Artemis’s eyes widened slightly at Bree’s answer to how she lost her leg. “Jeez…it could’ve been so much worse. At least you’re here. I know that I’m probably not helping things, but I’m glad you’re alive.” Artemis said with a small smile. Bree then joked that she was part robot, and Artemis couldn’t help but let out a snort. “Nice one.” Ok, let’s change the subject. She probably doesn’t want to talk about it. “So, what’s your favorite food? You said you like cheese, but is it your favorite? As weird as it sounds, I love pomegranate seeds. That’s the only part of the fruit you eat, which is the opposite of most other fruits. I love chocolate too. The darker, the better.”
@Littlefeets - Bree
She pulled away, they pulled her back in and it was the most wonderful thing. This kiss was like diving into the ocean with your eyes close, not scared because you’re mind was somewhere in the clouds. Luna has once read a book where someone had said that they were drowning before they met their lover and when they had met them they became water, Luna did not understand it till now but now she did. Before she shared this kiss with Athena, she was definitely a butterfly with no wings. Stripped of what makes them beauty and watching others flies wishing that was them but kissing Athena was like gaining her wings back and becoming a goddess. The queen of butterflies or something like that. Luna was too busy being the water and the butterfly who had become a goddess to care that she was kissing someone in public, not her worries of recovering from that not anything.
This was the only thing that mattered to her currently.
This. The whole world could be burning and yet not a flame would touch Luna and Athena cause the kiss was just that powerful so why should she care?
Athena was kissing her like she was lost and they had finally found her after years of searching like a sailor and Luna swooned. She wanted to feel the beauty of this love with the tips of her fingers and feel them in ways that she had before but had tried to forget.
aaaah Luna was drunk again,
it was stronger than alcohol,
she was drunk on madness,
on love,
From this kiss Luna could conclude that madness, insanity was to be in love and she realized why a lot of ‘insane’ people never wanted to heal. Why heal from such a beautiful thing? Love kills but sorrow also kills. Love has pleasures to be mixed with unlike sorrow.
Luna’s cheeks were painted red when Athena had told her about what they had felt seeing her in her blue dress.
“Oh” Luna responded to Athena’s response. Athena’s response that is based on a question that has been pondering Luna’s mind since forever. “I’m sorry for kissing you so rashly, b-but you looked so nice prom night.”
“Fine, let’s call him naive then. Is that better?” Enrique countered immediately to her he wasn’t stupid comment. Though, no matter what she said, he knew it was true. Young Ricky was an idiot. Just a stupid boy who trusted her when he should have seen what was right in front of him. Honestly, the only thing that her words were doing were making him roll his eyes and zone out. What was the point in listening to this? Here’s the answer: there was no point. Lenora was simply trying to clear her conscience so she felt some sort of relief over the sht she pulled. Well too fcking bad Lenora, that’s not how life works. “So how does this work then, Foley? Because I’m not willing to listen to another fcking lie that comes out of your mouth. Maybe try pulling that sht on Elio instead because we both know he hangs on every single word that leaves that mouth.” Ricky groaned, ignoring her statement of her apparently not doing what he hated her for. What? She had a different definition of cheating? Maybe she was trying to explain how they only did hand stuff or some sht like that. Doesn’t fcking make a difference, Lenora. It doesn’t matter how she cheated, the fact was she did. She admitted to that herself - and nothing she says more than a fcking year later would change that. Nothing. Lenora couldn’t turn back time and change things so what was the fcking point of this?
Though honestly, he was slightly impressed that she took a drink of the bottle. As long as he had known her, she wasn’t really a drinker. Clearly, Elio had changed that about her… or at least being with Elio did. Either way, Ricky didn’t discriminate. “Bull fcking sht, Lenora. Stop using excuses. I couldn’t , "but then I could but I couldn’t” Rick started, mimicking her voice as he shook his head. “How many times do I have to say this for it to get through your thick fcking skull. I don’t fcking care. I don’t give a fck. It doesn’t matter how we ended up here, but we did. You fcked Elio, screwed me over, and we broke up. It’s a done fcking story so why are you bringing it up again? Just keep your sht to yourself, please. We have literally one more fcking month at this god forsaken school and then I will never see you again and you will never see me again, trust me.”
After a second of looking at her, Rick took another drink before bringing the bottle back towards the front. Grabbing the teacher’s water bottle, Rick slowly emptied the bottle into the alcoholic one - lifting the level of the liquid to where the drink originally was. Was it a waste of the rest of the alcohol? Yes, yes it was - watering down alcohol was something he wasn’t accustomed to doing. But did Rick feel like getting yet another detention because an idiot teacher realized they took a few sips? No, he really didn’t. With that, Rick closed the top and placed the alcohol back in the locked… well currently unlocked drawer. Placing it inside, he locked the drawer, unlocked the front door, and walked back to his seat. Closing his eyes the moment he got there, Ricky allowed the feeling of his insobriety take over his.
“So we good here? We can spend the rest of this stupid 40 minutes in silence? Yeah? Great. Thanks.”
”You’ve got a shi ton of explaining to do mister” Kaya told her father as she went to grab some stuff to clean the wall with, after all, Kaspian might be potentially good at some things, but he’s definitely not an artist.
Andy looked at the unconscious boy on the floor and it just made sense in his mind, there wasn’t really much question where the boy came from. But what really bothered him was that he didn’t know about his existence until now, well technically he did since they had met before, but he didn’t know he was his son, which was the worst part of it.
Andy sighed ”fck.” he muttered ”I’ll explain later” he said as he noticed the boy move a little
A while later he actually did get up and was all like yeah
learn:sparkles: to
kidnap:sparkles: and
gimme:sparkles: booze
and kaya could only roll her eyes at the response as clearly she has had enough of this whole situation anyway. ”I like you a lot better when you’re unconscious” she muttered
Honestly, Andy was in sort of shock and still didn’t know what to say. What do you say to your angry offspring that comes breaking into your house and blaming you for stuff when you didn’t even know they exist? Sorry isn’t even the half of it, but at the other hand he had nothing to be sorry for it wasn’t his fault whatsoever… ”Wait” he said, then paused for a moment ”can I talk to you for a minute? Just you?” he said and glanced over at kaya as a hint for her to leave for a moment as he wanted to talk to kaspian or something
@benitz786 the lost kid
When Raphael said the results of the test didn’t matter he really meant it, but at the bottom of his heart his whole life was basically falling apart, everything he knew was a lie and the one strong thing he had in his life to hold on to was not even real, who was he even? Was anything true in his life or is everything a lie at this point? His brothers were his rock for years and years, did he even have his brothers anymore? He didn’t even know. At this point he knew just about nothing.
“You are my brother, just… my half brother.”
”what?” Raph turned his head to look at Diego with confusion and surprise in his tone and expression, what do you mean half brother? ”How- who?” he asked and paused for a moment to stare and try to understand everything that’s going on ”what about Izzy?”
Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. How was he supposed to wrap his mind around all of this information? Especially when none of the pieces seemed to fit together. Ricky was adopted. Neither Raph or Isabella were adopted. Then Diego thought he hadn’t been adopted either. Yet, the DNA results say that Ricky is fully his brother, without a doubt, and they now had the name of the mother they had never known. Then somehow, Raph was their half brother? How did that make any sense? “I… don’t know.” How Isabella fit into all of it, Diego had no clue. He barely had any clue as to how he fit into any of it. Diego didn’t know how to piece it together. “This just says we have the same dad… so I guess mom and dad are your mom and dad, but for me and Ricky… the name on this paper is who our mom is…”
Jordan acted like he knew so much better than her, but why should what he says matter to her? He wasn’t important to her. He was a stranger who was trying to act like a father to her and she didn’t want the lecture. She didn’t want to listen as Jordan began a story, telling about someone who was on the same path she’s going down. If he could just cut to the end and get to the point of telling her to stop what she was doing it would be easier. What was the point of going through it all?
She rolled her eyes as he looked at her. She had always been someone who saw the rules as suggestions, and by her teenage years she had become a partier. That wasn’t something new, even if recently she had let everything else start slipping away. But how was hearing about someone else being like her supposed to change anything? “So what if I’m like them?” she questioned, only for his description of the person to continue, talking about whether they were happy.
True happiness, how does someone even begin to say that’s what they feel? Any enjoyment, having fun, even if its only temporary, wasn’t it enough? To fit someone else’s description of being happy, would she actually be happy? Jordan spoke of how the man wasn’t truly happy a long time prior, but then came a point when he changed. Her dad… Jordan was talking about her dad, saying he was like her when he was younger, but her and her mom were the reason he changed.
All Laurel wanted was more time with her dad. He was never there enough and she always wanted more. If he figured out his life to make her proud, he missed the mark. What she wanted most was her dad. She had always idolized the man, but that only made her miss him more. “Because it would make me proud? I just wanted him home. But my dad isn’t here, so it doesn’t f^^^ing matter. None of it f^^^ing matters. Not if I’m like he was, not what he would think of me, none of it.” Thinking about her dad, it still hurt. She missed him far more than she liked to let anyone know, and a part of her didn’t want to know what her dad would think of her going down the same path he did in high school.
“It especially doesn’t mean anything coming from you.” How could Jordan’s words truly mean much when Laurel had never held him in high regard.
“Well you could repay us by letting us give you a makeover” Bunny said excitedly as she showed Leah her makeup and hair supplies. Cleo jokingly rolled her eyes, “She’s a little too excited, she wants to follow her mama and join the fashion and beauty world. What she’s trying to say is would you like a makeover?”
“Trust me-us, if you want to be competently free and rebel against your parents a makeover is the way to go. You have to get them to accept you and force them to respect you and you’re going to look glam doing it an-” Cleo cut off her younger cousin by softly pinching her. Madeline had yelped and gave her a glare which Cleo returned with a soft smile and Madeline smiled bag. Aaah madeline could never be mad at her favorite cousin, how cute.
@ouijaloveletters sorry its trash, i have been ia from roleplaying for months and I need to get back in character for Cleo but here
Madeleine had said that Leah could repay them by letting them give her a makeover, and she slowly nodded. “Alright, I’d like that. Nothing too crazy, though.” The two cousins then began to squabble good naturedly, causing Leah great confusion as she swiveled between the two. “I think rebel is a bit of a strong word. I just can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to go completely 180, though. I just need…better clothes. Less itchy ones. I probably have an allergy…” She stated, adjusting the outfit she was wearing. “This is very comfortable.”
@Kristi - Cleo
“Why the f^^k does she have to be here?” Quinn questioned as Annie herself sat opposite him in the helicopter. Not that there was much of a chance to protest as the moment Annie and VC were both on the helicopter, they were taking off. Of all the people that he could be on a helicopter heading to Vegas with, Annie Williams was certainly not on the list of people he would have chosen. Perhaps there was a time where she would’ve been his first choice, but that time had come and gone.
Fortunately for Quinn, he somehow wasn’t even the target of her hostility. Her hostility was directed towards Paige. Probably as a result of the information the whole school received about Enrique and his relationship with Annie, and his exploits with Paige. Turns out Ricky managed to completely f^^k up with Annie. Though, Quinn could say he had once done the same. Why did Quinn have to have such a complicated relationship with two of the three people sitting by him on the helicopter? “We should’ve just left her if she doesn’t want to be here.” he grumbled as Annie said to Paige how she would rather be on the ground so she could walk away from their conversation. Either way, Annie was there headed to Vegas with them now, and Quinn was going to enjoy the trip. He just had to survive the entire helicopter ride to get there.
Was she supposed to be grounded? Yes. Was it going to stop her from taking the heli and dipping to vegas? You damn bet it wasn’t. Although Veronica didn’t really have a good track record with not doing things to spite her dad (which she loved very much fyi) this specifically wasn’t the case, rather at this point life was just… fcking terrible honestly. It was survivable but it was only getting worse with every day, new problems were just waiting in line to jump into the world surrounding her. So like, yeah, you can either deal with your problems… or you can go to vegas. It’s not that hard to guess which one is the one she picked.
what the fck is this? Annie asked as she came up to the heli, ”honey this is vegas” vc replied with a light playful smirk and handed her a glass of champagne. If we’re taking off might as well take off in style am i right? We are no commoners here, we are elite.
It was clear that most of the people on the heli weren’t exactly pleased with the selected group, which wasn’t exactly surprising, but if they stopped whining it could’ve had the potential to be one hell of a power group, like fr, it’s just facts.
”at least you’re not stuck on a flying helicopter with your salty ex, so I suggest you drink enough until it doesn’t bother you anymore” she added with yet another genius idea straight out of the beautiful mind of Veronica Charlotte Parker.
Cleo and Maddie had bought giggled at the allergy party before they put on their serious faces. Maddie bought out her makeup supplies and started applying makeup on Leah, going for the ‘clean girl’ look or something like that. Cleo? Well, Cleo was cutting the rough parts of Leah’s hair off and combing her hair softly. She added little not very noticeable red highlights in her hair.
After some minutes, Maddie was done and clapped her hands in excitement. She turned Leah towards the big mirror and put her makeup supplies back in her bag. She was about to open her mouth before someone began calling, “i’ll be right back, my bf is callin-”
“You have a bf?? You know Hades won’t allow that.” Madeline rolled her eyes with a smile
“What brother deareast doth not know, won’t hurt him.” Madeline said with a soft cheerful smile before exiting the room. Cleo laughed at that. Cleo turned to Leah, “So whatt do you think Lilo?”
Eddie felt bad for interrupting Piper and Emmy. They were smiling, kissing, until Eddie came in, but this was the only way he knew he would be able to get answers. Emmy was Paige’s sister, so she would know the situation with her better than anyone he knew. Piper knew him, and with Emmy there, maybe she’d be more open with the full story. He was tired of everything being sugar coated like saying to much would break him. He was already broken, and everything since Paige was back in his life had shown him that the glue holding him together doesn’t mean he’s not broken.
“Eddie…” He knew Piper didn’t want to talk about the past, they both knew he didn’t do well with talking about the past, but he still needed answers. He saw Piper and Emmy look at each other before Emmy walked towards him.
How was it possible that him and Paige were so close when they were younger, but now they were like strangers. “This isn’t about what came out in school. I just don’t understand why she treats me like I purposely hurt her one minute, and like I’m just something for her to toy with the next.” If they really were inseparable, it didn’t make sense why he didn’t remember it. He knew his memory was utter garbage, and he understood why, but it was still mind blowing how little he knew. “You two were always together back then…” Eddie could tell that Piper was still hesitant to talk to him, not wanting to hurt him by telling him everything. “Moving wasn’t my choice, she had to know that. And if we were that close, why didn’t we stay in contact?” Eddie knew that he wouldn’t have wanted to just abandon his best friend like Paige seems to think he did. “You weren’t doing well after dad died, Eddie… you weren’t yourself…”
“But I still don’t get it… Why didn’t she try to keep talking to me?”
After given the go ahead, both girls set to work on giving Leah a makeover, Madeleine working on her makeup, and Cleo cutting her hair. Throughout the whole time, she was perfectly still, only moving when Madeleine told her to close her eyes for eyeshadow or purse her lips for lipstick. She’d gotten very good at staying still and quiet so her parents wouldn’t make things even harder for her then they already were. Madeleine soon turned Leah towards a mirror so she could see what she looked like. A gasp left Leah’s mouth when she saw her reflection in the mirror, eyes widening. “Oh my gosh…I love it.” She whispered, jumping when Madeleine’s phone rang. She remained stiff as Madeleine left the room, turning to Cleo. “Will she be ok if her brother finds out?” Leah’s eyes lit up when Cleo asked what she thought of the makeover. “I absolutely love it. Thank you so much. I don’t know how to tell you how grateful I am.”
Pic of makeup.
@Kristi - Cleo
Richard remebered his newfound friend was willing to play football with him and so he went to the attic to find an old jersey. He wanted to be in the spirit of the game but he searched a while and couldn’t find it. In his head he kept thinking “I hope mom didn’t throw it away.”. Defeated he took a regular black tank top and some sporty shorts he found deep in his closet. Now his outfit was completed he was ready to go. He grabbed a water bottle and waited for his friend, but his mother stopped him in idly waiting by and told him to clean the mess he made in the attic. By the time Xavier came by, the attic was still a little messy and since he wasn’t allowed to go anywhere until it was clean he asked Xavier to help him.
“Sorry for this Xavier, I swear I’ll make up for lost time.” He said as he picked up a box of pictures.
“Hey, I haven’t seen this picture in ages. Look, it’s my biological father, according to my mother.”
@Caticorn - Xavier
As expected, prom had been eventful. A little too eventful for Xavier’s liking. He’d had enough excitement in his 18 years of life and honestly, he‘d be fine if he lived the rest of his life without any. Except we all know that’s never going to happen. There was one good thing about prom night. Spending it with Reuben. As stressful and draining as the events of the night were, being with him made it all worth it.
A week had passed since then and he got a text from Richard inviting him to play soccer. He got dressed, throwing on a pair of track pants and one of his club shirts, after finding that his jersey was still dirty from his last game. “Mom! Dama! I’m going to play soccer with a friend!” He called out to them as he filled a water bottle and threw it in his bags with his cleats. “Alright, just be back in time for dinner!” Zion responded as he was sliding his sneakers on. He said goodbye to them and got in his car, driving to Richard’s house.
When he got to Richard’s, he was told that his friend wasn’t allowed to leave until the attic was clean and when he was asked to help, he agreed right away. The two of them went up and Xavier started helping him tidy stuff up. “Don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.” He responded when Richard apologized. He heard the next thing he said and went over to see the photo as his curiosity got the better of him, which backfired very quickly. When he saw who was in the photo, he felt like he’d been kicked in the chest. “Holy sh-t.” He whispered as his breath returned. “Are…are you sure?” He asked, needing an answer.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Richard
Richard gets a bit confused. “Well I’m sure that’s what my mother told me.” He looks at Xavier. “Why do you ask?” Richard started to tense up thinking his mother lied to him about his father … AGAIN! so he had to ask. All the thoughts of how Xavier would know if this person isn’t his father start running through his head. “Is this somebody famous I don’t know that my mother just said is my father? Or is this a model that probably came with her wallet or something and the picture was just at hand.” Richard grabs Xavier by his upper arm and says “Please, Xavier … If you know something, please just tell me.”
@Caticorn - Xavier
With Richard’s confirmation, Xavier was left with questions he didn’t know how to answer and things he didn’t know how to say. “I just…I had to ask.” He responded as the shock began to wear off. “Well, his name is Jacob Wright and he was an actor but certainly not a famous one. Definitely not famous enough for random women to have pictures of him.” He explained, trying to be as impartial as he could. Telling Richard his name was the easy part. The not easy part was telling him the fate of the man in the picture or what this meant for the two of them but when Richard grabbed his arm and pleaded with him, he knew he couldn’t keep it hidden. “He, um, he’s also my biological father.” He admitted, avoiding eye contact with the other boy.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Richard
”god this shi is seriously fcked up” Raphael sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. What was even happening here? Why? How? And was it supposed to make any sense to him? Because it damn sure was not adding up, it was just way too much to handle. All he wanted was to go back and have his family the way it was, with all the little fck ups they had but still one family.
”so who is it?” he then asked as Diego explained the whole mother situation, holding that stupid piece of paper in his hand ”like… the other mother”
“Well his name is Jacob Wright and he was an actor” As soon as Richard heard that he got dissapointed in his mother. But the next part of that sentence would confuse him. “Definitely not famous enough for random women to have pictures of him.” Richard looked at Xavier with questioning brows, wondering if he wasn’t at all famous then why would his mother have a picture of him and say that’s who his father was.
He thought it meant his mom met a random actor, got his picture and said that’s who his father was, god knows she lied about his father once before and he stayed for 10 years until the divorce which was probably becuase of the realization he’s not his father … Why wouldn’t she lie again to protect herself? The thing that was hard to grasp for Richard is that she maybe had to lie becuase she couldn’t tell who his father was, and a boy just could never see his mother that way. A tear streamed down his eye, but then Xavier went in with a shocker.
Richard looked at Xavier with eyes confused and glossy from the tears until it dawned on him. “Oh my god … Could that mean we could be related?” Richard dropped back down on his knees and frantically started rummaging through the boxes.
When asked what he was doing he responded “I need to find out for sure, if my mom saved one picture of him there’s a possibility she had more, and she has to be in one to confirm this.”