Blue Royalty: New Blood



Jayleen’s brows arched at Athena’s answer, a small smile delivered in response along with her head tilted. “Really? That’s where I’m headed too,” she replied with slight enthusiasm. “Would you mind if we walk together?” Although they really weren’t friends or something, Jayleen did need a person beside her to minimize herself from slowly crippling to death. “Oh, wait,” she said, eyes widening slightly as she was reminded of an important thing—the books in her locker. “I’ll be back quickly,” she reassured the person, turning her back and trotted to her own locker, getting her own books into her bag. When she was finished, she ran back towards Athena.

@Caticorn ~ Athena Lee
sorry about this!


As Adonis spoke, Clara found his calm demeanour unsettling along with the fact that he didn’t see anything wrong in what he’d done. She really didn’t know what he was playing at but it was starting to creep her out. As soon as he gave her a condition that she’d have to meet before he would take her back, she knew that she had to get out of there. “You know what, I think I’m just going to walk back. This is starting to go too far.” She told him as she opened the door and exited the car. She knew that today’s events were most likely her fault; she’d cut Adonis off completely after they broke up. At the time, she hadn’t considered what consequences that would have, but now, she was contemplating whether agreeing to go with him today was a mistake or not. “Goodbye, Adonis.” She said as she started to walk away, taking a deep breath and hoping that it was the last time she’d ever have to say it.

@Kristi - Adonis

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“Fine, I will take you to school. No more jokes.” Adonis promised. “Also you’re going the wrong way” He pointed out as Clara began walking towards a different direction than where school was. Adonis wanted to catch up but not in this way, maybe later in a different way. Besides he doesn’t think Clara would make it far without a car, the school was close- if you have a car with you but it was kinda far walking with legs.

@Caticorn - Clara

Athena nodded in response to Jayleen asking if they could walk together. It made sense, seeing as they were going to the same place. “Nah, I don’t mind.” They answered with a small shrug. They watched as she came to a realization about something and left. Unsure of what that was, Athena just stayed where they were and hoped that Jayleen would come back like she said she would. Luckily, she did return, running towards them in a way that made them smile, even though they couldn’t exactly figure out why. “Ready?” They asked her in case she had any more last-minute dashes to make.

@Nil - Jayleen

Play This

Smooth talking
So rocking
He’s got everything that a girl’s wanting
Guitar cutie
He plays it groovy
And I can’t keep myself from doing something stupid
Think I’m really falling for his smile
Get butterflies when he says my name

Why was Amelia Grace screaming a song from Hannah Montana that she insisted playing? Well… maybe it was the fact that she had just taken a pill she wasn’t supposed to? In other words, any exhaustion that had met her body from the… busy day… had disappeared and instead, there she sat, screaming a children’s television show song that was old when her parents were kids. But… well… it was a show that she and Alex watched, making fun of the theatrics on screen. It was this kind of fun that she missed having with Alex. She… missed him… before she had to go fck it all up with her stupid kiss. Stupid Amelia… always making mistakes. However, that’s not what she was thinking about as she screamed at the top of her lungs - all she was thinking was how… fun this was. Fun that he was taking her somewhere that was a surprise fun… that she got to be with him.

As the song came to an end, she found him asking about her life. Though… well… she had no filter right now so maybe asking questions wasn’t the best thing to do. “Nooo. I wish it was fun but all I could think about was my stupid mom leaving dad and… ugh… she was so… awful. How can a person be so inherently awful Alex? She was so mean to my dad. He was actually crying… and I had to… pretend that nothing happened and I couldn’t tell Phoebe because I didn’t want to hurt her and… yeah…” Amie muttered, a frown on her lips. “Let’s talk about fun thingggsss. Likeeee where areee wee goinggg?” Amie turned towards him, a grin on her lips - though that slightly disappeared as she felt his hand on her leg. Every touch was electrified… it had been all day which is likely why Amie was doing very… non-Amie type things for the entirety of the day. However, this… Alex’s touch… felt… really god damn good. Her eyes closed slightly at the touch, though she opened them once again with his next words at his music. “Ohhhh yes pleaseeee,” she added, placing her hand in his with the excitement only a child held now-a-days.

The two had been listening to his song which was reallllllllyyy good - though, if Amie was being honest, she wasn’t exactly coherently listening. I mean… let’s be honest, she couldn’t coherently do anything right now. Though, as he pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store - she gave him a weird look. They were supposed to go dancing… how come they weren’t going dancing? Hmph.

Upset as she was at this revelation, her frown softened as he brought her to the carts and soon begin asking her to get in. Without hesitation, Amelia’s smile grew and she nodded, however, not before wrapping her arms around Alex, tightly hugging him and relishing in the touch much longer than she should have. Pulling away, she held his arm as he helped her into the cart, and off they were. Every aisle they went down, there was a childlike plea in Amelia’s voice as she attempted to grab anything and everything and put it into the cart - especially when she couldn’t reach what she wanted.




“Prove me wrong then, Veronica.” Mason added, meeting her sassiness with no hesitation. Reading the article again, Mason was stuck at the two names he had heard various times - James Azure and Marcel Pierce. Marcel Pierce… it was a name mentioned multiple times in the diary of Rebekah Azure, and Mason knew there was a story brewing right under the surface of all of this. “Parker, on the note of the Pierce family. What’s up with that Paige girl who showed up out of nowhere? You’re cousin’s right? It’s a little… weird to show up senior year, wouldn’t you say? Did she tell you anything?” Mason questioned, now showing a little more interest in the whole situation as he looked up at her.

Them getting thrown out, however, wasn’t a plan for today - and definitely not one he was expecting to happen hours after they were just let in. Though, at least Mason had grabbed the other journal he found. “Wait,” Mason whispered as they walked back towards their car. Mason noticed someone staring at them… someone in a black suit with an earpiece on. “Get in VC,” Mason stated, and the moment she was, Mason drove a few feet away - out of eyesight of the person watching them. Parking the car for the second time, Mason looked at her and put his finger out to indicate shush before navigating back towards the building. They were currently on the side of the building that had a window looking into where they were sitting. Though looking in, it was clear that they weren’t closing early - rather, there were various men in black suits grabbing every record that the two were looking at.

“Blue Royalty has more resources than I thought,” Mason whispered to himself, low enough that she likely didn’t hear him. After all, Mason didn’t know that Azure’s were connected to Blue Royalty. “We need to get out of here right now, Vc. You… We can’t be here.” he added, walking back towards his car and immediately texting a familiar number.

I need a favor.



“Sorry, Annie. Killing someone is actually not on my bucket list - so it’s a good thing you can swim. Let’s us avoid the whole lips on lips thing which… well, neither of us want,” he stated, a slight smile on lips at the words - a simple ambiguity in his words not truly indicating how he felt about the girl one way or another. Honestly, if someone asked Ricky, he didn’t know. The only thing he did know was today wasn’t… terrible. It was actually… pretty damn fun… well… until he realized they were stuck in Mexico. “No, Annie… my cursing did not mean a yes.”

Yep. Just gonna stay here for the rest of my life. It sounds good. Enrique had decided that going back home was clearly overrated. He found himself laying down on the couch in the common room, his eyes closed - a content-ness falling over him with what he had decided. Although, his ears perked up when he heard Annie’s voice asking “Zekkie”… really?… but yes, Zek to get her a passport. “Our passports or your passport, Williams? Because I know my passport is currently sitting in my mother’s safe with a biometric lock that only her, my father, me, Diego, and Raph have access to … so… either way… my brothers hear about this tragic incident and I would be highly surprised if they didn’t show up here. Honestly, I’m really not feeling a reunion right now so I’ll just… stay here,” he questioned at her notion of it being easy. With that, Enrique stood up before going over to the minibar and grabbing two mini vodka’s and handing her one. “Well Williams, ever want to do anything else in Mexico? Now’s your chance.” Enrique questioned.

In the amount of time it took the two to arrive at the hotel, it was already going into the late afternoon meaning that the beach was likely not where they wanted to go. On the other hand, this was the perfect time to catch a party. “Any chance you know how to salsa?” Ricky asked casually, taking a drink of the liquid. “Or we could just stay in here and get room service? They have a killer lobster bisque,”

Maybe Ricky was trying to lighten the mood - after all, if he was going to be stuck here for the rest of his life, might as well enjoy it… right?



Hugs had a way of making a difficult moment feel a little better for both people involved. Needless to say, it felt really nice to have Olivia hug her back. She smiled as they pulled away from each other, Olivia saying that she appreciated it. “Its no biggie, I kinda needed it too.” she admitted. Though, it seemed just as things were starting to look up, there was a post from Blue Royalty. Sophie didn’t keep up with it much, not being a fan of the brutality of the game, but there were names that caught her eye. The post was directed towards each of the Montoya boys, who’s birthday it just happened to be, but within the post there was also a mention of Olivia and one of her closest friends, Mason Mitchell. Mason had a girlfriend, but apparently he had kissed Olivia on Halloween. Sophie had known Mason since he first came to Beryl and the school, so she knew he wasn’t a bad guy. Not that even the good guys couldn’t leave you hurt… but there is a big difference between being a bad person, and someone who’s made mistakes. Sophie looked at Olivia with a soft smile. “A bit of a mess… yes. But its a mess that you can handle.” She may not have really known Olivia, but she knew enough to know that she could handle it when things get tough. “You could try to talk to them? Just talking it over could make things better…”

@CerealKiller - Olivia


”proving you wrong is the one of my favourite hobbies, but I’ll keep that for later” she responded with a smirk as they two made their way out of city hall. Though as he asked about Paige, her brow raised as in why he seemed so interested in her family business. First this, also the olivia thing… now Paige… oh mason mason, you were right, something here smells… fishy. But boy, what are you up to?

”Paige?” the girl responded in a questioning tone as glancing at Mason. ”real question is why do you want to know? But for what it’s worth, if she wanted to tell you what she’s doing here, she’d tell you and not send me as a messenger” she told him, not really answering his question. Veronica Charlotte Parker is no messenger girl, if you want to know Paige’s whereabouts, why don’t you go and ask Paige? Seems like a lovely plan to me.

But it wasn’t the only problematic matter, as it seemed like they were being followed. Or… someone knew they were there. So they got in and drove away, just to come back unseen, quietly watching the black suited people who were looking at them earlier. They seemed to be taking away the files the two were going through earlier, which means she was right when she said they were hiding something. It was clear as day. But… what?

“Blue Royalty has more resources than I thought,” Mason whispered to himself, probably thinking she didn’t hear him, but since they were the only two people in that spot they were observing from, and they were pretty close, there wasn’t much noise to stop her from listening to his very quiet mutters. But did that mean she was going to respond? Hell no. That isn’t what we do when we’re trying to catch a fish isn’t it?

”wait” she said, trying to stop him as he started heading back to the car and going on about how they, or she especially shouldn’t be here. But that wasn’t really helpful as he seemed to go back to the car and pull out his phone. But so did she, just still hiding, she took out her phone and took pictures of the men and their car and all that was going around there. Could come in handy. ”Okay let’s go” she said as she got back into the car

@benitz786 Mason


Olivia didn’t like the spotlight, so being mentioned on a blue royalty post, not to mention for a scandal, let’s just say it wasn’t the best thing she could ask for right now. But what already happened can’t really be taken back, only dealt with. ”Yeah…” she said with a sigh looking around, her eyes might be looking for either Mason or Sienna, but also for people who might be looking at her. Blame it on the paranoia okay, we don’t like being topics of hot gossip.

”Talk to them about what?” she asked, lowkey confused. What was she supposed to do, walk up to Sienna and be like hey sorry I kissed your boyfriend I just couldn’t help myself ? (even though technically mason kissed her but she kissed him back so let’s not stick to specifics.) what we’re people supposed to do in situations like that? She didn’t know, frankly it wasn’t like her to be a part of something like this. But at t he same time she couldn’t ignore that natural spark she felt with Mason. ”I don’t know… I can’t talk it out it’s not like it was a misunderstanding or a fake rumor, it actually happened. I just- I don’t know ” she sighed ”ive been avoiding them for a while now, might be best if I kept doing that ” she added with a shrug. What else was she supposed to do?

The girl took her phone and messaged Veronica

V where are you?

She sent the message and put her phone away. maybe for now just not talking about it could do the trick. In a sec tho. ”sorry… I didn’t mean to take out my frustration on you you have nothing to do with any of this”

@Littlefeets Sophie


“Clearly, Parker. Go ahead, prove me wrong,” he added in a joking tone as they walked outside before carefully mentioning Paige. He knew family and VC were… touchy topics and he was trying to tread lightly with it. “Come on Parker, no insider tips for your favorite competition?” Mason responded to her sentiment that basically shut down his line of questioning. Though, he couldn’t help but be curious by the girl. Senior year… was… well… a strange time to transfer to a place they’ve never went before. Though, his thoughts about Paige disappeared with the appearance of what Mason assumed was the “Blue Royalty Mafia.” At least, by the way they looked, it seemed like it.

Get out… yeah… as a black man in America, Mason knew when it was his cue to leave and this - People in black suits probably with guns - that was it. Though, hearing her “Wait”, Mason stayed for a brisk moment, waiting in his car as he sent his message. Looking back up, he found the girl joining him before quickly driving away - no hesitation as he pulled away from “the scene of the crime”. “VC, don’t take this the wrong way, but your family seems kind of fcked even centuries before we were born,” he muttered, driving the girl to her house. Maybe Mason had an inclination to drop her off before returning to see if there was anything he could find, but it was likely that the men in black would be cleared out by then. “Were you expecting when you woke up this morning to figure out your great… however many times aunt had an old journal which led to that mess?”



Auberge Du Soleil, Napa Valley 14th December 2039
If the second marriage really succeeds, the first one didn’t really fail
The entire world was abuzz - waiting for any news, any snippet of what was recently deemed the event of the year: Jordan Williams and Jezebel Parker’s wedding. The Met Gala, Emmys, and Grammy’s couldn’t compare with the sheer number of celebrities in attendance in Napa Vally’s Auberge De Solei venue on December 14th, 2039. Attending the event was a must in every elite social circle - and the venue was fit for that very attendance. The stunning beauty of napa valley’s vineyards was immediately in view the moment one entered the venue, contrasted by the breathtaking mountains in the landscape. While dozens of paparazzi were situated outside the venue, taking photos of the guests as they enter the space - the event itself was closed off to media invites to respect the privacy of those in attendance. Live music from an orchestra filled the ears of every guest within the sanctity of the space as the bride and groom got ready for their big moment. Light refreshments were being served as guests conversed - not yet having been told to take their seats. In any case, the big day had arrived - and for those invited, it truly was a wedding out of a fairytale.

Winter Carnival, Beryl Heights 14th December 2039
Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left.
The dark night had become illuminated by the coloured lights of the ferris wheel, and the fireworks that burst and filled the sky. While they captured everyone’s attention, the rides that filled every corner where nothing in comparison to the rollarcoasters each senior was going through.



{ i’m sorry - peach tree rascals }

[color=“#707151”]Jenna is not going to like this.[/color] Ezekiel was sitting on the bed staring at a little last-minute wedding present he found and spent all his money on. He was joking when he said he’d like to go to Jordan’s wedding but here he was… going as Kaya’s date. Speaking of Kaya, he should probably head over there but he was in a… bit of trouble. You can’t go to a wedding without a gift, it’s rude, but that got him into this. [color=”#707151”]No… Jenna is going to kill me. She… can’t kill me, she needs my money… [/color] Letting his back hit the bed, Zek ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes. [color="#707151”]Jenna is definitely going to kill me. This is it, I’m dead. Worse… I’ll be homeless.[/color] That’s a bit of a long story but nothing to worry about now… he still had… two weeks? Maybe a month? He’ll figure it out, he always does but this time begging for more time definitely won’t help. Looking to the side, there was a white shirt on a chair he still hasn’t changed into. Now that was another problem - how do you dress for a wedding? Zek wasn’t really the fancy guy, he doesn’t have many “wedding appropriate” clothes so don’t judge him. And he also has no idea how to tie a tie… he just never had to or wanted to.

[color=“#707151”]”Fck this,”[/color] straightening up and now sitting on the edge of the bed, Zek grabbed a joint that was on his side table. Just a little distraction, nothing strange for him. That little thing that got him into so much trouble and this place he was currently at. A state of mind and a literal place. A real shtshow but at least no one knew about it. Not a single person, friend. What tf was he actually going to do when he ends up losing what he has now? That’s something he should seriously start thinking about. With that joint between his lips, Ezekiel put on that simple white shirt and started buttoning it. It was awful but it… had to work. It’s not like he could go and buy something else or raid his closet. Physically not possible. Taking the last drag, he threw whatever was left of it in the little ashtray and picking up a tie walked to the nearest mirror. Cross. Loop… Not like that. Again. Cross… What now- Shi-Ah good, not red. There was a stupid smile on his lips as his gaze went from his own eyes, hoping he was not looking high, down to his tie. Why does he even need it? It’s just this stupid fabric hanging around his neck, it’s useless- fine, fine, he can’t let his friend show up with someone looking like a mess. Sigh, try again. Cross, loop, over… loop? Free styling it. Not bad, could be better but not bad. Snapping a pic, Zek grabbed his things and was about to walk out the door but… He looked ridiculous. He’s going to a wedding not a birthday party. Taking off that tie, he opened the closet he had in that room and threw everything that was inside of it on the bed, searching for a suit. There has to be something… and bingo. Black. Okay, that has to work. Since… when does he have that? Anyway…

Leaving the room, Zek finally called an Uber. He could’ve just had Kaya and her dad pick him up in her new whip. Or he could’ve asked his mom to drop him at their house. But could’ve that really been an option? Hmm, no. That’s a big no. It was better this way, it will always be better this way. Just a way to save himself from a mess he wasn’t ready to face yet. Standing in front of the door, Zek tried to fix his messy hair but only made it look messier while trying to stop himself from smiling. Look, he always had a smile on his face, he was always a positive guy and who wouldn’t be happy standing in front of McAllister house? But he didn’t want them to see he was… not sober. Getting sht for that wasn’t something he needed now because he was fine, everything was fine. He’d rather be having a fun time with Kaya and Andy like he often does, without them bringing up anything about his dad or the support he’s been getting from them both. [color=“#707151”]”Well, that’s different,”[/color] raising his brows, Ezekiel was now staring at the one and only, Andy, all formal and dressed up. A smile not leaving both their faces as he stepped inside not waiting for an invite… it almost felt like a second home to him so it wasn’t anything strange. [color=“#707151”]”Andy, we need to find you a date- or do you already have one?”[/color] Not really giving the man time to answer, Zek continued rambling, looking around the hallway almost distracted. [color=“#707151”]”No, no. Kaya would’ve told me. Shame… shaaame. I mean… Look at you, I feel like sht standing next to you now.”[/color] He was leaning against the wall, his hand in his pockets but that didn’t last long. Bringing his gaze back to Andy, Zek squinted and took a step toward the man, quietly continuing his little monologue with a joke, [color=“#707151”]”I think I’m gonna run and pretend I’m sick. This is too embarrassing, don’t tell Kaya I was here-”[/color] Speaking of her…

Hearing footsteps approaching made Ezekiel turn around and smile brightly at the sight of his good friend. [color=“#707151”]”I was just saying how I can’t wait to see you,”[/color] with his arms now crossed, he stopped himself for a second, that smile he had on faltering. For good reasons, okay? Have you seen that girl? Friends can admire their friends. [color=“#707151”]”I still think Andy here looks better, sorry,”[/color] with his cheeky smile back on, he approached the girl, tightly wrapping his arms around her and quietly adding, [color=“#707151”]”You do look beautiful. Who would’ve thought?”[/color]

@CerealKiller - Kaya and Andy


As Elijah’s car neared the entrance of the carnival he could see the lights dancing in the sky, which made his childlike memories rear its head. He didn’t know who was going to be at the carnival or who he was even going to talk to, but it was a carnival, so he was going to have all the fun he could have. It’s not often that a school even had events like this so he really didn’t know what to expect. After eating some typical carnival foods and winning a…pink teddy bear? He ended up going on one of the roller coasters that happened to be full. He looked around for some empty seats and he finally spotted one but unfortunately, it was in the far back. He noticed the guy sitting next to it had a very familiar haircut and as the guy turned his head he saw that… Yep the guy was Napoleon. Elijah didn’t exactly want to sit next to him but…he wasn’t opposed to it either. He just wondered if it was going to be awkward - and awkward situations were the worst. He plopped down in the seat and heard the lady announce some things before the ride started. “I might as well say something now.” He thought to himself. There was a part of him that was almost scared of him? He didn’t know. “What’s up Napol?” He said with a happy grin.

@Caticorn - Napoleon


Xavier walked through the carnival, taking in all of the lights and sounds. The weeks since Halloween had been rather uneventful for him, the most exciting thing being his soccer team’s first tournament of the indoor season. While they did arrive together, Athena had left him to fend for himself pretty much immediately after getting out of his car.

As he wandered through the carnival, he scanned the crowd for people he knew while he scouted out everything there was to do. He couldn’t deny that the number of people was starting to make him nervous and he tried to focus in on something as a distraction, but it was hard when everything was moving. Finding a wall to lean against, Xavier took a moment to get himself together, taking a deep breath before walking back out into the carnival.

Now that he began adjusting to the atmosphere, he was able to properly look at everything around him. Still with zero idea of what he wanted to do, he decided to walk around until something caught his eye. Soon after making this decision, something did. Or rather, someone. “Dai!” He called her name, trying to get her attention. She was one of few people he was most comfortable with so seeing her was a pleasant surprise, one he was especially grateful for.

@unsungcheerio - Daiane


Napoleon entered the carnival with Young-Mi holding onto his arm. She had been feeling homesick at lot lately and he convinced her to come with him to take her mind off of it. It was clearly working since the expression on her face was one of excitement and every so often she would squeeze his arm and show him something. “Haggyeoseo igeos-eul jojihaessseubnikka?” She asked, amazed. “Eo.” He answered, nodding. “Uwa.” She reacted and he couldn’t help but smile at the expression on her face.

They continued to walk until they reached one of the rides, a rollercoaster. When he asked Young-Mi if she’d go on it with him, she shook her head. “Meog-eul geol chaj-abolge.” She told him, releasing his arm for the first time since they’d arrived as he nodded to show he understood. The two then went in separate directions, with Leon heading for the ride and Young-Mi heading towards the food.

He got in line and when it was his turn, he took a seat in the far back. Soon after he had done so, someone else sat down in the seat beside him. Turning his head to see if he knew them, he felt his heart drop as he realized that he did and it was just about the last person he wanted to see. Elijah Morgan. He and Elijah had been friends once upon a time but now, that was definitely not true. Not after the stunt Elijah pulled last year. He said nothing, hoping Elijah would do the same. Much to his chagrin, he didn’t. “Elijah.” He greeted, his tone cold, completely opposite to that of Elijah as he ignored the question the other boy had asked.

@Kbail - Elijah


Haggyeoseo igeos-eul jojihassseubnikka? - Did your school organize this?
Eo - yes
Uwa - wow
Meog-eul geol chaj-abolge - I’m going to find something to eat.


As much as Kaya’s own love life weren’t exactly… functioning, it didn’t mean she loved weddings any less, in fact she loved them, especially when they were weddings of people she knew and cared about. I mean yeah, they are just her dad’s friends and not really people in her own life, but she loved them anyway.

So as getting ready in her room, Kaya skimmed through her closet looking for something to wear. She did like pulling a show at times, but when it came to fancy met-gala-style-Grammys-wedding type of clothes, she had pretty much nothing. But eventually she found a cute black and white floral dress I guess that’ll do. It wasn’t ideal for this type of event, but it looked good nonetheless. Fixing her hair and makeup, the girl smiled at herself in the mirror before leaving her room.

”Not this time kid” Andy told Zek in response to his questions about having a date. Andy laughed at the boys comments, shaking his head ”You feel like shi? Have you seen your date? I can’t compete with that” he said with a raised brow as leaning his back against a wall. Jokingly shaking his head at Zek trying to bail and pretend he was sick, ”might be too late for that” he said as they both heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Andy looked at her as she came down, and I swear he was just mesmerized. If only Ziah was here… She could have seen that too. How much their little girl has grown and become this… beautiful and amazing young woman.

”He always looks better, my whole goal is to beat him at some point” Kaya smirked as Zek commented about Andy looking better, and smiled as he put his arm around her and told her she herself looked beautiful ”you don’t look so bad yourself mister handsome” she said with a cheeky smile and hugged him for a moment. don’t blame a hugger okay.

”you really do look beautiful though, really” Andy told her with a soft smile before looking outside ”thanks dad” she smiled and kissed his cheek. ”all cool all ready? Can we hit the road?” Kaya asked, raising her brow at the two men in front of her.

And they did go and hit the road, having some fun on the way, making a pee stop and screaming songs out the window while driving, why not? It was damn fun. A while later they arrived at the venue, all the who’s and what’s were there, fancy dresses suit and tie, champagning mingling and whatever fancy people in events even do. Andy left the two to go see Jordan, and Kaya and Zek were left to themselves. I mean themselves and the million other people there, but who counts.

”Pretty sure this is the peak of fancy events in my life” she told him as glancing around. It’s not like she hadn’t been to fancy events before, and with her growing career she did hope to be in more of those, but as for now, this was probably highest peak. A waiter with champagne glasses passed by, and although she wasn’t usually a regular drinker, this was probably a good enough excuse to step out of the ordinary. ”fancy some bubbly stuff, sir?” she passed a glass to Zek faking a failing fancy British accent (didn’t work so good but ignore that)

@astxrism Zek


Elijah could sense the coldness in Napoleon’s tone, not that he couldn’t sense his stone-like body language as soon as he sat down, Elijah thought about how he was going to go about “breaking the ice” for a second as he watched the roller coaster begin moving under the sea of stars. Then he nonchalantly faced Napoleon again. “Ok, let’s just cut to the chase. I know…you probably feel…angry? At me because of what happened last year……I get it.” He wondered what he would say next. He was sort of glad he ended up on this roller coaster with Napoleon of all people, because now there was a chance he wouldn’t have to look over his shoulder, wondering if he was going to get revenge on him someday. He also wondered if there was a chance they could possibly become friends but he was thinking too far ahead.

@Caticorn - Napoleon

Hearing about the carnival, Destiny was excited to go especially with a group of friends. Honestly, that was the best thing Cerulean high had ever done, but unfortunately most of her friends flaked out because of a concert that was going on tonight, and that left only one of her friends. Once she slightly got over the night not going as planned, she decided to just make the best out of it. The first 30 minutes of being at the carnival consisted of selfies, funnel cake and more funnel cake and roller coaster screams. She didn’t think she could have this much fun with just one other person but, here they were. When she finally got to the carnival game station, her friend tapped her on the shoulder. “My boyfriend is here, just stay here we’ll come back.” Before Destiny could say anything the girl just walked off. Yep, there was a high chance she wasn’t coming back anytime soon and that was exactly what happened which left her to shoot a few more hoops for another bear. She was so in the zone that she didn’t notice anyone step beside her and accidentally elbowed them seemingly in the face. “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry!” She said while covering her mouth with her hands. It was Adonis, and she felt even more embarrassed.

@Kristi - Adonis

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There were a few situations in which Ezekiel truly felt happy and this, driving with Kaya and her dad, music blasting was one of them. His cheeks hurting from smiling too much. It didn’t feel like one hour has passed, only five minutes and before he knew it, they were already at the venue. And it was… a little too much. Yes, it was beautiful, but he didn’t expect this wedding to be on the Met Gala level. There were a lot, a lot of people. A lot of people dressed in fancy clothes, with paparazzi surrounding the place they were enjoying their little spotlight before walking it. And Zek did too, okay. It was fun. Exciting. He was goofing around behind his friends, pretending to be their bodyguard and anything else that came to his mind while they were heading for the stairs. And maybe he was also too busy looking around trying to see how many people he knows there. If he worked with any of them, if maybe he’d… see his dad’s face in the crowd. Which was unlikely but you can never stop hoping. Seeing that he was behind, he rushed inside and soon found himself slowly walking behind Andy while scanning the place in awe. Zek almost bumped into the man once he stopped, announcing that he was going to find Jordan and with that left the two standing alone.

For a second Zek’s mind went back to his friend, Annie. She was going to be here today, right? She can’t miss her dad’s wedding… Well, Zek knew that her relationship with her parents wasn’t the best but she wouldn’t- She was so capable of not show up. Which was, in a way, understandable and he did feel bad for her but if there was a chance, Zek would sooo give her shi for not showing up. Hearing Kaya’s voice brought him back to reality, a grin appearing on his lips again as he looked back at her. [color=“#707151”]”Peak of fancy events in your life?“[/color] Raising a questioning brow, he lightly shook his head. [color=”#707151”]”You do realize you know me? I guess I won’t be inviting you to my first Grammy then, it’s fine,“[/color] obviously joking, Zek tried to hide his goofy smile and act serious, eying a waiter with drinks that was walking near them. Ohh, drinks. [color="#707151”]”But this is insane,“[/color] referring to the wedding, Zek took the glass of champagne from Kaya who “could sense what he was thinking” and pouted at her next words. Her failed British accent. ”That was so bad.“

[color=“#707151”]”But I do, thank you. Nothing better than some bubbly stuff, innit?“[/color] His British was worse so he was allowed to hate on Kaya’s. Okay? His cheeky smile appearing on his lips again before he took a sip of the champagne, immediately furrowing his brows. [color=”#707151”]”Oh… I hate this. Isn’t there anything… stronger?“[/color] Commenting more to himself, Zek glanced around the venue at all those unfamiliar faces… Where are the people both of them knew? And what does one do at weddings? When will they get to finally sit? He could use a seat now… [color=“#707151”]”Come here,“[/color] with a soft smile he put his hand out for Kaya to take and when she did he led her to a corner with not many people around, apologizing to every person who bumped into him. This was the part when they had to entertain themselves and wait for the ceremony to begin, right? Why can’t it be the after party already? And let’s not talk about the orchestra… They were nice, fine, but it made him feel like he was at a ball. And yes, that’s the vibe most would want for their wedding but… Enough complaining. [color=”#707151”]”That mister over there,“[/color] subtly pointing at an older guy in grey suit, Zek leaned against the wall, crossing one foot over the other, his hand in his pocket while sipping on the bubbly stuff. [color="#707151”]”Is a cat guy, one hundred percent. And he is so devastated because he couldn’t bring John, Paul, George and Ringo with him… Those are his cats,“[/color] glancing at Kaya, Zek smiled softly before continuing with that nonsense. That’s just the thing he’d do when he is bored, trying to pass time or when he wants to find some entertainment - he’d make up stories about people around him. ”And if you didn’t get that that it’s The Beatles I’m going to be sooo disappointed in you. That’s also his favorite band. Really interesting guy, yup,“ chuckling to himself, Zek took another sip of his drink, resting his head back against the wall.

@CerealKiller - Kaya