She rolled her eyes at the comment about her logistics. She had logistics. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, well, if this were a real situation I would- no I probably still wouldn’t consider it, you’re not manager-material,”[/color] Annie told him with a tilted head as she looked him up and down to make sure that statement was actually correct. What did that even mean? [color= skyblue]“No I don’t completely know… what manager-material is, but I’m seeing you as not having it, I can easily deal with number-stuff,” [/color] Annie told him before they began to painfully make their way up the cliff. [color= skyblue]“Don’t people just use helicopters these days? Or those zipwire things you sit on that go upwards?” [/color] What was she even saying at this point? There were too many steps to keep track of whatever was coming out of her mouth, and he probably wasn’t even listening anyway, too busy looking at the entire cliff they still had to get up.
[color= skyblue]"So, what, I should be thanking you for driving the boring way? [/color] She asked in response to his defence. Ricky drove way too close to the speed limit for her standards, and what’s a drive without leaving a trail of beeping cars wherever you went? As they advanced further at the top of the cliff, Ricky easily took the pen and filled out the form, asking her where the fun was living on the side lines. [color= skyblue]“I ask myself the same thing, Montoya,” [/color] Annie replied, [color= skyblue]“And still could not tell you,” [/color] She continued while walking ahead of him to where the harnesses were.
After Ricky spoke to the instructor who she couldn’t understand, he turned to her to translate - though that didn’t make it any easier to understand. [color= skyblue] “How hard can it be, Montoya? You just, like, run and jump,”[/color] And she did just that, with perhaps an abnormal lack of hesitation. There was an exhale that immediately came upon jumping off, and being in the air effortlessly cleared her mind. It was the literal representation of the High School Musical song, her arms out to take in the endless gush of wind that was holding her up.
Annie hadn’t realised how close to the ground she was actually getting until she was metres away from it, and when she was it became immediately evident that the instructions Ricky had gave her had not been taken in by her, Annie’s feet hitting the ground but not for long. The thrill coming to an abrupt stop, as she fell and rolled under the glider where she remained as Ricky soon followed. It took a moment before he actually noticed the unresponsive Annie was even there. When he finally came over, with a slowly-growing concern.
After a sufficient amount of worry had built up from Ricky, Annie finally opened her laughing eyes to reveal her very-much-okay self. Perhaps an elaborate cover for the fact that her fall when landing was not intentional, but it had still worked successfully. [color= skyblue]“Was that landing thing a part of that speech you gave at the beginning?” [/color] She asked in an amused tone. [color= skyblue]“What, you’re not even going to help me up now? No, that’s fine, I could have been dead just then, but it’s fine,” [/color] She said pulling herself off the ground. No, she wasn’t dead, but she still felt the effects of her questionable landing.
benitz786 Enrique Montoya