been missing out on a lot of things and she stressed about how she could make up to it. It wasn’t nice at all to slowly lose your image. But don’t worry—one who loves yellow is creative, after all.

Camilina could definitely use a friend right now, though. The soda can she just bought earlier wasn’t gonna do her a favor. Oh, and preferably one who can stand her social problems.

And how convenient was it for her to actually have that friend right now. Her eyes brightened in recognition of a man by the name of JP—finally, someone to talk to. And so she waltzed her way up to him, though she stopped after realizing how he looked so… worried? Her brows furrowed, debating whether she should bother him or not and ending up with the decision of yes, of course, you have to, he needs someone.

Holding up a hand for a wave, “JP!” she grinned, holding the “e” longer like that one kid in an animated show. Though, realizing that, she cut it off; the last thing she really didn’t want to do was to scare him off… which was likely to happen considering they weren’t exactly good friends at all. Well, they’re friends, but it wasn’t in the same condition as with Vic or Zek or Nat… or just about anyone she considers her friend. She doesn’t even know herself, to be honest—they didn’t really talk a lot. “Hey, how are you? What’s up?” she said, flipping her hair to her back.

@CerealKiller ~ JP Medina
hope I’m right about him xD
let me know if I should change it