”Why?” Standing in her silky green dress in the living room, Phoebe was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, staring at her mother getting Lexie dressed. Xander was sprawled on the couch in his black suit, probably texting his little girlfriend they were supposed to pick up soon. And by they meaning Elodie, Xander and Lexie. Phoebe had other plans and that was the topic of this conversation. ”He’s just a friend. You’ll meet him or… whatever at the wedding. If I can’t pick up Mia with you then this is perfectly fine,” Phoebe tried to explain again, referring to her wedding date - Diego. She couldn’t go alone and what better way to spend the day than with someone who almost got you killed? Sure, she might’ve been a little mad and she knew her sister didn’t like this, not a bit, but no one gets to ignore Phoebe. She wanted to have a little fun and get the man to stop avoiding her so this was the perfect opportunity. But… was her idea that they go there together alone good? Considering what happened last time - no. Hell no. Too bad she already begged him to go with her, pretending like that last car ride never happened. ”Speaking of Mia, I can’t wait to meet her,” now there was a subtle smirk on her lips, shifting her gaze to her brother who was ignoring her. He’s been with that girl for quite some time and the only person who got to meet her was their dad… rude. Apparently Phoebe would try to embarrass Xander and scare off Mia. Not true… maybe a little bit but today was finally the day she would meet her. And try to behave. At least in the first five minutes. ”We’re going to have such a nice chat. Remember that time you-” That’s when both Xander and Elodie looked up at her making her smile grow bigger. ”I think she’ll like me… Oh, he’s here!” Noticing a car stopping in front of the house, Phoebe pushed herself off the wall and rushed to the door before her mother could say anything or worse - go outside with her.
”Bye, see you there.” ”Phoeb-” ”BYE!”
Leaving the house, Phoebe put on a sweet, friendly smile, in a rush walking toward her date. Woah, it’s weird to call him that. ”Let’s skip the compliments and just go, shall we? And promise me you won’t crash this time? I’d like to get to that wedding looking decent,” Phoebe spoke as she went to the other side of the car, trying to joke with him but that was probably not the right thing to do. Not the right time. Opening the door, she put on a sweet smile as she finally met his gaze, not wanting to sound so harsh. ”But I would really like to go before my mom walks out,” quietly adding, with that she got inside and that’s when her smile immediately fell, her expression staying that way as long as Diego was still standing outside. You wouldn’t tell but for a reason she was freaking out, not realizing her hands were almost shaking before she tried to put on her seatbelt. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes, her hands forming in a fist. She hated not being the one driving, that way she wasn’t in control of things and it was… scary. Hearing the door opening, she managed to put on a cheesy grin and take out her phone to play some music, for a second avoiding looking at Diego. This will be fine. ”I forgot to tell you that saying yes to going with me means you’ll have to spend this hour listening to my playlists. I’m… not sorry?” She pointed out, right away continuing her little monologue while playing the first song of this little trip. ”It’s not bad, I promise. I have a really good taste, you’re not going to regret this… Not like you would anyway,” finally looking up at him, there was that same old smirk on her face, slightly leaning in. ”This is like a dream come true isn’t it? You’re going somewhere as my date, wow. Isn’t that exciting? Out of everyone I wanted to ask you…And how romantic. We’re going to a wedding! That’s adorable.” With a devilish smile, Phoebe finally took a breather and stopped talking, leaning back in her seat while her gaze stayed on him. ”I didn’t even say hi to you… Hi.”
@Littlefeets - Diego