Blue Royalty: New Blood

[color= skyblue]“That sounds like one boring-&ss thing to manifest,” [/color] Annie commented, though noticing the first willing mention of family - even if it was maybe a fabricated anecdote for the sake of being a p0rno manager. But she still didn’t ask any further questions. Because… who cares? None of her business, she didn’t need nor want to know, which worked both ways since it was apparent that he didn’t need nor want to talk about it. Which is why the purely playful conversation continued as they were trekking up the cliff, Ricky trying to explain her zip wire theory, though Annie was distracted from this trying to put a name to her definition. [color= skyblue]“-A skii lift!” [/color] She interrupted quickly, [color= skyblue]“The upwards zipwire, I meant a ski lift, obviously,” [/color] Annie continued, the last word coming out in such a way that appeared as though she expected him to have been able to decipher that himself.

The jump they took was exhilarating, though came with a side of Ricky shouting and giving instructions… again? She hadn’t listened the first time, what made him think that being a thousand-and-something feet in the air would change that? But Annie gave a call back of acknowledgement nevertheless, even if she hadn’t exactly heard what it was she was responding to and it was difficult to hide that fact when she aimlessly landed on the beach. At least she made the most of that mistake.

A stolen amused smile crossed her face when he put his head to her chest at her successful performance, quickly vanishing the second he looked back up again. The sound of his warning and then the feeling of his face getting increasingly closer to hers, Annie knew it was time to call time on the joke. [color= skyblue]“Woa- Okay,” [/color] Annie exclaimed with a laugh, pushing him by his chest for him to stand back up again. [color= skyblue]“Way too close, Montoya,”[/color] Annie commented at the idea of their lips meeting in that moment. No, thank you. The same disapproving tone carried forward when he told her that, first of all, she should have listened. [color= skyblue]“I wouldn’t go that far, I survived not listening to you with ease.” [/color]

[color= skyblue]“And what’s second of a- HEY, what the f^ck?!”[/color] Annie interrupted herself, now calling downwards to him from suddenly being lifted into the air- how did she deserve this?? [color= skyblue]“OKAY, alright point made, oka- RICKY-” [/color] Was her final words before being dropped, unavoidably underwater. In a sorrowful defeat, Annie emerged from the surface. [color= skyblue] “Okay, congratulations, you are strong. Proves nothing, really,”[/color] Annie told him. [color= skyblue]“And, also, what-”[/color] She pushed away from her, sending a gush of water his way, [color= skyblue]“-what if I couldn’t swim, I just almost died and it would have happened again, and here I was thinking maybe you- dare I say the word- care,” [/color] She dropped her jaw sarcastically at the mention of that word.

[color= skyblue]“So… what are the chances you have your passport on you right now?” [/color] Annie asked him as they sat back in the car few hours later, hoping to go across the border again before she was confronted by the sign instructing them to have their passports ready. [color= skyblue]“For no… particular reason, just curious, just general… querying, making conversation to pass the time,” [/color] She told him, hoping Ricky wouldn’t look in the direction she just had to see the same sign.

benitz786 Enrique Montoya