According to some articles, one who loves the color yellow is of cheerful essence, and several people believe that, of course. Sadly, Camilina is here to disprove that.
Though she greeted people with her signature “friendly smile,” she still couldn’t help but feel sad and poor and just disappointed at herself. What happened to her? Well, nothing drastic in particular, but to her, it is. She has been missing out on a lot of things and she stressed about how she could make up to it. It wasn’t nice at all to slowly lose your image. But don’t worry—one who loves yellow is creative, after all.
Camilina could definitely use a friend right now, though. The soda can she just bought earlier wasn’t gonna do her a favor. Oh, and preferably one who can stand her social problems.
And how convenient was it for her to actually have that friend right now. Her eyes brightened in recognition of a man by the name of JP—finally, someone to talk to. And so she waltzed her way up to him, though she stopped after realizing how he looked so… worried? Her brows furrowed, debating whether she should bother him or not and ending up with the decision of yes, of course, you have to, he needs someone.
Holding up a hand for a wave, “JP!” she grinned, holding the “e” longer like that one kid in an animated show. Though, realizing that, she cut it off; the last thing she really didn’t want to do was to scare him off… which was likely to happen considering they weren’t exactly good friends at all. Well, they’re friends, but it wasn’t in the same condition as with Vic or Zek or Nat… or just about anyone she considers her friend. She doesn’t even know herself, to be honest—they didn’t really talk a lot. “Hey, how are you? What’s up?” she said, flipping her hair to her back.
@CerealKiller ~ JP Medina
hope I’m right about him xD
let me know if I should change it