8 weeks - that’s how old their twins were now: which honestly just meant a lot of restless nights with both Elodie and Riker waking up in the middle of the night to take care of their baby girls. Had either of them had sleep in days? No, not really. Though, in retrospect, Riker always worked on just a little bit of sleep - how else do you think he could have his 3 am rock and roll sessions and still wake up with the bubbly attitude he always had? Magic? Maayybeeee a little bit. That and a lotttttt of coffee usually kept him up. Recently, however, even he was tired. For the 3rd night in a row, Riker heard Phoebe… maybe Amie? No… it was usually Phoebe who then woke up Amie, crying at the top of their lungs. He felt the slight movement of his fiancé, but before she could get up, he beat her to it, pulling her into his arms before she could get up and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Go back to sleep, I got it, beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her lips before getting out of bed and going towards their daughter’s bedroom. Unlike Elo, Riker didn’t have class in the morning so, honestly, he didn’t mind this - plus he loved spending time with his daughters… even if Phoebe decided to take over his 3 AM noise sessions. “Gooooood morning my little mermaids,” Riker laughed, walking over to Phoebe first and pulling her in his arms before going over to Amie’s crib and picking her up as well. With that, he walked over to the rocking chair and slowly moved with the little ones in his arms, telling a storing about their beautiful mom.
On the topic of their mom… Riker knew how… exhausted she was recently and how hard she was working… part of him (a big part) wanted… to show Elo how much he loved her… even if it should have been obvious by now. Maybe that’s why he found a 3 am plan in the works, calling his sister (yes, at three in the morning which resulted in a little WHAT THE FCK RICKER talk) to do a little babysitting for the upcoming weekend. After a little negotiating, she agreed - and he found himself planning the date of a century.
Walking across campus, Riker knew Elodie had just finished her last class of the day and found himself standing outside the lecture hall - a coffee and croissant in his hands as he waited. “Wow, I swear you get prettier everytime I see you,” he mumbled, the moment he found her in his arms as she walked out - kissing her before handing her the food and leading her to his jeep where he had packed for the two of them. Answering absolutely ZERO questions (well besides the fact that their kids were A-Okay), Riker drove - despite her excessive questioning the further away they got from their kids. It wasn’t until he brought her to a hot spring spa that he smiled. “Date night?” he asked as they got there, leading the girl upstairs to their room for the next day and a half.
He had the night planned - mud bath, massage, hot tub… well… the works. The only thing was, the moment the two of them laid on the bed to “check it out,” they both passed out - until about 2 PM the next day. All Riker could remember was waking up with Elo in his arms. He didn’t care that he missed their date night… all he cared about was the fact that she was there, in his arms. His fiance… his future wife… the love of his life.
End of Flashback
It didn’t matter how many years had passed with the two of them, Riker still looked at his wife like the very first day he met her… like the day he married her: with love… and with promise. Maybe right now that promise was clouded by pain… hurt… but no one could say Riker didn’t love Elodie Taylor-DeLoughrey. Meeting her eyes, he felt that very feeling… the one that urged him to wrap his arms around her and never let go. However, there was another feeling pulling him back. He brought himself out of his thoughts as Elo mentioned their daughter’s excitement - one that could clearly be seen in the little girl. As Elo held the little girl out, Riker took her - a genuine smile falling on his lips as he looked at her. “You’re growing up too fast sweetheart, please stop,” he grinned as she mumbled something. Kissing her on the cheek, Riker tickled her slightly before kissing the little girl again. “I missed yooouuuu toooooo. Nooo me… noooooo meeeee” he added, everytime she made a little mumble - almost as if she was talking to her dad. After a few minutes, he looked back towards Elo, a question leaving her lips which caught his attention. “Good… I’m… better Elo… In a better place than I was a few months ago and no… I haven’t seen him yet. Honestly, I don’t know if he wants to see me or if he even wants me here but he’s my friend and… I couldn’t just… not come,” Riker responded with a sigh. “How are you? How’s Amie and Phoebe holding up? I saw them at Thanksgiving but… I don’t know… Amie and Pheobe seemed a little off and I couldn’t get it out of them. I see… you and this little angel are bonding…” Riker asked, mentioning Lexie who was now laying in her dad’s arms.