Blue Royalty: New Blood

“You look absolutely, bloody fantastic babe,” Jess smiled, bouncing her little boy in her arms. “Doesn’t she look great, Ethan?” A mumble of incomprehensible words came out of her son’s mouth and she smiled, kissing the boy on the cheek. Jess knew that Ethan and Grayson would start talking soon so both Dori and Jess were trying to get them to say words on their list. Jess’ list included Mama, Nugget, and various other food items but nothing yet. Jez was in the middle of the room, getting a last-minute fitting on her dress - a needed necessity as the girl was pregnant and her body was changing every day. It was part of the reason they had all insisted on her not getting it fitted earlier. Talking about being pregnant, that was something Jess also was currently - though at the moment, she hadn’t brought it up. Today was her cousin’s day and honestly, 1. Jess didn’t want to distract from that, and 2. WHY WAS SHE PREGNANT AGAIN. Okay she knew how and you know, the mechanics of it all, but damn it. She really thought she was done after this little kid in her arms. Bloody hell. Not that Jess wasn’t excited, it just… wasn’t expected. She hand only realized a few weeks ago when she was on her vacation with Andy where she couldn’t drink after realizing she was pregnant the first day after throwing up her McNugget meal.

Had she told Dorian yet? No… not yet. How do you tell your husband “Hey, I’m pregnant again right after having our twins” Well… she had told him about Shay on a boat after crying, she told him about Zoe right before she fell asleep in his arms a few weeks after their honeymoon, she had told him about Aidan through social media when Riker was asking to have their next kid, and then the twins she told him with Shay. Kid number 6 - she had no idea. Oh well, she’d figure that one out soon enough. “Do you need anything babe? A drink? Food? Food is great when you’re nervous or you could do what I do and just keep talking and never shut up.” though, before she could respond, Jess got a ring on her phone from the event planner about needing help with something to do with the Cake. “Val, Mary-Ann needs us. I’ll grab you something to drink Jez and we’ll be back,” Jess added, walking out with Val and her baby. “They better not have fcked up that cake, Val. I bloody love cake,” she whispered - not knowing that the moment they left, one Jordan Williams snuck inside the room they had just left - not that Val or Jess would have stopped him anyway. That idiot.

As they got to the main level, Jess separated from Val for just a second to get Jez that drink. Though, running into her cousin, Jess handed Dan Ethan and told him to take care of it before rushing back towards the kitchen where Mary-Ann was telling them that they had figured out the issue and didn’t need them anymore. The hell. As Mary Ann left, Jess sighed, keeping Val in the kitchen longer than needed. “Hold up,” Jess muttered, going to the kitchen fridge and grabbing a piece of cake they had pre-cut. Jess knew weddings like this, and she knew the cake always seemed to be endless. The reason? They had a display cake, but the real slices of cake were constantly being made - including premade slices. Handing Val a plate, Jess grabbed a fork - taking a bite of the cake and moaning slightly. “I love Dorian, but damn this is better than sex,” Jess smiled, looking at her friend of now… nearly 30 years. “So, say that I was pregnant again. Any suggestions on telling Dorian?”
