Annie nodded in agreement as Paige told her she clearly hadn’t been listening. It was correct, though she had heard enough to know it hadn’t been a compliment towards her costume, most of the conversation with them was a blur. [color= skyblue]“Yeah, kind of the point,”[/color] She muttered in response as she watched Paige turn to the rest of the group because, oh yeah, there were two more of them. From what she could see, their conversation didn’t seem any better than hers and Paige’s - probably some family issues or something.
[color= skyblue]“Well, clearly not annoying enough to make you leave, I should try harder next time - if the unfortunate case of there even being one,”[/color] Annie replied through a sigh and another eyeroll before Paige began a new point. Her head tilted to the side as Paige began and she wondered what she could possibly be saying now. Though her nonchalant expression faltered when Paige got to the point, and it only took the first sentence for Annie to stop listening completely to her. A baby? With Jor- her dad? And how the f^ck did Paige Pierce know about it before her? Was she lying? She didn’t look like she was lying though Paige wasn’t exactly someone she could trust. But after previous times- or even just the singular… incident, apparently neither was her father. And now he got… Jezebel, as in… reason-for-divorce Jezebel, pregnant. WHAT THE F^CK.
For a moment Annie was left standing alone as Paige, knowing exactly what she had just done, went to approach Enrique and Diego. But no, Annie couldn’t let her win this one, she wasn’t going to leave and… give up as Paige thought she would be one to. Her dad wasn’t here, and so she had to let the rant to him wait until tomorrow when he picked her up. Her eyes fell on the two that had now become a three, Paige proposed a way to make the group more interesting, handing a flask out to one of the brothers.
Before Diego had a chance to take it from Paige’s hand, Annie joined and intercepted the exchange, taking the flask with a forced smile facing Paige. [color= skyblue]“That’s a great idea,”[/color] She exclaimed before taking a long drink of whatever the f^ck was in the flask, then pushing it to Diego’s chest so he could actually take it. She couldn’t reverse the pregnancy, unbreak her mother’s heart, or even yell at her father about it yet, but Annie could drink it the f^ck away for one night. Or preferably more.
benitz786 Paige Pierce, Jordan Williams, Enrique Montoya
Littlefeets Jezebel Parker, Diego Montoya