Over his lifetime, Riker Taylor hadn’t experienced much pain. Rather, most things he wanted, he had. Any paid he experienced, however, couldn’t compare to what he was feeling right now. Lost… he felt lost. He missed his best friend, he missed his children… and he missed his wife. Staying with Dorian over the past few months was a needed distraction… but it wasn’t the same. Nothing was the same as waking up next to Elodie, her warmth bringing him life. What was he supposed to do though? He still… hurt. As much as he loved Elodie, what she did to him killed him softly. Riker Taylor-DeLoughrey didn’t realize how much it had killed him until she returned; and at that moment, he fell apart. So he left… and proceeded to experience the worst two months of his life. How did Elo do it? How could Elo have left for four months and not… felt how he was feeling? Now, on top of all of that - Jordan was making the biggest mistake of his life, marrying “Jezebel Sloane.” God, out of all the people in the world - he had to choose the one who ruined it the first time.
For a long time, Riker was content in not going. He had decided to stay at Dorian’s place, forget about it and move on. But not being there for his best friend… Riker knew what that meant. If he didn’t go… he knew their friendship would be destroyed and… he couldn’t let that happen. No, Jordan Williams would forever be Riker’s best friend… mistake or not, Riker had to be there to support him… hopefully, Jordan’s mother, god rest her soul, would forgive him for not being able to protect him from Jezebel. Though… maybe if his mother was around, she’d be more upset at Riker for missing his wedding.
Riker showed up late… later than most people. By the time he came in his gray suit, most celebrities had made their way inside of the venue. Following suit, Riker found himself at Jordan’s wedding - having a little trouble since he RSVP’d no, but a little call to Dorian fixed that. Now here he was, inside the “wedding of the century” - though Riker had his own… issues about that statement. Walking inside, part of him was avoiding… a certain individual. Another part of him… wanted to see her more than anything else.
“Mr. Taylor-DeLoughrey?”
Turning his head, Riker smiled seeing Mia in front of him who smiled seeing it was indeed Riker. “Hey kid, how’s it going?” Riker asked with a smile, soon being joined by his son who hugged the man slightly. After a short conversation and a little teasing, Riker let the two leave, and walked deeper into the venue. Catching sight of Elodie, however, made him stop in his tracks. She was still… as beautiful as she was the day he met her - their daughter in her hands. He watched as Elo kissed the little girl, and felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.
Riker didn’t know how long he was standing there, just watching the two from the side. Part of him was… scared. Scared to approach this situation because he no longer knew who they were together. Strangers… lovers? family? What was it. Though, it was his daughter who caught an eye of him first. As Elodie held her, Lexie’s face situated to look at everything behind Elo - the girl immediately started putting her hands out for Riker. After a second, taking a deep breath, Riker walked towards the two - approaching Elo from behind as he caressed his daughter’s cheek. “Hello my little mermaid. How are you beautiful?” Riker asked, watching as Elo’s body stilled at his voice. “And how are you… Elodie?” he questioned, watching as she turned around to face him. There was a degree of… unfamiliarity in his voice as he talked to her, but… could anyone blame him? He was still… hurt.