Blue Royalty: New Blood

Rejected! rejected! yeah you just got rejected! Adonis could hear the song from the old tv show his mother used to watch as a kid. ‘d@mn that hurt’ he thought as he looked down at his hand. No one had told him that giving the girl he had broken up with his hand to hold and her rejecting it would have hurt so bad. Should have been written in a book called ‘things that hurt so bad 101’ not like Adonis would have read it but still.

They had arrived at his car and now they were driving away to a place Adonis refused to tell Clara where. “We’ve arrived.” Adonis smiled at Clara as he came out from the car. He opened the door for Clara, “Remember this place?” He asked as he stared at the amusement park they were at. This was the place they began their friendship, Adonis was with his younger sister back then getting her a cotton candy and then… “Do you want a hotdog?”

@Caticorn - Clara

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Clara sat in the car, wondering where they were going more and more the farther they got from Cerulean High. The entire way there, Adonis refused to tell her what their final destination was. She got her answer when she stepped out of the car and the amusement park where the two of them had met came into view. “Remember this place?” Clara nodded. “How could I not?” She responded, smiling. However nasty her memories of the end of their relationship were, the ones she had of this amusement park were some of the best. When he asked her if she wanted a hotdog, she shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m not hungry.” She answered. “I’ll still come with you if you want one, though.”

@Kristi - Adonis

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“I still come to visit this place with Calix, Kali and Dal every time I get the chance” Adonis told her tucking his hand into his pocket. “Do you?” He turned around asking her with a smile. “You know come here from time to time?”

Adonis shook his head when she asked if he wanted one. As they began to walk through the park Adonis spotted the game they had played together when they first met. He had won her a stuffed teddy back then, “Hey let’s go there” he pointed at the place, motioning for Clara to follow him. After this, he planned for Clara and him to go to the ferris wheel or rollercoaster.

@Caticorn -Clara

Clara walked through the park with Adonis, conflicted between thinking he was just being sweet and her rising suspicion that he had some ulterior motive. When he asked if she came here from time to time, she shook her head. “I haven’t been back here since we broke up.” She answered. After their break up, the park had existed in her mind as a painful reminder of what once was and until now, she hadn’t had the guts to come back. “Okay,” She responded as she followed him to a game they had played together years ago, smiling as the memory came back to her.

@Kristi - Adonis

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Oh” Adonis said. He knew that this place probably brought memories of what they could have been to Clara but he didn’t really expect that Clara would stop coming to her favorite amusement park because of that reason. Had their breakup really hurt her that bad? He sighed running his fingers through his hair, he felt like such an @ss. Why did he even breakup with her again? Ah right, he didn’t want to be tied down.

Adonis gave the person behind the table 25 cents and gave a water gun to Clara. “Let’s see who gets the most clown?” He turned to face Clara with a smirk.

@Caticorn - Clara



The girl attempted to hit him on the back, trying to be put down from the position she was in.
“Not going to happen ames,” he said as she was speaking almost directly into his ear. Picking Amie up was something he did regularly, especially now when she refused to listen to him. “I’m not mean, you just choose not to listen. This was my only option” he continued to walk through the school, a couple of heads turning as he walked past with the girl on his shoulder.

As he put the girl down he thought she would have immediately tried to run away. His face, giving a ‘your kidding’ look as she mentioned not ‘knowing her.’ “If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t be hauling your a$s out of that school so you don’t regret it the next day,” he mentioned while crossing his own arms. Her facial expression certainly changed from being Mrs. I know everything to frowning. “Amelia” As the girl tried to walk past him, obviously failing in the state she was in, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I care about you, a lot. Probably more than anyone… well… yes more than pheebs does but thats besides the point… anyways” he rambled on, failing to tell her what he really felt. Maybe it was because he knew she wouldn’t remember any of it, the crash from a high was not something so easy. She would be confused, dazed, wanting more. Though, at the same time maybe saying and explaning now could be helpful. If he said it, she wouldn’t remember it… and all he wanted was his bestfriend back. “i…” he couldn’t bring himself to say the words that his brain was thinking. “You know… whatever you’re thinking or reasoning what I did… it’s not a part of this dumb game, it’s not because I don’t like you… because… I was scared. You know? We were friends for our entire lives, and all of our family wanted us together… and like what if it messed everything up? I didn’t want to lose you… so I… I panicked…” He said, adjusting his grip on her arm to be less strong. Alex would fight for their friendship for as long as possible, and that’s exactly what he was doing. “Amie… I miss you so much. I miss talking to you about the stupid things my bandmates did, I miss telling you inside jokes that only we understand when were around each other, I miss showing and singing new songs to you, I miss playing pranks on Phoebe. I miss you. Even… I just want my bestfriend back” He continued, taking a deep breath.

@benitz786 - boy oh boy oh boy

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‘School’ Luna thought with a sigh. Though she didn’t enjoy it one bit with all the drama, it was a way to escape from ‘family time’ with her stepfamily.

Oh well, it was time to go to school.

Luna walked through the hallways, her nose stuck in a book as she avoided hitting anyone. Well she avoided it up until now, “I’m so sorry.” Luna apologized bending down to pick the book she dropped. She looked up to see the person she had bumped into, ‘huh?’ that wasn’t a familiar face at all. Was the girl new? Either way it didn’t matter, Luna was just going to help the girl up and the slowly walk away. “I-im Luna” Luna introduced as she gave the girl a hand.

@Ouijaloveletters - Leah


Leah walked through the halls, headed to her locker. Unfortunately, she had her head down and wasn’t paying attention. She bumped into someone, her books scattering around her, and Leah herself landing on her butt. A female voice apologized, introducing herself as Luna, and a hand appeared in her vision. Leah, lifted her head to meet a girl with snow white hair, extending her hand. Leah smiled slightly, a blush rising to her cheeks. She was beautiful…not in a romantic way, of course! What would her parents think? What would God think? She grabbed the girl’s hand, letting her pull her up. “I’m Leah…y-you’re really pretty…” She said softly, gripping the hem of her dress like a lifeline.
@Kristi - Luna


‘pretty, pretty’ the girl whose named was Leah words rang in Luna’s head. That was a word she had never head described her. Luna eyes grew larger, was the girl hitting on her? probably not. “Thank you.” Luna said her voice higher than usual. She clutched the book she was holding even tightly to her chest, Karen would have giggled if she saw her doing that. Luna’s original intention was to leave after the helping the girl, but wouldn’t that be to rude? Her late mother didn’t raise a rude girl “Are you new?” She had asked trying to start a conversation and not knowing what else to ask. Luna stared at Leah as gripped the hem of her dress like it held all the secrets she didn’t want released.

The hallways began to get crowdy and Luna felt dizzy so she took the girl to a quiet place, a place she usually went to for peace. Luna tucked a strand of her snow white hair behind, what should she say to the girl now? Luna normally liked silenced, but the silence right now was intimidating. In her mind Luna sighed, there should have been a book that was titled ‘How to talk to people for dummies 101’ She would have gladly read that book. Luna stared at Leah, with an expression in her eyes that hopefully meant ‘uh can you say something?’ Now it was Luna’s turn to grip her cloth liked it held all the secrets in her life she didn’t want exposed. Oh how she wished Karen was here, she was talkative and would have kept the girl company as Luna left.

@Ouijaloveletters - Karen


Leah blinked when Luna’s eyes widened. What was that about? Why was her voice higher? “You’re welcome.” She said, smiling. Luna asked if she was new, and Leah shook her head. “No, I was here for Junior year. You probably just didn’t see me. My dad moved us here because he got a job at the Methodist church here. Richard Adams is his name. He’s a clergyman.” She said, eyes darting around nervously when talking about her father. Luna pulled her to a secluded spot, and poor Leah thought she was going to explode. God, what was going on? She silently asked.
@Kristi - Luna


Luna’s eyes popped out in surprised, her mouth had opened in an ‘oh’ shape. How come Luna hadn’t seen her? Luna saw a lot of things, being as quiet as a mouse she was easy to miss. But then again, her nose could have been stuck inside a book. “N-nice?” Luna didn’t know what else there was to say. ‘Oh wow how come I didn’t notice you? you’re so quiet’ she couldn’t say that as that would be hypocrisy as she was also quiet & shy and nevertheless Luna wasn’t one bold enough to say something like that. Richard Adams, she remembered Leah had mentioned. She had heard that name before, the name of someone who used to go to the church her mother used to go to.

The girl hadn’t said anything and Luna sighed. Guess it was up to her to say something, “So…do you read?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Leah


“Are you ok?” Leah asked worriedly, seeing Luna’s face. The girl looked like her eyes were about to fall out of her head. “I don’t blame you for not seeing me. I’m forgettable, don’t worry.” Luna asked if she read, and she nodded, unzipping her backpack and pulling out a Bible. “I’ve read it from cover to cover. What’s your favorite book?” She asked, excitedly.
@Kristi - Luna


Leah had pulled out a bible, ‘from cover to cover’ she said. Wasn’t the bible really long? Luna thought, but then again she had read books possibly longer than the bible. “I’m not sure.” Luna said, “What about you? What’s your favorite book?” Luna asked.

@Ouijaloveletters - Leah


A chuckle left his lips as she attempted to back up her previous statements about the future p0rno she would have - hypothetically of course. However, even Ricky could figure that out with how flustered she was getting on the topic. “I mean someone has to think logistics, Williams. Clearly, you haven’t yet. I mean… at this point you should just hire me as your manager, I can deal with all of the number stuff,” he added jokingly. That was something he had noticed about Annie; As brief as their interactions had been in the past, she was rash in her decision-making. Take this moment for example - jumping off a cliff wasn’t something most people would do out of the blue. That wasn’t to say Ricky wasn’t all for that mindset - rather, he held a similar motto in his life. Anyone who knew Enrique… really knew him… knew that he would be the type to pick up everything and just go on an adventure. Maybe it was something that ran in the Montoya family - either way, here he was, just as willing as Annie to jump off a cliff.

He didn’t, however, complain as much as Annie did. Damn Williams, girl can’t expect to jump off a cliff after taking an elevator up there - nothing in life is that easy. “Wow, I’m hurt. I was really here thinking you asked me because of my world-class personality and driving skills that won’t get the passenger killed” he added as they finally reached the top. Signing his name and handing the man his credit card to pay for the both of them, Ricky watched as Annie signed the form saying something about why he was willing to risk his life. “What’s the fun of living life from the side line’s, Annie?” It was with that question that Ricky grabbed his card back and walked towards the man waiting for them to get suited up.

Honestly, this wasn’t the first time he had done this - but there was always something about looking over the edge of a cliff that would get anyone’s adrenaline pumping. In retrospect, he was glad he had done this before because with how the setup was - it didn’t seem like it was the most legal of operations as the two were going alone instead of with an instructor. The man was speaking to them in rapid-fire Spanish the instructions of what they had to do, and Ricky nodded replying to the man before turning towards Annie. “Basically, don’t die. You’ll be great. ready?” he asked with a serious expression. Though, after a second, he continued. “You’re strapped in so that’ll do most of the work so don’t worry too much about that. We’re going to start off by running and them jumping and our harnesses will catch us in the air. We steer by leaning, and we have to land back on the beach in that zone right there so someone can pick the equipment up. When we get down, keep your legs up so that the wheels can take the brunt of the pressure and we don’t get hurt.” he added “Anyways, you ready to run?” Maybe he gave the cliff’s notes version of everything, but he knew Annie’s type by now. She didn’t want every single detail and, he knew the gist of everything that would keep both of them safe.



Clara took the water gun from Adonis and got herself comfortable with the weight of it. “You’re on.” She responded, accepting his challenge. She squinted as she aimed the water gun at the targets in the booth. When the alarm went off to signal the beginning of the game, she began squirting at the targets. At first, she missed all of them but as she got more and more used to the game, she missed less and less. “I think I did pretty well.” She said, laughing as the game ended.

@Kristi - Adonis


So what? Mason made a mistake… people made mistakes. That didn’t mean that he and Sienna weren’t good for each other. Honestly, Mason loved her and he wasn’t ready to lose Sienna yet… so he didn’t care what VC thought about him. Though he could feel her judgment through the silence, it didn’t matter. If she judged him well… he could do the same for VC and Mateo who… likely were more incompatible. As much as he hated to admit it, Veronica Charlotte was a genius… and well… Mateo, as much as he loved the boy, was the opposite. Everyone knew she was going to end up hurting him, it was only a matter of time and it’s probably better being now than later. Despite his feelings, however, he stayed silent about the matter - even when they had arrived at City Hall to look through those records and he found her on her phone scrolling through Instagram.

After a while, he finally called her out - catching her attention and sighing with her response. “Yes, VC, I tried to google it. You know, sometimes a paper trail is better than an electronic one right?” Mason asked, shaking his head at her actions. Veronica Charlotte and her father… were so damn alike. How did Mason know that? Well, everyone knew Daniel Parker and let’s just say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

He was about to say something when he found an old news article with the picture of the house they were looking for. “Wait…” Mason whispered. “4352 Renkins Street Home condemned for illicit selling of drugs and noted as a “wh0re house” for men of statue… yada yada… James Azure, prominent community member notes “This is a disgrace to our beautiful neighborhood, and those found should be punished”. Those arrested at the night of the raid include… Marcel Pierce…”

Mason was skimming through the important bits of the article, but what gist he could understand is that James Azure and Malachi Pierce hated each other - because from the little information he had found, he knew that the house they were in wasn’t a wh0re house - from what he found inside the room itself, it was just a space for people to go and… well… escape. Not for sex, but from family members. A place where people from all races converged… a… club in a way.

“Well that’s one thing down… still have a lot of boxes to go. Or… let me guess, you’re too bored and want to give up Parker?”



She rolled her eyes at the comment about her logistics. She had logistics. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, well, if this were a real situation I would- no I probably still wouldn’t consider it, you’re not manager-material,”[/color] Annie told him with a tilted head as she looked him up and down to make sure that statement was actually correct. What did that even mean? [color= skyblue]“No I don’t completely know… what manager-material is, but I’m seeing you as not having it, I can easily deal with number-stuff,” [/color] Annie told him before they began to painfully make their way up the cliff. [color= skyblue]“Don’t people just use helicopters these days? Or those zipwire things you sit on that go upwards?” [/color] What was she even saying at this point? There were too many steps to keep track of whatever was coming out of her mouth, and he probably wasn’t even listening anyway, too busy looking at the entire cliff they still had to get up.

[color= skyblue]"So, what, I should be thanking you for driving the boring way? [/color] She asked in response to his defence. Ricky drove way too close to the speed limit for her standards, and what’s a drive without leaving a trail of beeping cars wherever you went? As they advanced further at the top of the cliff, Ricky easily took the pen and filled out the form, asking her where the fun was living on the side lines. [color= skyblue]“I ask myself the same thing, Montoya,” [/color] Annie replied, [color= skyblue]“And still could not tell you,” [/color] She continued while walking ahead of him to where the harnesses were.

After Ricky spoke to the instructor who she couldn’t understand, he turned to her to translate - though that didn’t make it any easier to understand. [color= skyblue] “How hard can it be, Montoya? You just, like, run and jump,”[/color] And she did just that, with perhaps an abnormal lack of hesitation. There was an exhale that immediately came upon jumping off, and being in the air effortlessly cleared her mind. It was the literal representation of the High School Musical song, her arms out to take in the endless gush of wind that was holding her up.

Annie hadn’t realised how close to the ground she was actually getting until she was metres away from it, and when she was it became immediately evident that the instructions Ricky had gave her had not been taken in by her, Annie’s feet hitting the ground but not for long. The thrill coming to an abrupt stop, as she fell and rolled under the glider where she remained as Ricky soon followed. It took a moment before he actually noticed the unresponsive Annie was even there. When he finally came over, with a slowly-growing concern.

After a sufficient amount of worry had built up from Ricky, Annie finally opened her laughing eyes to reveal her very-much-okay self. Perhaps an elaborate cover for the fact that her fall when landing was not intentional, but it had still worked successfully. [color= skyblue]“Was that landing thing a part of that speech you gave at the beginning?” [/color] She asked in an amused tone. [color= skyblue]“What, you’re not even going to help me up now? No, that’s fine, I could have been dead just then, but it’s fine,” [/color] She said pulling herself off the ground. No, she wasn’t dead, but she still felt the effects of her questionable landing.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya

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Alex didn’t know what to say as he stood in front of the girl, who… acted as if she was having a tantrum. Though, maybe she was just really… for the first time, listening to what he had to say. He looked at the girl with… hope? A hope that she would forgive him for what he did. He felt awful, and could not apologize enough times to tell the girl how sorry he was.

Her face slightly changed after the mention of the dumb game, and with that Alex could only hope for a positive reaction out of this conversation. Amelias facial expressions were always something Alex could pick on. Right now, she was upset. When she opened her mouth to speak, Alex’s heart stopped for a second. He didn’t want the girl to say she couldn’t do it, again, heck even say nothing and walk away. I miss you too. Alex stood there, and she pulled him close. If hugs healed, he’d hold her all day. Her familiar fragrant, the shampoo he once used and Phoebe made fun of him for, is exactly what Amie smelt like. Coconut and… whatever else it was. Some girly fragrance. Still unsure of the right words - he hugged her, tight. Holding on he started counting because the other day he read that for a hug to really be beneficial it needs to last twenty seconds. Nine-teen, twenty, twenty-one. He still didn’t want to let go. Alex was enjoying the warmth and comfort of the hug, only to hear Amelia whisper into his ear in her dopey state. “Come on. You need to rest” he smiled at the girl, motioning to his car that was a couple feet behind them.
