Blue Royalty: New Blood

”Why?” Standing in her silky green dress in the living room, Phoebe was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, staring at her mother getting Lexie dressed. Xander was sprawled on the couch in his black suit, probably texting his little girlfriend they were supposed to pick up soon. And by they meaning Elodie, Xander and Lexie. Phoebe had other plans and that was the topic of this conversation. ”He’s just a friend. You’ll meet him or… whatever at the wedding. If I can’t pick up Mia with you then this is perfectly fine,” Phoebe tried to explain again, referring to her wedding date - Diego. She couldn’t go alone and what better way to spend the day than with someone who almost got you killed? Sure, she might’ve been a little mad and she knew her sister didn’t like this, not a bit, but no one gets to ignore Phoebe. She wanted to have a little fun and get the man to stop avoiding her so this was the perfect opportunity. But… was her idea that they go there together alone good? Considering what happened last time - no. Hell no. Too bad she already begged him to go with her, pretending like that last car ride never happened. ”Speaking of Mia, I can’t wait to meet her,” now there was a subtle smirk on her lips, shifting her gaze to her brother who was ignoring her. He’s been with that girl for quite some time and the only person who got to meet her was their dad… rude. Apparently Phoebe would try to embarrass Xander and scare off Mia. Not true… maybe a little bit but today was finally the day she would meet her. And try to behave. At least in the first five minutes. ”We’re going to have such a nice chat. Remember that time you-” That’s when both Xander and Elodie looked up at her making her smile grow bigger. ”I think she’ll like me… Oh, he’s here!” Noticing a car stopping in front of the house, Phoebe pushed herself off the wall and rushed to the door before her mother could say anything or worse - go outside with her.

”Bye, see you there.” ”Phoeb-” ”BYE!”
Leaving the house, Phoebe put on a sweet, friendly smile, in a rush walking toward her date. Woah, it’s weird to call him that. ”Let’s skip the compliments and just go, shall we? And promise me you won’t crash this time? I’d like to get to that wedding looking decent,” Phoebe spoke as she went to the other side of the car, trying to joke with him but that was probably not the right thing to do. Not the right time. Opening the door, she put on a sweet smile as she finally met his gaze, not wanting to sound so harsh. ”But I would really like to go before my mom walks out,” quietly adding, with that she got inside and that’s when her smile immediately fell, her expression staying that way as long as Diego was still standing outside. You wouldn’t tell but for a reason she was freaking out, not realizing her hands were almost shaking before she tried to put on her seatbelt. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes, her hands forming in a fist. She hated not being the one driving, that way she wasn’t in control of things and it was… scary. Hearing the door opening, she managed to put on a cheesy grin and take out her phone to play some music, for a second avoiding looking at Diego. This will be fine. ”I forgot to tell you that saying yes to going with me means you’ll have to spend this hour listening to my playlists. I’m… not sorry?” She pointed out, right away continuing her little monologue while playing the first song of this little trip. ”It’s not bad, I promise. I have a really good taste, you’re not going to regret this… Not like you would anyway,” finally looking up at him, there was that same old smirk on her face, slightly leaning in. ”This is like a dream come true isn’t it? You’re going somewhere as my date, wow. Isn’t that exciting? Out of everyone I wanted to ask you…And how romantic. We’re going to a wedding! That’s adorable.” With a devilish smile, Phoebe finally took a breather and stopped talking, leaning back in her seat while her gaze stayed on him. ”I didn’t even say hi to you… Hi.”

@Littlefeets - Diego

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Adonis had taken Clara home after apologizing for the 100th time last month. And no, well he was going to a carnival with his sister, kali. He had asked the rest of his siblings if they wanted to come, but they had said no. “I want some cotton candy.” His sister said, grabbing him by his hands. “Hey sl-” Adonis ducked and shifted Karli as an elbow came their way. He turned to see his sister to check if she was alright- she was. “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry!” Adonis looked at the girl, scratching his neck- did he know her? “Do I know you?” She did seem familiar, he thought. Eh, he shrugged.

@Kbail - Destiny

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To be completely honest, Elodie never would’ve thought she’d be going to Jordan’s wedding twice. And it wasn’t really a fun situation… Look, don’t get her wrong. She was happy for Jordan, happy that he finally found happiness again and especially with someone she knew he loved so much in the past. As a friend she was supposed to be happy for him but yes, this situation was a little bit strange. He wasn’t with Sadie for a really long time so this meant they were both healed and supportive of each other again, right? It would be bad if things… if they didn’t deal with all of their problems first. And Elodie loved Sadie. She loved them together, always loved seeing them, seeing Sadie making her good friend so happy… Seeing Jordan making Sadie happy. How does one really get over that? How does one go to the wedding of someone they loved so dearly and raised a family with? You see that… was making her sad, because… what if she had to go through that? She was already away from her husband for 6 moths. Half a year. Not talking. Nothing… And she’s seen what people were posting, what kind of stories were circling around and it wasn’t a secret that was making worried. Sad. Terrified. But today was not the day for that to be the only thing on her mind, she had a wedding to get ready for and a have a little fun. In a place where… her husband will be at. Sht. Or will he? Will she finally see him again? Well, he was with her brother for the past two months, that’s all she knew and since Dorian was going to be there does that mean…? It also wasn’t a secret that Riker never loved Jezebel but would he really miss his best friend’s wedding because of his feelings towards his soon to be wife? Maybe… Maybe it was better if he really wasn’t there. It was already too hard dealing with a daughter who was so obviously avoiding her and refusing to talk. One big happy family.

While Lexie was downstairs with Phoebe who was all ready, Elodie put on her blue dress and ended up matching with her daughter. It was a coincidence, going shopping they both found the same dress they liked but in a different color and thought why not? It was adorable, okay? [color=“#e0ac8c”]”Are you ready?“[/color] knocking on Xander’s door Elodie opened it, and soon found herself standing in front of her little, handsome son. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”Look at you,“[/color] smiling sweetly, she fixed his blazer. [color=“#e0ac8c”]”Go downstairs and tell Mia we’ll pick her up soon, I just have to quickly change Lexie.“[/color] And that’s what happened. Grabbing little clothes she prepared for her baby, Elodie joined her family in the living room. Without Amie. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”Who did you say you are going with?“[/color] Talking to Phoebe, Elodie’s gaze was on her baby daughter, putting her dress on while smiling softly at her. [color=“darksalmon”]”Just someone from school.“[/color] [color=”#e0ac8c”]”That someone has a name?“[/color] Curiously glancing up at Phoebe, there was a playful smile on her lips now, waiting for an answer. It was just strange that she didn’t invite someone she was close with so that made Elodie even more curious but at the same, if Phoebe liked this date she would’ve told her something about it already. [color=“darksalmon”]”Hm… I forgot his name,“[/color] returning that playful smile, Phoebe enjoyed messing with her mom and watching her trying to secretly roll her eyes. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”He is coming here, right? Can I meet him?“[/color] ”Why? He’s just a friend. You’ll meet him or… whatever at the wedding. If I can’t pick up Mia with you then this is perfectly fine.“ And what happened next was what you’ve already seen from Phoebe’s point of view. Her messing with Xander and then leaving with her date, really not letting her mom meet the person who was going to be responsible for her daughter for one whole hour. Elodie was just… worried and wanted them to get there safe.

* * *

[color=“#707123”]”Right here,“[/color] Xander said as they approached Mia’s house. He was obviously relieved that his sisters weren’t with them to make this ride uncomfortable and maybe Elodie was as well. She knew her daughters, or at least knew that one of them wouldn’t stop talking to this poor girl even she never got a chance to meet and she wanted to make her feel welcomed. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”She’s adorable,“[/color] whispering, Elodie looked back at his son as they waited for Mia to get in the car, for a second glancing at Lexie only to find her calm, playing with her little toy. Sure, Phoebe would’ve made this ride more fun but her mind also went to her husband. It would’ve been even better with him here… [color=“#e0ac8c”]”Hi,“[/color] the moment the girl got in, Elodie smiled warmly at her, shaking her head with a bigger smile once Mia called her by her long last name. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”Call me Elodie, please,“[/color] with that she looked back in front of her, turning on the car again. ”Ready?“

* * *

[color=“#e0ac8c”]”Please don’t get lost and lose her. Find me before the ceremony, okay?“[/color] Holding Lexie, Elodie whispered to her son while Mia was looking around the venue. It must’ve been a lot of her but hey, Elodie’s seen a lot but she still felt the same. This really… was something. Nodding at his mom, Xander and Mia were soon gone, leaving Elodie standing there alone with Lexie in her arms. She finally properly looked around herself, all the people she knew and didn’t know. Kids she knew her daughters were going to school with… her daughters. That’s the next thing she did - she was now looking around hoping to see her girls and make sure they arrived safely but they were still no where to be found. Or at least not anywhere near Elodie… the place was huge after all. And really beautiful. They weren’t joking when they said this will be a huge event. There were paparazzi outside, the beautiful orchestra as soon as they walked in and so many beautiful people. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”What do you think?“[/color] Talking to her baby, Elodie gently bounced her in her arms making her laugh and making herself smile at Lexie. ”It is perfect, isn’t it?“ Kissing her cheek, Elodie was now walking around the place hoping to see someone she could talk to, maybe her brother. But that only made her scared of bumping into her husband.


Destiny was glad that he didn’t get hit with her elbow, and she let out a deep breath. It was even more embarrassing when she realized she almost hit the little girl too. “Do I know you?” He asked which made her blink at the abrupt question. She almost said of course you do but realized it was understandable. She only saw him around school, went to the same classes and they only had one conversation. She also knew him from being around Neveah which she ended up putting two and two together on. That was when she realized she couldn’t flirt with him. “We’re in the same English class.” She explained further in case he was still confused. “You know the teacher that’s balding and looks kind of like a sloth?” She picked up the ball again and starting shooting but missed terribly. “Darnit.” She said under her breath.

@Kristi - Adonis


Adonis eyes widened, “Really? I knew you looked familiar.” He grinned. Adonis didn’t really remember a lot of people, except if they have done something to him. For example, his kindergarten enemy who stole his candy once during a class party. He still remembered that little chubby face of candy stealer, but other than that. He doesn’t pay attention to a lot of people, after all he’s busy with ‘stuff’ - well if you could call flirting being busy. He looked Destiny up and down, she didn’t look bad. Pretty hot if Adonis could say. “How about we get to know each other more? Follow me for some cotton candy with my sister.” He winked

@kbail- Destiny


The dreaded day: her father’s wedding, had arrived. Unsurprisingly, it was also a day of loud noise on social media. What would the bride and groom be wearing? Are the kids attending, are they mad, are they betrayed? Is ex-wife suffering as much as rumoured? Amongst these posts and comments, the only ones Annie truly cared about were the ones creating assumptions against her mother. The unhideable pain that Sadie now continuously carried around with her, without Annie being able to do anything about it, was what fuelled her fury against the marriage.

But, after much deliberation, and after seeing that her entire family - including Sadie - would be attending, Annie finally concluded that she would make an appearance at the sh!t show. She could suck it up and pretend to be happy for the sake of her father’s satisfaction and happiness for one day, right? Or, at least, one evening. Maybe an hour, realistically. Because, unlike people’s - Paige Pierce’s - opinions, Annie did not f^cking give up on things. Not that her opinion… got to her or anything. Absolutely not.

Alright, she made it. A big congratulations for Annie Williams as she actually arrived at the entrance to the reception. For a place where her father was about to carry out the biggest betrayal to her mother, it didn’t look too bad. The possibility of Annie turning a full 180 and leaving began to decrease as her name was crossed off the guest list to mark as attendance, making it official. That was, until she noticed someone walking, with undeniable purpose, towards her. Abort, abort, abort, walk away, outside, pretend you didn’t see him, oh hey, there’s a person, there’s literally anyone else, talk them, continue the denial and the repression, delay the truth another day.

However stage 1 of this operation was brought to an abrupt stop when he reached the door, making it highly difficult for her to pretend she hadn’t seen him. [color= skyblue]“Quinn, hi … what are you-? I-”[/color] Have you ever seen Annie lost for words? Well, here it was, the once in a lifetime moment. Though this time in particular may have been justified giving the circumstances. What do you say in a situation like this? “How are you?” What kind of question is that when your twin dies? Her attempt to begin a conversation ended as soon as it began, as she knew this wouldn’t exactly be small talk.

Littlefeets Quinn Castillo


It was too loud. Ben groaned, his hands shoved in the pockets oh his hoodie. He was mainly here for the food and maybe a foster or too. He wasn’t THAT stupid, so he knew he had to do the coasters before eating. Definitely didn’t need to barf. He headed over to a coaster, getting in line behind a black girl. It was going to be a while, so he might as well start up a conversation. “Hey. Ever been on a roller coaster before?”
@Kristi - Nevaeh
Sorry if she doesn’t like roller coasters. I can change it.

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“Really? I knew you looked familiar.”
Well…now you know” She couldn’t help but blush as she noticed the grin on his face.
“How about we get to know each other more? Follow me for some cotton candy with my sister.” For a split second, she wondered where her friend was but then remembered that she ditched her. So what was the harm in having some fun with other people. Plus, Adonis seemed like a cool person and someone she could become friends with. “Why not.” She said while shrugging her shoulders. “I’m so bad with my aim. I think I probably won’t win anything else other than this purple unicorn.” As they began walking to the cotton candy station, she attempted to make small talk. “Is she your sister? She looks like the minion version of you.” She said, noticing their resemblance. “What’s your name?” She asked her.

@Kristi - Adonis

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Leon let out an apathetic laugh as Elijah spoke to him, ‘cutting to the chase’, to quote him directly. “Angry doesn’t even begin to cut it.” He responded, his expression unchanging. “I get that life is just one giant prank for you but do you ever stop to consider the fact that your actions have consequences?” He asked, turning his head to finally look Elijah in the eyes. This was something he’d always wondered about Elijah, especially after what happened, he just never got around to actually asking him. Now, there was nowhere he could go, so he figured that he might as well find out the answer.

@Kbail - Elijah


”Peak of fancy events in your life? You do realize you know me? I guess I won’t be inviting you to my first Grammy then, it’s fine,“ he said, trying to act serious and hide his goofiness as he spoke. Kaya laughed lightly ”I meant for now don’t get caught up on little details mister Grammy” she told him ”you don’t need to invite me I’ll climb and come in from the backstage nobody would even see me coming” she added with a smirk, presenting sheer awesomeness and amazing ninja skills.

But let’s just say she wasn’t meant to have a British accent, it really was pretty bad. But so was Zek’s. So as he hated on her own fake accent she couldn’t hold her laugh as he tried the accent himself, that was so bad it was just funny. ”oh god” she added as shaking her head ”lets stick to being American I think we both have pretty much zero potential in the British zone”

”Come here,“ he said and put out a hand which she grabbed and he pulled her aside to a less crowded corner, looking out at all the people. Looking at some old fancy guy, Zek started telling her about how he was sad that mister cat guy wasbt able to bring his Beatles inspired cats, making her raise her brow
”look again, it’s not his favourite band he’s actually a really big Justin Bieber fan but people laughed at him so he’s pretending to like quality music, really it’s in his body language how did you miss that” she told him while shaking her head, putting a serious face as if she was telling facts.

”see this lady over there though?” she asked and pointed at someone else,
”only here because her husband was invited, but she really rather be home right now eating pickles and binge watching rupauls drag race in designer boxers” she added, taking a sip of her drink

@astxrism Zek

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Amanda looked at the girl she was assigned to work on a group assignment with for class. They weren’t exactly close of course, but they had been going to school together for years, so they had crossed paths a few times, even sat nearby each other in class and talked some over the years. That being said, Amanda’s mind was not on the assignment, after all what are you supposed to think about when you’re on the guest list for the event of the year? “I’m looking at number 7 and after that 8 should be straight for…” Though, Amanda was finally pulled out of her daydream by the sound of her name. “Amanda?”
“Wait what? What’d I miss?” she asked, completely unaware of what she had said.
“I said 8 will be easy if 7 is done. What’s going on, where were you?”
“Sorry…” Amanda said with a slight frown. She had intended on paying attention to the assignment and class, needing to continue bringing her grades up from everything she had missed and was still continuing to make up, but in having been gone for so long, the situation of finding a date was a bit more complicated than it would have been had she not left for a year. The dynamic with everything was just different, and the idea of asking a guy out still didn’t seem right to her, but that didn’t mean she liked the idea of being one of the people there without a date. “I was just thinking about this wedding next week, but I guess its nothing new for you. I’m sure someone around here already thought to ask you to be their date, Logan.” Logan tilted her head slightly, seeming to be one of a number of people in the senior class that had not been either invited to the wedding, or asked by someone to go with them as their date. “No actually, its news to me.” Logan admitted, an admission which brought a slight look of surprise to Amanda’s face. Its no secret that Amanda is a flirt. She may just be interested in guys, but that doesn’t make her any less likely to turn on the charm and flirt with a girl, which Amanda did as the pair worked on their assignment, and before the end of class Amanda had found herself a date. Though more of a case of a friendship basis for asking her, than a romantic basis, it was set that Logan Blackwood was going to be her date.

End of Flashback

Ah, weddings, they just bring out certain emotions in someone, don’t they. Memories, a desire to pull the people you care about close, and a hope for the future to include someone you could love and spend the rest of your life with. Amanda was looking forward to it for so many reasons. Not only was it the event to be at, but for once her whole family would be in the same place. Whether they were all around each other or not, didn’t matter. They were at least all going to be there, something which really didn’t happen as often as Amanda would like. Her sister would be there of course, as well as both of their fathers, Dominic, with their stepfather, and Maverick, with Yara who Amanda genuinely liked and enjoyed being around as well as the kids. That’s not all though as her aunts would be there too, Macy and Maya, who even though they weren’t blood, they were family. After driving with Logan, the two girls separated from each other, Amanda looking for some of her family members.

Approachable at the wedding

Not once did Logan ever expect to be going to such a high profile event, but there she was in a nice, fancier dress she had managed to find on clearance, at a wedding venue full of the rich and famous. It was all because while working on a paired assignment with Amanda during class, the topic of the wedding came up, and Logan happened to be off of work as well, so she agreed to be Amanda’s “date” for the wedding. So, after picking Amanda up, Logan drove them there, somewhere she would be surrounded by people completely unlike her. The higher ups of society, celebrities, while there she was a girl who despite going to Cerulean high, barely was able to work enough to get by, let alone even afford something that would be suitable to wear to such a wedding. That being said, she wasn’t like she was somewhere that she only knew one person. There were plenty of people she did know and liked to be around, but there was another selection of people in attendance, some of whom she didn’t expect to be there, that she would rather them have no idea she was even there. Soon after arriving, Amanda went on her own way to find someone, so there Logan was, on her own feeling quite out of place.

Approachable at the wedding

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Adonis chuckled, “I will win one for you.” He told her, “Don’t forget me!” Kali said popping out from behind Adonis shoulders to get a better look at the girl his talking to. “Ugh do you always have to do this?” She asked as she pulled out her phone.

“Is she your sister? She looks like the minion version of you.” Kali’s eyes widened, “I do not look like him” She stated stomping her foot on the ground. Adonis chuckled, “Yeah she’s my younger sister. Have any siblings of your own?”

@Kbail -destiny

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December… was not a month she enjoyed at all. Unfortunately for her, November came and went, and now here they were: December 14th. Though she was never that fond of the holiday season to begin with, her father dying only a few days before Christmas greatly increased her negative feelings towards the day.

In December, reminders of the the holidays were around every corner. She couldn’t walk five minutes without seeing wreaths and lights adoring houses or advertisements urging parents to splurge on the newest robotic toy, or hearing a radio blasting Mariah Carey’s ever-timeless “All I Want for Christmas is You.” Christmas and the holiday season was a present entity in December, living and breathing and… suffocating her. The whole month was, just, emotionally exhausting.

But she didn’t say any of that. No, instead, she put up the lights on the roof of her house each year, she spent hours in stores just trying to find the perfect gift, and she (badly) belted along to all of the Christmas classics. The sadness and grief weighed the heaviest this month, but this was also the month she smiled the hardest. People expected the smiles and jubilance, not tears, and Daiane was more than content to play to their expectations.

In part, that’s why she was at this carnival; that’s where she was expected to be. The other part was because her sister was home for the holidays, and she was trying her hardest to avoid a fight with her, which was easier done by avoiding her. Dai walked aimlessly around the carnival, hands in her pocket, sparing an occasional glance at the booths she passed. It was a nice little thing they had going here, and maybe if it had taken place in, say, July, she would be able to appreciate it more. She was half-contemplating going home and risking the altercation when she heard her name being shouted above the din of the crowd. Dai looked up, confused for a moment, before she landed on the source: Xavier. A (relieved) smile spread across her lips, and she waved at him, quickly maneuvering through the crowd to reach him. “Xay!” Daiane pulled him into a hug, her mood already improving. “Ugh, it’s good to see you, I’ve missed you!”

She leaned back, looking at him with a soft smile on her face. “How’ve you been? Both in general and today. If they’re different. Even if they’re not, I want to hear about it. Life update me! I feel like I don’t know what’s been happening with you and that’s a shame.”



Nevaeh rolled her eyes as one of her friends ditched her to hang out with a guy. ‘Wow thanks Angela, where would I be without you?’ Nevaeh thought with sarcasm. Though this was not shocking to her, hello it was Angela f*cking Barrow she was talking about. A girl so easy to read it hurts, probably why Nevaeh liked her as a friend so much. Reading and analyzing people was her hobby. Nevaeh turned around, ‘oh well I guess it’s time to ride the rollecoaster’ She hoped Angela was having fun at least.

“Hey. Ever been on a roller coaster before?” The sound of a male voice asked, Nevaeh turned around to face him. Hmmm… the boy wasn’t bad looking in the slightest. And from what Nevaeh could tell about him, he wasn’t a bad kid but he does have a weird backstory. Also he looked like someone who enjoyed playing games. “Ever since I could walk.” A smile plastered across her face.

@Ouijaloveletters - Ben

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The girl looked at him for a second before replying. “Wow, you must have been on a lot of roller coasters. I think I started when I was eight. I’ve been obsessed ever since. What was your favorite coaster you can remember? I think mine was this one that swung upside down. I’m just glad I decided to get food after the coasters.” He said, chuckling.
@Kristi - Nevaeh

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“I will have to say the Kingda Ka, quite the experience riding it for the first time.” Nevaeh responded with a smile. Riding it was quite thrilling, she would have to do it again. It has been 8 months since she has been on the ride, how sad.

Keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the ride vehicle at all times!

The announcer stated. Nevaeh smiled, “Don’t puke” she chuckled, “It seems like it would be a long ride, so wanna play two truths and one lie?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Ben

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“Woah, isn’t that the tallest coaster in America? That’s crazy. I’d probably get whiplash.” He said, laughing. They got strapped into the coasters, the girl asking if he wanted to play Two Truths, One Lie. “Sure. Wait, what’s your name first? I’m Benjamin Mason, but call me Ben.” He said, grinning as the coaster began to move. “Ok, you go first!” He yelled over the noise of the wind.
@Kristi - Nevaeh

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“It is.” Her lips curved into a smile, “It was quite tall if I remember correctly, I think a few people died but.” Nevaeh shrugged, “At least much bl00d wasn’t spilled on the rollecoaster, it would have made it dirty.” And God knows Nevaeh couldn’t stand dirt. Ahh, so he was a guy from her school- Benjamin Mason, she remembered hearing about him. He asked for her name and Nevaeh paused, “Eliana, my name is Eliana” Technically it was her name, her middle name. It wasn’t like he had asked for her first name. “OK! I have 30 first cousins, i’ve killed 3 people and my favorite color is blue.” She yelled over the wind.

@Ouijaloveletters - ben

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“Honestly, with a coaster that big, I’m not surprised people died.” Ben said, shrugging, and snorting at her bl0od comment. “Exactly. No one wants that.” She told him her name, and he nodded. “Nice to meet you.” She told him her two truths and a lie, and he blinked. If she’d killed people, they might actually get along better than if she hadn’t. Yeah, Benjamin Mason was insane. “Uh…the lie is you killed someone? I hope?”
@Kristi - Nevaeh

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Nevaeh grinned, “Blood dirtying the Rolle coaster would definitely be uncool.” The rollecoaster began to move faster and Nevaeh smiled the excitement. It was quite fun, the rush of emotions she felt. Riding roll coasters was definitely something Nevaeh enjoyed, when she’s older she would definitely open her own amusement park.

. “Uh…the lie is you killed someone? I hope?” Nevaeh turned towards him, her lips curving into a smirk, “I don’t have 30 first cousins.” Nevaeh simply said. Waiting for his reaction.

@Ouijaloveletters - ben

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