“You know, Annie, don’t judge a book by its cover. I’ll have you know, I’m very manager material. Growing up, my parents always told me ‘Son, you’re going to be a great manager one day’ and I tend to manifest that sht” . There was a lightheartedness in his voice - an ease that he hadn’t had since the day started. Sure… it was his birthday and Enrique played it off well, but honestly, he really didn’t like this day. Annie Williams… just happened to make it better at the right time. It was a lightheartedness that continued as she struggled to climb up to the top of the cliff. Albeit, it was a hike - mostly being steep staircase-like indentures so guests could get up there quickly. “Those zipwire things also only work one way, Williams. And you have to be on the high side of that too. At least we have an easy way down,” he added with a small smile. Currently, he was walking in front of her - though, he did regret not taking the chance to walk behind her. Could you blame him? But, clearly, he was making bad choices recently. One including jumping off the building with the girl since she clearly wasn’t paying attention to any of his instructions. It was times like these that really made him wonder if she was crazy, or if it was him. He’d like to believe the former.
As the two jumped, there was a calmness that filled his body at being so… free. For once, nothing was holding him back as the two flew… well, above the world. Enrique controlled the glider so that the two were hovering above the ocean for a bit - the only thing in sight being the blue under them. The smell of saltwater made him… honestly really damn happy and it was about now that he missed the serenity of Diving. Ever since breaking his leg, his doctors had told him to avoid Diving for a few months, and even now that he was mostly healed, the pressure underwater would be too great for his leg to handle. Maybe that’s why the man had been more frustrated recently. Either way, after a few minutes of floating above the sea - no words were exchanged between the two as he simply… enjoyed everything. Well, until Ricky out of the blue screamed at the top of his lungs. While the girl was looking at him as if he was crazy, he simply shot her a smile with a scream “COME ON WILLIAMS. LIVE A LITTLE,” before screaming again, getting all the tension he knew… and didn’t know he had out of his body.
He didn’t know how long they spent out there - Ricky navigating the glider up and down to keep them in the air before finally turning them around and heading back over the beach and the platform made for landing. “MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR LEGS HIGH,” he screamed, turning his face towards her waiting for a nod of understanding. Only when he got it - along with a roll of her eyes - did he bring the hang glider towards the ground. Ricky was too invested in making sure they got to the floor safely that he didn’t see Annie’s feet hitting the ground until it was too late. There was a reason he told her to keep it up. The pull from the hang glider dragged her for a second before stopping and Ricky immediately unhooked himself before going towards her to make sure she was okay.
The worry he felt intensified as he found her eyes closed, “Annie…Annie… sht,” he whispered, putting his head on her chest to see if he could hear her heartbeat and even contemplating giving her mouth to mouth. But instead, he just shook her shoulders - as the CPR training he had for Diving taught him to see if she was responsive. “Well don’t yell at me when my lips are on yours,” he stated after a few seconds of her continued unresponsiveness. He slowly moved closer, holding her nose but before he got any close, he felt her pushing him off and laughing. “First of all, not cool Williams. And yes, that’s why there are specific times where listening to me actually comes in handy.” . He was… actually worried about her but the way she was laughing was contagious.
Hiding a smile, he rolled his eyes at her next words but before she got up by herself, Ricky easily placed her over his shoulder and begin walking towards the water again. “You deserve this Williams,” he added, half running towards the water - ignoring her words. As soon as he was deep enough, he finally dropped her, the two splashing in the cold water as she pulled him down with her.