Blue Royalty: New Blood

“New?” Adonis asked, “I wouldn’t really call myself new as I was here since sophomore year” Sophomore year in Cerulean High has been well, somehow? He immediately started hooking up with the girls (and boys) and then he began dating Clara someway along the way, eventually he broke up with her because of boredom. A mistake on his part, yes… Adonis still held little feelings for her, but just a litte… he thinks. “What do you think about the school?”

@Kbail - Destiny

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When his answer to my greeting wasn’t a greeting but a “What” I realised I was wrong in assuming he wanted to talk, and if were to shut up both of us would be happy now, but I did say hi so I had to do something now. After a few seconds of thinking, which was all I had to answer to the question before it turning weird I decided to say “Sorry? I didn’t say anything.” And turn my head. If I looked somewhere in the distance and seemed as distant as what I was pretending to watch, he might not pass it off as a misunderstanding where he mistook a random noise as me saying something withouth question. Let’s hope that’s how it goes.

As the ride is coming closer to the top, the objects are becomming smaller and smaller and people are starting to look more like little ants and after that more like dots. The height gives the lights eluminating the carnival a hint of a magical feeling it missed while I was grounded. Back there it looked too down to earth and too packed with people and noises. Don’t get me wrong I love to be around a lot of people, but a lot of the times looking down on them when they’re no bigger than a grain of sand from my perspective. The smells that are ever present in each carnival are still there so high up in the air, but now it’s refreshing, while on the ground it was to much and rather sickening. The whole atmosphere made me not be able to contain myself and openly say “Wow” and then I remeber this could be another invitation to start a conversation so I looked back at the person I nearly forgot about to see if he saw it that way.

@Kristi - whoops, so we have two characters who don’t want to talk … once Jackie starts talking, Hades would start kicking himself as to why he didn’t start talking himself so Jackie could shut up for a little and not have to listen to him as he talks

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“…Oh right…” She didn’t know why she could barely remember him but realized it was because they never talked. All she remembers is occasionally seeing him zoned out during classes. “It’s weird how we barely crossed paths. You seem like someone I would hang out with. Who are you friends with?” It was true. He seemed like one of the “ jocks” as they call it, that would hang around the cheerleaders wait…was he on the football team? She couldn’t remember. “Well, I’ve been at Cerulean for 4 years, I basically hang around everyone and you still couldn’t remember me. I guess we’re even?”

“What do you think about the school?”

“I don’t really have any huge thoughts about it anymore. When I first came here I thought it was scary because it was completely out of my element but I pretty much got over it after a year.”

@Kristi Adonis

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Karen was excited to go to the carnival. Carnivals were her favorite venue to got to and she couldn’t deny that. She just hoped but secretly wanted there was no blue royalty twist coming up. To be honest, she was starting to think about that game a little too much and it was starting to become a problem. She would find herself daydreaming while working on homework, so she was glad when Mia asked her if she wanted to go to the carnival with her and her brother. She was really good friends with them so of course she said yes. When they got to the carnival, Tyler and Mia’s energy immediately rubbed off on her and she found herself expressing herself in louder ways. “Guy’s, we should go on the bumper cars next.” A smile spread across her face as the excitement rushed through her body.

@Ouijaloveletters - Tyler/Mia

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Jess took another bite of the cake, leaning on the table as she looked at her friend, with a smile apparent on her features as she explained how the cake was clearly better than her husband. “And this is exactly why I like being involved with weddings, the free dessert.” Jess added before asking her question - quickly resulting in an "Again?" from Valerie. “Yeah… trust me, I didn’t bloody expect it either. We were done… which is exactly why it was a little bit of a shocker when I realized I couldn’t drink on my vacation with Andy…” Jess sighed. However, as much of a shocker her own pregnancy was, that couldn’t express how surprised Jessica was with Val’s revelation of also being pregnant. Jess recalled how dan boasted he had gotten a vasectomy - which was always a little strange because similar to Jess, Dan also wasn’t a fan of needles. Jess’ smile turned into a laugh as she looked down, “You know, I’d love to say I was surprised but Dan’s always been a little afraid of any surgery. I remember how much he screamed when he had to get his tonsil’s removed when he was 12,” Jess added, recalling how Dan’s parents had to get 3 of their staff to pick him up and get him into the car. “But let me get this straight. So I’m pregnant… Jez is pregnant, and you’re pregnant? Well I’ll be damned. Someone somewhere is having a blast messing with us right now, aren’t they?”

Finishing the rest of her cake, Jess placed her plate in the sink and looked over at Valerie with a curious expression. “But how the bloody hell do we tell them this time? You know, I’m this close to just having Jordan tell both of them… he does seem to have a way of making everything sound angelic,”


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At the moment, every word that left VC’s mouth was just inching her closer to the top of his most hated list. God, what the fck was with this girl. Couldn’t she be like every other shtty break-up and just ignore him? After all, he was doing a damn good job of ignoring her - something she 100% deserved. But noooooooo, VC just had to force him into a suit to go to this bloody awful wedding, and for what? Who was she even bloody related to? Her godmother or something? God who even fcking cared. “Just tell me, who the hell am I here to make jealous? Mateo? Why don’t we just do a quick make out session in front of him and get it over with - because honestly, all this pretext is kind of below you, VC.” he continued, bringing her ex up for the second time after she told him not to bring him up. It was only when she told him to stop btching around that he shut up… well until that little fcking devil kicked him. What was honestly wrong with kids now-a-days? Mind your damn business.

“Ha ha, soooo funny,” Ricky responded to her sentiment about kids growing up to be him. “Honestly, kid, you’d be lucky to grow up and turn out like me. I’m pretty great,” he explained as VC bent down to talk to the child. For a second, Enrique shut up. Honestly, seeing VC around children wasn’t something anyone saw often so it was… strange. Even stranger was seeing Ricky around kids - something he had no idea how to handle so part of him was almost glad she handled it. The weirdest part was that VC actually apologized… well… before insulting him for the… what… millionth time? “Don’t mind if I do, Parker. And maybe teach your little cousin how to treat other people while I’m gone… wait… damn… you never learned that art of human decency either, never mind.”

It was with those words that Ricky sent a smirk in her direction before walking towards one of the many waiters walking around with champagne flutes and drowning it within a few seconds, before reaching for another one. Enrique Montoya, what the actual hell did you get yourself into? He was well into his second drink when he found the rascal appearing before him again - and by that, he meant the little girl who had kicked him earlier. “Unless you’re here to apologize, kid. I really don’t want to hear it. So please, go back to wherever the hell your mom is. Capicé? Or, you know, go bother Cousin Ronnie.”

@astxrism - Zoe
@CerealKiller - Laurel’s about to leave Mateo, want Matty and VC to interact while Ricky’s a bish to Zoe?




“Sorry? I didn’t say anything.” Well now you did- Eryx rolled his eyes. But luckily the meerkat didn’t say anything more. The least annoying of the people he saw, he repeated in his mind. Some where from Cerulean High, the school he went to and the school his parents met. They had describe their face meeting as a confused string of fate, it was first a love triangle (which two of his parents were fighting for the other? He had no fcking idea) but at the end they all just felt for it each other. Eryx wasn’t really into all that love bullsh@t, it wasn’t that he didn’t believe in love- his parents were proof of that, but he wasn’t really into the whole idea of love or wanted to find his one true love or whatever.

The announcer had made an announcement and the Ferris wheel started spinning upwards and Eryx hummed at the silence. If he had sat with the big bubbly looking woman, he probably would have gone deaf. If he had sat with the blue-haired guy, he probably would have been annoyed. So this was a better choice, he guessed. Eryx looked down bored. The objects began getting further and further away. Though he could still see some things, like the way people where having s*x behind a bush (get a room you f@cking weirdos) the tiktok dances 4 girls on the left were doing (was this still 2020?) and a guy wearing red. Nothing was off with the guy in the red clothing, he looked about his age or one year younger? Maybe Eryx couldn’t see well as the ferris wheel began to get further and further away.

Eryx continued looking at the atmosphere from below and a “Nice” slipped from his slips at the same time the meerkat said “wow?” Eryx snapped his head towards the meerkat “Wow what?” Eryx arched a brow. If he was going to be here with the meerkat for some minutes, why not fcking start a conversation? He was getting bored, but not to bored that he wouldn’t punch the meerkat if he started talking about his weird habits.




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Adonis shrugged, “Well now we’ve crossed paths, maybe we should get to know each other a little more?” He said in a suggestive tone. Destiny proceeded to ask him who he was friends with, “The football team as I am in it. My best friend Leon. Raph- well he does count as the people from the football team, Hades- well kinda, Embry and a lot more.” He told her as he recalled all his friends- some he has lost in contact with, they got boring and so Adonis ditched them. Or he got with one of their siblings who they were protective about and sh!t went down or they just lost contact, it happens. Adonis laughed, “Probably too busy with stuff” Winking at her he said, “So about the offer of getting to know each other more, are you single?”

“I don’t really have any huge thoughts about it anymore. When I first came here I thought it was scary because it was completely out of my element but I pretty much got over it after a year.”

“Out of your element?”

@Kbail - Destiny

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“Exactly. You don’t put vegemite on bananas, or soy sauce in oatmeal, so why the heck do we do it with people? I mean it’s absolutely craz… I’m going off on a random tangent, aren’t I? I’m so sorry. I’m just… nervous…” . Honestly… she was. There weren’t many times Amelia Grace had been on her date… and let’s just say her last boyfriend… well… that was a whole mess in itself. Was this even a date? She knew she had asked him out and… yeah they… did that… maybe she was a little… out of it… but… yea. Was this just him… doing her a favor? Maybe it was… I mean… he was just her tutor… nothing more… really.

Maybe she was glad he didn’t answer that question because her cousins ran up to her - providing a much-needed distraction from the previous question… As JP interacted with the little squirt, Amie placed a kiss on Aidan’s forehead and continued to talk to the 4-year-old in her arms. “How’s soccer going, bud? Still beating your dad?” There was a slight smile on the kid’s face as he nodded, “Yes but…I… I ca…can’t beat Shay,” “Don’t worry sweetie, just keep practicing okay? Do you want to say hi to my friend, JP?”

After building his confidence for a second, Amie finally let him back down so he could go towards Shay for the second time, tightly holding her hand and hiding behind her as he looked at JP with a pleading expression - almost waiting for JP to ask him about his name. All in the meantime, Shay was already moving onto a new topic. “Ummmmmm I like chocolate… and peach… anndndddd cheessssycakee…anddd…”

I mean that kid was a Pierce, did Amie expect any less? No, not at all - though it did make Amie laugh. “I think my favorite is chocolate mousse… what about you Aidan?” The boy had now retreated to sucking his thumb again, hiding shyly behind his sister. After a second, he slowly took it out… “Th…the p…pink one…” he whispered before looking up at JP for a second and looking down again.

“You know Aidan, JP has a guitar like your little one at home.” “Re…really?” And with that, the lil boy finally came out from behind his sister and went closer to JP, with a sense of excitement. “OHhhh do you know how to play any other instruments? What aboutttt the harp? My mom’s friend played it and it’s sooooo preeeetyyy. Can you sing? My mommy can sing. She sang with… umm… brunoooo marss…”



Amanda Weston-Lucier. Honestly, in an odd way, they did run in similar circles. In the sense that most jock’s were party boys, and well… most knew that they could find Amanda at a good party. That being said, Mason and Amanda… well… despite running in somewhat similar circles, the two weren’t what you’d call friends. Honestly, it may even be the opposite… at least in her point of view. Maybe… well… to be honest, who knew what Amanda thought of him after the last incident where they interacted… a few weeks before she left town. “Right… that makes sense. Sorry for asking I was just a little… surprised. You caught me off guard with the whole… leaving and coming back to town thing anyways so I wasn’t really… expecting you here,” Mason repeated with a tinge of embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck. “My mother actually worked with Jordan on his “Flash” debut a few months ago and so she scored an invitation and I thought why not… might as well check out the event of the century, though honestly, I haven’t seen anything too crazy yet so we’ll have to see if it’s deserving of that title. I’m still kind of expecting the walkway to fill with water as that bride chick… Jemma… walks in. You know, all crazy rich asian’s style,” he responded in a joking tone, almost trying to make her laugh.

“How have you… you know… been. I haven’t… well… seen you in a while,” Okay so sue him - he was doing pleasantries at a wedding. Wasn’t that what everyone did? That’s what he thought, anyways… it was up to Amanda if they’d keep up the fake niceties or not.


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8 weeks - that’s how old their twins were now: which honestly just meant a lot of restless nights with both Elodie and Riker waking up in the middle of the night to take care of their baby girls. Had either of them had sleep in days? No, not really. Though, in retrospect, Riker always worked on just a little bit of sleep - how else do you think he could have his 3 am rock and roll sessions and still wake up with the bubbly attitude he always had? Magic? Maayybeeee a little bit. That and a lotttttt of coffee usually kept him up. Recently, however, even he was tired. For the 3rd night in a row, Riker heard Phoebe… maybe Amie? No… it was usually Phoebe who then woke up Amie, crying at the top of their lungs. He felt the slight movement of his fiancé, but before she could get up, he beat her to it, pulling her into his arms before she could get up and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Go back to sleep, I got it, beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her lips before getting out of bed and going towards their daughter’s bedroom. Unlike Elo, Riker didn’t have class in the morning so, honestly, he didn’t mind this - plus he loved spending time with his daughters… even if Phoebe decided to take over his 3 AM noise sessions. “Gooooood morning my little mermaids,” Riker laughed, walking over to Phoebe first and pulling her in his arms before going over to Amie’s crib and picking her up as well. With that, he walked over to the rocking chair and slowly moved with the little ones in his arms, telling a storing about their beautiful mom.

On the topic of their mom… Riker knew how… exhausted she was recently and how hard she was working… part of him (a big part) wanted… to show Elo how much he loved her… even if it should have been obvious by now. Maybe that’s why he found a 3 am plan in the works, calling his sister (yes, at three in the morning which resulted in a little WHAT THE FCK RICKER talk) to do a little babysitting for the upcoming weekend. After a little negotiating, she agreed - and he found himself planning the date of a century.

Walking across campus, Riker knew Elodie had just finished her last class of the day and found himself standing outside the lecture hall - a coffee and croissant in his hands as he waited. “Wow, I swear you get prettier everytime I see you,” he mumbled, the moment he found her in his arms as she walked out - kissing her before handing her the food and leading her to his jeep where he had packed for the two of them. Answering absolutely ZERO questions (well besides the fact that their kids were A-Okay), Riker drove - despite her excessive questioning the further away they got from their kids. It wasn’t until he brought her to a hot spring spa that he smiled. “Date night?” he asked as they got there, leading the girl upstairs to their room for the next day and a half.

He had the night planned - mud bath, massage, hot tub… well… the works. The only thing was, the moment the two of them laid on the bed to “check it out,” they both passed out - until about 2 PM the next day. All Riker could remember was waking up with Elo in his arms. He didn’t care that he missed their date night… all he cared about was the fact that she was there, in his arms. His fiance… his future wife… the love of his life.

End of Flashback

It didn’t matter how many years had passed with the two of them, Riker still looked at his wife like the very first day he met her… like the day he married her: with love… and with promise. Maybe right now that promise was clouded by pain… hurt… but no one could say Riker didn’t love Elodie Taylor-DeLoughrey. Meeting her eyes, he felt that very feeling… the one that urged him to wrap his arms around her and never let go. However, there was another feeling pulling him back. He brought himself out of his thoughts as Elo mentioned their daughter’s excitement - one that could clearly be seen in the little girl. As Elo held the little girl out, Riker took her - a genuine smile falling on his lips as he looked at her. “You’re growing up too fast sweetheart, please stop,” he grinned as she mumbled something. Kissing her on the cheek, Riker tickled her slightly before kissing the little girl again. “I missed yooouuuu toooooo. Nooo me… noooooo meeeee” he added, everytime she made a little mumble - almost as if she was talking to her dad. After a few minutes, he looked back towards Elo, a question leaving her lips which caught his attention. “Good… I’m… better Elo… In a better place than I was a few months ago and no… I haven’t seen him yet. Honestly, I don’t know if he wants to see me or if he even wants me here but he’s my friend and… I couldn’t just… not come,” Riker responded with a sigh. “How are you? How’s Amie and Phoebe holding up? I saw them at Thanksgiving but… I don’t know… Amie and Pheobe seemed a little off and I couldn’t get it out of them. I see… you and this little angel are bonding…” Riker asked, mentioning Lexie who was now laying in her dad’s arms.


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A scoff left her lips as Paige rolled her eyes at the girl’s response. Apparently, they were allowing any rift-raft in here, huh? Looking at her nails with an essence of boredom, another sigh left her lips. “As if I wasn’t indirectly connected to enough idiots, you just had to be added to the list. Thank god there’s no direct relation, I don’t think I could deal with anymore… DeLoughrey-Taylor esque relationships… in other words… useless… and you, darling…,” Paige started, looking the girl up and down with a slight laugh. “…are exactly that. Useless.”

One might wonder why Paige Pierce was being mean to a girl who was, for the most part, a stranger. Well, to answer that question, mind your own fcking business. Paige can do whatever the fck she wants, and telling idiots that they are, indeed, idiots brought Paige joy. After all, it was true, and the girl in front of her should know it. “Do me a favor, keep yourself and your… date… in the back with all of the other pity invites? Deal? I really don’t want my cousin to be talked about because they invited your sad family,” With that, a fake smile met her lips as she went into hug her - everyone observing them likely imagining they were having an almost… pleasant conversation. Instead, however, Paige was already whispering something. “And just generally stay out of my way dalring. We wouldn’t want you to take on more then your simple mind is capable of doing, would we?”


“Out of your element?”

“I’ve never gone to a big school like this so it was hard to get used to at first.”
She shrugged her shoulders.

A ding rang in Destiny’s brain when Adonis mentioned he was on the football team.“AH so you are on the football team. I thought I saw you on the field before. I’m on the cheerleading team so that’s still strange.”
Adonis started listing some of the people he was friends with, and she knew some of them which was surprising. “Eww, Enrique? Well, that’s understandable I guess. Oh, you know Embry? That’s cool. She and I are close friends.”
Then, he mentioned how they should get to know each other more, as in more more, and asked if she were single. She didn’t know what to say. “Yeah, I’m…I’m single”
She stuttered thinking about how she would rather not be, but it was complicated “but I’m not looking for anything serious you know? ” The truth was, the whole Neveah situation was a bit…sticky? Plus she didn’t want to date anyone right now since her eyes were on someone else. Just have fun, but she definitely wondered if she and Adonis could be a thing. “But we’re getting to know each other right now right?”
she said, playfully nudging his shoulder.

@Kristi - Adonis

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”I find that very hard to believe.”

“Well it’s true.”
He retorted back. All Elijah could do in this moment was listen to what Napoleon was telling him. Anything he said would be wrong but that didn’t stop him from continuing to talk. He wasn’t good at apologies, guilt and anger being spouted at him and he would prefer if he didn’t have to go through with either of them, but of course it was inevitable in this conversation. He sucked in a deep breath. "You’re right I- you’re right. BUT (oh no not the but) I felt very guilty afterwards. We didn’t expect you to fall like you did."
He felt the roller coaster on the edge, just about to go down. Being on a roller coaster during this kind of conversation was probably not a good idea. “The prank was supposed to be harmless fun.” The word fun stung his tongue. Fun was not a good choice of words. “You can’t blame me for not knowing what would have happened.” The truth was, he had a bad feeling about it from the beginning but didn’t try to stop it, which he was feeling guilty about now.

@Caticorn - Napoleon

”theres nothing better than free food food” Valerie stated in agreement. Good food is already amazing, so too that with being free? Twice as fun. ”i swear, drinking is probably the one thing that could help tolerate pregnancy most, why is it 2039 and nobody has figured out alcohol for pregnant ladies?” valerie added with a sigh before taking a sip of a water glass sat on the table near her.

”i know, but he was so certain about it and didn’t stop talking about how there is no chance he’s having another kid and yada yada, I mean, can’t blame be for being completely shocked at this point” she told her with a shrug. I mean, I’m pretty sure he even bloody said he did it. But okay.

”someone up there decided there isn’t enough continuation to the Parker bloodline ” she added with an amused snort ”though I see that being fun, we could have them all grow up together do stuff at the same time and things, like a fake but related bunch of triplets”

”cant say I’m opposed to the idea” Valerie got up to put her plate in the sink as well as she responded to Jessica’s idea of using jordan to tell the guys. Jordan had his ways to make things less… overwhelming. ”But I’m a bit stuck with ideas, neither guys would like the news so much.” she said, shrugging her brows.

@benitz786 Jess

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Sadly, this was six year old Zoe’s first wedding. Why sadly? Because mom and dad didn’t have their food festival again and that was not fair. But she couldn’t complain - here she was, all dressed up with so many people around her, waiting to see a princess. Or the bride. Mom told her the bride looks like a princess which got little Zoe more excited. Spinning around, watching her dress move with her, Zoe and her siblings were with nannies, their parents nowhere to be found. She didn’t want to be here with nannies! Where was her dad? Why wasn’t he here with her?!

To her luck, her mom soon appeared taking her brother Ethan with her because he was crying and since her nannies were talking to mom, Zoe found herself walking away from them. She got lost in the crowd, looking for her dad… he had to be here somewhere. Skipping around, Zoe was playing with her dress, looking up at so many strangers in hopes to find her dad but he wasn’t there… Stopping, a small frown appeared on her lips all until she finally saw a familiar face. Her cousin Ronnie with a tall boy who seemed very mean and Zoe didn’t like him. He didn’t have to do anything for her to not like him, she just didn’t and you know how kids are… they always know who they should not like. Okay, maybe there was a reason why she wasn’t a big fan of his even if this was the first time she saw him - he was not nice to her cousin, from what she could see and what did her dad always tell her? If a boy isn’t nice to you just kick him. Yes… he did say that once and Zoe surely remembered that. Was he joking? Maybe? But that didn’t matter now. Rushing to him with her small steps, Zoe kicked his leg the way her dad showed her how to kick a ball. Waiting for the boy to look at her, Zoe tried to put on her angry and intimidating face while crossing her arms and then kicking him once again… was it too much? Noooo. it was fun!

He said something Zoe didn’t understand… why was he mad at her? She did nothing wrong… ”You’re a meanie,” was the only thing Zoe managed to say before her cousin bent over to her pretending like she was fine. Nooo, she was not. And she told her to go find mommy… But Zoe just wanted to help… Sigh. Looking up at the mean boy, Zoe was once again pouting as he spoke to her, or cousin Ronnie, she couldn’t tell… but she was still mad. He said he was great but he was not… Turning around, Zoe listened to her cousin and started walking away, this time searching for her nannies because mom was probably also gone again, like her dad. Or she can find Shay. Shay is always fun. Orrrrr… turning around to look at the teens she was just with, Zoe didn’t see them. Were they not together now? Well, she was curious and wanted to see if Mean boy was still being mean to her cousin oooor… what if he did something bad? Have you seen Tangled? What if he takes her and locks her in a taaaaallllll castle? She couldn’t let that happen.

Luckily Zoe quickly found him before he had time to do that. [color=“#9d7691”]”Are you a witch?”[/color] Once again standing in front of Ricky, Zoe was ignoring everything he was saying, her little arms crossed again. [color=”#9d7691”]”Are you gonna take cousinnnn Ronnie to a castle and lock her and never let me see her again? And cut her hair? And never let her leave? Aaand not let her play with me or Shay… or Aidan… or Ethan or Grayson or Peter or mommy or daddy… Or me?”[/color] her brows were low the entire time, really angry with the boy and maybe just a tiny bit scared. Oh no… What if he locks her in a castle? But she already has her own castle… That’s when she saw a glass in his hands and quickly continued, this time not so angry. ”Ohhh you also like apple juice? Can I get it too?”

@benitz786 - Ricky
@CerealKiller - VC


Was Enrique Montoya a kid person? That was like asking if Satan should get a dad of the year award. The answer, in other words, a resounding HELL no. Rather, Enrique avoided them. Kids were like… animals. Correction: rabid animals. You had to train them… clean them… feed them… tell them not to lick random things… like honestly what was the use of one of those rugrats? Just so that they could grow up and become bigger assh0les? Nah, not worth it. Not to mention, when they were in their kid form they were soooo fcking annoying. Like my god, sit your ass down and go play a video game or something. Did they ever listen? No - take this little chick for example. She had finally disappeared and once again, here she was, standing in front of him being an annoying… little person. Her poor parents - though, then again, Enrique Montoya never understood why anyone would subject themselves to having kids. What a waste of fcking time and energy. So if anything, it was her parent’s fault in the first place for bringing this kid into this sh!tty world.

“Are you a witch?”

Right. That was the question he got. He forgot little people were also idiots and didn’t understand common sense. A frown met his lips as the man rolled his eyes at the girl, who only continued to talk. If he thought ignoring her would work, well… he was dead wrong because within a second she went on and on about locking VC in a castle and… cutting her hair? What the actual fck? There was also something about not letting her play with her or… about a billion other people, who he assumed were either her friends or siblings. In a way, if he did lock VC up, let’s be honest, he would be doing her a huge favor in not dealing with this…pest.

When she finally shut the fck up, he looked down at her with an unamused expression, “Damn, kid. You caught me. I am a witch, now go away before I turn you into a rabbit,” he responded, almost going along with her words - just to make her disappear… if only magic was real. “And then Ronnie and your mom and dad will never see you again. We wouldn’t want that, would we? So go away.” It was with those words that he took another long drink of the champagne, wishing it was stronger just so he could get through this damned day. But, alas, as he drank, the kid stayed right in front of him - starting at him with those beady little evil eyes. He couldn’t help but laugh slightly as she called the drink apple juice almost wondering if her parents needed just as much alcohol as him to get through a moment with her. After all, lying that it was apple juice would have been a smart way about getting drunk. “I do, but this is magic apple juice kid. ONly for witches and bad people. You don’t want to end up like me, do you?” Yeah… he didn’t think so. Go the fck away kid.


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Mia loved carnivals. She wasn’t a big fan of all the people, but once she got over that, she was the life of the party. This was why she was walking alongside her brother and Karen Hunter, a good friend of theirs. Karen suggested they go on the bumper cars, and Mia nodded. “Ok. Just don’t hit too hard!” She said, Tyler agreeing. “Yeah. No one needs whiplash. That wouldn’t end well. Maybe we could play some games after. I’m pretty good at Skeeball, if I do say so myself.”
@Kbail - Karen

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Jackie sighed before saying “Wow, this is beautiful.” As he stared at the view he was talking about. In his eyes you could see the tiny reflection of the lights, as if tiny stars were in his eyes. You could tell he was most captivated by the lights as his gaze was following them. He took no notice of people or animals down there, except once in a while to notice how tiny the group of them look. “Look how small they look.” He pointed into nothingness on the groud because the people from their perspective looked so tiny he couldn’t point to one, but it was obvious he meant the folk down there. “What captivates you most … the height, maybe?” Jackie knew the boy wanted to talk otherwise he wouldn’t have asked him about his exclamation, so that is why suddenly he seemed so talkative.


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This was not as bad as she thought it would be. How are you? Good? Good type of conversation was what she was expecting but not hoping would happen and here she was, her little wish coming true. But was that a good thing? Was she really ready to be facing this, here, now? Not really… but the longer she waits, the harder it gets. Her insecurities only growing when there… wasn’t need for that. Which she knew, she knew that very well. It was always obvious how loved she was, with every word and every action, that was never something Elodie had to doubt but… she knew how much damage she caused. How it was fully her fault for this mess they were both in and how that wasn’t something you just get over, and forget. Could she really be mad if her husbands feelings towards her changed? No, she couldn’t.

What about her feelings? Well… that she could with confidence tell you would never change. It’s kind of big statement but there is no lie in it. She will never love someone as much as she loved the man standing in front of her, their daughter in his arms. There never was a day when she doubted that, not even while she was gone… while he was gone. That only made her miss him more. It was obvious in the way she gently smiled looking at… listening to him talking to their daughter as her gaze was glued to the ground. Lexie’s laugh and mumbles… This is what everything was supposed to be like from the very beginning.

But it was not. That little moment of calm while avoiding eye contact eventually had to come to an end. [color="e0ac8c”]”Good.“[/color] Good. It was good that he was good. That meant he… was good. Yeah everything was… good. But was it a I’m happy to see you good or I’m completely over you good? There’s a huge difference… obviously. But it obviously wasn’t the second one. It couldn’t be… she was just… overthinking. [color="e0ac8c”]”And it’s Jordan… I’m sure he would be more than happy to see you now,“[/color] trying to put on another weak smile, Elodie quickly continued. If things were different, this was the moment where she’d wrap her arms around him, gently kiss him, reassuring him of what she said but she… couldn’t do that. She couldn’t even bring herself to touch him, instead she lofted her hand up to Lexie’s cheek. ”You agree wiiiith me? Teeeell hiiim,“ a grin on both her and Lexie’s face as she caressed her daughter’s cheek. Hoping this will calm her nerves just a little bit but once Riker shifted the attention back to her, that smile she had faltered.

Again, how was she? And how were their daughters? How would she know? There wasn’t a way for her to express how she was feeling or to explain what was happening because honestly… she had no idea. She once again found herself just looking around, staying silent for a moment. [color="e0ac8c”]”Uhm… Better. It’s getting easier… And I don’t… I don’t know what to tell you because I don’t know… “[/color] Well, she could tell him what she did know. That her daughter was ignoring her. That she so easily left so Elodie had to send her other kids to Dorian’s place for Thanksgiving so nothing would seem wrong. How she was all alone for those couple of days and as much as she wanted to think how she had no idea what she did wrong, that she knew very well she did. How she was trying so hard to play pretend and it was only getting harder and harder and she couldn’t do it anymore… But she didn’t want to get all emotional right now… She didn’t but she had to say something. If she said it to someone maybe it would hurt less and he was always the first person she would go to. [color="e0ac8c”]”I feel like I haven’t seen Amie in a long time… I think she’s ignoring me. She left so I h-had to tell Phoebe to go with her… But it seemed like they had a good time. It seemed like that was one… very nice day. And yes,“[/color] everything she said was barely a whisper, the hardest smile she had to keep on her face while looking at Lexie the entire time. Her head resting against her father’s chest. [color="e0ac8c”]”We are… bonding. It… finally got better,“[/color] staying quiet, Elodie’s arms crossed over her chest. ”T… They all really miss you, Riker.“

@/benitz786 - Riker

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