Blue Royalty: New Blood

“You know, Annie, don’t judge a book by its cover. I’ll have you know, I’m very manager material. Growing up, my parents always told me ‘Son, you’re going to be a great manager one day’ and I tend to manifest that sht” . There was a lightheartedness in his voice - an ease that he hadn’t had since the day started. Sure… it was his birthday and Enrique played it off well, but honestly, he really didn’t like this day. Annie Williams… just happened to make it better at the right time. It was a lightheartedness that continued as she struggled to climb up to the top of the cliff. Albeit, it was a hike - mostly being steep staircase-like indentures so guests could get up there quickly. “Those zipwire things also only work one way, Williams. And you have to be on the high side of that too. At least we have an easy way down,” he added with a small smile. Currently, he was walking in front of her - though, he did regret not taking the chance to walk behind her. Could you blame him? But, clearly, he was making bad choices recently. One including jumping off the building with the girl since she clearly wasn’t paying attention to any of his instructions. It was times like these that really made him wonder if she was crazy, or if it was him. He’d like to believe the former.

As the two jumped, there was a calmness that filled his body at being so… free. For once, nothing was holding him back as the two flew… well, above the world. Enrique controlled the glider so that the two were hovering above the ocean for a bit - the only thing in sight being the blue under them. The smell of saltwater made him… honestly really damn happy and it was about now that he missed the serenity of Diving. Ever since breaking his leg, his doctors had told him to avoid Diving for a few months, and even now that he was mostly healed, the pressure underwater would be too great for his leg to handle. Maybe that’s why the man had been more frustrated recently. Either way, after a few minutes of floating above the sea - no words were exchanged between the two as he simply… enjoyed everything. Well, until Ricky out of the blue screamed at the top of his lungs. While the girl was looking at him as if he was crazy, he simply shot her a smile with a scream “COME ON WILLIAMS. LIVE A LITTLE,” before screaming again, getting all the tension he knew… and didn’t know he had out of his body.

He didn’t know how long they spent out there - Ricky navigating the glider up and down to keep them in the air before finally turning them around and heading back over the beach and the platform made for landing. “MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR LEGS HIGH,” he screamed, turning his face towards her waiting for a nod of understanding. Only when he got it - along with a roll of her eyes - did he bring the hang glider towards the ground. Ricky was too invested in making sure they got to the floor safely that he didn’t see Annie’s feet hitting the ground until it was too late. There was a reason he told her to keep it up. The pull from the hang glider dragged her for a second before stopping and Ricky immediately unhooked himself before going towards her to make sure she was okay.

The worry he felt intensified as he found her eyes closed, “Annie…Annie… sht,” he whispered, putting his head on her chest to see if he could hear her heartbeat and even contemplating giving her mouth to mouth. But instead, he just shook her shoulders - as the CPR training he had for Diving taught him to see if she was responsive. “Well don’t yell at me when my lips are on yours,” he stated after a few seconds of her continued unresponsiveness. He slowly moved closer, holding her nose but before he got any close, he felt her pushing him off and laughing. “First of all, not cool Williams. And yes, that’s why there are specific times where listening to me actually comes in handy.” . He was… actually worried about her but the way she was laughing was contagious.

Hiding a smile, he rolled his eyes at her next words but before she got up by herself, Ricky easily placed her over his shoulder and begin walking towards the water again. “You deserve this Williams,” he added, half running towards the water - ignoring her words. As soon as he was deep enough, he finally dropped her, the two splashing in the cold water as she pulled him down with her.



She wasn’t necessarily judging him though, she was just thinking about the situation. Honestly she was the last person to judge in this situation, especially now, but she was still a parker, can’t help it if it’s in your blood innit?

Anyway, seems like he did try to google it and surprisingly he found nothing, which led them here, where they also found nothing. Isn’t that just peachy? ”A paper trail is good when you find something not when you waste your precious time on absolutely nothing” she muttered. So putting her phone away, her hand started playing with a file that was on her lap, thinking whether there was even a point for it if they haven’t found anything until now.

Or… maybe not. ” A Pierce related wh0re house? Can’t say I’m too surprised.” she said with an amused smirk. ”pierces are known for facts to be a bit… wild she added with a shrug. It’s not like it was a rumor, it was part of her family after all, she knew the stories.

Though as picturing the place in her head, vc couldn’t really see the potential in it being a wh0re house, it just wasn’t built right for it ”not sure I believe it though” she added as putting the file on her lap aside ”well I was getting bored ” she started replying to his remark ”but you might have caught my attention again with this… information” she added as picking up some more files



Adonis had missed just 3. The 3 that he had missed were probably because he was staring at Clara to see if she was enjoying herself- And to his happiness she was. Adonis smiled, this reminded him of when they were together and when they were simply friends. “But I won.” Adonis said with a chuckle. “Ferris Wheel or Rollercoaster?” Adonis asked.

@Caticorn - Clara

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“Minor details.” Clara responded to him pointing out that he won, a playful smile appearing on her face. However, that smile then fell as she pondered his next question. While both of those did sound like fun, Clara couldn’t shake the feeling in the back of her mind that she was somehow betraying Ives by being there, even though she’d made it very clear to Adonis that they were just barely friends and nothing more. “Adonis, I think I’m actually going to go back to school.” She told him, feeling like it was the best decision. “This was fun, I just remembered that I have some stuff that I have to get done.” She added on in an attempt to not hurt his feelings.

@Kristi - Adonis


Major details” He corrected blowing a strand of his hair from his face. He stared at, waiting for her answer. He hoped that she would pick the roller coaster as he thought of it as more fun. He tapped his foot on the floor waiting for a response, what was taken her so long? “I can cho-” But before he could utter those words he was cut off, “Adonis, I think I’m actually going to go back to school.” She said and Adonis eyes widened, “What, why?” He thought everything was going fine, they were finally catching up. Adonis sighed, “Can’t you just delay them?” He pleaded, “Come on I won, you own me a ride on the Rolle coaster.” He reminded her of his winning.

@Caticorn - Clara


[color= skyblue]“That sounds like one boring-&ss thing to manifest,” [/color] Annie commented, though noticing the first willing mention of family - even if it was maybe a fabricated anecdote for the sake of being a p0rno manager. But she still didn’t ask any further questions. Because… who cares? None of her business, she didn’t need nor want to know, which worked both ways since it was apparent that he didn’t need nor want to talk about it. Which is why the purely playful conversation continued as they were trekking up the cliff, Ricky trying to explain her zip wire theory, though Annie was distracted from this trying to put a name to her definition. [color= skyblue]“-A skii lift!” [/color] She interrupted quickly, [color= skyblue]“The upwards zipwire, I meant a ski lift, obviously,” [/color] Annie continued, the last word coming out in such a way that appeared as though she expected him to have been able to decipher that himself.

The jump they took was exhilarating, though came with a side of Ricky shouting and giving instructions… again? She hadn’t listened the first time, what made him think that being a thousand-and-something feet in the air would change that? But Annie gave a call back of acknowledgement nevertheless, even if she hadn’t exactly heard what it was she was responding to and it was difficult to hide that fact when she aimlessly landed on the beach. At least she made the most of that mistake.

A stolen amused smile crossed her face when he put his head to her chest at her successful performance, quickly vanishing the second he looked back up again. The sound of his warning and then the feeling of his face getting increasingly closer to hers, Annie knew it was time to call time on the joke. [color= skyblue]“Woa- Okay,” [/color] Annie exclaimed with a laugh, pushing him by his chest for him to stand back up again. [color= skyblue]“Way too close, Montoya,”[/color] Annie commented at the idea of their lips meeting in that moment. No, thank you. The same disapproving tone carried forward when he told her that, first of all, she should have listened. [color= skyblue]“I wouldn’t go that far, I survived not listening to you with ease.” [/color]

[color= skyblue]“And what’s second of a- HEY, what the f^ck?!”[/color] Annie interrupted herself, now calling downwards to him from suddenly being lifted into the air- how did she deserve this?? [color= skyblue]“OKAY, alright point made, oka- RICKY-” [/color] Was her final words before being dropped, unavoidably underwater. In a sorrowful defeat, Annie emerged from the surface. [color= skyblue] “Okay, congratulations, you are strong. Proves nothing, really,”[/color] Annie told him. [color= skyblue]“And, also, what-”[/color] She pushed away from her, sending a gush of water his way, [color= skyblue]“-what if I couldn’t swim, I just almost died and it would have happened again, and here I was thinking maybe you- dare I say the word- care,” [/color] She dropped her jaw sarcastically at the mention of that word.

[color= skyblue]“So… what are the chances you have your passport on you right now?” [/color] Annie asked him as they sat back in the car few hours later, hoping to go across the border again before she was confronted by the sign instructing them to have their passports ready. [color= skyblue]“For no… particular reason, just curious, just general… querying, making conversation to pass the time,” [/color] She told him, hoping Ricky wouldn’t look in the direction she just had to see the same sign.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya

Sophie nodded slightly. She could understand that more memories didn’t make it easier. Sophie knew both sides of the coin. Memories, or a lack thereof, hurt. Either way, missing someone, no matter how long they had been in, or out of, your life, hurt, but Sophie still wished she had more memories to hold onto. No matter how much it hurt, all she could do was hold onto the parts that could still make her smile. Sophie knew she was lucky to have the family she was with now. From the moment she met her uncle, there was hope, and when he introduced her to her parents, she knew she was part of a family that she meant the world to. She didn’t think she would ever get to know what it was like to have that picture perfect family until she met them. Though, when Sophie saw Olivia’s frown when she asked, Sophie immediately regretted asking the question. Sophie frowned, in response to watching her, but in typical Sophie fashion, there was no question in regards to what she would do next. She took a step forward and hugged Olivia, though perhaps that day Sophie needed the hug just as much, or probably more. “I’m sorry… I probably shouldn’t have asked… but it sounds like your cousins are amazing. At least you have them… and if you need someone outside of your cousins, I’m here too.”

@CerealKiller - Olivia


She might have not expected the hug after telling Sophie her own tragedy, but she can’t say she didn’t need it. Honestly though, most people don’t see how great hugs are, they’re always good and probably one of the best ways to make someone feel better. It at least in olivia’s opinion it was.

But anyway, the girl let out a small smile as hugging Sophie back, ”Thanks, I really appreciate that honestly” she told her while pulling back. But maybe it was time to stop this whole depressing mood, after all, it was a general decent day so far. Or… maybe it was, until their phones both buzzed, and Olivia pulled out her own to see the blue royalty post exposing her for kissing mason, aka sienna’s boyfriend.

Staring at her phone in shock for a few moments, Olivia whispered ”oh no-”. She knew blue royalty was all about exposing secrets and backstabbing, but she didn’t realise they knew so much. How could anyone even know that? They were literally alone in an abandoned room. But… that doesn’t really matter now does it?

But it doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to panic. ”i’m sorry I-” she mumbled. What if it was her fault? What if Sienna came and confronted her? What if they got in a fight because of it? Olivia was in a bit of a struggle at that moment to be honest, because a part of her knew mason didn’t tell Sienna what happened, and there is no worse way of finding out things like that than by social media. no worse. But what was worse, was the fact that she didn’t know how to handle a confrontation considering the fact that she didn’t regret what she did. But we ain’t good at confrontations okay.

”What do I do now-” she whispered, trying to calm herself but not really working that one out. ”what a mess ”

@Littlefeets Sophie what am I doing
@benitz786 Mason mentioned
@Madilfill Sienna mentioned


As he pleaded with her, trying to convince her to stay, Clara couldn’t deny that she’d felt a little bad for doing this, but she knew that it was best if she left. “Can I take a raincheck?” She asked as she pulled her bag up onto her shoulder. At the current moment, she didn’t know if she actually planned on following through with that but she hoped that it might satisfy him enough to let her leave. “I’ve already put off working on this and I really have to get it done.” She explained, taking a small step backwards.

@Kristi - Adonis


‘Raincheck?’ Adonis thought bitterly. He crossed his arms glaring at the floor, ‘stop glaring it won’t make her stay, I have a plan’ a voice in his head said. Adonis listened to what the voice in his head said and tried to hide the smile on his face. “Ok fine.” He sighed, “Let’s go back to my car I guess” He said biting his lips to hide his smile.

@Caticorn - Clara

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Play New Romantics

"Always judging, aren’t you Williams? Enrique asked at her sentiment of his boring manifestation. Enrique had only known Annie for a small amount of time… really knew her that is since, for the past 5+ years, he’s known of her but never known… her. Despite this, he had noticed the way she scrutinized everything. Could he blame her? Nah, he also judged often. But as judgemental, as she was, she clearly was one that hated being judged herself. Maybe that’s why she wanted to jump - to forget about all of it and every single person who was holding her back. Did… Ricky just… judge a girl as wanting to do something to not be judged and then judge her anyway? Oh well. Either way, they jumped and the freedom that accompanied that was incomparable.

Reaching the ground and… well… dropping her in the water as a joke, there was an instant smile on his lips. It had been… too long since Enrique had… real fun. The banter between the two of them… well… Ricky was living for it. “Well, Williams. If you couldn’t swim, I guess I’d just have to save you… again… and give you real mouth to mouth this time,” he added with a cheeky grin - drying off from the gush of water she sent towards him. “Come on, Annie, live a little,” he whispered, “and maybe then we’ll see how much… I care,” he added, splashing her again as he swam away slowly. “I bet you that you can’t catch me,” he added with that, crinkling his nose ever-so-slightly. Hey… it was his birthday. Might as well have some fun on the beach.

Fun… irnoically on a day that Ricky truly believed he wasn’t going to have any… it actually… wasn’t half bad. He had fun with her and after a few hours, they finally found themselves back in his car driving to the border for the second time. Here’s the thing, though. When someone plans an impromptu trip without… informing the other person important details like “hey we’re crossing the border” - things like “passports” often get forgotten. This was exactly the fact that Ricky realized as they got closer to the front of the line - the words that Annie added bringing his attention to the sign.

“We… are fcked,” he whispered, his eyes closing in slight frustration. Enrique knew exactly what would happen… either they would be arrested for attempting to illegally cross the border, or, they’d be directed back. While being arrested is not the worst thing Ricky’s encountered, being arrested across the border meant a sh!t ton of hoops that neither had time to deal with.

Reaching the front, Ricky signed as he rolled his window at the man asking for their passports.

“You see… about that…”

Yeah… that didn’t go well. They weren’t arrested… which was the good thing. The bad thing… well, they were now in a hotel in Mexico trying to figure out what to do. Enrique knew the only way out was to call one of his brothers and ask for them to bring his passport. The issue… if he told one, they would tell the other and having a Montoya reunion in Mexico on his birthday wasn’t something he was looking forward to right now. At least it was a nice hotel… Ricky had charged his card to get a penthouse suite at the Grand Rivera - which did have a good relationship with his family and past bookings so it wasn’t an issue getting a last minute room.

“Williams, who are you calling? Your mom?” Ricky asked, laying on the couch trying to figure out how to even word that text because “Hey bros - stuck in Mexico. Bring my passport.” [/color] was a weird way to start. Maybe starting with Happy Birthday? Oh fck it. Mexico was pretty nice. Ricky could stay here… they had a mini bar in the room - what was better than that?



“You know, Parker, instead of complaining, a little help would be great.” he added with a sarcastic tone in his voice, rolling his eyes at her finding nothing comment. You can take the Parker away from technology, but you can never take the technology mindset away from a Parker. Though he did seem to pique her interest after revealing the news story he found - one that clearly seemed scripted. “Wild or not, I know this is a lie. I found articles while I was inside the room that told otherwise. So why the hell is a “James Azure” lying about that - to get someone arrested?” Mason questioned. Despite the questioning, however, the answer never seemed that clear. It wasn’t until he saw a familiar notebook that Mason stopped in his tracks. Yet another book by one Rebekah Azure it seemed, though, before he could look at it - Mason found the lady who initially let them in coming back.

“I’m sorry you two. City Hall is closing early so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

There was a strange tone in her demeanor that wasn’t there before. “Right… is there any way we can check some of this information out for our project,” “No… no we don’t do that. I’m sorry but you’ll have to go now,” The minute she said that, the woman looked to frantically put the stuff they had out back in the box and the minute she walked away, Mason stuffed the journal in his pocket - giving VC a strange look as he nodded to the exit.

“What the actual hell was that about?” Mason asked as he walked out with VC, back to the parking lot. Only a few hours had passed since they had arrived and the abruptness of it all was simply… well… confusing.



“Thank you.” She said, grateful that he was respecting her wishes. Still, there was a shift in his mood, something she couldn’t quite decipher. She chose to ignore it as she followed Adonis back to where his car was parked, figuring that she was just reading too far into the situation. When they arrived at the vehicle, she walked over to the passenger side and waited for him to unlock, crossing her arms.

@Kristi - Adonis


Her eyebrows raised at his comment on her not being able to swim. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, okay well if that’s the case, I actually insist, you can let me drown,” [/color]Annie joked. Kind of. Obviously Annie wasn’t opposed to meaningless flirting, especially when she knew, with someone like Enrique Montoya, that was all it was. [color= skyblue]“Oh, what, is that a challenge?” [/color] She asked as he started edging away. Much to her own disbelief, hang-gliding off a random cliff in Mexico was not the thing that made Annie forget the sh!t that had happened earlier.

Somehow, Annie’s question had not come across as subtle as she had hoped, Ricky immediately looking in the direction she had just been to be faced with the same news. Annie scratched the back of her neck as it set in that they probably weren’t going to make it across the border and they’ll be stuck in Mexico forever. [color= skyblue]“Any chance that meant a yes?”[/color] She hopelessly asked, grasping at straws as his response technically wasn’t a direct yes or no. [color= skyblue]“Well I guess now is as good as time as any to admit that no one gave me the memo for the passport either,” [/color] Annie confessed as the car drew closer to the man expecting what they didn’t have.

How was she supposed to know that you needed a passport to get back to the US? Well, once that had been acknowledged, they found their solution being in a hotel lobby. [color= skyblue]“Two rooms,” [/color] Annie insisted to the front office. Though in the desperate, last-minute state they were in, she didn’t have much of an actual say in that matter. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, or, you know, the penthouse, that’s what I was thinking too, that was the second choice,” [/color] Annie said as Ricky talked and name-dropped his way into getting the top room.

It became apparent to Annie that Ricky wasn’t going to ask anyone to actually get their passports, so she had to. After the morning that brought her to this in the first place, her list of people to call had substantially shrunk. A moment of scrolling through the names on her phone before finally landing on someone, a friend, who she hoped would be able to save them. Plus, he owed her. Ignoring [color= skyblue]“Heyyy… Z, Z-Dog, Z-Man, E-Zekkie…”[/color] She started, letting it be the answer to Ricky’s questioning behind her, the alternative names being used to delay the big ask, walking around the perimeter of the room as she talked into the phone. [color= skyblue]“So remember that time I saved your arsonic &ss? Well…” [/color] Yeah, it was time to play that card.

[color= skyblue]“So, the passports are… en route, will be here tomorrow,” [/color] Annie told Ricky after the call with Ezekiel ended. [color= skyblue]“And who said I couldn’t fix this? That was easy,”[/color] She exclaimed in victory.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya
astxrism Ezekiel Griffin


When Adonis had reached the turn that would lead to Cerulean High, to the school and the destination Clara wanted to go to because she had ‘forgotten’ that she had stuff to do, Adonis calls that bullsh!t. Sure he can’t really go around claiming that he knows her a lot now, not after since their breakup, since they distanced themselves from each other- well, technically Clara was the one who had distanced from him but had he really made an effort to reach out to her other than now? Could their cold relation right now be blamed on Clara all alone?

Adonis sighed, turning to the left instead of the right, the way to school. The left would take them to a park, a favorite spot of theirs. One they used to go when they had started dating. It was a favorite spot of theirs because of the fireworks, they was always fireworks. He remembered the way she would smile at him then, look at him and right now Adonis wondered why he had broken up with her? Oh, right the reason of not wanting to be tied down. He shook his head, no he didn’t want to get back together with her… she had Ives, Ives and he wanted to be friends like before. Honestly he wished they never dated, that they had ignored the spark that was in them. If they haven’t then they would still be friends, laughing as they splashed water on each other in either of their houses. Taking the craziest pictures of each other and the teasing names- the teasing names were the best.

Adonis had reached the park and turned around to see Clara, “Sorry.” He told her scratching the back of his name. But was He really sorry? Nah

@Caticorn - Clara


Love is a different kind of tyranny. Love is something that doesn’t just happen at a certain time. It builds up over time and the more time you spend with someone, the more you realize that you love them and love being around them. As you sit by yourself some days, you realize that you would rather be spending time with that person. Standing in the parking lot; arms wrapped around his body; Alex couldn’t help but to smile. Some little void inside himself seemed to have finally been filled and it’s something that he couldn’t explain. The mere 15 minutes he’s spent with her, as concerned as he was, had been the best 15 minutes in a couple months. As the girl pulled away from him, the warmth of her body had escaped, leaving what seemed like an empty space. Though when he grabbed her hand, it felt almost… right.

Rest was what the girl needed, Alex sat her down into the car and buckled her in. ”Don’t go anywhere now” he said jokingly, a slight smile spread across his face. Looking down, he made sure it was safe to close the door before doing so. Making his way over to the driver’s side, Alex wondered to himself what to do now. He couldn’t take her home, Uncle Riker would kill her… and according to Phoebe… things weren’t going so well with Auntie Elodie… that leaves one choice. His house. Though his mom wasn’t home, he couldn’t help but think that bringing her back to his house would make her leave again. She might feel trapped, contained, like the past was happening all over again. With the help of the drugs, she was tired… He could pull it off, as long as he watched her to make sure she was safe. Yeah, okay. Opening the car door, he swung his legs in and sat down.

As soon as he did so, she was already talking about not wanting to go home and wanted to ‘dance.’ Now that was an awful idea. Before he could say no, she grabbed his hand and gave him puppy eyes, still sounding awfully tired. ”Ames…” he started, hesitant on saying anything else. ”Tell you what… I’ll take you somewhere but it’s a surprise. How does that sound?” he added. Truth be told, he had no clue where he was going to go but turning his body he started the car. Placing his hand on her leg, he shifted the gear into drive.

Pulling out of the school parking lot, he turned his head to look at the girl sitting beside him. She had already looked a little less tired than she did when in his arms. Thinking of the right thing to say, he decided a simple question would be much easier than talking about… anything relating to their relationship. ”How has life been? I saw you were on vacation… Did you have fun?” he asked, turning to look at her for a second. She looked so beautiful, no matter how tired or broken the girl may be, Alex couldn’t stop staring at the girl. When the car started to turn to the right he snapped his head back to look at the road. Driving the car off the road wasn’t the plan for today, though neither was being in the car with the girl in the first place. Subconsciously, he had been rubbing little circles on the girl’s leg as he was driving. “I’ve been writing new music, if you want to hear any of it?” It was the same music that had been on the radio for the past 6 months, but according to anyone… even uncle Riker, she turned it off the moment she heard Alex’s… or anyone from the band’s voice. He didn’t blame her, but music was one of the easiest ways he could explain his emotions. Talking wasn’t his forté.

”We’re here” He said, pulling into the grocery store parking lot. Looking at the girl he was waiting for a confused face. ”You’ll see” he added, getting out of the car and smiling to himself. This was the pre-’were here.’ He had one more thing planned - more spontaneous than planned but it worked. Going over her side of the car, he opened the door for her and grabbed her hand, holding onto it until they made their way over to the cart station. He pulled one out, looking at her and smiling. ”So are you going to get in or what?”



Clara was silent the entire drive back to the school. She didn’t really have anything more to say to him and feared that anything she tried to force would end up making the situation more awkward. She began to get her things together as he got closer to the school but as they neared the turn that would lead them there, Adonis went in the opposite direction. “Wait-” She said as her hand gripped the door handle, the uneasy feeling in her stomach growing. As he continued driving in the wrong direction, Clara began to recognize the street. She closed her eyes, silently wishing that she was wrong and that he wasn’t taking her where she thought he was. However, when the car stopped, she opened her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek as she realized that she had been correct. She began to wonder what kind of sick game Adonis was playing, taking her to the spots that had once meant something to them. Then came the icing on the cake. He apologized. For what exactly? She wasn’t sure. All she knew is that it was the last thing she needed to hear. “Sorry for what? Kidnapping me?” She responded, her voice nearing a yell. It was entirely possible that she was overexaggerating but that’s what this situation was in her mind.

@Kristi - Adonis


”Don’t undermine me, pretty boy” she told him with a sassily raised brow. But as she paid more attention to his reactions and expressions, she could sense he felt something here was fishy. Which also wouldn’t really be surprising either, it’s the kind of matter where both ends make sense. Pierces running around in wh0re houses, makes sense? Makes sense. But so does azures framing them for doing it. As I said, those were two very drama prone families.

But as they were about to get deeper into this whole shenanigan, the woman from earlier came in and told them to leave as they were closing early. who closes city hall early this isn’t the neighborhood Starbucks. But okay… ”well…” Veronica fixed her hair as her eyes followed the woman. ”someone didn’t have a good breakfast today” she sarcastically added quietly.

“What the actual hell was that about?” Mason asked, to which Veronica sighed with light frustration. ”i don’t know, but one thing for sure, she’s hiding something” she told him, though she didn’t know exactly what it was. But that’s just another thing to find out innit? Don’t expect a failure, miss renolds. We’re coming for ya.


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Wow, Clara was really exhagratting what happend. “Kidnapping is a strong word, I prefer Taking you to one more place before returning you to school.” He smiled, scratching his head trying to ease the tension. He stared at the park for some seconds and back towards her, “IF you watch only one fireworks with me, I swear on my life I’ll take you back to school.” Adonis pursed his lips as he ran a finger through his hair, “Come on just one, it would be fun.” And it might help our ‘friendship’

Was it wrong that he was making Clara watch a firework with him in exchange for taking her back after? Well, yes but- In his defense, he just missed her. It’s been long since they saw each other or had contact with each other. The last he had heard from Clara after their breakup resolvement was from rumors and gossips in the school .

Remembering that he had once told his Leon that he was the least crazy friend of his, Adonis chuckled.

@Caticorn - Clara

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