Blue Royalty: New Blood

“Yeah, long time, indeed.” he replied with a bright smile. Cynric loved to smile or well at least when he was around her, Ari noticed. He was usually an idiot around her, but an idiot Ari could accept. After all they were ‘friends’ again if she fully gave him the honor of that title. “Sorry, I’m sorry!” He lifted his hands up as if to lazily give in to the police. “Are you really?” Ari scoffed, crossing her hands. Sure she was technically the one who bumped into him but then again, did she care about the fact? Not a single bit. “Congratulations for the best reunion idea, Cynric.” Ari laughed, “I guess you’re still an idiot.” She teased.

“You’re looking beautiful as always.” Ari flipped her hair, “Of course I do, I wouldn’t be Ari if I didn’t look effortlessly beautiful every time.” She responded. Ari tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as Cynric kicked off the confetti into the side and cleaned the last of them off from his shirt. Ari wanted to ask what had happen, but then again did she want to know? “How are you? Anything you’re up to right now?” He asked. Ari hmmed, should she give him the privilege of deciding what they should do? yes because the narrator has no ideas “I was having a good day until a girl decided to ruin my mood. Like geez just because I told everyone the truth about you doesn’t mean you can ruin my day.” Ari rolled her eyes, “And i’m up for anything, what do you want to do?” Ari leaned closer to him, “Maybe make out?”

@Nil - Cynric


Her shoulders dropped when he pointed out how both of her locations meant it would be filmed in public. Huh. Annie hadn’t quite thought of that part, and they had both seemed like good ideas right up until then. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, well… obviously it would be like privately rente- this is all hypothetically speaking,” [/color] She interrupted herself to make sure to clarify, [color= skyblue]“I think you’re just thinking way too much into the finer details,” [/color] Annie claimed in a joking-defensiveness.

[color= skyblue]“I think you have the… general understanding of the purpose, yes,” [/color] She responded after his questioning and judgemental tone, but it was okay, because she had come prepared with her reasonings to justify this act. With being in the foster system for the majority of her life, then her divorcing parents, even now after the incident hours before, and amongst many other things, Annie continuously felt a loss of control of things that happened in her life. In Annie’s mind, this was a solution. Or, at least, a temporary break from this pattern. Yes, maybe jumping off a cliff meant she would be completely out of control, but it was of her own accord, without people’s permission and influence like it should have been on the other side of the border. That, and the fact that she was just mad, and this seemed like a better way to get that out. [color= skyblue]“See I knew you would be-” [/color] She started, ready to argue against him - though certainly not in as much as detail - but it was interrupted by his agreement with the idea which took her by a surprise she didn’t have time to show since soon enough they were making their way up the cliff.

After mild to moderate complaints from Annie about the hike she hadn’t considered it would take to get up to the top, they finally made it to the hut at the edge of the cliff people were taking off from. [color= skyblue]“Don’t flatter yourself too much, Montoya, you really were just available at the time of asking,” [/color] She told him, her eyes only on the front of the line they had quickly joined, then down at the clipboard with the form she started filling out. [color= skyblue]“So surely since, you know, it was my idea, shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question?” [/color] Then Annie finally turned and held out the pen to him, [color= skyblue]“Are you, as you so dramatically put it, willing to ‘risk your life with me’?”[/color] She asked back, purposefully copying his tone of voice when she did so.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya

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Instagram was… a place to express yourself or maybe even hide the person you really are, showing society only what you want them to see. Though, maybe that was the opposite of what he has been staring and scrolling between for the last hour. It wasn’t like her to post something like that, even if it was a dare. All he could think about were the creeps on social media, probably flooding her messages. Even the boys at the school, anybody could have screenshotted it and now they have it forever. He commented on the posts a couple times, but every time he got a reply back from her saying ‘go away’ or that he was a ‘meanie.’ It wasn’t expected that she would even respond, but now he was worried about the girl. Immediately he messaged Phoebe, where the h3ll was that girl? Not only did he miss the drama, well… cover up that Phoebe was doing to protect amie but he also failed to realize Amie was on drugs. She… it wasn’t like her… well… I guess 3 months changes a person, a person he’s known for his whole life.

Conveniently Alex was already on his way to school, now all he had to do was find the poor girl. He probably looked like an idiot, speed walking his way through people and down the hallways looking in every classroom, every hallway. Pushing a door open he found 2 people in the classroom, a girl on her knees “Oh sh!t i’m sorry. Let me… uh… im sorry.” he quickly mumbled, taking a step backwards, almost tripping on his own feet to leave the awkward situation he just threw himself into. That was until he recognized the girl, and as Phoebe said ‘making a porno.’ “Amie?” he managed to spit out, standing there like an 1diot. He coughed under his breath, trying to look away when she had her hands on the zipper of his pants “Can we uhm… can you come in the hallway for a second?” Although he felt awkward, there was no lie in saying he felt a little jealous, more angry than anything. It was just the drugs he told himself. Thats it… she wouldn’t. “Please” he begged.

@astxrism - phoebe texting
@Littlefeets - i interrupted
@benitz786 - this is trash but its… yeah


“I don’t know the exact number, but we’ve been on a few.” Clara answered, mildly surprised that Adonis continued to show interest in her relationship, even more so that he told her he was happy for her. She nodded as he responded to her inquiry. “Sounds like you’ve been busy.” She said as she reached up and pulled her hair into a ponytail using a hair tie that she had around her wrist. She really didn’t know what else to say to him, so she just stood there awkwardly, hands in her pockets as she lightly rocked back and forth.

@Kristi - Adonis


They say time heals all wounds, but that’s not true. One merely learns to conceal them. Even a past so long ago could still bring pain after years. Trauma cuts the deepest, in so many ways. Pain and loss are inevitable, but all one could do is try to not let it consume you, even when a memory feels like it’s tearing you apart. Sophie let out a deep breath, mind still on the subject of missing her family, then forced a smile. “Its fine, really. I just… wish I had more memories with the people I wish I had longer with…” Though she did wish she could have more to hold onto with her biological family, she was grateful for the family that took in a girl who truly needed to be loved when she needed it the most. The Lewis family was her family, they helped her become the Sophie Lewis that she is now. She would have been lost without them. “They’re really everything I wished for when I was younger. I got really lucky to find them.” Though, then Olivia mentioned that she lived with her cousins. “Your cousins? Did something happen… with the rest of your family…?” she questioned cautiously, knowing for herself that something like that could be a touchy subject.

@CerealKiller - Olivia


Julian sighed as looking out the window of his apartment looking for Amelia. Damn that girl was fast. Luckily though, she answered the phone, at least she’s alive. “HIiiiiiiiiiii” she started with a giggle in her tone ”Wjere the hell are you?” he asked, frustration audible in his tone “Don’t beeee maaaadddddd butttt I wanted to go swim with the dolphins. I promiseeeee… pinkky swearr I"ll comeee bakkkk. Don’t be a grump mister” she said and hung up, leaving the boy still frustrated while shaking his head. So as she hung up, he turned and went to his room to quickly get dressed, a girl in her state shouldn’t be walking around on her own. Or… swimming with dolphins? I don’t know.

Anyway, he started his car went to the beach, where else was he supposed to find dolphins? Though he practically looked around most of the shore but there was nothing there. So common sense hit him, it was already the time, she must be at school. “JP!” he heard a familiar voice call him, and turned to see camilina. ”Cami, hey” he said with a brief smile now is not a good time Auclair okay. she then asked him how he was and all, to which he took a moment to respond to as he wasn’t exactly the most focused guy right now ”i’m fine I guess. You?” can’t be rude and leave now can he

@nil Cami
@benitz786 Amie mentioned
what’s up with all these yellow girls at the same time


”Fair enough, though having more memories doesn’t make it hurt any less I’ll tell you that.” she added with a subtle shrug. And let me just tell you Olivia had a damn lot of memories, 17 years of memories didn’t make it any damn easier.

“They’re really everything I wished for when I was younger. I got really lucky to find them.” Sophie told her, and Olivia smiled as hearing that. Honestly, it’s just one of these pure things that put a smile on your face isn’t it? ”it really sounds like you did” she told her

“Your cousins? Did something happen… with the rest of your family…?” She asked, and Olivia frowned a little. But to be fair she couldn’t really shake the question considering she asked first. ”um, they’re not… here anymore ” she said looking down a bit. ”so now im with my cousins because turns out they’re the only family I have left” she added with a shrug ”it’s not easy but honestly I love living with them they help me so much through it”

@Littlefeets Soph


@Littlefeets @Megan


Adonis nodded, that was cool. Maybe he should play cupid for them? Get Clara to be more into him as she used to be to him before their breakup. “Have you guys done it yet?” The question blurted out from Adonis mouth before he could registered what he had said. Fck*, he knew Clara wasn’t like that, or was she? He couldn’t remember, it’s been so long ago. “Sounds like you’ve been busy.” Adonis shrugged, “I guess you can say that, so are you up for anything right now?” He asked.

@Caticorn - Clara

Alex took a second look at Amie on the ground after looking away to avoid her gaze. He couldn’t look at her while she was doing… that. Though when he did, he saw the boy, the one and only Quinn Castillo, taking a picture of the poor girl. God Alex hated that man, more so now that he was taking advantage of Amie. She wouldn’t remember anything she did the next day, Alex wouldn’t let her go any further. “What the f!ck man?!” he yelled. He wouldn’t let Amie get exposed, not after Phoebe was already… what was she doing? Covering for Amie? Next thing he knew, he was grabbing the phone out of the mans hand, tossing it to the floor. “Now you’re taking advantage of girls on drugs? You’re a scumb@g Castillo” He spat out, stepping on the mans phone hard enough until the glass was completely shattered, kicking across the room only damaging it more. He looked back at the girl who seemed to be… confused. “Amie I can’t do this anymore. Let’s go” Alex spoke, glaring at Quinn. Reaching town towards the girls arm, he pulled her up. Bending down, Alex grabbed her legs and threw her over his shoulder. “Stay away from her Castillo. If I ever see you near her ever again I promise you I’m not afraid to throw the first punch” And with that Alex walked out of that classroom, trying to stay calm from what he just did. Maybe… okay maybe Alex was scared of Quinn, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t protect his best friend. Alex kept a hold on Amies legs, carrying her down the hallway out to the parking lot. The anxiousness he felt as he walked down the hallway, what if the man followed them. He just wanted to protect her. Alex tightened his grip on the girls legs until they reached right where he had parked his car before racing through the hallways.

“What were you thinking ames?” the boy said, putting her down so she was standing in front of him. “Taking drugs? That’s not something you would do” His features saddened as he stared at the poor girl. All he wanted to do was hug her and never let go, but that… its been months since theyve even talked, let alone made physical contact. He fcked up. He often thought to himself was taking a step back, scared out of his mind really worth the months of losing the person he wanted to tell everything to? “Ames I… are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay” She was on drugs, what kind? He didn’t know, but what he did know was that at the end was a crash. A really bad one, and usually followed by the need to take more. He wouldn’t let that happen, he promised Phoebe she’d be okay.



“It’s fine, no harm done.” They reassured her, knowing that they’d had a bit of a morning themself. Of course, they’d seen the post that had been made about Jayleen the morning after Halloween, but they’d chosen not to think too much into it, thinking that whoever posted it had no business doing so.

As Jayleen fell silent, so did Athena. They’d never really had any reason to speak with her before, which meant that they had absolutely nothing to talk about now that she’d started a conversation with them. They contemplated just making up a reason to leave and walking away, but misery loves company and it seemed like her morning was going worse than theirs.

Of course, they spoke too soon. Almost immediately after the thought had crossed their mind, Jayleen asked them where their first class was. She even smiled at them. “My first class is on the second floor,” They answered, forcing a small smile onto their face. “What about yours?” They asked, in an attempt to be somewhat friendly.

@Nil - Jayleen

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If Clara had been drinking something, she would’ve choked on it. Why? Because Adonis asked the one question that someone should never ask their ex. She raised her hand to cover her face, feeling herself blush. She then covered her mouth as she cleared her throat. “I think it’s best for both of us if I don’t answer that.” She responded with an awkward chuckle, avoiding making eye contact with him. When he asked her if she was up for anything now, she looked at him with hesitation. “Like what?” She asked with an eyebrow raised, skeptical.

@Kristi - Adonis

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Adonis groaned, great he had made things more awkward. He grimaced, ‘please don’t answer, please don’t answer’ he thought. Clara covered her face with her hands blushing and Adonis looked away embarrassed. He scratched his back. God, if Leon was here he would have a laughing fit. “I think it’s best for both of us if I don’t answer that.” She said and Adonis nodded awkwardly. Thank God Clara wasn’t like that, he didn’t want to hear all the little details of her s*x life with her boyfriend.

“Wanna take a ride with me? Skip school together, you know catch up with each other.” He pleaded. “Come on Clare, I miss my friend.”

@Caticorn - Clara

He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at their ongoing discussion about him as a cheerleader. Would it ever end? Apparently not when it came to a Parker. Was this something that just ran in the family? Holding onto random little facts that he mentioned ONE time, for goodness sake. Oh well, it was all in good fun… well… of course until Blue Royalty wanted in on that fun. Honestly, he didn’t mind getting out of here and, he also didn’t judge VC for sleeping with Elio. Well… at least he tried to remain unbiased but really? Elio? Shut up Mason, not your place to say anything. He did feel bad for Matty - the boy was making it clear he had no idea on both social media and blue royalty comments but what could anyone really do? He was like a sweet innocent little kid, and VC had just shown him the harsh realities the world really had to offer.

It didn’t matter if Mason was trying to respect her boundaries, another issue with Parkers was clearly that they didn’t know how to respect boundaries - hence questions about Olivia. “Not lying, so I have no idea what you’re talking about VC. I’m kind of in a happy relationship right now,” well… happy until he gets a call from Sienna about… well… everything. At least he could clear his mind at the moment, sitting in the dusty room with various files about the old haunted house with no origin on the interwebs.

Veronica was crazy if she thought this wasn’t much, but clearly, she was used to doing things quickly with her access to technology. “You say that now. Grab a box,” Mason stated before going to a desk on the end and emptying his box. Inside were old news articles from “The Daily Beryl” - something he assumed closed down years ago since Mason hadn’t heard about it before. There were also recordings, Cassette tapes with words - likely news recordings about different things. In any case, it was a lot.

Three hours, that’s how long the two had been there looking for information. They found info on almost every fcking house on that street except the one they were trying to find. What was it about that house. Though, it wasn’t all a waste. They did find some interesting articles - and by interesting, I mean…


…type stuff. Yep. They also found information on various other families who lived in Beryl. Clarkes, Williams (Annie’s great great great ancestors?), Sloane’s (Laurel’s Parents?), even McAllisters - also, very handsome dude in this 1990s garb - apparently that was one hot family. However, no Azure’s. “Find anything yet, or did you get distracted by your phone?” Mason questioned, looking up as she looked to be scrolling on social media?



Still recovering from the initial shock of his previous question, Clara paused for a minute to consider his offer. She knew that she probably shouldn’t skip class but at the same time, she had to admit that she also missed hanging out with him. “Why not.” She answered with a sigh, accepting his offer. She didn’t necessarily know where he was going to take her, but there was still some part of her that trusted him in some capacity. “So, any idea where you’re taking me?” She asked, wondering if he even had a plan.

@Kristi - Adonis

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Mr Leon returned the shady look just as bad. At least he’s still himself. Hera definitely did not like the man’s sass but she did love him. Could he know that? No. Hera is super big tough guy, the frick?

Actually, never mind. Leon was definitely not okay. He brought his suit in his BACKPACK. But whatever, it wasn’t gonna permanently damage the set. “Fair enough. Darla will definitely call you out when you have to go change in the men’s room, though. And you know we all agree with her, whether she’s right or not.”

The two of them had been familiar with the community of people for a long time, but are they friends? No. Never. Sometimes, Hera believed that they were still seen as the little kid who lied to get into their parties. Their relationship with the crowd was fairly normal compared to what it became when they found out she was Killian and Meg Montgomery’s freshly bought, used car with few miles left. (Chosen to add diversity to their collection.) Hera never wanted all of their merits to be the result of Nepotism. They’ve always been strong on their own. Plus, accepting that gift from her adopted parents felt extremely wrong. She didn’t deserve any of it. They were always misbehaving, it was what got them the attention they needed all along.

Hera expected punishment for all of her lies, but instead, they got treated better!! Just because they were a nepo baby now. Just what Hera feared. In the end, though, their new treatment was… satisfying. She felt loved. Just for existing. That’s why they get so defensive of Darla and her possy. They are all so kind to them, and to Hera, that calls for loyalty on her part too. Hera thought money was what made them happy, but in reality, they see validation as the superior form of wealth.

Yeah, I’m fine.

Now Hera was just confused, she looked the part too. The two of them don’t really bother to hide their expressions from one another, Leon was actually super refreshing for Hera. Around him, they don’t have to carry their polite little facade. She thought Leon felt the same, but now he seemed like he was hiding something from her. Usually, the I’m fine would be followed by some sort of question that basically means, “Why would you ask that?” A simple wtf would have let them shrug it off. But, thanks to his fragment of a reaction, Hera’s suspicsions have only increased.

“Lee, I know you. You’re not fine.” She thought back to how much she had heard from him so far this school year and they had virtually no contact. Everyone seems to be out of touch with them. Perhaps this is because they isolate themselves when they are depressed, or maybe it’s just that they never let anyone in. Either way, she doesn’t judge AJ for not telling them, and for the most part they understand how addiction can make a person feel. Even then, they doubt themself though. They just wish there was something they could have done differently. Right now, they can’t let history repeat itself. “Why haven’t you been at school?” They waited patiently for an answer, feeling the gentle breeze graze their skin.

@aesthetic aj mentioned

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“Not lying, so I have no idea what you’re talking about VC. I’m kind of in a happy relationship right now,”

Hmmmm, sure. ”whatever you say big guy” To be honest though, considering vc was quite close with Sienna she the dynamic between the happy couple, and frankly she just never thought they’re a good match. They’re cute and all but it just don’t fit you get what I’m saying? But they lasted so long so who knows, maybe it’s just different on the inside. Or at least it was, until he basically cheated on her and now it’s public news all over school, can’t say she saw she’ll forgive him, tho on the same note tho she didn’t see mateo forgiving her either and that’s where it hurt most. So we don’t talk about that.

So instead of thinking of her collapsing relationship, might as well dig into some good ol paperwork am I right?
It didn’t seem like a lot of files at first, but as they started opening boxes and digging in, she saw how there’s just tons of information about almost every house and every person in Beryl from back at that time. ”well damn”

So while ignoring the rest of their lives, the two sat there for about three hours, but annoyingly enough they found absolutely nothing of what they were looking for. And honestly it got a little frustrating not to find anything, Veronica wasn’t used to failing, so she decided to stop for now and started scrolling on her phone, soon starting so frown a bit, but not in a too visible way, as looking at the comment section of her latest post.

What was she thinking posting it? God knows. But she just didn’t want Mateo to dump her, not that posting a cute pic after cheating on him was the greatest idea she has ever had, but that’s what she did. And… well let me tell you it was just worse than before. All around just hate comments and toxicity, making her lose her focus as she drowned in her thoughts

“Find anything yet, or did you get distracted by your phone?” Mason asked, and at first she didn’t even notice him or respond, but then she had a bit of a late acknowledgment and turned her gaze to look at him ”hm? Oh yeah, I just got frustrated by finding absolutely nothing in this dump hole so I said I won’t waste my time on nothing” she said, trying to seem unbothered ”did you try google?” she asked, putting her phone aside.

@benitz786 Mason


Adonis gave her pleading eyes as he awaited her answer. Would she say yes? Hopefully. He did really want to catch up with her. When he had broken up with her and she reacted so angrily and aggresive, he was afraid he might had lost her as a friend. She was important to him as a friend.

Adonis eyes widened as she accepted. Sure he did want her to skip with him but he didnt think it would be this easy, he thought he needed to convince her more before she accepted. “Yes,” Adonis said. “It’s a surprise though.” He stretched out his hand to give it to her, “So shall we go?”

@Caticorn - Clara

Leon nodded as Hera mentioned Darla, mostly because they were definitely correct. If anyone at the event they were going to was going to comment on his wardrobe choices, it was Darla. “Honestly, I’m prepared to deal with Darla calling me out.” He responded with a confident shrug. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d dealt with her and sure as hell won’t be the last. “There’s this really chatty old lady who lives down the hall from me that I always see when I leave for school. I didn’t really want to deal with her asking why I was leaving for school in a suit.” He added, mostly just to explain his decision to them because he knew that Darla and the rest of her group wouldn’t give two sh-ts about why he did what he did.

He and Hera had known these people for quite a while and his mother had designed dresses for pretty much all of them at one point or another. As judgemental as they were, the thing he liked most about this particular group of people is that they always treated him and Hera as if they were adults and not teenagers. They were actually willing to engage in proper conversations with the two of them, instead of dismissing them and ending every sentence with ‘you’ll understand when you’re older’, which he’d experienced plenty of times at events he’d accompanied his mother to.

Why haven’t you been at school?

There it was. The million-dollar question. He could see the confusion on her face and the fact that she could read him like a book was no help either, because he knew that she could tell when he was flat-out lying. Leon thought for a second as to how he was going to phrase his answer. “First of all, I only missed the first three weeks, which isn’t a huge deal.” He started, trying to pass it off as something completely casual. “I just had to spend some time in Korea dealing with family stuff. They just happened to choose the first weeks of school. It literally could’ve happened at any time.” He explained, trying his hardest to maintain some semblance of eye contact with them. “It’s all been dealt with and everything’s okay now, seriously.” He said, trying once again to reassure them to everything was fine with him.

@raviola - Hera

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Clara sighed, smiling as Adonis refused to tell her where they were going. She really didn’t know what she expected from him, with this being right up his alley. However, when he held out his hand for her, she hesitated. It seemed like a simple gesture, but to Clara, it felt too intimate and as much as she wanted to indulge him, she just wasn’t comfortable doing it. “We shall.” She answered, putting her hands in her pockets as a way of declining the offer of his hand. She waited for him to start walking before following him, realizing that she had zero idea of where his car was even parked.

@Kristi - Adonis

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