Blue Royalty: New Blood

I don’t want to watch the world end with Someone Else - Clinton Kane

Over his lifetime, Riker Taylor hadn’t experienced much pain. Rather, most things he wanted, he had. Any paid he experienced, however, couldn’t compare to what he was feeling right now. Lost… he felt lost. He missed his best friend, he missed his children… and he missed his wife. Staying with Dorian over the past few months was a needed distraction… but it wasn’t the same. Nothing was the same as waking up next to Elodie, her warmth bringing him life. What was he supposed to do though? He still… hurt. As much as he loved Elodie, what she did to him killed him softly. Riker Taylor-DeLoughrey didn’t realize how much it had killed him until she returned; and at that moment, he fell apart. So he left… and proceeded to experience the worst two months of his life. How did Elo do it? How could Elo have left for four months and not… felt how he was feeling? Now, on top of all of that - Jordan was making the biggest mistake of his life, marrying “Jezebel Sloane.” God, out of all the people in the world - he had to choose the one who ruined it the first time.

For a long time, Riker was content in not going. He had decided to stay at Dorian’s place, forget about it and move on. But not being there for his best friend… Riker knew what that meant. If he didn’t go… he knew their friendship would be destroyed and… he couldn’t let that happen. No, Jordan Williams would forever be Riker’s best friend… mistake or not, Riker had to be there to support him… hopefully, Jordan’s mother, god rest her soul, would forgive him for not being able to protect him from Jezebel. Though… maybe if his mother was around, she’d be more upset at Riker for missing his wedding.

Riker showed up late… later than most people. By the time he came in his gray suit, most celebrities had made their way inside of the venue. Following suit, Riker found himself at Jordan’s wedding - having a little trouble since he RSVP’d no, but a little call to Dorian fixed that. Now here he was, inside the “wedding of the century” - though Riker had his own… issues about that statement. Walking inside, part of him was avoiding… a certain individual. Another part of him… wanted to see her more than anything else.

“Mr. Taylor-DeLoughrey?”

Turning his head, Riker smiled seeing Mia in front of him who smiled seeing it was indeed Riker. “Hey kid, how’s it going?” Riker asked with a smile, soon being joined by his son who hugged the man slightly. After a short conversation and a little teasing, Riker let the two leave, and walked deeper into the venue. Catching sight of Elodie, however, made him stop in his tracks. She was still… as beautiful as she was the day he met her - their daughter in her hands. He watched as Elo kissed the little girl, and felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.

Riker didn’t know how long he was standing there, just watching the two from the side. Part of him was… scared. Scared to approach this situation because he no longer knew who they were together. Strangers… lovers? family? What was it. Though, it was his daughter who caught an eye of him first. As Elodie held her, Lexie’s face situated to look at everything behind Elo - the girl immediately started putting her hands out for Riker. After a second, taking a deep breath, Riker walked towards the two - approaching Elo from behind as he caressed his daughter’s cheek. “Hello my little mermaid. How are you beautiful?” Riker asked, watching as Elo’s body stilled at his voice. “And how are you… Elodie?” he questioned, watching as she turned around to face him. There was a degree of… unfamiliarity in his voice as he talked to her, but… could anyone blame him? He was still… hurt.


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Eryx tucked his hands into his pockets. Why was he at the stupid carnival again? Right, He was forced to by his parents with Gaston, while Madeline got to sleep and skip the carnival- wasn’t he lucky? “Yo Hade, isn’t this fun?” His cousin; Gaston said with sarcasm. Eryx rolled his eyes, “So fcking fun, i’m literary sh!tting rainbows.” Gaston chuckled, “Man, Madeline is so lucky.” Eryx agreed with that, his sister got to be playing video games, sleep or go wherever she wanted while he was stuck at this carnival. You know what, f*ck it. He was leaving the carnival and going someplace else. “You’re not thinking of leaving are you?” The voice of Gaston asked, snapping him from his thoughts. “Of course I am.” Eryx said giving his cousin a look that meant: ‘you’re not skipping with me?’

“Your parents and mine said to have fun here.” Eryx rolled their eyes, “And? It’s not like they have trained body guards monitoring our every move.” As much as Eryx loved Gaston, he could be real annoying. “They might.” Gaston shrugged, “We’re Astors after all, you know what our parents are capable of” Fck Though Eryx didn’t think his parent would ever pull a stunt like that, he wasn’t to sure about Gaston’s parents. But still- “I could always make up an excuse.” Gaston rolled his eyes, “How about we order something to eat then go on the Ferris wheel?” Yeah!! How fun, and yes Eryx was being sarcastic.

After Gaston and him had bought snacks, Gaston proceeded to ditch him to catch up with one of his friends. He had said something about how it’s been long since he had seen them and needed to catch or whatever. Great, he was now alone at the carnival. He might as well just go to the Ferris wheel as Gaston originally planned for them to go.




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Destiny laughed when Kali announced she was ditching Adonis. “Well…she’s gone.” Then. she looked over to her right and noticed that the carnival was selling pizza near the cotton candy station. “Wait, how did I not see this? Let’s go over there now.” She said abruptly while immediately walking over there.

“I have 4 other siblings, how i’m still alive… i have no idea”

“Wow…4 siblings? Yeah I don’t know how you’re still alive.” She shook her head in disbelief with a smile. “But at least you grew up with others and was not the only child. That’s what I always tell myself when my sister annoys me.” She didn’t know why she was giving him advice on siblings when he was most likely used to them by now. “Anyways, since you’re you know…new and everything… how do you feel about Cerulean High so far?”

@Kristi - Adonis

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The so called event of the year, the wedding that had filled the media, an event with a guest list full of the elite. So, how in the world was Quinn Castillo there when the only connection he possibly had to the bride and groom was that the wedding rings, as well as the jewelry of many guests, were likely Castillo jewelry? Oh yes, he was among those who were in attendance as a plus one. In this case, he was there as the date of one Olivia Gardiner, a girl who Quinn had honestly had his eye on since the beginning of the school year. Even without having known her, he couldn’t have denied that she is very attractive. One thing led to another, and she asked him to be her date, so sometime after riding in a limo to the event together the pair separated. Though, Quinn unfortunately caught sight of someone he should have expected to see there, though a man could hope otherwise. After all, it was the daughter of the groom herself, Annie Williams. “Annie.” It had been all this time, and they had yet to interact, but Annie should have known this was inevitable. “Don’t try to play f**king nice with me.” There were a lot of people he would just let go through with the small talk, walking on eggshells words that meant nothing to him, but Annie was not one of them. She was barely someone he could stand to be around. “I know what f**king happened.”

@novella - Annie Williams


“Alright… sigh Just send it over to legal like we usually do… yes I know… I know… yes… 15 million in legal fees… yeah… I’ll talk to Dan about driving the flying car before we’ve gotten it past legal and safety… thanks, Winifred.” Emmy groaned, closing her work phone - only to be hit by another call by CNN. Although she was already at the wedding, Emmy had been huddled in the corner for most of it, dealing with the Dan fiasco for the second time. Let’s just say the DOJ wasn’t exactly happy… nor the NSA… nor the CIA… honestly there were more unhappy people than happy people, Emmy being one of them. Why her cousin had to cause trouble on whim? Who knew - all she knew was that while Jezebel was away, Emmy and Justin were the real ones in charge.

“You’re always busy, aren’t you?”

A smile met Emmy’s lips at her brother’s voice, turning around to see the man in his tan suit. Emmy hadn’t seen the man in a few months, and honestly, she missed Will. “Well when we’re both related to Daniel Parker, it becomes a full-time job.” Emmy responded, wrapping her arms around the man. “How have you been, love? How’s your masters going?” Looping her arm around her brother, Emmy walked inside the party - ignoring the previous call from CNN (she’d deal with media later) - walking towards their parents who were situated in the middle of the room, talking to other guests. Grayson was in her mother’s arms - a smile on the woman’s face as she played with her grandson. Honestly… it was interesting. Emmy and Will’s parents had never really… been that loving. Addie was more so than their father, but even then - the two were always busy people. It was for that reason that it was so interesting to see them now - it was almost as if something had clicked and they realized they were missing out.

“Hi mum, dad,” Emmy added, approaching the two, and hugging them as she neared; her brother following suit soon after. “Has anyone seen Paige?”

That was a… tough topic. They had all been talking about her recent… well… move to cerulean high and no one was exactly happy. Before anyone could answer, however, Emmy’s work phone started ringing again - bringing a sigh on her lips. Excusing herself, Emmy walked away once again, picking the call up to deal with another financial issue. Though when she felt someone tapping her shoulder, Emmy turned around with confusion - until, of course, she saw her girlfriend Piper standing there. “Oh my… Piper… wait… I’ll have to call you back,” the girl immediately turned her phone off and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. [color= 708c6b] “When did you get here, Love? Aren’t you supposed to be having a test this week in Paris?” [/color]



Amanda had just finished talking to her aunt Macy, who told her that her aunt Maya was currently helping with a final the bride’s wedding dress, but wanted to see her afterwards, so Amanda was walking around, expecting to find her aunt somewhere when she collided with someone. If there was one person who Amanda would never have expected to come across at the wedding, that person would be the very one that was steadying her after the minor collision. Mason Mitchell. Amanda had been back in Beryl for a couple months now, but to this point she had still not yet spoken to the man in front of her. The last time she interacted with him being… before everything. Not like the last time she interacted with him was good to begin with. Amanda crossed her arms. ”What am I doing here? I should be asking you that, Mason.” Between her aunts, her dads, and Yara, there was plenty of connections to be why she was there, but why would he be there. ”Jordan Williams is a family friend, and my aunt made the wedding dress, so I’m here because my family was invited.”

@benitz786 - Mason

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Jp huffed a little in a light laugh ”it’s like taking everything in your fridge and making a meal out of it, just doesn’t work. ” he told her. Thought considering she still lived with her parents she probably didn’t really get the chance to handle leftover meals if she gets too lazy to go shopping. But don’t get stuck on person specific details okay, he’s just making a point.

He lightly smiled at her as she thanked him for coming, and raised a brow later when she asked him why he even said yes in the first place, ”well-” he started answering her question when interrupted by two little munchkins running up towards them and hugging Amelia. He didn’t know who those were but he assumed they were her cousins or something like that, who knows? But they sure were cute.

“Hi Mister, are you Amie’s friend. My name is Shay,” Jp smiled and shook the girl’s little hand ”Nice to meet you shay, my name is julian, but you can call me jp” he told her with a light smile. Though there was a thing about him many didn’t know, he was actually really good with kids. From his own sister to other people’s kids, he just had a warm spot in his heart for those little munckins running around.

The little girl who introduced herself as shay started bombarding him with questions which made him laugh a bit, she was really extroverted and nice which was honestly cute. “Shayyyyyy don’t scare away my date,” Julian shook his head and glanced at amie ”don’t worry it’s okay. She’s pretty cool” he said looking at shay again putting his hand out for a fist bump

”but, hair jellyness is pretty good I use it too” he said and put his hand next to his mouth to whisper ”I didn’t steal your dad’s one though don’t call the police okay” he added, playing suspiciously ”i can dance, can you? I like all the dance moves. Aaaand… my favourite color is blue, what’s your favourite cake” he raised a brow returning a question at the girl and glanced at amie ”you too missy” he added with a smirk

@benitz786 Amie and Shay

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Here is a little secret - Dorian was a bit unsure about this wedding in the very beginning. Was he one of those people who thought Sadie and Jordan would get back together before he found out Jordan was dating Jezebel? Yes… Sadie used to be his friend after all so you can’t blame him for that. But he knew Jess’ whole side of the family was so happy about the news so Dorian warmed up to it as well. Who was he to say anything anyway?

Here is another secret fact - weddings were nice but not when you had to spend the entire day in the presence of Daniel Parker. Gag. This will be one haaaaard day. With his kids hopefully with nannies they had to bring with them and his wife hopefully with Jez, Dorian was in Jordan’s dressing room, finally completely relaxed when Daniel was nowhere to be seen. If only it could stay that way but some wishes don’t come true. You’d think he got used to Dan’s behavior at this point but no. More than anything he was shocked by the way Daniel kept pushing him when it would take just one move for Dorian to mess everything up for him… not like he would ever do that. And it’s been almost 10 years, what was wrong with that dude? Where does the hate keep coming from? Speaking of him… Not hearing that anyone has walked in the room, Dorian was looking down at his phone before some placed a kid in his arms. For a short second he wanted to complain but seeing it was his kid a sweet smile appeared on his lips. Until he looked up to see who did that. ”Why… was my kid with you?” Wouldn’t it be sweet if Ethan wanted his dad and Daniel was just soooo nice to bring him here? We all know that would never happen. But that wasn’t a question he really wanted an answer to, he’d rather just not talk to the man at all today so Dorian’s attention shifted back to the little cutie in his arms.

If only Dan wanted the same thing. Subtly rolling his eyes at Dan’s next words, Dorian refused to look at him. Instead, he kept his attention on his son, making sure there was still a smile on his lips as he talked to him. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Was your mean uncle meaner than usual?”[/color] Mumbles coming out of his son’s mouth made Dorian nod, his smile replaced with a frown. Pretending his answer was “yes dad, uncle Dan is the meanest person and I was so sad”, Dorian quietly continued. [color="lightsteelblue”]”I thought so… I’m so sorry, buddy.”[/color] The moment Ethan’s little head fell on Dori’s chest, a soft chuckle escaped his lips before kissing the top of his head. [color="lightsteelblue”]”You’re tired of his bullsht? Me too, me too…”[/color] Saying that, he was now looking up at his dear… whatever Dan is to him, every emotion he had on his features disappearing. [color="lightsteelblue”]”I don’t think that’s how it works. Why don’t you try something else? You’re good at that anyway,”[/color] trying not to show Dan’s words could still hurt him, Dorian simply shrugged. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Or you could just fck off for good?”[/color] [color="steelblue”]”Fck.”[/color] Uhmmm, what was that? Ethan’s head was up again, a little grin on his face as he repeated one of the words his dad said. Looks like both Jess and Dori lost but… ”Nooooo. We don’t say that,” Dorian shook his head, disappointed that his son’s first word was that and all because of him this time.

@benitz786 - Dan


Xavier smiled as Daiane pulled him into a hug, returning her embrace. “It’s good to see you, too. It’s been way too long.” He responded as he took a step back, putting his hands in his pockets as she began asking him how he’s been. “I’m alright,” He answered with a small nod. The fast-approaching holiday was one that, for the past six years, had become bittersweet for him as memories of his past collided with moments from the present and the differences between his two families became more visible than usual. “My team won our first game of the season a few days ago. Other than that, there really hasn’t been anything exciting going on in my life.” He told her, providing the one piece of somewhat good news he had at the moment. “What about you? How have you been?”

@unsungcheerio - Daiane

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Trotting through this fair thing event I got bored as soon as I managed to check everything out. I don’t mean going to every stand and actually playing something or buying something, but just seeing it … I wasn’t really interested in doing anything and was looking for some way to relax the old-fashoned was which is illegal now considering my age. My eyes were drawn by something else and soon enough I was paying a ticket for a seat at the Ferris Wheel. I was fast getting to it, like it was the only fun thing to do here, but I was lucky to be so fast because I got on of the few seats remaining. There were couples there who wanted to make out with a great background, but I just wanted to see the fare from the viewpoint of the bird. However, I had the last remaining seat right next to me taken by some guy and I hoped he isn’t the type for boring chit-chat. If he wanted to make this less boring by having a conversation, but not chit-chat, he’s the one who has to start talking. All I can and will give him is a polite “Hi.” and wait for him to either talk or get off the ride.


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“Well, glad I didn’t, because it probably would’ve hit one of us in the face because of the wind. Probably me. Definitely not good.” He chuckled. He facepalmed when Nevaeh explained she killed on a video game. “Oh. Wow, I’m an idiot. Why did I actually believe you? Oh, I’m probably stoned out of my mind. Oops.” He said, shrugging. She walked to a food truck and he followed. After Nevaeh ordered, Ben ordered a corn dog and a funnel cake, paying the man.
@Kristi - Nevaeh

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Unortunately, Eryx couldn’t find a single seat without someone already sitting in it. He didn’t want to share with anyone, especially if they were way to kind for their own good. Wanting to chat and throw flowers around him like they were SpongeBob and he was Squidward- Gaston would have enjoyed that, Eryx didn’t know why… but then again, the old Hades would have enjoyed it. The old him would have even pour flowers on their cranky friend’s dad just for the jokes; it was no wonder most of his old friend’s parents didn’t like him. He wouldn’t like himself either.

Eryx sighted as he chose the seat next to the meerkat. He was the only one who didn’t look that annoying, still looked annoying but compared to everyone else… he looked less annoying. Fck if the meerkat got annoying, he swore he would jump off the Ferris wheel. “Hi” The dude said as Eryx glared daggers at him through his glasses, “What?”




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Nevaeh chuckled, “Because I sounded so serious? My father always told me I was a good actress.” She shrugged jokingly. After both her and Ben ha gotten their foods, they went to sit down at a bench. The past months at the school had been rather fun, though Nevaeh would still describe it as kind of average- for a school that is supposed to be for rich people but she could also admit she judged it too quickly. She also got to see him again and eventually, Destiny found out. “Never have I ever?”

@Ouijaloveletters - ben

”one hundred percent, just look at him” she said as if it was so obvious, smiling lightly as he agreed with her sentiment and added to it ”ah yes a secret shrine, happens to the best of us” she added with a light head shake

She then kept in a story about another person, and when turning to face him she saw him looking at her, raising his brow as she turned. ”maaaybe” she laughed at his question ”i do love a good binge but I’m actually having fun here too, plus I get to hang with you so that’s a bonus” she said with a smile

”well maybe there is a princess here, maybe she ran off to go undercover for the FBI but now bad dragon guys got her so she needs a dragon slayer” she added as drinking the little champagne left in her glass ”Now I feel bad for talking about a kid like that… Do you think he’s actually lost?“ Zek asked and Kaya turned to look over at the wandering dragon slayer- i mean kid, and to be honest he did seem a little lost, not that it’s hard to get lost in a huge crowded place like that, but it for sure was scary af. ”he looks lost…” she said ”wanna go help him out?” she asked, glancing at Zek with a tilted head, now she just felt a little bad for the kid, whoever he was.

@astxrism Zek


”you don’t need to know everything, sometimes it’s better you see me as the bad guy puppeteer than knowing my reasons” she said, looking away from him. even until this day, Veronica never gave him a real reason as for why she broke up with him, for all he knew, she was and still is the girl who broke his heart and dumped him for no reason. Or maybe because she got bored of him? That’s even worse, but who knows, at the end of the day, she never gave him a reason. And you better know that hurts so much more than an actual reason to leave.

”Don’t bring Mateo into this, you know nothing” she muttered at him ”so you hate the guy and I slept with him, big fcking deal, that makes both of us. Don’t all people you hate belong together?” she added, not looking at him as she spoke ”I could have invited Elio, I could have bloody invited Lenora, might as well. But I didn’t want to do that, I invited you instead. so stop btching around and suck it up for a few hours” she told him

“What the…” he muttered, and as looking down Veronica saw little Zoe kicking him. “What was that for kid? Go find your parents… I swear these rich people do not know how to raise their kids. God…” ”i know right? They could turn out like you, what a shame” she muttered quietly then turned to look at the girl ”Zoe” she called her little cousin ”Come here kiddo, don’t kick him” she told the kid who was calling Ricky out for being mean to cousin Ronnie bending over to the kid, vc gave her a little kiss on the head ”He’s just a little cranky today, he didn’t eat breakfast” she whispered to the girl with furrowed brows and a nod ”go find mommy okay?” she said and got back up. You couldn’t necessarily say Veronica liked kids in general, but when it came to her own family, they were a part of her heart, including that little nugget that came to kick Ricky.

”sorry about that” she said ”but for the record you are being mean to cousin ronnie so clean up your act Montoya, get yourself a drink or something”

@benitz786 Ricky
@astxrism Zoe


There aren’t many things that are as exciting than the day two people you love finally get married. Not to mention coming there in a bloody flying car but that’s not the issue at the moment. Valerie and Jessica were co-maid-of-honoring, and as exciting as that might have been, there were a lot of things needed to be done. And as for now the issue was the cake, can’t complain about testing cakes for sure, yall know both val and Jess love having a good cake when opportunity hits them.

Even with all the drama they had back in high school, Jessica and Valerie moved on and grew closer. And have now been friends for pretty much decades, and frankly she was one of her favourite people in the world. So she couldn’t ask for anyone better to co-maid with, it was just fun, honestly.

”You can’t compare Dorian to cake, cake is clearly better, always have been” Valerie added with a smirk as taking a bite of the cake herself ”oh my god-” she mumbled with a moan as well ”this is so good.”

“So, say that I was pregnant again. Any suggestions on telling Dorian?” Jessica asked her, to which Valerie raised a brow ”Again??” she asked her friend, ”didn’t you say you were done with having kids after the twins?” she added taking another bite. ”though I guess keeping our words on having kids doesn’t run in the family considering Daniel said he’s getting a vasectomy after having Peter and yet again I am also pregnant” Valerie shook her head. ”i say we team up and tell them together” she said with a smirk ”somehow”

@benitz786 Jessica

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He rolled his eyes as Elijah began giving excuses for what he did. “I don’t care who came up with it. You were the one who chose to go through with it.” He responded, knowing that his tone was probably a bit too harsh but at this point, he really could care less. “I could have died, Elijah. You know that, right?” He said, finally dropping the edge on his voice but making eye contact with him. For someone as young as he was, Leon was extremely aware of his own mortality. This awareness had been brought forward four years ago and had only been fortified by the events of last year. So, when Elijah told him that life wasn’t just a giant prank for him, Leon scoffed. ”I find that very hard to believe.”

@Kbail - Elijah

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Just exploring the venue with Lexie in her hands, Elodie was happy to see that her two other beautiful daughters arrived safely and even took time to chat with their little cousins. But she also saw that little “incident” with Zoe and Veronica’s friend. If the orchestra didn’t catch Lexie’s attention, Elodie would’ve walked to her little niece and found the nannies she knew her brother had here. ”Oh you like that?“ Smiling at her girl who was waving around with her arms, Elodie walked closer to the people playing different instruments, keeping her eyes on the smile on her daughter’s face. So far Elodie’s been doing great at not worrying about her husband showing up, at just enjoying her time here up until this moment. Seeing her daughter happy, she couldn’t help but once again wonder what their time was like without her at home. Would her play her something every day? She was still a baby but was this making her miss him more? Elodie didn’t even notice Lexie mumbling, looking behind her shoulders with her arms up since she was too lost in those thoughts… before she heard a familiar voice from behind her.

This moment came earlier than she expected and she froze, listening to Riker’s words.
Was she freaking out? Of course she was, more than ever before. She was ready to talk two months ago… but now? it’s not that she didn’t want to, she was just scared of how that might end. Scared of what might’ve happened for those two months while he was away… Another thing coming to her mind but she quickly pushed that thought away. [color=“#e0ac8c”]”Sh- She’s exciiiited and…“[/color] Elodie quietly started, turning to face Riker, only allowing herself to glance at him. [color=”#e0ac8c”]”Happy to see you which you can tell,“[/color] what other way was there than to just act like she wasn’t freaking out? Just for this wedding. A giggle escaped Elo’s lips, keeping her gaze on Lexie as she kept reaching for her dad. ”She wants you,“ with that she gently attempted to hand him his daughter before her hands flew down to fix her dress, a way to keep herself busy until she figures out what to say… how to answer him. How was she?
How was Elodie?

[color="#e0ac8c”]”Happy to see that you’re here,“[/color] a simple answer, crossing her arms as she finally gathered the courage to look up at him, a weak smile on her lips. This was not the time for her to share how horrible she was actually feeling. ”H-How are you? Went to see Jordan yet?“

[color="#e0ac8c”] @benitz786 - Riker[/color]

How did Daniel Parker get stuck with an idiot as a family member? Who the bloody hell knew. Honestly, Dan didn’t know what kind of bullsh!t voodoo Dorian did on Jess to convince her to marry him, because really, let’s be honest, it’s not like he had really anything going for him. And the sex couldn’t be that good, Dorian gave “I can last a minute” vibes so really, what the actual fck was it? Maybe Daniel would never know the answer to that question - all he did know was DeLoughrey were… sigh family now - the only one he didn’t mind was Elodie, but that was another situation altogether since she wasn’t exactly happy about him coming to her house and giving her divorce papers for that whole Riker situation. Anyways: Dorian DeLoughrey… related to Daniel Parker…Yeah… that thought still made him shudder. Thank god those kids of his had Jess’ genes too - it really was the only saving grace in this situation. After putting the man’s own kid in his arms, Daniel had to roll his eyes at the purely idiotic question that left Dorian’s mouth. “Well, clearly I was trying to teach the kid how to tell between a good bottle of scotch and a bad bottle. At least one of you has to have taste, and my bet’s on the kid,” Dan responded with an annoyed glare.

As Dorian started saying random BS clearly directed at him even though he was talking to his kid, for a split second, Dan was distracted by the other faces in the room. Specifically yet another individual he disliked: Maverick Weston. God, why would anyone willingly choose to be friends with pure sh!t individuals who were truly wastes of space - like Weston? Dori, of course, getting the highest honor but still - Weston? Really? Who knew why Yara married him. Over the years, he and Yara had gotten back to an okay place… ever since that incident in the hospital. That didn’t mean he thought she was making a good choice in marrying Maverick Weston - the idiot. Before any crude words could leave his mouth towards the other man, however, Dan was distracted by the other idiot in the room still talking to himself. Though in response to his sentiment, the man told him that’s not how it works which was honestly upsetting. Dan really thought this superpower could do anything, and clearly, there was one thing it couldn’t get him. Props on him for trying though. In any case, the hilarity of the situation came soon afterward as Dorian cursed him out, only to be followed by Ethan saying “fck”. Suffice to say, Daniel Parker burst out laughing. Looking over to the videographer in the room, Dan smiled “Please tell me you got that,” Dan asked, making a note to send the lovely video to his cousin. Though if they missed it once, they wouldn’t miss it again because a second later, Ethan said “fck” again and Dan knew it was a word that was going to stay. “Tell me, DeLoughrey, does it take practice to be such a bloody terrible parent? I mean, I wouldn’t know because I’m spectacular but I really would love to talk to you about the steps you take to really embrace the role,” Dan questioned with a smile. “Thank god there are no more kids coming, I don’t think the world needs to be populated by any more DeLoughrey’s, especially not your kids, Dorian.”

@astxrism - Dori
@Littlefeets - Mav
@CerealKiller - Yara


Clara loved weddings but not necessarily for what they represented. She loved them for the beauty and splendour that were involved. The fact that every element had been chosen by the people involved made them so beautiful to her. This wedding, in particular, was one that Clara had been looking forward to because it meant that her whole family, including her aunts, would be in the same place at once, which was something that rarely happened nowadays. She was also attending with her boyfriend, which made the night even more special.

The venue was filled with people, meaning that Clara was fully in her element as she entered, her loose curls bouncing with every step she took. When she entered, she stopped walking to take in everything about the wedding. The colours, the types of flowers, anything her eye could pick up on. Once she was done admiring the event, she set off in search of someone to talk to, finding that even though she was in a room full of people, she was beginning to feel alone.

Although, maybe she should have stayed where she was because as soon as she walked further into the venue, she heard a familiar voice speaking to her from behind. Clara quietly sighed and rolled her eyes before turning around to face the source of the voice - Paige Pierce. “Hello, Paige.” She greeted her, ignoring her comments for a second. “If you must know, I was invited. Jordan Williams is a family friend.” She explained with a ‘matter of fact’ tone.

@benitz786 - Paige

@Nil - Ives

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