“Super uncool.” Ben said, lifting his arms above his head as the coaster began to move. “Wait, you murdered three people?! Ok, you mentioned it, so you have to tell the story. Put a hold on the game. If you want, we can hang out after.” He said, having put his arms down and closing his mouth, which had opened in shock. He guessed the 30 cousins was honestly more far fetched.
@Kristi - Nevaeh
“Well the ride as ended and you managed not to puke so sure.” Nevaeh said, as she removed the seatbelt. “Let’s order a snack as we talk about it.” She winked. Nevaeh couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face, d@mn he had really believed that. The 3 people that she had killed where from a game, she had never killed anyone in real life- or she thinks. Nevaeh looked around the place, trying to see which place would have the better food. Finally she pointed at a truck, “Let’s go there”
@Ouijaloveletters - ben
“I never said I might puke!” Ben said, grinning as he climbed out of the car. “You seriously didn’t kill anyone, though. You’ve gotta mean like in paintball or something. I mean, I don’t mind knowing a murderer, just don’t kill me.” Ok, now he was rambling. He hardly ever spoke two sentences to someone, yet here he was. Could you blame him, though? I mean, she was probably joking, but he just had to pry due to how she’d worded that. Yeah, she was smiling. Damn, he fell for that. “Sure, let mr know if you see something good.” She pointed something out, and he nodded. “I’ll eat anything, honestly.”
@Kristi - Nevaeh
Pfft-had me fooled.
“No, but you looked like it. It looks like my prayers were answered you didn’t puke.” Nevaeh teased. She looked at the clock on her wrist, ‘i wonder if Angela is still with the guy’ probably. As Ben began to ramble Nevaeh chuckled, “Yeah I didn’t. I killed someone in a game and from my looks” She joked with a wink. It was a wonder why people thought she was cold or anti-fun, that was the complete opposite of her and her friends knew it too. Nevaeh moved her head in a motion that meant ‘follow me’ as she began walking towards the food truck.
“What would you like?” The big muscled man behind the counter asked and Nevaeh looked at him, he looked like he has been through 3 divorce, lives with a cat and has cried himself to sleep several times. “I would take a donut.” She said. “And he-” she turned to Ben, “What would you have?”
@Ouijaloveletters - Ben
Napoleon’s anger radiated off of him and his voice was bitter, cold. Elijah was taken aback as his eyes widened in surprise. He had never seen Napoleon, who was usually so calm, cool and collected, be so spiteful. He realized he must have hurt him really bad and he was holding on to this anger. Elijah’s tone turned into one that was guilty and maybe a little whiny? “Look, It was Gerald’s fault okay? He…he came up with pretty much everything and I was just following what to do.”
Deep down, he knew that was a stupid excuse but it was all he could think of. “Life’s not just a giant prank for me.”
@Caticorn - Napoleon
“I DO NOT LOOK LIKE HIM!” The little girl yelled while stomping. Destiny put her hands in the air while laughing, “Okay, okay. I won’t say it anymore.”
“Yeah she’s my younger sister. Have any siblings of your own?”
“I have two siblings who are both around my age. I’m the middle child. It can….really get annoying.” She thought back to those annoying fights she had with her younger sister and the need to have to look up to her older sister. “Younger siblings are definitely a handful” Her sister was still a handful even though they are very close in age.
“Do you have any other siblings?” She asked.
@Kristi - Adonis
It was hard not to notice that almost everyone around them was… well… famous to some capacity and then, among the fame, were them: students somehow connected to all of it. Was that Iron Man in the corner? Probably. “So how do you feel about all of this? I’ve actually never been a fan of… you know… fancy events.” Amie added to her date, keeping her eye out for her mom so she could… well avoid her… and also avoid Phoebe because Amie was a little p!ssed that her sister had decided to bring Diego.
“So is this around the time that we have the If you hurt my sister, I’ll do something worse than killing you conversation or…”
Jordan Williams looked over at Daniel Parker, who was laying down on the couch in the dressing area. In the room with him, currently, were his groomsmen helping him get ready… for the second time. Well… minus one… Riker Taylor. Honestly… Riker didn’t understand how hurt Jordan was when he simply ignored his messages. Yes… he knew how Riker felt about Jezebel, but he also wished the man would simply… support him and support his love. The last time they talked was a few months prior where they had a fight about the whole situation, including a moment where Jordan told Riker that if he couldn’t get on board, he might as well not come to the wedding. Apparently… the man took that seriously and being there without his best friend hurt… but, there was someone else who was going to be there for him and today… tomorrow… and for the rest of their lives, she was the one who would forever mean the world to him. A laugh left Jordan’s lips as he threw a pillow at Daniel, “Thanks, Dan, but I think I got it… trust me, I have no intention of hurting Jez” Jordan let out - looking at himself in the mirror. It was true… Jordan Williams had made that mistake before, and he was never willing to let those he loved hurt, ever again. Maybe he couldn’t… fix his past mistakes, but he sure as hell was going to make sure his future would be better.
Daniel nodded before getting into another conversation… argument with Dorian on the other side of the room. Though, at this point, they were all used to Dan’s unsolicited comments. But… in the end… they all knew Dan just wanted the best for his family members. “I’ll see you guys out there, need to go check something with the event planner,” Jordan told the group before walking towards the door of his private room. The dressing area was away from the main event, though in the same building so both him and Jezebel could avoid the press. This day… it was just for them, which is why they both decided press wouldn’t be allowed inside. Did that mean they could prevent them from crowding the outside area… no… and he hated that.
It was a little walk from his dressing area to Jezebel’s - they had made sure to keep them far apart to prevent accidental… well… running into each other. It had been two days since Jordan had held Jezebel in his hands and honestly… he missed her so damn much. They had still seen each other… just not… slept in the same bed. There was apparently a Parker/Pierce tradition about it and, well, Jordan wanted to respect it. That didn’t mean he couldn’t… break it in his own way though.
Carefully, Jordan avoided people on his way there - hiding before sending a message to the actual event planner to tell her to ask for Jess and Val to get something to distract them for a second. It’s a good thing he signs the paychecks because, after a few seconds, he found Jess and Val exiting the room talking about something to do with a cake issue. With that, Jordan didn’t hesitate to knock on the door and enter within a few seconds, his eyes covered by his hand as he walked inside. “Hey Tink,” he whispered, “I PROMISE I’m not looking, I just… wanted to hear your voice.”
Daniel Parker, Co-CEO of Parker Industries does it again with his newest invention, the “flying car.” When asked about it’s safety measures, he notes “I went in it myself didn’t I? My sister also did so you can ask her how safe it is,”…
Yeah… so apparently driving a flying car in the middle of a busy day attracts… a lot of attention. Apparently, it also gets you a bill from the Department of Transportation for an “unauthorized flying device”. Greaaaattt yet another multi-million dollar bill to pay… Dan got a lot of those. sigh Oh well, did that mean he wasn’t going to take his contraption to Jezebel’s wedding? Hell no. Give him another bill - he was bloody taking that car to the wedding. Though, perhaps playing with his little invention also served as a distraction for… hmm… how’s the best way to put “finding out his sister was alive and stolen at birth, only to be raised by the biggest assh0les known to man.” Yeah… well… Dan was doing this new thing called “running from responsibilities” and was ignoring the fact that the DNA test came up positive every time he checked it because, well, Dan didn’t fcking know how to even respond. Whatever, he’d figure that out later. But now, flying to the wedding - which Val and Dan had to be there a 3 days before the big day to help with the set up: Meaning currently, it was only him, his wife, and their son. VC had school and would join them later… with a plus one. Good luck to the idiot she brought to the wedding, that man would have to deal with Dan soon enough. “You two ready for the bloody ride of your lives? This is going to be better than that harry potter magic crap,”
“That’s a bad word, papa.”
Dan laughed slightly, looking at Peter who was strapped in the back seat. “You’re right, sorry buddy.” Dan responded with a gentleness that he only had towards his family. With that, Daniel Parker did, indeed, fly his family to napa valley. Was he afraid to do this in a prototype? No. Daniel Parker was many things, but he wasn’t an idiot - he would never put his family in danger. This car may have been something that he put together in a month, but unknowing to Jezebel - it was tested various times by a team of engineers he hired. Were they as good as Dan? No. But every safety measure was put into this car making it, honestly, safer than a plane.
That being said - this wasn’t about his flying car. What it was about was Jezebel saying “Hell no” to a ride from his flying car. Okay… kidding. It was actually about her wedding, which he was honestly looking forward to. Though it was put together in a bit of a hurry, it was put together with the best that money could buy. How did Dan know that? Well, he offered his services to Jordan and hired the best event planner in the bloody world who was booked 10 years in advance. Let’s just say she owed him a favor. Now, here they were - the actual day of the wedding. Dan had enjoyed walking around, bothering his sister until Val and Jess threw him out, scowling at his daughter’s date who just happened to be that idiot she dated once upon a time, and bothering Dorian. Ah, what a joy it was to bother Dorian.
Currently, Dan was in the reception area - grabbing a drink before he had to head up to Jordan’s dressing room. “I’ll take a scotch on to…”
“Bar’s closed right now,”
“Yes, but I’m not everyone. I’m the bride’s brother. So I’ll take a scotch on ro…”
“Again, sir. The bar is closed right now. We’ll open after the wedding.”
“… Do you even bloody know who I am?”
“The bride’s brother. Yes, we’ve covered that. Again, we’re closed,”
WHAT THE BLOODY FCK. Excuse this idiot who probably is worth less than Daniel’s tie, did he just say no? NO? Daniel was honestly stunned. Yes, he could ruin the man, but he also promised Jez that he wouldn’t be doing any of that today. But GOD did he want to hurt the man in front of him. Daniel walked away, appalled - and ready to complain to Jez when Jessica ran into him.
“Oh thank bloody hell. Do me a favor, one, take him,” Jess stated, handing Dan a literal child. Sure it was her child, but still. Daniel didn’t even get a word out before she continued. “Also, can you get me a nonalcoholic bloody mary for Jezebel? Thanks. Bring it up to the room as soon as you can,” and with that, she disappeared before Dan could even get out the fact that the bartender was being an assh0le. Fine. FINE.
For the second time, Dan walked back towards the bar with a bouncy baby in his hands. An annoyed expression was on the bartender’s face as dan started. “Look, I just need a nonalcoholic bloody mary for the bride, can I at least get that,” Instantly. And Dan meant INSTANTLY the bartender’s tune changed. “Oh for the bride? Of course sir,” and with that, the man who initially insisted that the bar was closed started making the drink. What… huh? “The… bride also wanted me to ask you for a scotch on rocks,” And again, the bartender nodded, making the drink and handing it to Dan.
My god… did dan just… find his wedding superpower even though he couldn’t use his skills because of Jez… OH MY GOD. In a hurry, Dan walked up to Jez’ dressing room, dropping the drink off, before testing his new power to work. In the middle of where everyone was, Dan randomly walked over to a celebrity he had never met in person, but knew by name. “Hey, Sam Smith right? Yeah? Cool. Question - The bride asked me to ask you if you could sing a song while she walked in, do you…”
“Oh the bride? Yeah I could do that, do I just go to the orchestr-”
OH MY GOD DAN HAD A SUPERPOWER. Walking towards Cousin Kalie and her kid, Josiah, Dan smiled. “Yo, Kalie. The bride needs your hat,”
“The bride needs… I… okay?”
This was fcking magic. Going over to his great uncle, Steven, Dan casually pulled the man’s terrible toupee off “Sorry the bride needs this” walking away, and smiling larger than he had ever before. Ethan was still in his hands, and trust him when he said the kid could SEE how happy Dan was. With the various items in his hands, Dan made his way to Jordan’s dressing room. “Hey kid, sorry you have Dorian as a dad but…” and with that whisper, Dan walked over to where Dorian was sitting and plopped the kid in the man’s arms before walking to the couch.
The room was loud - other groomsmen laughing, talking, joking, and singing for the hell of it. Dan did pose a question towards Jordan, though it really was just in a joking manner. Though… then an idea popped in his head. With everything, he had just… learned today. He wondered. “Deloughrey, the bride told me to ask you to disappear so I could set Jess up with someone better. Think we could make that work or…”
@Littlefeets - Sis
@astxrism - Dori
@CerealKiller - Vc, Peter, and Val
So one thing, um… second thing all things lead to one another something, I really don’t know how to explain whatever it was that happened that day. It was a weird day, all I can tell you for sure is that it ended a certain way, and? Well, somehow he found her asking him to be her plus one at a magnificent wedding and that brings us right back to the present. As I mentioned, magnificent wedding, the wedding of the century as many referred to it. JP has seen his share of fancy events in his life so this wasn’t necessarily too crazy for him, I mean, it was a bit bigger and fancier, but still, not something he wasn’t used to.
“So how do you feel about all of this? I’ve actually never been a fan of… you know… fancy events.” Looking over at Amelia who was looking around carefully as if she was looking for something or waiting for something to happen, jp lowkey checked her out, head to toe, and if we’re being honest here, she looked amazing in that dress. Don’t come at him, he’s just being honest. ”its pretty crazy” he told her and looked around again, there were a lot of important rich or famous people, in a way he kind of hoped his parents weren’t there, or his father if we’re being a bit more specific. He hadn’t seen his father in a while and honestly he didn’t really want to, especially not now. ”there are so many people here, I wonder how big the invite list was without plus ones and families” he said, considering there were literally thousands of people everywhere ”by the way, thanks for asking me, I’m glad I could come. Also you really look amazing today, honestly” he said with a light smile glancing back at his date
@benitz786 Amie
There really was nothing better than someone playing this story game with him. Them joining him and not looking at him like he was a little weirdo, which… there’s nothing wrong with that. [color="#707151”]”Really? You think he likes Justin?“[/color] Pretending he was looking at the guy carefully, Zek was playing with the glass in his hands, straightening up slightly. ”I can see that…yes. He also has posters of him behind his wardrobe so no one can see them. He moves it when he goes to bed and… the rest is history,“ trying to stop himself from laughing or just smiling, Zek brought the glass back to his lips. Letting Kaya continue with another person that was far away from them, a little smile creeping across his lips.
That smile staying on as he tilted his head to the side now looking at his friend. For a moment his gaze went over her face slowly, once again letting his back hit the wall. The moment she looked up at him was when he raised his brows in an attempt to show he was “only listening to her story”. [color=“#707151”]”Is that what you’d rather be doing?“[/color] Was the only thing he said through a laugh before downing his drink and looking away toward the crowd. That’s when he spotted a little boy just wandering around alone, almost looking lost. A kid who both of them didn’t know could be important. [color=”#707151”]”Look, that kid over there,“[/color] Zek started, subtly pointing at him, or just waving around with his empty glass. [color=“#707151”]”He’s a son of one of the paparazzi’s and he has one of those tiny cameras on him so his dad can find out what’s happening inside. Smart, very smart,“[/color] nodding, he continued. [color=”#707151”]”He’s also been told he’ll meet a princess in here and fight off dragons for her so now he’s trying to find dragons. There’s a little sword under his kid suit,“[/color] and as much as he wanted to joke about it, smile, that’s not what he did. Slightly furrowing his brows, Zek looked back at Kaya. ”Now I feel bad for talking about a kid like that… Do you think he’s actually lost?“
@CerealKiller - Kaya
Amelia continued to briefly check the room, before letting her blue eyes meet his as he responded, a soft smile on her lips at his words. “I am pretty sure I probably only know about 1% of the people in this room. Honestly, weddings are so damn strange. You basically invite a bunch of your friend groups who don’t know each other, and decide “Hey, let’s put you in a room with my other friend groups”” she added to his sentiment. Part of her was also looking to see if she could find her father in the room. She had sent him a text and he told her it was a low chance, but knowing her dad… she also knew this wasn’t something he’d miss. That’s when she saw her mother a few feet away from her. Elodie DeLoughrey was holding her baby sister in her hands, talking to Xander and Mia. Part of her… really missed her mom. Missed talking to the woman like she was her best friend. However, another part… a deeper part was just so… mad at her.
She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard his voice for the second time. “No it’s… I… just… thank you… for coming. Honestly without… you, I’d probably be here alone,” Alone… it was something Amelia didn’t usually mind. Hell, there were hundreds of events before this that she went by herself. There was that… one time she invited Maxon and he declined and now she knew that was because he was dating both her and her sister. Here’s the thing… alone is different when you’re happy with your family being your company. Right now, however, Amie wasn’t exactly happy with anyone except for Xander and Lexie. “Why did you say yes, by the way. I know it’s… I mean we never talked about… doing stuff like this before.” Before he could answer, however, Amie felt a little girl running up to her and hugging her legs. Looking down, Amie found Shay bouncing after seeing Amelia - with her, Aidan toddling along with his thumb in his mouth.
“Hi Mister, are you Amie’s friend. My name is Shay,” Amie laughed as Shay put her hand up to shake his. Shay had always been extremely extroverted with meeting new people, and this was no different. Aidan on the other hand was hiding behind her slightly, and with that, Amie picked the little guy up. “Hey buddy. You look handsome. Give me a high five,” and it only took that to make the kid open up.
Amie was distracted for a second, but bringing her attention back to Shay, she found the little girl interrogating JP. “How do you get your hair to stick up like that. My daddy uses… uh… hair jellyness… did you do that too? Do you know how to dance? What’s your favorite dance move? What’s your favorite color? Mine’s Purple,” there was no stopping Shay as a stream of questions left her lips with the boy next to her. “Shayyyyyy don’t scare away my date,”
Kali huffed. Adonis smirked and ruffled her hair- which he knew she hated. Kali groaned as she tried to fix her hair.
“Bye Adonis, I’m ditching you. I just saw Mac” Kali waved goodbye as she headed to meet up with her best friend. Adonis rolled his eyes, ‘i didn’t take you here, so you could ditch me’ he thought but he supposed he was a good thing she left, now him and what was her name again? Right, Destiny could have some privacy.
Adonis chuckled, “Yeah younger siblings are definitely a handful, gotta love them though.” He loved his younger siblings and all, but if he had the chance to spend one day away from them- he would take it with little hesitation. Younger siblings could be really annoying, especially the one’s a little closer to your age.
“I have 4 other siblings, how i’m still alive… i have no idea”
@Kbail - Destiny
Why the fck did Ricky get in situations he had no business being in? In other words, why the ACTUAL fck was he sitting in a limo with Veronica fcking Charlotte sitting across from him. Silence filled the car as Ricky did everything he could to ignore the girl. The man hadn’t even agreed to take the trip with her, rather meeting her at a hotel and taking a car together simply to the event. The tension in the car could be cut with a dulled butterknife - showing just how much fcking tension there was. The reason he was there? Well, let’s just say, never fcking owe Veronica Charlotte a favor. Even if it was a favor he owed years ago. You’d think the trauma she put him in paid it off, but noooooo. Fcking hell. Ricky really didn’t like owing anyone anything, especially not the girl in front of him. So fine, he agreed. He’d be there, play the part of the plus one, but that was it.
Currently, Ricky was on his phone - texting yet another girl. Their little trip to Mexico was still on his mind… even if he was stuck there for an extra week as he waited for Isabella to mail him his passport. [
Ricky: “Please tell me you’ll be at the wedding. I need some sort of entertainment, Williams.”
After sending it, he put the phone down, staring for the second time at the girl in front of him. “I hope you know this means nothing, Parker. One day, and then we’ll go back to ignoring each other. Deal?” Ricky didn’t let her respond, because the moment they had stopped the car, he got out - keeping it open for her. Look, maybe Ricky hated the girl - but he wasn’t going to treat her like sh!t. He was her date, and he’d act like it. That didn’t mean he’d have to like it.
With that, Ricky put his arm out for her to grab as they walked the red carpet equivalent of this wedding. Ricky didn’t attempt to smile for the photos, though his had did navigate to Veronica Charlotte’s lower back to indicate in the photos a closeness that honestly didn’t exist. This… date was honestly bringing up memories he wanted nothing to do with. Ricky could still recall the way they used to be at parties like this: Running amuck but only caring about each other. Her company could make any dull event come to life. There weren’t many places where they didn’t find each other in a closet just to enjoy each other. That was before she broke what was left of him, and the reason he learned that love was just a fairytale, and not the Disney version, rather, the original version where Cinderella’s sisters cut their feet, and Sleeping Beauty was r@ped and had a kid in her sleep.
The minute they were inside, away from the cameras, Ricky took her hands off of her - almost acting as if it burned him to touch her. “Hundreds of dudes go to our school, and you really had to invite me? I know your smart, VC, but that was the dumbest sh!t you’ve ever done,”
Yay a wedding. If you didn’t get that, it was bloody sarcasm. Not that Paige wasn’t happy for her cousin, Jezebel. Go Jez, marriage and a kid at 40 something wasn’t easy. Was Jez 40 something? Oh who the hell knew, they were all old now. Even her older sisters were full-ass adults. How boring, and it’s not like Emmy was any fun either. That girl kept talking about statistics and sht when Paige wanted to go to a club. Look, Emmy, Paige did not want to know about the likelihood of getting alcohol poisoning. Anyways, here she was - Jezebel Parker’s wedding to that Jordan dude. Oh… how fcking unlucky it was that Jordan was related to that Annie girl. Paige really didn’t want any other useless relationships, like those DeLoughrey-Taylor’s.
With her was Rudy… something. At least, Paige was assuming his name was Rudy. She truthfully forgot. She just needed a side piece on her arm to give her some sort of entertainment, and he wasn’t half bad at that. Most of the “ride” to the wedding was them having sex in the back of a limo as the driver took them the hour ride to the venue. Now, here they were. minutes after fcking in a venue that was a little too much if you asked Paige. “I’ll see you later kid,” Paige told Riley… Rudy… whatever. He had served his purpose and now she was bored - though, at the same time, Paige wasn’t looking forward to this wedding for another reason. It was basically a Pierce reunion, and she really didn’t want that - especially since her whole family had pieced together that she moved to Beryl and Jess wanted to “talk” to her. Not to mention Addie and Harry weren’t exactly happy that their daughter had gotten herself excelled from the best school in London. Will and Emmy weren’t exactly happy either - though did either of them really have any jurisdiction over her life? No, they decided to move away and leave her just like the rest of them. So fck off.
Walking inside, Paige saw a familiar girl with blonde hair walk in - and part of her simply couldn’t help herself. Going towards the girl, Paige sighed loudly. “They’re really letting any trash on the street in this party, aren’t they. And I really thought the guest list was more exclusive, but seeing as you’re here… well…that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Let me guess, did you sneak in with that idiot Fin? Do I need to call security?” Paige questioned, looking at her nails with a sense of calm. She had seen Fin’s post about coming to the wedding, but did she think he could actually pull it off? No. But this girl? Clara something? How the hell did she score an invite? Just looking at her, Paige knew her head game wasn’t that strong - so no person she chose in this room would bring her as her plus one.
@Caticorn -Clara
@CerealKiller - Raph mentioned (Rudy/Riley)
@astxrism - Phoebe kinda mentioned but not really
Veronica sat in the limo when in front of her was no other but her ex, Enrique Montoya in the flesh. Frankly, I can say I’m pretty sure the both of them never expected this situation would occur after their not-so-pretty breakup. At this point, Veronica was probably one of the people on the top of the list of people Enrique hated most, and it was all a result of her own actions. Not that she meant any harm, it’s just that life doesn’t always work the way we want it to, and Enrique was just… well, collateral damage.
As they got to the venue, Enrique spoke for the first time since getting in the car, saying stuff about how she shouldn’t forget this is only one night because he owed her, and didn’t mean anything other than that. Which she already knew, not going to say she liked that fact, but she definitely knew it. Though before really having any time to respond, or anything to say for that matter, the car stopped in front of the red carpet entrance to the venue, people passing, cameras and paparazzi everywhere as the two came out of the car, pretending like everything was completely normal. After all they were both quite good at acting and hiding their emotions from their expressions when needed.
“Hundreds of dudes go to our school, and you really had to invite me? I know your smart, VC, but that was the dumbest sh!t you’ve ever done,” he said as pulling away from her in visible disgust. Veronica moved her hair back fixing it, and looked around before glancing back at Enrique ”The dumbest sht to you maybe, but not to me. I always have a reason for what I do ricky” she told him, looking at him for a moment as she finished talking. It wasn’t ideal for either of them to be right here right now with one another, and honestly she didn’t show it that much but it really wasn’t easy for her to be in this position again. The whole ricky situation was never really something she managed to fully accept and move on from, because as much as there were many fish in the sea, Enrique was and always will be her first love that she herself broke down and hurt him. That’s not really something you can just slide and keep going from. Or am I wrong?
”Just… try not to show how much you hate me for a few hours okay?” she asked, maybe only really really lightly showing how saying that pinched a little in the heart many would say she didn’t have. ”then you can go and go on with your life”
@benitz786 Ricky
Why was he here? Seriously. The girl he was with legitimately never answers a question directly, and now he was stuck at this stupid even with spoiled rich people and also his siblings. Yes… apparently, Deigo and Raph had also scored an invite meaning he’d have to see them again… which became even more difficult after what Ricky realized in Mexico. After Annie left… let’s just say he didn’t spend the next few days just partying. No, he had a goal and although he didn’t figure out everything, some things did come to light that he wasn’t happy about. This wasn’t about them, however, no, it was about a raven-haired devil. Ricky rolled his eyes at her answer of having a reason, “And I’ll just make a guess that you won’t be telling me about these lovely reasons? Fcking great. You know, it actually reminds me of the way you broke up with me. Always hiding behind your fcking words, Parker, but honestly, I don’t ever think you have reasons for what you do. You just like play puppeteer.” Ricky stated, slightly under his breath and with a smile as people started staring at them. Ricky wasn’t the best actor, but he knew how to play a scene.
At her words of him trying not to show how much he hated her for a few hours, there was an involuntary role of his eyes. “Whatever, Parker. I just want this day over with. A few hours, and I no longer owe you sht. So sure, I’ll play the part for a few hours. Don’t fcking expect me to continue the act after we’re done.” With that, Ricky placed a fake smile on his lips as he lead Veronica Charlotte deeper inside the venue where everyone was. “You know, I really hope you’re not expecting me to forgive you during whatever the fck this is. I will never forgive you, Veronica Charlotte Parker. You’re a piece of sh!t, and you always will be. I mean… just look at what you did to Mateo. I never expected your standards to drop so low that you’d sleep with Elio… but then again I never really knew you. On that note, you know you could have fcking invited Elio right? I’m sure he’d jump at the chance to be in your pants again. He’s a little obsessed with screwing things I had first,” Ricky was going to continue with the crude statement, but before he could, he felt a sharp pain in his leg. Looking down, he saw a kid standing there with a scowl, her hands across her chest as she kicked him for the second time. “What the…” he was going to curse, but he held his tongue in front of the young kid, rubbing his leg where she kicked him. Clearly, this wedding was off to a great start “What was that for kid? Go find your parents… I swear these rich people do not know how to raise their kids. God…”
@astxrism Zoe
@CerealKiller - The devil incarnate
“You look absolutely, bloody fantastic babe,” Jess smiled, bouncing her little boy in her arms. “Doesn’t she look great, Ethan?” A mumble of incomprehensible words came out of her son’s mouth and she smiled, kissing the boy on the cheek. Jess knew that Ethan and Grayson would start talking soon so both Dori and Jess were trying to get them to say words on their list. Jess’ list included Mama, Nugget, and various other food items but nothing yet. Jez was in the middle of the room, getting a last-minute fitting on her dress - a needed necessity as the girl was pregnant and her body was changing every day. It was part of the reason they had all insisted on her not getting it fitted earlier. Talking about being pregnant, that was something Jess also was currently - though at the moment, she hadn’t brought it up. Today was her cousin’s day and honestly, 1. Jess didn’t want to distract from that, and 2. WHY WAS SHE PREGNANT AGAIN. Okay she knew how and you know, the mechanics of it all, but damn it. She really thought she was done after this little kid in her arms. Bloody hell. Not that Jess wasn’t excited, it just… wasn’t expected. She hand only realized a few weeks ago when she was on her vacation with Andy where she couldn’t drink after realizing she was pregnant the first day after throwing up her McNugget meal.
Had she told Dorian yet? No… not yet. How do you tell your husband “Hey, I’m pregnant again right after having our twins” Well… she had told him about Shay on a boat after crying, she told him about Zoe right before she fell asleep in his arms a few weeks after their honeymoon, she had told him about Aidan through social media when Riker was asking to have their next kid, and then the twins she told him with Shay. Kid number 6 - she had no idea. Oh well, she’d figure that one out soon enough. “Do you need anything babe? A drink? Food? Food is great when you’re nervous or you could do what I do and just keep talking and never shut up.” though, before she could respond, Jess got a ring on her phone from the event planner about needing help with something to do with the Cake. “Val, Mary-Ann needs us. I’ll grab you something to drink Jez and we’ll be back,” Jess added, walking out with Val and her baby. “They better not have fcked up that cake, Val. I bloody love cake,” she whispered - not knowing that the moment they left, one Jordan Williams snuck inside the room they had just left - not that Val or Jess would have stopped him anyway. That idiot.
As they got to the main level, Jess separated from Val for just a second to get Jez that drink. Though, running into her cousin, Jess handed Dan Ethan and told him to take care of it before rushing back towards the kitchen where Mary-Ann was telling them that they had figured out the issue and didn’t need them anymore. The hell. As Mary Ann left, Jess sighed, keeping Val in the kitchen longer than needed. “Hold up,” Jess muttered, going to the kitchen fridge and grabbing a piece of cake they had pre-cut. Jess knew weddings like this, and she knew the cake always seemed to be endless. The reason? They had a display cake, but the real slices of cake were constantly being made - including premade slices. Handing Val a plate, Jess grabbed a fork - taking a bite of the cake and moaning slightly. “I love Dorian, but damn this is better than sex,” Jess smiled, looking at her friend of now… nearly 30 years. “So, say that I was pregnant again. Any suggestions on telling Dorian?”
If there was one thing that was true: Mason Mitchell could look damn good in a suit. Though, that wasn’t exactly the reason he was here today. No, rather, Mason’s parents were close friends with Jordan Williams-ish. Either way, that meant a ticket for Mason Mitchell, and a plus one. This time, however, he didn’t invite his girlfriend… let’s just say… ever since the Olivia kiss, things weren’t great between them so he found the best thing to do was just… go by himself. “Hey can we talk?” Mason whispered, walking past someone stealing a toupee before slipping into an empty room.
“Did you figure out what happened with the records hall?”
“Chill, Mason. I’ll text you when I figure something out. I don’t know why they needed those records, but I’ll figure it out.”
“Your daughter’s getting too close to all of this, Daniel.”
“She is a Parker. You knew you had to be careful. Look, call me later and we’ll figure it out. This isn’t the place, and honestly… Mason, you shouldn’t be here. You’re risking a lot.”
Mason gave Daniel a look of frustration, a sigh leaving his mouth as he rubbed his forehead. “I know… I just… I can’t miss this… we both know that. I’ll be careful.”
With that, Mason left the room, leaving Daniel to do whatever he needed to before heading back to the main wedding. People surrounded the venue - some he knew, some he was avoiding, and some he didn’t. Either way, he knew what he had to do to ge- hold that thought. Mason’s shoulder hit a girl as he walked, and he found himself steadying her. “I am so sorry I didn’t see you ther- Amanda? What are you doing here?” Mason asked the girl - one he hadn’t seen in a while and was likely one that he would consider being in the avoidant pile.
Mateo Perez and Laurel Parker were currently sitting in a limo and Mateo had just learned the art of pressing a button and bringing up the limo partition. There was an amused smile on Laurel’s lips as he played around, and part of the reason he was overhyping everything was that she seemed sad and Mateo didn’t like his friends sad… well except Elio… Elio could be sad hmph. “Driver play that song by Beyonce where she’s talking about having sex in the back of the limoooooo” And after a second, that’s exactly what the driver did - playing Partition.
Though Matty didn’t know all the lyrics, he didn’t need to in order to get into the song - basically giving Laurel a strip show to bring a smile on her lips. “TAKE ALL OF MEEEEEEEE, I JUST WANNA BE THE BOYYYY YOUUUUU LIKEEEE,” Mateo screamed, before going over to where Laurel was sitting and giving her a show - involving him sitting on her lap and taking her suit off. By the end, Mateo’s shirt was off and he was swinging his tie around like a cowboy - laughter filling the small space from both of their lips as the song finally ended. With that, Mateo pushed himself off, laying on the other side catching his breath. “So it takes Beyonce 45 minutes to get all dressed up, what about you?” Mateo asked with curousity as he finally got up and started rebuttoning his shirt that was now wrinkled beyond compare. Oh well. At least he knew how to have fun.
Though he was struggling a little with a tie - resulting in him sitting next to his friend with a pleading expression on his lips as he looked at her, smiling as she started fixing it. That was always their relationship - Matty being the annoying one and Laurel just going along with it. When the car stopped, the two got out to walk the lil space where all the photographers were surrounding them. “WAIIITT” he yelled as he made her practically run to where all the pictures were being taken, and immediately jumped on Laurel’s back to take probably the most hilarious photos of the entire wedding. Him on her back was only the start of the ironic photos he took - her slapping his ass being another one. Though, it had come to the point where Laurel had to pull him inside because the photographers were tired of them.
“Do you need to go help your mom? I thinkkkkkk I can keep myself company. Oh my god… is that the rock? IS THAT THE ROCK. Yeah… I could totally keep myself company if you hadddd to oorrrr we could go bother Dwaneee the jungle explorer johnson together?”